Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 295 Strange flickering

The red light symbolizing the life of the person wearing the monitor is still on, which means that its owner's life is safe.

It can only monitor whether the character's life is alive and cannot monitor more information. This is a temporary technical limitation.

After all, large-traffic information transmission technology has been cut off for more than four hundred years, and it is not easy to pick it up at the moment.

Therefore, the information that can be transmitted back through the sensor is limited. First, it is fairly accurate life feedback, and second, it is not a real-time map position.

It stands to reason that the red light symbolizing life will always be on...or it will be on or off, so it will not flicker.

The voltage of their research center is absolutely stable, and there will be no flickering of lights due to voltage.

Is it an illusion?

However, the researcher was sure that he was definitely not hallucinating. Within a second or two of that moment, the five red lights symbolizing the entire team flashed twice quickly at the same time.

It's back to normal now...

After hesitating for a long time, the researcher still raised his hand hesitantly and shouted to Minister Leacock without looking back: "Minister, I seem to have discovered a problem here just now."

"What's the problem?" Minister Leacock's voice sounded far away, accompanied by the dull sound of leather shoes on the floor.

"The light seemed to flash twice just now."


The researcher gritted his teeth gently and said firmly, "It just flashed twice, I'm pretty sure."

"Bah, bang, bang!" Minister Leacock came to the researcher's console, reached out and tapped a few buttons on the table. The data flow reflected fluorescent green light on his spectacle lenses, and his eyeballs quickly scanned. Minister Cork had a slightly puzzled expression on his face, "No problem was found..."

"Is the signal not stable enough?" Someone next to him raised his opinion.

Looking at the data flow in front of him, Minister Leacock crossed his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other hand, thinking, "It's not impossible..."

The signal base station has just been established, so it is normal that some ancient technologies have not been fully picked up.

Moreover, it is not impossible for some natural phenomena that occasionally occur in nature to interfere with signals.

In the past few hundred years, everyone used local area networks with short distances and limited transmission rates. Now it is normal to encounter some problems when restarting the technology tree in this regard.

"Continue to observe first, and do not let go if you have any doubts." Minister Leacock ordered.

Not long after, another researcher's voice sounded again from a corner of the quiet room, "I just saw the light flash twice."

Another small team.

"I saw it too." Another researcher's voice was firm.

After their teammates charged, they were convinced of the results they observed.

Minister Leacock frowned and ordered coldly, "Mark the time."


"I noticed that too."

"I saw it too..."

As time passed, voices sounded everywhere.

The same thing happened to the red lights that symbolized the lives of the ten team members.

Minister Leacock seemed to be waiting for this moment. He stood in the middle with a serious look on his face, "Bring out all the recording logs of the flashing time."

While waiting, Minister Leacock muttered softly, "The location..."

Within a moment, the large display screen in the center of the room received the summary data transmitted from each computer - that is, where the team members were on the map when the red light flashed.

Of course, not very precise.

There is no precise positioning by global satellites, and distances measured by other means are only a rough and fuzzy set when displayed on the map.

‘Not on the same line? ’

The ten teams were moving at different speeds. After all, the areas they were responsible for were different, the terrain was naturally different, and the straight-line distance they drove after departure was also different.

"See if there is a midpoint in the center of the circle."


The operator heard the sound and operated twice, and the simulated circles flashed one by one, trying to bring all the location collections together.

However, it failed very easily.

"Is it the influence of some natural minerals?"

Some natural minerals in the wild have a natural shielding effect on electromagnetic signals. It is normal for there to be some occasional fluctuations when passing through the influence range.

In short, there are too many influencing factors, and there is no way to make a judgment based on this small amount of information.

'When this team comes back, please ask the military to dig deeper and explore these locations...'

Minister Leacock made the decision to ignore the matter.

"Continue to monitor and report other situations found."

Bai E, who was swaying in the car, suddenly shook his head and subconsciously looked back in the direction of the base.

Just now, he felt that a certain connection between himself and the base was suddenly severed, but this seemingly instant inspiration flashed by, and there was no basis for it. It was just a mysterious and mysterious "feeling".

"We're almost at the nearest calibration point." Hu held the map and identified everyone's current location.

The places with tunnels left by sandworm activity are highlighted. This is the first stop that everyone needs to explore and contact.

No matter how much information you read, nothing can compare to seeing it with your own eyes. Even the traces left by sandworms can help everyone build a more practical understanding of it.

"Look! Ahead!"

The eagle-eyed person sitting in the passenger seat had the best eyesight, and he could spot faint traces of potholes on the horizon from a distance.

"Buzz!" Dashan stepped on the accelerator, his tires flying away gravel quickly, and he rushed towards the nearest trace of sandworm activity.

"Hi!" The huge car slowly stopped, and five vigorous figures jumped briskly from the edge of the cabin, which was extremely high above the ground.

The five people gathered in a circle in front of the hole left by the sandworm, and looked down together...

"Turtle~" Dashan was the first to exclaim.

The cave is so deep that even the sun cannot penetrate into the dark depths. It winds deep and is dark and unpredictable.

The first thing you guess is the depth, and only then can you have the energy to observe more details——

The edges of the hole are not smooth, and the overall shape is not a perfect circle, but a slightly flat oval.

The brown sandstone does not appear to be a tough rock structure, but where the sun can shine, silver "threads" can be seen attached to the sandstone, like the residue of some kind of secreted mucus that has dried.

Looking at the hole in front of him that was large enough for two or three soldiers to pass through at the same time, Bai E's mind seemed to have a picture of the sandworm that had dug this tunnel rushing through the dark underground, accompanied by a rapid roar. .

"Crack~" The sound of metal machinery sounded in my ears.

My teammates decided to go down and have a look.

A thick rope was tied around Dashan and Tiger's waist, and the other end was hung on Yuzu's body.

She is a master in the team who has full tracking and searching abilities in the wild. She is also petite and light. When an unexpected situation arises, two tough men, Dashan and Hu, can pull her out with just a lift. She is the most suitable candidate.

The tunnel is not straight, and the winding walls give Yuzu plenty of leverage. The fully-armed Yuzu gradually goes deep into the depths that are difficult to see with the eyes, under the mountain and tiger placing ropes bit by bit.

"How about it?"

Of course the short range intercom is available, Tiger asked softly after Yuzu disappeared from sight.

"It's a bit dark, the a bit weird, nothing else." Youqing's cool yet buzzing voice sounded in Bai E's headset.

"The walls are very hard, and these silver threads should be the secretions of sandworms. They rely on this sticky secretion to fix the tunnel."

"Keep playing..."

"A broken bone blade was found."

"Let it go again..."

"It's not long enough..." Tiger reminded softly.

"Oh~" Yuzu's voice was dull for a moment, as if he was making a final observation, "The place far away probably collapsed. Their secretions seem to degrade naturally over time, and the tunnel will not always exist."

"The towards the south, about 15 degrees west."

"Okay, pull me up."

Naturally, no one would follow the tunnels dug by the sandworms. That would be too dangerous. After all, the underground is not the home of humans.

Confirming a general direction is the primary purpose.

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