Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 296 Spiritual Sense

You didn't encounter any danger in your exploration deep into the ground. Those sandworms only occasionally swam over and didn't find many other traces in the tunnels they dug.

"Go in that direction. That's the direction where the underground tunnel is dug. Let's go there and confirm again." Yuzu, who was pulled out, pointed in a certain direction to provide guidance for the team.

"Okay! Let's go."

"Drive slowly." You reminded.

Sitting in the car again, Tiger held half of the bone blade fragment that Yuzu found in his hand and looked at it curiously.

After leaving the main body, Sen Bai's bone blade appeared a little dull in color, and even became a lot brittle, as if it could be broken with a little force.

"Living bone armor..." Tiger shook his head, "How can there be such a perverted race in the world."

The car moved forward slowly, and Song Ying soon discovered the existence of the underground tunnel again.



Following the same pattern, Yuzu went down alone again.

One or two explorations cannot confirm the true direction of movement of those sandworms. Even if the underground activity tunnel collapses, it can still be followed to a certain extent to confirm where the sandworms have gone.

"very messy……"

"Looks like it's more than just a sandworm...just make it longer."

"Hmm~ There is indeed more than one, at least three...four."

After reaching the ground, Yuzu took a deep breath and pointed in one direction again, "Over there."



There is no pattern in the behavior of insects.

Every time Yuzu goes down into the tunnel, he adjusts the direction for everyone.

The passages that bugs occasionally dig out of the ground are the core source of information for their tracking.

Bai E has been watching the excitement. These teammates have been training for much longer than him. In some professional abilities, they are much better than him.

Moreover, he also has the ability to penetrate into the enemy's interior using the "Insect's Hive Mind". Even if there are any bugs ambushing underground, he will most likely be able to detect them in advance.

It is equivalent to a humanoid early warning device, protecting Yuzu's personal safety.

It's just that this kind of tracking efficiency is definitely not efficient. Occasionally, when the sandworms don't leave the ground and drill upwards when they encounter long distances, Yuzu will also doubt his own judgment.

Occasionally correct, occasionally move on, go back and forth, move forward little by little.

Before understanding the responsibilities and general characteristics of the evolution of this new type of Zerg bug, no one knows the purpose of these sandworms' daily actions.

Maybe just hunting? Perhaps they are exploring the underground world of insects? Who knows.

Fortunately, the tracking direction is not towards the insect nest, otherwise it is still open to debate whether to pursue this clue and continue tracking.

As time passed, the light grew dim.

The transport vehicle was parked quietly on the ground, and the visibility at night was too poor, so no one planned to continue tracking it.

"These sandworms seem to have the same concept of 'organization' as we do." You summarized his guess based on the actual findings at hand, "There may be occasional independent actions in an area, but their general direction of action It’s consistent. And the sandworm detachment we’re tracking currently seems to be at least eight.”

Bai E sat in the back row and put forward his own opinion, "Maybe it's not because of the 'organization', but because of their 'hive will'?"

Bai E, who possesses the "Insect's Hive Mind" himself, feels that he may have a deeper understanding than anyone else in this regard.

Insects seem to be extremely powerful, but in the last battle on the Zerg battlefield, Bai E also discovered one of their weaknesses that was not a weakness.

The existence of the Hive Will allows bugs on a battlefield to obey the commands of those node bugs and mobilize responses at any time. However, if the management of the Hive Will is lost, the intelligence of the bugs themselves is quite low.

The bloodthirsty instinct can even allow them to attack without distinguishing between friend and foe. Once released beyond the range that the Hive Mind can manage, those low-IQ bugs that act solely on instinct will probably kill themselves in no time.

Are sandworms highly intelligent or low intelligent insects?

There was no conclusion at first, but judging from the last encounter and the conclusions Yuzu observed this time, there is probably only one reason why these things appear in groups - they need a core brain.

There are very few node bugs capable of commanding the center of the will of the bug hive, even within the Zerg clan. Every group of sandworms that goes out needs a node bug to follow and command them to ensure that when they are released from the hive, they will not completely escape the control of the bug hive. .

The last time I saw the explosion rate subtitle of the sandworm head-on can also support this speculation from another aspect. The experience of this thing is only higher than that of ordinary bee bugs, and is far less than that of mantis bugs, which can be called team commanders. , and this is also the prerequisite for their larger size.

It’s not that they don’t want to, it’s that they are not allowed to act alone.

This is of course good news for humans. If each of these elusive sandworms operating underground had its own intelligence and could disperse and fight, humans would be in big trouble if they wanted to deal with their attacks.

But if they are just low-intelligent existences like bee bugs and worker bugs, then they must move in groups under the control of node bugs, and they will lose their greatest advantages - concealment and suddenness.

"What Xiaobai said is more fundamental."

Insects do not have messy issues such as human management, status or even worldliness. Everything is done for the most basic efficiency. They have no reason to restrict their actions for unnecessary "orders".

Hu took a pen and paper and took note of it. These personal speculations can also be handed in.

The intuition of front-line soldiers is sometimes more accurate than the calm thinking of the rear think tank.

"So the sandworms themselves are not node creatures, but they are accompanied by another more powerful node creature?"

"Is it a mantis?"

"I'm afraid not." Song Ying shook his head.

The scene of having a mantis following you while traveling rapidly underground is too low, and whether you can keep up is a question.

“Perhaps our goals need to be a little broader.”

Listening to the chatter of his teammates, Bai E said nothing, but his eyes were a little lost in looking at the underground tunnel entrance left by the sandworm not far away.

‘The node creature of the sandworm...have you seen it last time? ’

Like a slideshow, scenes from the last time he piloted the Sea of ​​Insects appeared in Bai E's mind.

Although the situation was tense at that time and Bai E's attention was focused on avoiding it, the images that had been captured by his eyes would never disappear, but were buried in the deepest part of his memory and would not be excavated.

After possessing psychic powers, Bai E found that his memory management ability had become much stronger.

When you recall something, those memories will pass through your mind one by one as if it happened live.

So every sandworm that I saw rushing out of the earth was filtered through my mind one by one.

Bai E tried to recall whether there was a different one among them, one that was obviously different from the other sandworms.




When Bai E's eyes were wandering, free spiritual energy escaped from the periphery of his brain.

As if there was a brief entanglement with the echoes of time and space left in the air, just for a moment, a vague and flashing dark picture flashed in my mind.



Bai E didn't even have time to remember more details of the brief scene, only these two key words slowly echoed in his mind.



A gentle call came to his ears, and the mountains shook Bai E's body.

"Ah?" Bai E blinked and came back to his senses, and found that his teammates were all looking at him with concern.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"It's okay..." Bai E smiled cheerfully, thinking of Yueying's words——

"Spiritual sense..."

The spirit can communicate with all things, and its extremely focused thinking that is closely related to its own destiny will occasionally connect with time and space or the memory fragments of other living beings to obtain information that it has never seen before.

Of course, it has occasionally been proven that so-called "spiritual awareness" is closely related to the "unholy whispers" of higher-dimensional space.

There is no final conclusion for this completely untechnical thing, and what you see will completely vary from person to person.

Bai E shook his head, trying to recall the blurry scene he saw at that moment, but found that it seemed to have disappeared into a dream after waking up in the morning, and he could no longer recall any of it.

Only that feeling surrounds my heart.

Spiritual awareness...

Spiritual awareness...

Spiritual awareness!

With a thump in his heart, Bai E suddenly remembered the dizzy spell he had felt not long after he was sitting in the car during the day.

At the time, it felt like something was broken... Now that I think about it, could it be that my spiritual sense was calling the police?

Bai E glanced around, his eyes full of doubts making his teammates a little strange.

"What are you looking at, Xiaobai?"

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