Bai E's sudden outburst made all the warriors who witnessed it cheer up.

There is such a tough guy among his teammates, why are he still afraid of these mere bugs?

"Da Shan, you go and help them too! Buy us time!"

Hu ordered coldly.

The small insect sea gradually approaching in the distance is also a threat, but the biggest threat is still in front of us.

If these sandworms are not dealt with, they will always be the biggest threat to their cars.

The tonnage of the carrier vehicle is huge, and it cannot move as dexterously as a small car. If it is attacked by sandworms from underground, it will roll over like the teammate's vehicle, making it impossible to escape.

These sandworms must be killed before they have a chance to escape in a car.

At the same time, the bodies of these sandworms are also the core of their mission.

The most important thing is that facing a powerful and large opponent like a sandworm, Dashan's ability is not suitable for fighting the enemy. He holds up a shield and is beaten like a sandbag, which is a total loss.


Dashan knew that he was of little use against the sandworms, so he turned around and ran to the other side.

The insect tide is gradually approaching, and there are no large units visible to the naked eye.

Are they all bees and workers?

The mountains feel slightly less stressed.

Unlike the two thousand recruits who were caught off guard by the insect invasion in the military camp that day, the elite soldiers who were prepared with sufficient heavy firepower were not very afraid of the insect sea composed of worker insects and bees.

The most important combat wisdom for human beings is to learn to use weapons.

Dashan picked up the flamethrower that had just been assembled by teammates from another team, raised his hand and stopped him behind him, "Go behind the wounded soldiers, don't hang around in front."

"..." The soldier didn't talk nonsense. He turned around and went back to rummaging through the collapsed carriage.

Flamethrowers, mortars, grenades and mines... I brought a lot of these things.

There is the inconvenience of bloated baggage, but in positional warfare, sufficient supplies can often overcome everything with firepower.

"call out!"


"call out!"


Small mortars were set up, firing deadly bombs.

The "tide" coming from afar received the first wave of precise sniper fire from the soldiers.

As the friendly team was rescued by Yuzu, even if some of them were still injured, there was still no problem in operating these long-range heavy fire weapons.

Veteran special team members have this advantage. For them, except for mechas, which are specific vehicles that require qualifications, there are almost no other weapons that they cannot use.

Dashan held the huge flamethrower and glanced at Yuyou, who looked like he was covered with grenades, "Have the mines been laid?"

"Buried?" You looked at Dashan strangely.

This word still needs to be used when facing those bugs. Creatures with low intelligence such as worker bugs and bees will only be dominated by extreme bloodthirsty desire. The shortest route to charge after seeing the enemy is a straight line. As for the detailed operation?

Absolutely not.

As long as you turn on the mine's switch and throw it between the bugs and yourself and others, the bugs will step on it themselves.

There was heavy artillery fire here, but the battle against the sandworms was completely left to Bai E and the other three.

The mortars did not dare to blast at the sandworms that were close to the transport vehicle. Without the vehicle in the wild, it was hard to imagine how they would "go home".

Tiger was holding a chain sword that was almost as big as the others, and looked at the sandworm as his opponent with fierce eyes.

In the previous two missions, they always encountered special opponents who launched special attacks on the spirit, so that there was no room for them to use the hard power they had honed.

You know, the qualification selection for a normal special team is not that easy.

Tiger can become the captain, it is a real fight with swords and guns.

After tearing open the combat uniform that was only used as a restraint, Tiger's muscles revealed an explosive sense of strength.

The howitzer fired by Song Ying from the rear can always accurately help the tiger interrupt a certain movement of the sandworm. The tacit cooperation of the old comrades makes them naturally aware of each other's combat capabilities and tactical choices.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The saw teeth of the chain sword hit the weak spot on the carapace of the sandworm's body. After a brief confrontation, sparks flashed away, and the sword entered the body with difficulty.

Drawing all the way, the sword brought out a piece of broken flesh and blood!

"Help me hold down two of them!"

Bai E shouted loudly from a distance.

There are six sandworms in total, one of them has been eliminated by himself, and the other one is also showing a certain decline with the cooperation of Tiger and Song Ying.

However, the four sandworms that initially pushed over another team's transport vehicle had gradually woken up from their "dizziness", leaving him little time to execute them one by one.

If his teammates can't trap at least two of them, it will be difficult for him to kill them completely before the sandworms can cause more damage.

"Okay!" Hu agreed briefly.

You don’t have to listen to anyone’s opinions, but you must listen to Bai E’s words. On the battlefield, a person with higher strength always has more say, provided that he has shown clear tactics and strategic ideas.

Bai E withdrew his attention. His well-trained traits allowed him to take into account the situation of his teammates even in battle. Even if he was distracted in making arrangements, he never stopped attacking the sandworms in front of him.

An iron warrior who is invincible and unable to defend himself can cause tons of damage with every punch he throws. The seemingly huge sandworm has almost no power to fight back against Bai E.

The frightened sandworm burrowed into the ground and tried to run away, but Bai E held the hardest barb on its body and held it tightly.

The violent will was released with terrifying strength, and the "over-limit drive" that was used to the extreme and the basic "kill a hundred heads instantly" punched the middle of the sandworm's body.


The violent power was released, and the cracked Zerg carapace spread outward from the center, and the flesh and blood underneath was directly shaken into a ball of rotten flesh under this punch.

The claw blade, which had lost the control of its nerve nodes, stopped its original movement of digging and escaping, and just hung on the limbs and trembled unconsciously.

Regardless of the complete end, Bai E once again pounced on the next sandworm that had woken up and tried to destroy the carrier.

The size of these sandworms is similar to that of their carrier vehicles. If they are allowed to destroy them at will, the quality of the carrier vehicles cannot compare to the physical body that now has "absolute defense" enabled.



Every punch struck, there was a heart-stopping dull sound, occasionally mixed with the sound of the carapace breaking.

The special rhythm was extremely harsh even on a battlefield filled with artillery fire. The soldiers who fired the guns were constantly adjusting their shooting angles while taking a moment to look at the figure fighting the sandworm alone.

'fierce! ’

‘Too fierce! ’

The captain of this team looked at the approaching insect swarm, and his face was obviously not so relaxed.

"Prepare support."

The mortars are useless!

The size of the opponent was not endless, there was only a large wave of insects that rushed up together. Even if most of them were killed, the remaining insect waves were completely close.

There was a truck that had fallen to the ground and rolled over next to him, so there was no way to avoid it.


Flamethrowers and machine guns opened fire instantly in all directions. The heroic soldiers stood in various directions without wavering. The intense firelight even illuminated the night as if it were daytime.

Seeing those bugs rushing forward waving their symbiotic weapons, the mountain armed with knives and shields suddenly rushed over.

Like a bulldozer, it shovels out a piece of cleanliness.

However, the insect's arthropods are sticky and densely packed.

Once they got close, the speed of these crazy bugs, which seemed to be tortured by bloodthirsty desire, seemed to be faster for a while.

Facing the swarm of insects swarming close to your face, the war blade on the machine gun is the last and most powerful weapon.

"For the Empire!"

"For the city lord!"

The soldiers shouted their beliefs and then... died with honor.

Bai E's heart trembled when he caught a glimpse of this scene, and violent anger invaded his mind in an instant.

The constantly burning psychic energy seemed to have attached a bloody border to the edge of his vision.

Endless power seems to be born from the endless blood...


Bai E punched down, smashing the body of the bug in front of him and also smashing the bloody border in his field of vision.

Power...I will get it myself.

[You shattered the "God's Gaze" in a fierce battle, Mystery +0.1. 】

The sandworm that rushed towards him stumbled backwards after being hit by a whip leg. Bai E quickly drew out the compound bow that had been hanging on his waist with a cold look.

The mechanism unfolded instantly, and Bai E's body was already aimed while it was still in mid-air.

Behind the sharp arrow edge was Bai E's eyes as cold as knives.

Slightly accumulating strength...

"call out!"

The hurricane swept through, and an empty passage was artificially cleared out where the insect swarm was densest.

The flesh and blood all over the sky slowly fell down in the sweeping hurricane, one piece after another... one after another.

Mixed with blood rain and fishy wind.

not enough……

The danger goes far beyond that!

Bai E's spirit was tense and he never relaxed at all.

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