Whether it is the small insect tide composed of worker insects and bee insects that has surged up, or the sandworm that is currently entangled with itself, they are just low-level insects within the Zerg tribe.

They do not have the ability to serve as the core of the Zerg node network. Behind all the current crises, there must be a Zerg "commander".

This is determined by the structure of the Zerg, and there will never be any mistakes.

And the strength of a Zerg individual who can serve as a commander must be extraordinary.

The mantis can only command small low-level units such as worker insects and bee insects, and the sandworms may not be under its control.

The "commander" hiding in the dark will most likely be more powerful than the mantis!

Even more powerful.

If the other party didn't show up for a moment, Bai E's heart would never be at peace.

However, as of now, there are no fluctuations in "commands" in the "Hive Mind".

As long as those low-level bugs come face-to-face with humans, their desire for flesh and blood will naturally surpass everything else. They do not need meticulous command at all, and Bai E will never be able to discover the secretly existing "commander".

Of course, if the enemy only has what's in front of him, it's a blessing that the commander hiding in the dark is never willing to show up.

The six sandworms themselves are almost exterminated, and they can immediately free up their hands to clean up the remaining half of the insect swarm over there. The dawn of victory is close at hand.

Although this battle was a bit more difficult, the final result was still okay.

Even if the corpses of six sandworms could not be hauled all at once, it would still be good for each of the two transport vehicles to haul away one, which was considered a perfect completion of the task.

The premise is that things really won’t have any more twists and turns...


Bai E was stunned by the punch, and the gray-black picture almost flashed through his mind.


Bai E turned his head and looked at Song Ying beside the carrier, "Old Song, run!"

besides! More than six!

Although these large bugs also crave flesh and blood, the purpose of their creation by the insect nest seems to be to target human steel creations.

Although human steel creations are hard, the mechanical structures within them are also quite easy to damage. As long as one or two parts are twisted or broken, the entire creation will lose its due function.

The wise Lord of the Hive knows this very well, so the sandworm's only goal is to destroy all large steel creations of mankind.

Song Ying, who completely trusted Bai E, after hearing Bai E's reminder, almost without thinking, he frantically evacuated from the vicinity of the carrier vehicle with a grenade in his hand.

Of course the car was important, but the attack of the sandworm was definitely not something that his flesh and blood body could resist.

As long as people are still around, everything has a chance.

One second...two seconds...three seconds...

Song Ying, who was escaping, felt that the battlefield had become silent in his ears, so quiet that it was as if only his own heartbeat was ringing alone, and time was passing bit by bit under this slow perception.

Until a shocking loud noise suddenly sounded behind him——


The carrier vehicle of Bai E and others even flipped up to a higher height than the carrier vehicle of his teammates just now, spun in the air, and then rolled to the ground.

The body of a conventional vehicle that was not made of Yuan alloy series could not withstand such a high-intensity impact. The carriage was twisted and deformed. The door of the rear compartment that Bai E had no time to fully lock was also opened wide in the impact, and most of the materials in the carriage were It flows out while rolling.

Bai E smashed the last inch of the body of the sandworm in front of him with one punch, turned his head and glanced at——


A hint of gray despair rose up unconsciously in his heart.

He was indeed not afraid, but he could not stop these bugs from destroying vehicles and killing teammates.

I can escape, but...

"More and more!"


The violent movement easily attracted everyone's attention, and there was a gray deathly look in the eyes of the soldiers who were still fighting.

Originally, even if the fight was difficult, there was still hope for victory in the end.

But now...

A steady voice sounded on the battlefield, loud and firm, and filled with inspiring power.

"Don't be afraid, wait for support."

Bai E stood on top of the sandworm with its body raised high. As the battle lasted, the power from the skill bonus made him clearly understand the characteristics of the sandworm's opponent. At this moment, taking advantage of the newcomer's The sandworm hit the carrier with all its strength and climbed to the top of it during a brief stun.

If you want to speak, you have to stand at the highest place to be heard by everyone...

Bai E held the spikes on the carapace on the back of the sandworm with one hand, and his whole body showed a powerful sense of readiness. His eyes swept across the entire battlefield, where the remaining human warriors were struggling to resist.

At this moment, what we need is hope!

"I have solved the problem with the sensor, and the information sent to the base has informed us of our position."

"Protect yourself, the results we achieved in this battle are already good enough."

"Protect the results of our victory, and victory will eventually belong to mankind!"

Standing on the tall insect body, Bai E's body was almost motionless compared to the insect body.

He clenched a fist with one hand and raised it high, calling in a deep voice: "For the empire!"

The soldiers' eyes widened and veins were exposed, "For the Empire!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +7. 】

"Kill!" Bai E punched him down!

"Kill!" The soldiers raised their swords high.

["Lucky Blow" charge +7. 】

Among the materials scattered on the floor, inside a ball of soft materials, a simple assembly of instruments flashed with a dazzling red light.

"Tick tock tick tock~"

The red light flashes quietly, indicating that it is working.

"Didi didi~"

The buzzer sounds a slight alarm.

In the quiet and tense environment of the monitoring center, this unexpected sound was immediately discovered by the researcher who had been paying full attention.

The thick-haired man wearing glasses looked puzzled and muttered to himself, "Where's the signal coming from?"

Looking at a series of messages that suddenly appeared on the monitor, the man touched the back of his head strangely.

The channels used by their receiving center signal towers are specially processed, and the general signals received will not be sent to this analysis center specially used to study sensors...

That's not right, this is a place specially designed to receive Internet signals!

Now even they in Blackwater City have just picked up this technology again. Where can the signal from other places be sent to them? Or even send it to the receiving center of this specific channel?

"Minister!" The researcher suddenly stood up, but before him, more excited voices sounded almost at the same time.

"Report to the Minister! All five lights of Team 1 have been extinguished!"

"Report to the Minister! All five lights of Team 2 have been extinguished!"

"Report to the Minister! All five lights of Team 3 have been extinguished!"

"Report to the Minister! All five lights of Team 10 have been extinguished!"

All extinguished!

This shocking bad news immediately made all the scientific researchers in the monitoring center feel a chill all over their bodies.

Under this rhythm, the voice of the researcher who first discovered the unexpected signal was instantly silenced.

Minister Leacock stood there, feeling dizzy.

All out?

And it’s an instant?

what happened?

All the attacking warriors died instantly?

How can this be!

Ten warriors who were operating in different areas died collectively. Even the giant giant insects that those warriors had encountered did not have such great power.

Distance is an unavoidable hurdle. There may be many incredible things in this world, but some basic rules must always be followed.

Rather than believing this, it is better to believe that there is some kind of force that instantly cuts off the connection between the sensors carried by all the soldiers and this receiving center.

However, who achieved this ability that is more inclined to the technology side?

Other human forces? Is there any other city that has developed faster in Internet technology than Blackwater City, which directly unlocked the server seal?

Or... bugs?

The soldiers' target for this mission was the Zerg, and it was easy to be contacted by the Zerg immediately.

Minister Leacock immediately picked up an internal communicator and wanted to contact the military region and ask them to send someone to investigate this strange incident.

No matter which force is capable of achieving this, it deserves their attention and needs to be investigated.

They haven't finished researching the Internet technology, but others are already capable of intercepting their internal messages and communications?

However, the moment he took the communicator into his hand, Leacock was stunned.

Ten teams were operating in different areas. Where did their accident happen?

Without a specific direction, the large groups of troops sent by the military region can only waste time like headless flies.

For a moment, Minister Leacock remembered the strange flicker just now.

The abnormal situation that was not taken seriously at the time was most likely the signal that was replaced at that time.

The soldiers did not die at the same time, but only attacked separately after the signal was replaced, without giving their base time to react.

Is this an ambush by bugs on their humans?

How did they know that humans were sending a team to capture their new sandworms?

Of course, this is not actually important. Low-level individual bugs may indeed have no intelligence, but it is not a secret among humans that the brainworms of bugs have intelligence. Maybe the sandworms moving around are the bait they send.

The immediate priority is to investigate the reason why the soldiers died collectively or the information was cut off collectively.

Just start from where all the signals flash? Wherever something happened, there will definitely be some clues left behind.

"Retrieve the location where their signal flashed at that time, mark it on the map and send it to the military department." Leacock immediately ordered.

The voice in the corner hesitantly sounded, "Minister... minister... I may have made some special discoveries here."

When all signals were cut off, the researcher really paid attention to the information he saw.

"I found a strange signal here." The researcher stood up amidst the somewhat chaotic voices.

Minister Leacock looked over immediately, "What?"

"An unexpected signal was sent to our receivers."

"Have you analyzed it?"

"It's the location. The information decoding method is exactly the same as what we use." The researcher was not idle when everyone was confused.

Minister Leacock's eyes lit up instantly, "Get it out quickly!"

The location information was projected on the big screen, which immediately caused an exclamation...

"...At the junction of the two teams' areas?"

"Where did the signal come from?"

"How is that possible!? This is the first time we have enabled an encrypted channel!"

"Perhaps our soldiers discovered something was wrong and wanted to notify us through other means."

Of course, the signals they set up internally cannot be easily intervened by outsiders, so the signals received must have been actively linked by the soldiers who found themselves cut off from the base.

I don't know how those soldiers accomplished this, but it is obvious... one of those soldiers has an elite soldier who is also trained in information technology.

"This..." Some researchers were speechless for a moment, with unspeakable horror rising in their hearts. Without the help of any scientific and technological foundation in the field, they made a communicator that can support the use of Internet technology with their bare hands. This is what a big-headed soldier can do. Did it?

"Don't worry about it." After seeing the specific location, Minister Leacock issued another order, "Send this location to the military. Our soldiers are fighting alone. Rescue must be launched as soon as possible!"

"But it could also be a trap." The researcher who first discovered this anomaly expressed his cautious opinion.

"Whether it is a trap or not, I believe that our soldiers have found hope in desperate situations." Leacock's eyes were firm. To survive in this world, humans often need a little reckless courage.


As he spoke, a bright light flashed in Minister Leacock's mind, and he finally opened the internal communication channel to the military department. "I am Information Minister Leacock. Call your Marshal Wislin to answer."

"...Marshal, please send me a list of the soldiers who will go out to capture the sandworms this time."

"Huh?" Weslin's tone was a little strange, but it wasn't rejection.

Notifying his subordinates to execute, he continued to ask into the communicator: "Is there anything else you can do, Minister?"

"Something serious has happened." Leacock said in a serious tone, "The life signals of all the soldiers in our attack this time have been destroyed."

"What!" Weslin was shocked for a moment. Every time a large-scale loss of soldiers...especially the failure of a planned large-scale operation, it was like cutting flesh on his body.

"But according to our observations and speculations, it seems more like the signal was cut off and replaced, rather than the soldiers on the front line dying directly."

As he spoke, Leacock's eyes quickly scanned the list, and he paused at a certain name, showing a somewhat understanding look.

‘Bai’e! ’

With him here, it seems to be somewhat reasonable.

At that time, in the ruins of the root server, this guy was also the main force in helping to repair the damaged servers.

"One of our soldiers discovered the enemy's conspiracy on the front line, and he also gave his address." Leacock looked serious, "Marshal Weslin, whether it was based on rescuing our elite soldiers or discovering the enemy's abnormal technology strength, it is necessary for you to send troops to investigate."

"This..." Weslin hesitated slightly.

"This is the will of our scientific research institute." Leacock's tone rarely gave people some pressure. "I have submitted an application to the general institute. Please cooperate."

Weslin stopped talking nonsense and said, "Okay."

After hanging up the communicator and facing the confused looks of his researchers, Minister Leacock smiled at them, "One of the soldiers who attacked this time is someone I know. His name is Bai E..."

The incredibly reliable figure who had walked with him all the way appeared in his mind.

It was he who determined the final victory in that despairing ancient ruins, and now facing the alien conspiracy, it was he who also provided humanity with the hope of breaking through.

If the Internet technology newly developed by himself and others is just an object that can be played with at will in the eyes of insects, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to them who have just started over.

They must find the core reason for the signal interruption and study countermeasures, otherwise the Internet and many supporting information technologies they have worked so hard to restart will be in vain.

What is despairing is never the hardships, but the lack of a direction to work towards.

Humanity has been trapped in this dark age for too long, and must make strides forward to regain its former glory!

["Lucky Blow" charge +12. 】

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