Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 306 Captain Qualifications

"This operation achieved good results."

"Although there were a lot of losses in personnel, ten teams were sent out, but in the end only two teams came back with a total of four people, one of whom was also disabled."

"At the same time, we also discovered a new characteristic of the Zerg - the other party also has certain capabilities in information technology, which needs to be guarded against in the future. Minister Likeke of the Information Department of the Research Institute is already focusing on research."

"Hmm..." Weslin nodded, indicating that he knew the general results of this operation.

"One of the other two teams that came back has only one captain left, and the other team's captain is disabled and only has two members left. How should their establishment be handled?"

"You can arrange this kind of thing yourself and just follow the rules." Weslin didn't want to worry about this kind of thing. There are already established rules and regulations for such trivial matters, so there is no need to pay attention.

"Yes!" The adjutant nodded in agreement.

"Dong dong dong!" A knock on the door suddenly sounded, and a guest came outside the closed office door.

The guard at the door loyally told the origin of the visitors, "Batontal Commander Carlos and Battalion Commander Hamilton asked to see the marshal."

Weislin frowned slightly and responded at the same time, "Come in."

Hamilton was the first to walk in with rapid and heavy steps, "Marshal, I heard that the soldiers who went on the mission this time are back?"

Carlos followed behind and looked at the back of Hamilton who was speaking without saying a word. The other person said exactly what he wanted to ask.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"One of them is a reserve pilot from our armored battalion. Although he came back alive from this mission, I think such a military operation is still too dangerous for him. You know, we train anyone who can control mechas. It’s not easy for any pilot, and dying in a place like this is really overkill.”

It was not a secret among the senior generals that the team capturing the sandworms encountered an ambush by the Zerg, and all contact signals with the base were cut off. They could not hide the news of the large-scale military dispatch. A little inquiry would reveal why the emergency dispatch was carried out.

So before coming, Hamilton had already inquired about the surviving combatants. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news that the unique android warrior was still alive. The next thing he thought of was to come to the marshal to give his opinion.

After hearing a few sentences, Weslin knew what the other party was planning, and asked in cooperation: "So?"

"So I applied to remove him from the special forces team and completely become a member of our armored battalion."

The number of people with two establishments at the same time can be counted on one finger in the military camp.

Bai E.

Only that special android warrior has such an honor. Weslin has not seen the list of personnel participating in this battle, but now he also knows who Hamilton is talking about.

Then a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, "He... the conclusion that everyone discussed together at that time may not be able to be changed at will."

"Even the pilots of your armored battalion have to see blood, right?" Carlos, who had been standing behind him, said loudly: "Last time on the battlefield, even if one of your men was more determined, he wouldn't be able to fight." As for bringing so many Titan-level weapons and annihilating them all."

Carlos has never objected to letting Baie take risks. In this era, no one can grow up safely.

In this era, there are not only physical enemies like bugs and orcs, but also spiritual enemies like high-dimensional demons. Without personally facing those difficulties and dangers while honing their skills and minds, human warriors will never be able to truly Stand alone.

There is no one who cannot die in this era. For the future of all mankind, every human being is currency that can be used.

"伱..." Hamilton's face darkened, but was interrupted by Weislin.

"So Carlos, what are you doing here?" Weslin didn't want to face Hamilton. This officer was fierce and forceful. He would do everything possible to achieve what he set out to do. He would find various excuses to submit applications when nothing happened, and occasionally he would give in. People have headaches.

"I came here to ask if the natural person status rewards we mentioned before about Bai E still count?"

"Of course it counts." Weslin is also willing to go along with the flow of the warriors he also values.

"That's fine. He has made great contributions in this battle, and he himself also has the idea of ​​promotion. It just so happens that his squad leader has been seriously injured and disabled in this battle, so why not let him become the squad captain, and he also has the highest synergy at the same level? rights and prioritizing human rights.”

The highest coordination authority at the same level means that when the same special team performs joint missions, it can directly have the command authority to coordinate everyone.

This is the reason why the three special teams that went together to rescue the refugees last time simply confirmed the obedience relationship between superiors and subordinates.

When separated, they each command their own teams, and during joint missions, they are equivalent to a mid-level officer.

As for the right to prioritize...when a new team is created, the captain can choose whoever he needs from the general establishment. Generally, only the captain of the newly-numbered establishment will have this right. The rebuilt establishment will generally give you whatever you want.

Weislin frowned and asked, "Is your military merit sufficient?"

Carlos nodded, "That's enough."

"Then let's do it like this." Weslin waved his hand, and seeing what Hamilton wanted to say, he quickly interrupted: "This matter has been settled, and there are rules and regulations. You don't need to ask me for instructions on these routine matters in the future. "

"Yes! Marshal!"

The tiger is leaving the camp.

He was walking with difficulty on crutches. He was a bit strong at heart and didn't want to be supported by his former teammates. He was not that weak yet.

"Let's take you there." You couldn't bear to look at the former captain. Even after Bai E's first aid and the treatment in the medical room after returning, the tiger's face, which had lost a lot of blood, still looked abnormally pale.

"It's okay." Hu smiled cheerfully, still somewhat looking forward to his future life, "My old brothers from the past are all waiting for me outside. They have lived in the underworld for so long, so I went to join them directly. It won’t be a problem.”

Even if they don't know each other or have never met each other, the android veterans who were expelled from the military camp because of their disability are naturally brothers, and everyone knows each other's existence through occasional contact.

"But you are now..." Yuzu's character was equally stubborn. He looked at Tiger's empty trouser leg, biting his lip and trying to fight for it.

"Go back!" Tiger's face darkened, and the captain's majesty showed up again, "Remember! You are warriors of the city, and your personal feelings should not waste too much of your time. Every moment of your time should be for the sake of all mankind. And pay.”

Yuzu's lips trembled as she responded, "Yes! Captain!"

Hu glanced at the neatly arranged tents in the distance with nostalgia. That was his past life.

With one last glance, Tiger turned around neatly and said, "I'm leaving."

"Captain..." Bai E, who had been silent for the whole time, took a step forward with a smile on his lips, "You can return to normal."

Bai E would never make a mistake. Hu's heart skipped a beat and he waved his hand, "I'll talk about it when I get a chance... I'm leaving."

After watching the tiger's staggering figure leave, Jiujiu Bai'e said to Yuyou, "Go back."

"Hmm..." Yuzu nodded obediently.

After they separated, Bai E turned around and left the camp.

If Hu goes to live on the underworld and lets Gilder take care of him, he will not suffer any loss, so he is not worried.

As for the body...

I received feedback from Wenjie about human body modification technology. The two explosive drops also included biochemical components and mechanical prosthetics related to human body biochemical modification. When the technology and hardware are available, recovery The mobility of normal humans may not be a fantasy.

At noon, Bai E faced the sunshine and came to the underground warehouse in the wild.

Gilder and the Ratmen began to live in the Black Street, and players habitually waited here.

"grown ups……"

"Yeah~" Bai E nodded, his eyes calm, "How has the black street been these two days?"

"Black Street..." Dai Lian repeated softly, recalling the management of the Black Street in the past two days.

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