Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 307 Do you have a dream?

Managing the underworld is not only new to the original underworld residents, but also new to the players.

When we first started working, the players were full of interest. Apart from the daily task indicators, they just wandered around the dark streets if they had nothing to do.

Putting on the uniforms given by Gilder, several players felt like they had supreme rights like an urban management team.

The black street is not big, but it is not small either.

Various small workshops that cooperate with each other are located in every household, and things like cultivating fields and raising livestock are further afield.

It’s not like no one has done these things before, but it’s just not on a large scale, and it’s easy to fall short due to various natural and man-made disasters.

Those who are engaged in production never enjoy the fruits of their production, while those who are high and do nothing all day can spend as much as they want.

It was not that the underworld in the past had no order and rules, but those with weak order and rules were like a piece of white paper that would be broken with a poke.

Therefore, the dark streets of the past were always so dark, dark, and lifeless.

Now that I have picked them all up again, there is a sense of prosperity and vitality for a while.

Of course, you always need to learn to do something you have never done before or are not used to.

We need armed drills, unified training, and there are so many complicated things.

However, everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

The old man named Gilder is really powerful. There are so many talents in your organization. Just pick one out and you will have such management skills.

Several players on the patrol sighed secretly. When they reached the edge of a land being reclaimed, Gong Yan suddenly stopped.

She looked at the people wielding hoes in the field and saw the red light emanating from their heads.


But one of them didn't.

These are the subordinates of Wallis, the former war gang boss. The more they have done evil or helped others in the past, the more heavy hard work they have to do now.

People always have to pay the price for what they have done, maybe now, maybe in the future...

This is their identity.

Gong Yan turned over this information in her heart, with a gentle smile on her face. She took off her delicate leather boots and walked barefoot into the reclaimed land regardless of the moist black mud.

One foot is deep and one foot is shallow.

The others wanted to follow, but looked at the black mud under their feet and gave up the idea.

Yanzi is very curious, let her be...

Gong Yan put her hands behind her back and came to the only man without color.


The wild dog raised his head and looked at the sunny girl in front of him, his eyes widened, "Sir...sir."

"Are you tired?" Gong Yan chuckled and stared softly with his eyes.

The man in front of him didn't look too old, and he still had a childlike look on his face, but his long-term malnutrition made him look a little thin.

"Not tired... not tired..." The panting wild dog quickly put his hands covered with black mud behind his back. His black feet wanted to hide in the ground and stepped down hard.

Immediately afterwards, the wild dog realized that he was too dirty.

Even the clothes are dirty...

"You can rest if you are tired." Gong Yan said with a smile, "I have seen the work indicators you need to implement, and the cooperation of the six of you is more than enough."

The wild dog looked back carefully. Even if he didn't see anything, he knew that several eyes behind him were staring at his back.

"It's not tiring... I like this kind of work." The wild dog smiled honestly, showing two rows of yellowish teeth.

"Hmm~" Gong Yan nodded with her hands behind her back, noncommittal, and just asked: "Do you know the meaning of the work you are doing?"

"Meaning?" Wild Dog was stunned, remembering the words of the "spokesperson" when everyone gathered in the morning——

"The meaning of your work is to allow each of you to have a bite of food and wear suitable clothes. Then continue to work, eat better food, and wear better clothes. Until one day, you don't have to No longer be troubled by your own life, so as to find what you really want to pursue in life. Remember, your work is never for us adults! It is for you!"

"I will post the reports you produce every day on the bulletin board on the street. How many things you do every day and how many resources you consume will be clearly displayed. No one can be lazy, but no one will suffer. All What comes from you will eventually be used for you!”

The spokesperson's words are all pure vernacular, and there is nothing complicated or incomprehensible.

Compared to the words "equality, freedom, happiness" spoken by the adults who saved everyone on the street that night, it sounds like a lot.

Of course, the adult must have his intentions, but I just don’t understand them at the moment.

The only thing I understand is...

"The meaning of work is to support myself."

"Cough cough cough!" Several coughs suddenly came from behind.

The wild dog's eyes were flustered for a moment, and then he lowered his head, not daring to look into the eyes of the "law enforcement team" in front of him, "Sir, it's time for you to go, I still need to work."

His voice was low and a little guilty.

"The last question..." Gong Yan raised her green and jade-like index finger and asked with a smile: "Do you have a dream?"

"Dream?" The word "Wild Dog" made his eyes go straight.

dream? What is dream?

Money! Gun! Woman!

Like Wallis, the former war gang boss, who wouldn’t envy the entire underworld? that kind of life really what I want?

Is he lonely too?

Whoever he looked at would subconsciously look away.

When he wants to talk, others will only respond with "uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh."

He has money, guns, and women.

But it doesn’t seem that enviable.

Maybe I was envious before.

After all, compared to being like a bitch and groveling behind the boss's subordinates every day, punching, kicking, laughing and cursing at ordinary people with more humble status, the life of Boss Wallis is certainly better. .

But compared to now... I have a goal every day when I open my eyes. After completing it, everyone can get together as equals to chat and brag.

If you are brave enough, you can even strike up a conversation with the woman... girl you like.

The same is true for girls... Girls today seem to be more attractive than those disheveled women in the arms of the boss back then.


Wild Dog couldn't understand.

But no matter what, life like this is much more interesting than before.

The work is always new.

Everyday life is also new.

It’s not like before, where one day turned into a lifetime.

A day now is just a day.

Wild Dog doesn't want anyone to ruin his fresh days, so he is always reluctant to participate in private discussions with his companions.

The new life was so good, he didn't know why those people weren't happy yet.

But the dream...

What is a dream? No one taught him the word.

"I don't know, sir..." The wild dog opened a pair of confused eyes and stared blankly at the bright girl in front of him.

'She is so beautiful...better than all the women I have seen before. ’

"Determine one for yourself... maybe one day it will really come true~"

Gong Yan waved her hand, turned and left.

When she came to the clear flowing stream, Gong Yan stretched out her feet and washed the black mud in the water. Her white and tender feet gradually returned to their original appearance under the impact of the water.

"What have you been talking to him for a long time?" Dai Lian asked curiously as he stood aside.

When everyone is together, Yanzi rarely has her own opinions, but every time she takes action, there is definitely her deep meaning behind it.

Gong Yan turned around and smiled brightly, "It's so lively... Isn't it fun to be the only little white flower among some dissatisfied rebels?"

"Are there any rebels?" Kuang Xin immediately picked up the axe, "I'll chop them down!"

It is their mission to maintain the stability of the underworld.

"The truth hasn't been revealed yet." Gu Lan, the royal sister, rolled her eyes at Kuang Xin. After spending two days together, she also knew this guy's straightforward character.

If they are punished arbitrarily for crimes they have not committed, it will only be a minor matter to damage the prestige of their law enforcement team. Losing the trust of underworld residents and shaking the foundation of adult governance is a big trouble.

As for how Gong Yan found out...

Gu Lan glanced deeply at the girl's back. As both a woman, she understood this woman's little tricks even more.

She always gives others a chance to show off, and that Xiao Dai can be regarded as a "puppet" introduced by her to a certain extent. However, the development of anything has never been out of her control.


But not annoying.

All I can say is... admire.

The friends I met in the game are indeed outstanding in their own way.

"Then what are we going to do?" Kuang Xin asked blankly.

"Ask the adults~" Gong Yan shrugged, "The adults always see things more clearly than us."

Facing Dai Lian's question, Bai E frowned slightly.

Not convinced?


It is normal for a person who is used to being wild to be unconvinced when he is suddenly put in chains.

But just like Gu Lan said, they must be punished before the facts are revealed, and others will never obey.

"Don't worry about it." Bai E ordered softly: "Be careful and pay attention to the people involved, but don't disturb their normal life before they actually take action."

"But sir...what if they cause some damage that we cannot accept?"

Bai E smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, we can accept everything."

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