Where do the raw materials for humans to make those genetic optimization solutions come from?

It's not just about soldiers going out to "hunt" from time to time. After all, decisive battles with the main force facing each other head-on don't always happen. Such small-scale military operations are commonplace.

However, the warrior who brought back the most raw materials almost never enjoyed the finished products made from the raw materials...

Hu didn't notice the flash of resentment in the other party's tone. He knew what the other party was talking about, but said with some tangles: "Yes, but no. The target is a new type of insect that has never been seen before. We are responsible for catching it." Get to them or bring back their bodies.”

"Huh?" The veteran who led the way was stunned, his tone slightly worried, "Are there new types of bugs?"

No matter where they are, no matter how much they have experienced, the sense of responsibility for the fate of the entire human race is always a prohibition attached to them from the genetic level.

"Yes... the ones that can burrow into the ground seem to be new types of bugs that have evolved specifically to attack and destroy our vehicles." Tiger said in a sigh. It was hard to imagine how the human army would face them on the frontal battlefield in the future. A sudden attack by those bugs emerging from the ground.

"..." The veteran leader was silent for a moment, shook his head, and sneered, "It has nothing to do with us anymore."

"..." Hu said nothing in response.

Doesn't it matter?


The other party didn't ask in depth, and turned to ask something else, "Which organization were you in before you came out?"

"Captain of the special team..."

"Hey! That's awesome, brother! They don't care about you at your level? Don't you have much military merit left?"

"..." Hu was silent for a moment before replying: "I am of the physical enhancement type."

When the body is destroyed, it means it has no value.

The ability mainly relies on the physical body. The physical body is no longer complete, and there is no point in replacing it with mechanical prostheses.

The veteran who led the way sighed, "...They are like this."

Hu shook his head, "The military really shouldn't waste resources on me."

The veteran's eyes carefully scanned Tiger's face, and without saying anything, he just patted him on the shoulder, stood up and walked out.

"I'll get you daily necessities. As for your body... we will find a way."

"..." Looking at the empty door after the other party left, Hu's eyes became a little sharp.

He's not stupid.

In his words, the other party seemed to be arousing his own resentment intentionally or unintentionally.

Of course... it's also possible that they themselves have grievances, but they just can't help but complain after seeing themselves.

But no matter what, the android warriors shouldn’t have such thoughts!

The veteran who was leading the way out of the room bumped into another veteran, "How was it?"

"Quite loyal."

"Loyal? Who is not loyal..." The veteran who came up sighed, "He will understand in the future... Put the prosthetic limb away first, and don't contact the 'doctor' for the time being."

"I know……"

Finally, we have entered a period of stable growth. My adults are not on missions, and it feels great to see them every day!

Clean up small bosses in the wild, patrol the dark streets, and build underground secret bases.

The time schedule is full, and I can make enough contributions and experience to learn new skills every two days.

The only regret is...Why don't those men who used to fight against the gang leader Wallis rebel?

According to Yan Zi, the resentment above their heads almost reached the sky, and when they looked at the black street patrol guards, their eyes almost looked like knives.

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Do it quickly!

"Why are we patrolling today? They are all resting."

This is the first rest day in Black Street. There are seven days a week, six days off and one day off.

Nothing was found in the previous days of patrolling. The contribution to managing the black street seemed to be in vain, so much so that Kuang Xin didn't want to waste time on it anymore today.

After the initial freshness, patrolling with nothing happening is really boring.

"What if something happens..." Dai Lian was more rigorous. He firmly believed that there was no free lunch in the game.

How could anyone give out benefits like this every day? The more things went on, the more he was constantly worried.

No matter how real this game is, it still has to abide by the basic theorem of the game that only rewards come with effort.

"And it is precisely because this is the first rest day that we have to be more careful!" Daily work consumes a lot of physical strength and energy from everyone, and there may be many things that we have no intention of doing.

Today is a day off for everyone. This may be the time for those guys with evil intentions to cause trouble.

Pay more attention.

"Look, over there."

While walking, Gu Lan's calm voice suddenly sounded.

The people who were talking looked in the direction of her gaze.

It was those people who worked for Wallis, the former war gang boss, four in total.

"Hey! Wild dog! I often see that girl from the guard coming to you these days. Could it be that she has a crush on you?"

"No, no!" The wild dog waved his hands straightly, and that bright smiling face could not help but appear in his mind, "How dare you have such an idea."

A girl like that is simply an angel. If she is someone she can covet, even thinking about it feels like a crime.

"I don't care if you have it or not!" The other party picked up the wild dog by the collar, "You haven't said anything we said to you!"

"No! Ahem!" The wild dog felt a little tight in his chest, but he didn't dare to resist, so he just responded with difficulty, "No! I didn't!"

"It's better if you don't have it!"

The wild dog was thrown down, and he heard the other party's threat again, "We haven't done anything yet, we are just talking. They have no evidence and there is nothing they can do against us. But if they hear anything from you... ...Hmph! That girl will be the first to die when the time comes! I promise."

"Hey! What are you doing?" A voice came from the distance. Kuang Xin held an ax and looked at these scum striding over with cold eyes.

If you want to start something, start it quickly. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law don't know what they are doing here, which makes them nervous and uncomfortable when doing tasks elsewhere.

"Hmph." The leader of the three people gathered together snorted, looked at the wild dog with a warning look in his eyes, turned around and left.

"Are you okay?" Gong Yan walked up and asked in a gentle voice.

Remembering Huang Mao's warning just now, the wild dog just lowered his head and did not dare to look at her.

"No...it's okay, sir, we were chatting and joking." He lowered his head and ran away in an aimless direction, not daring to look back.

It wasn't until he turned a corner away from his past companions and away from the guards that the wild dog leaned against the wall, panting heavily as if he was out of breath.


Really annoying!

Really annoying!

Why are these people still thinking about resisting when life is so beautiful now?

Could there be a better life?

How can it be!


Suddenly, a clear, upward sound came from my ears.

The wild dog looked up and saw a bright and beautiful girl wearing a tight red and black dress and holding a long sword.

‘It looks familiar. ’

This idea jumped out of Wild Dog's mind immediately.

But I don’t know him.

His eyes swept over the other person's face as if inadvertently, and the wild dog quickly looked away, not daring to look at the other person again.

"Are you a resident here?"

"Ah...I am."

"I'm from somewhere else..."

Franka smiled brightly, and the disguise she made with her psychic powers allowed these people to have a vague cognitive deflection barrier towards herself, which made it easier for her to observe the people under the management of that "mysterious master" as a complete stranger. The dark streets.

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