Since the last demon incident, Black Street has been under the management of that adult for at least a week.

Therefore, no matter what the decree issued by the "mysterious master" is, it should have shown actual results by now.

She wanted to see what the Black Street, a place eroded by demons, could become under the hands of that adult.

"I want to settle here, but I don't know what life is like here?" Franka asked with a smile as she looked at the withered and thin man in front of her.

"Life~" The wild dog was stunned, with a silly smile on his face.

He doesn’t have much on his mind and doesn’t have room for too many multi-threaded considerations.

Speaking of the current life, the troubles just now were instantly forgotten, "That's great! Life is great now, miss!"

More people are willing to join the big family of Black Street, and the young lady in front of me also looks very elegant. This is a good thing, right?

Maybe we can all become friends in the future...

hey-hey! friend!

Wild Dog enthusiastically introduces his current life to potential friends in the future.

"Now we have to work every day, my lord said..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the impatience of the young lady in front of him, "But I didn't see you working all the way here today... everyone was chatting and resting."

"Because today is a rest day. We work six days and have one day off. Only when we get enough rest can we do better work. The adults said, this is called a combination of work and rest."

"Oh~" Franka narrowed her eyes and just smiled.

This seems to be a reference to the golden age. Now...these "rules" have long since disappeared.

"And in fact, daily work does not take too long. Miss, did you know? It turns out that we don't have to work hard every day to survive. As long as each of us works for a period of time every day, feeding everyone is actually a matter of fact. Very easy thing."

"Oh?" Franka raised her eyebrows, "How do you know?"

As an underworld individual with limited vision, it should be difficult to observe the living conditions of everyone else from a higher perspective.

"There are reports, miss." Wild Dog's eyebrows were flying, and his somewhat cowardly character seemed to be shining brightly at this moment. "The bulletin board contains the production we work on every day and the consumption we use every day. It is changed every day, and what is released every day is It’s the statistics from the previous day.”

Materials obtained from production——

Food and daily necessities can be stored and used.

Crafts can be traded in foreign trade, and currencies can be traded to purchase supplies needed by the underworld.

Materials are managed and stored uniformly.

There is no more money, no more transactions, no more competition, no more competition where if others have more, you will have less.

As long as everyone completes their daily production, the materials needed for normal life will continue to increase.

This is incredible!

For the first time, the wild dog knew that life...cannot be accomplished by robbing other people of their means of survival.

"Come on, come on! I'll take you to see it." Wild Dog enthusiastically led the way, proudly introducing everything about today's black streets as if introducing his own home.

"This is just the beginning. Our food storage in the past was of poor quality and limited variety."

Basically, they are some plant roots and animal meat, or a small amount of synthetic food produced within the city.

"But we are reclaiming the land, and yesterday they bought seeds that can grow food, make wine, and make bread... We have also installed nets in the lake so that the fry we raise will not run around... The guards are cleaning up the surrounding threats every day, and the meat they hunt can also be added to our food reserves..."

Humans are amazing.

We are very powerful.

It turns out that as long as everyone cooperates, life is really simple...

"Look, this is the land we reclaimed..."

"Look, this is the spindle machine we use to spin clothes..."

"This is a waterwheel..."

"This is a workshop..."

All of this is created by us.

The wild dog was running around with Franka, as if he was introducing every detail of his home in an extremely detailed manner.

Franka always had a warm smile on her lips, and she listened quietly to the babble of this ordinary man on the underworld who had a shallow vision but was full of happiness. It was not until a certain moment that she spoke softly, "So, sir, what you have been saying, you Do you like him?"

"I like it! I think everyone should like it... That adult doesn't come often. When he comes occasionally, he also talks a lot to us... I don't understand many words, such as those in life, Goals, freedom, etc. But I don’t know why, I just like to listen to adults talking. Every time I see adults, I feel happy, as if everything is a good thing. To be more realistic, the spokesman for adults said, I just I like to hear adults say things that I don’t understand... I feel very... very... happy when I hear it! Yes, that’s the feeling... It would be nice if adults could come and see us more... But as powerful as adults There must be more places where people need him.”

"By the way, miss, where do you plan to live?" Wild Dog seemed to have thought of business now, "We adults have said that all outsiders are welcome to join our big family. If you have a place you want to live, we can come together. Let’s build a new house for you. Don’t worry, houses are not made of wood. Houses like that are always infested with insects and prone to leaks. We will build it for you with cement! It won’t fall down in a hundred years!”

"A hundred years..." Franka's eyes were full of smiles.

When did an ordinary person dare to imagine such a distant time scale?

"Let's go! I'll take you to the spokesperson to register first. It's getting late today..." As he spoke, the stray dog ​​touched the back of his head in embarrassment. He blamed himself. He was so excited that he forgot the time for a moment, which led to It's already late.

The sun was setting.

But the sun will always rise.

"Maybe we can start work tomorrow."

"Okay~" Franka smiled with her eyes narrowed and agreed immediately.

As the executive officer of the Arbitration Institute, I am always exposed to some ugly things related to demons.

This was the first time I encountered this kind of ordinary and pure happiness, and it was full of novelty.

The spokesperson's house is no more impressive than an ordinary house.

It's not much bigger than an ordinary house.

However, at this moment, the door was full of people.

Those figures stood silently in the darkness, like zombies, not saying a word, and the atmosphere was dull.


The long sword was slightly unsheathed, revealing half a cold light.

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