A drop of ink can easily contaminate a glass of pure water.

However, if you pour another pool of water into it, the color stained by the ink will become much darker.

The devil's breath was washed away...

Not dispersing, not purifying...but merely diluting.

Franka can feel many things happening on the spiritual level.

Of course, from a realistic perspective, no matter what the principle is, what it ultimately manifests is...

The demon's power has been weakened!

Huang Mao felt that his power had shrunk sharply, and the power given by God seemed to have been washed away by the flood, leaving only one tenth of it.

What happened?

he does not know.

Obviously everyone has been included in the realm of Allah, and their weak minds have long had no room for resistance under the influence of long-term whispers from higher dimensions.

As long as they take the first step of betrayal, they will be trapped in the authority of the adults and will never be able to escape.

They have obviously believed in Allah and are already looking forward to their hopes for the future.

But why... why!

I don’t know, but I don’t need to know.

It must be caused by everything that is happening in front of me.

Wild dog! This lowly wild dog!

What a broken dream you have! Broken dream! Broken dream!

Who cares about your broken dreams!

Take your broken dreams with you! go to hell!

A rich purple light condensed in his eyes, but unexpectedly, an arrow instantly penetrated his chest.

Huang Mao, whose spiritual power was gone, lowered his head and stared blankly at the big hole in his chest.

His psychic ability sensed the objects attacking him, and he even had a brief confrontation——

An arrow.

An arrow...

It was just an arrow, how could it make such a big hole?

ah? How could such a big hole be shot?

I'm not convinced!

I'm not convinced!

"Mother Gan Xie!" Blood foam gushes out from the corner of her mouth, and Huang Mao falls down with distracted eyes.

"Fuck!" The sound of flesh hitting the ground was the first to burst out.

Feeling the disappearance of the power that had been suppressing him, Kuang Xin slapped his hands on the ground and instantly stood up from his fallen state.

While he was still in the air, Kuang Xin twisted around in the air, his legs and feet like whips, and kicked over the other two "traitors" nearby.

Xu Ruoguang, who was thinner, also found an opportunity to escape. With his long sword drawn, his figure passed by several rebels in a daze, leaving only thin traces of blood.


Franka inserted her sword back, followed the direction of the arrow that shot through Huang Mao's chest, and looked in the dark direction.

The eyes are complicated.

Is this your answer to the erosion of high-dimensional demons?

Use the purest human yearning for beauty to smooth out the ripples caused by extreme negative emotional fluctuations in high-dimensional space.

Yes, ripples.

The birth of all demons is actually ripples produced in high-dimensional space.

As a child of a large and erudite family, Franka knows all kinds of classics by heart.

In the past research on the power of human psychics, high-dimensional space itself is not actually an absolutely evil place. It just exists there quietly and is a natural attribute of the world.

However, all extreme negative emotional fluctuations will cause fluctuations in that space and bring about changes.

And the core of those fluctuations transformed into the demons themselves.

Slaying the demon can smooth the ripples.

Smoothing the ripples can also weaken the demon's influence.

The two influence each other and are just different manifestations of the same thing.

So in theory...just in theory, if the happiness and joy coming from intelligent beings is long enough and calm enough, then the high-dimensional space will eventually be purified into an empty and peaceful place.

Except for a small number of native high-dimensional space creatures and the occasional high-dimensional space storm, there is no more ripples in the desolate land.

However... is it possible?

"..." Franka retreated to the corner and stood against the wall behind her. Her eyes reflected the chaos taking place in front of her, but she was thinking about the future of mankind in her mind.

The power of the devil has been greatly weakened. Even if the master and himself do not take action, the guards composed of the sons of the devil are enough to deal with those fallen people who have truly fallen into the arms of the devil.

She was just thinking about something more profound——

Has anyone done this?


But none of them stayed at the simple and childish stage.

When they are just growing up, everyone feels that they are the most special and powerful person in the world, that they can do everything that no one has done before, and they are confident that they can create a prosperous age that has never been seen in the ages.

However, as long as you have access to a more real and broader world, you will find how unrealistic your idea is.

Human beings are inherently chaotic creatures. Franka does not deny that there are some shining qualities among them, but it is inevitable that some scum and scum will become corrupt.

Not to mention that the current world situation is purely caused by internal and external troubles. It may not be easy for human beings to maintain their current scale and survive, not to mention the personal emotions of everyone in the system must be taken into account.

The noise in her ears gradually subsided, and Franka let out a breath.


No matter what, it's a good thing that someone is trying to do it.

What our predecessors have never done, we can give it a try.

That adult... is really interesting and confident.

With his strength, he would not be a newborn calf who has never seen the world, but even so, he still simply believes that humans can save themselves.

What happened today, even without his arrow, this demonic disaster would not have caused much loss.

These people on the black street relied on themselves...to defeat the devil!


Never changed... never changed.

From the first time he came into contact with the "sons of devil" who were his subordinates, their organization was such a pure and somewhat idealistic existence.

And after experiencing many things, they are still like this.

What a wonderful thing it is to have a group of followers who wholeheartedly follow the will of the flag under such a bright and bright flag...

Franka's eyes swept across the Devil's Son guards who were subduing every betrayer, and then walked into the darkness.

She wants to go back and check the classics to see if there are any "impossible solutions" that have been ignored in the wisdom of her ancestors...

As the demon's power weakened, the betrayers gradually woke up from their crazy sinking and realized what they had done.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I surrender, I surrender!"

"Didn't I just kick you once? You kicked me ten times! Ten times!"

"My lord, I am an innocent lord! We are just controlled by the devil, not sincerely, lord!"

"You don't have to tell me whether you really mean it or not." Kuang Xin kept a straight face and pressed the "traitor" under him tightly, "Everything will be decided by the adults!"


Someone saw a figure walking out of the shadows, with fear in their eyes.

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