Bai E's eyes calmly scanned the figures on the long street.

Those who spoke out loud about their dreams stood there confused, as if they had just woken up from a dream.

The betrayers who had committed acts of betrayal and enjoyed the gift of demonic power stared at themselves with fear. They knew very well what they had done, and they also knew that they might have been marked as heretics.

Do you want to give it a go and fight with your last breath?


That's not possible!

Facing an adult as powerful as a god, all I can do is pray.

"Sir! Your Majesty!" Someone was kneeling on the ground and crawling over on his knees, kowtowing to Bai E. "Sir! Your Majesty! I didn't mean it! I was just bewitched by the devil! It won't happen again! It won't happen again in the future. !”

More people were infected, and they all crawled to Bai E's feet, "Sir! Let us go! Let us go! We will never do it again! Never again!"

They have become accustomed to groveling. In the past, under the power of other war gang bosses, they could only rely on this kind of humility to survive.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

But in the face of absolute power, they can only exchange humility for the slightest possible mercy from the superiors.

"Stand up!" Bai E said calmly, his eyes indifferent.

Once the sound came out, there was silence.

At this juncture, no matter how noisy everyone is asking for mercy, what everyone cares about most is always the decision of the adults.

stand up?

What's the meaning?

Don't you accept their plea for mercy?


"grown ups?"

Someone carefully raised his head and looked at the face of the extremely tall adult in front of him.

Under the light of some firelight behind him, the adults' faces were serious, and their pupils were flashing with thoughts they couldn't understand.

"I want you to stand up." Bai E repeated again.

Before anyone could figure it out, he took the initiative to explain: "The world asks you to kneel down, and I ask you to stand up! You are human beings! You are people with your own thoughts and dignity! You should not live such a humble life. Really Strength comes from the heart. If you remain the same as you are today, then what you said in the future will never happen again, and it is just empty talk after all. The devil is everywhere, and you have seen that kind of thing twice... so you should know- —You must have your own thoughts! Your own personality! Your own persistence!"

"I tell you to stand up!" Bai E repeated again.

The voice is light and heavy.

So the figure stood up in a hurry, still feeling hesitant about his future.

They committed an act of betrayal that would be difficult to let go easily anywhere.

Even if the death penalty can be avoided, the living penalty cannot be avoided.

And the gentler treatment, according to their past experience, is...a capital crime!

Bai E's eyes were gentle and helpless, "When you live in this world, you cannot expect a savior to save everything. In the face of any crisis you encounter, you yourself are the one who changes your destiny. They have just shown it with their actions. In all this, you are not small, and you don’t need to be humble. Stand up and try to stand up. I am willing to give you a chance, but please, don’t give up on yourself first.”

["Lucky Hit" +50. 】

"Yes... sir."

"I understand, my lord."

"..." Bai E turned his head and said no more.

Change does not happen overnight, nor can it be reversed with a single word.

Everything takes time to ferment, and right now...

A group of veterans with prosthetic limbs came slowly from the far side of the street, and a few veterans without prosthetic limbs hobbled behind them with crutches.

Hu was also among them, looking at Bai E who was not pretending, with complicated eyes.

This was the first time he saw the man whom everyone in the underworld spoke of. turned out to be Bai E. should be Bai E!

It turns out that the medal for leaving the camp was used by him in this kind of place.

No wonder he can't always be found...

The two people's eyes met, and they understood each other silently.

The leading veteran came with a group of veterans with prosthetic limbs in a neat line. The disabled veterans could still follow orders and line up neatly.

"Stand still!"


The military uniforms on Bai E were uniforms that they were very familiar with. In the past, Bai E always appeared in front of them in disguise... But it was only at this critical moment today that they saw Bai E's true identity. .

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Being fellow soldiers in the military camp cannot gain their trust unconditionally. What really makes them willing to take the initiative is what Bai E said...

From this colleague's mouth, they heard what they wanted most - fairness, personality, and dignity.

He can do this to ordinary people in the underworld who have no self, but... what about artificial humans?

I don’t know, but you can try it first.

Bai E stood there and accepted the salutes of these veterans without any emotion on his face.

He said nothing, quietly waiting for the other party to express his purpose.

The leading veteran's body was straight like a javelin, and he said every word with a straight face: "From today on, we are the swords in your hands! From now on, we are responsible for the order of the underworld!"

"..." Bai E was noncommittal, waiting for the other party to express his demands.

"May mankind be glorious again under your leadership!"

"..." Eyes drooped, Bai E knew that the other party would not tell his true purpose at this moment.

But no matter what, it can be considered an unexpected surprise to have initially conquered these veterans.

"Get settled and don't delay everyone's work tomorrow."

Bai E ordered softly, turned and left.

This rebellion killed the first culprit, and the rest seemed to be over.

But everyone knew that the revolt was far more than that.

Personality, dignity...

Everyone can be a person who lives an aboveboard and aboveboard life?

The rat man huddled in a dark corner, looking at the light outside with his two dark eyes.

The adult's words swirled around in my heart, and finally turned into another vague murmur.

That voice is warm and peaceful, and also has the power to soothe people's hearts——

'Don't be discouraged~ Even the tiniest bacteria can destroy an empire. You are important too. ’

As soon as Bai E returned to the camp, he saw someone guarding Yu at the entrance of the tent.

"Captain, he's looking for you." After a big change and dealing with all kinds of things in recent days, Yuzu still has that cold childish appearance, but his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. .

"Hmm~" Bai E looked at the person who came... It was Minister Liqike's subordinate, whom he had met several times.

Since he decided to take the warlord route, Bai E would naturally not miss any opportunity to contact the big forces in the city.

The last time Minister Likek invited him to join the Information Department of the Scientific Research Institute, he didn't agree, but he didn't completely give up contact either.

In these few days of leisure, he often participated in research under the department led by Li Keke in the name of wanting to learn.

It is undoubtedly very meaningful to get a familiar face and understand some of the highest technical levels in this city.

And now...

"Our recent research has been basically completed. The minister invites you to come and participate in the final summary and analysis." The other party smiled and spoke warmly.

In the few times they had contact, people from their Information Department discovered that this boy who could be won over by the minister was indeed quite outstanding.

Although he is from a wild background, his research and understanding of the resurgence of information technology is no worse than those of professional researchers like them. In many cases, he even outperforms them, which is simply unbelievable.

Bai E nodded and agreed, "Okay."

First, he dismantled and analyzed the simple communicator he had made, then put forward different hypotheses and sent military teams one after another to verify the hypotheses in the "Insect Hive Domain". This is what the Ministry of Information has been doing in the past few days.

Of course, there was no concept of "insect hive realm" in the past.

Now... the boundary where the electronic signal has been replaced is regarded by everyone as the will coverage area of ​​the "Insect Hive Realm".

It may be that the "hive mind" that is difficult for humans to understand is also sensitive to electronic signals, or there may be some other reason that causes human electronic signals to be intercepted and replaced the moment they enter the "field".

In the past few days, I have been studying the core reasons and looking for solutions.

So now is the time when the results really show?

Bai E, who followed the researcher and got into the car and went straight to the City Information Department, thought with some anticipation.

In the huge room are rows of consoles and several huge screens.

When Li Keke saw Bai E pushing in the door, he nodded and smiled at him, but didn't do anything too much.

After clapping his hands, Likek said to everyone in the room with a serious face: "Everyone is here, now we can officially start the fourth summary of the "Countermeasures against Zerg Information Shielding Technology" and the follow-up operation plan. …”

"The following is known:"

"First, any long-distance transmission signal will be cut off as soon as it enters the 'Insect Hive Realm';"

"Two, the signal reopened within the 'Insect Nest Realm' can be transmitted normally;"

"Third, changing channels or receiving bands have been proven to be ineffective;"

"Fourth, it is currently unknown whether the 'Insect Nest Realm' only exists near the insect nest in the Black Rock Area."

"Based on the above reasons, we have now decided to restart signal base stations around the world. The first step is to start with the base station numbered B13 in the 'Hive Realm'. If it works, we will contact other cities and restore all Internet signal base stations around the world. "

The creations of the Golden Age are solid and reliable. Even if hundreds of years pass, unless it is man-made destruction, the remaining main body will still not be seriously damaged.

It may need a little repair, but for the most part it's definitely able to withstand heavy use.

It is always more cost-effective to restart the previous facilities than to rebuild them.

Minister Likek, who was speaking, turned to look at Bai E and said in a solemn tone, "Captain Bai, I would like to ask you to lead the team for this mission. I wonder if you are willing?"

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