This mission was surprisingly simple.

Except for the interference of a few sandworms, the whole journey was smooth sailing.

Even the four food-delivering sandworms couldn't tell whether they were here to help or to cause trouble...

Bai E and others successfully restarted the base station.

The entire base station is divided into two floors. The upper floor is the main body of the base station with the crystal pillar as the core that Bai E saw. The lower floor is a small nuclear reactor.

The decision to cut off the Internet during the golden era was orderly and calm. The shutdown of these base stations was also proactively shut down in an orderly manner, with almost all facilities and functions well preserved.

As long as you have the secret key left at that time, it is easy to reopen it.

[Current ruins exploration degree: 100%. The permissions of the ruins are expanded. You can leave your identity information in the background of the ruins to obtain the highest permissions, ensuring that you can always send messages through the base station here in the future. 】

[Tip: Discover and explore ancient “relics”. Current exploration degree: 20.1%...]


Ancient ruins?

Bai E was a little surprised by the information that popped up unexpectedly.

He successfully restarted a small base station here, how could he still be involved in ancient ruins?

Is there a cave underneath?

But the exploration degree of 20.1 shows that this ancient ruin is not big. A small base station accounts for one-fifth of it?

In other words... the Internet root server explored last time is actually included in it?

This is a more reasonable explanation.

Bai E's mind was quick and he instantly thought of possible relevant content.

But in any case, it has little to do with the current situation.

Shitou exclaimed in his ears, "Wow! So beautiful."

Yes, beautiful.

As the power is turned on, circles of running water lamps gradually light up, and the soft light illuminates this site that was more than 400 years ago.

Nothing was was even much superior to all the modern technologies Bai E had seen.

The soft corners of the metal with a high-tech feel and the crystal column with light blue light in the center paint a picture of the future.

This is a scenery that is rare to see in this day and age.

Even Yuzu, who has been growing up ever since the team was reorganized, has a crystal clear light in his big eyes as he scans the various facilities here.

The four people in the team looked around, but they didn't dare to go a step further. Facing those extremely delicate things, they didn't have the courage to reach out and touch them.

"Not that expensive."

The technology of the golden age highlights reliability and practicality, which is what Bai E has learned from Minister Liqike these days.

And the moment the ruins exploration level was fully unlocked, Bai E also saw the way to obtain the highest authority of this base station from the changes in the panel.

While speaking, Bai E came behind Rose, wrapped her right arm around her waist, raised her right hand and pressed it together in front of the crystal pillar in front of her.

The crystal pillar emitting light blue light fluctuated the moment the two people pressed their hands on it, and the changing light illuminated the rotating heads of the two people.

[The current highest authority holders are: 2 people, and the authority reset channel has been closed. 】

"What is this?" Rose turned her head to look at Bai E behind her with some confusion. She opened and closed her sticky lips and asked softly.

Bai E, who was very close, smiled mysteriously at her, "Shh~ don't make any noise."

The two of them put down their palms. The technician also completed his test and looked up with excitement on his face, "Captain Bai, it's done."

After restarting the base station, he tried to use the base station to transmit a simple message to the base, and received a response almost instantly.

In order to prevent interception by the "Insect Hive Domain", they deliberately formulated changing dynamic information cuts, and the results were accurate.

Facts have proven that information base stations established around the world can effectively prevent the influence of the "Insect Hive Realm" and continue to play their original role.

The operation was a great success!

Bai E smiled reservedly, "It'll be good if it succeeds."

The technicians stayed on.

No matter how sophisticated any high-tech creation is, it will always be damaged. Although the technological level of the golden age is reliable, it can never exist without human beings.

And now without the assistance of artificial intelligence, the system will not repair itself if there is a problem.

Without human intervention, a small BUG can directly block the entire system, so the presence of maintenance personnel is a must.

Fortunately, the small base station has a complete life support system specially provided for up to five maintenance personnel to live in. Water and air can be solved.

Food alone won't do.

However, the three off-road vehicles that everyone brought brought a lot of food, and they were prepared for this purpose.

There were enough supplies left for three teams to use on their way back to the city. The three off-road vehicles were almost completely emptied. The space left was just enough to hold some sandworm flesh and blood, killing two birds with one stone.

Quick victory.

After confirming the success of the operation, the three special teams returned home covered with stars and moon.

The next day, at noon, the team returned to the camp.

According to the original plan, when the action to restart those information relay base stations was confirmed to be successful and effective, the research institute's request for the military would be issued simultaneously.

There are many abandoned base stations within the radiation distance of the city waiting to be seen again, so a special joint team ushered in the spring.

The task cannot be completed at all.

"Take a rest and continue setting off early tomorrow morning." Bai E, who returned to the camp, casually ordered the team members, then walked away.

It's noon, so I can take the time to meet with the players and complete the tasks.

Looking at Bai E's leaving figure, Shitou touched the back of his head with some honesty, "Why is our captain so anxious?"

"Is it normal to make more contributions to the military region?" Since the last time he was rescued by Bai E from the mantis's blade arm, Zero regarded Bai E as the God of War in his mind.

No matter what God does, he will be surrounded by a beautifying halo.

"Maybe it's for military glory?" Rose's eyes flashed as she looked at Bai E's leaving figure.

Military merit? Or military rank?

In the eyes of those senior officials, Bai E's identity is already that of a completely natural person, and as long as a natural person has excellent performance and sufficient military merit, his promotion in the military camp can be said to be smooth sailing.

In daily contact, she also gradually understood that Bai E's heart was far from being as rigid as he usually showed in front of other people.

This man has his ambitions.

Whether it is the hidden psychic energy or the electronic prompt sound heard when touching the light blue crystal column during yesterday's mission, it all shows this.

Mysterious and dangerous.

These exciting feelings made Rose feel novel and addicted. She wanted to follow Bai E and see what kind of plan this man was holding in his heart.

As for reporting...

As time goes by, each artificial person will form its own understanding of the world and its own personality.

The blood of her dedication to humanity still flows in her bones, and this has never changed. However, revealing the secret of a comrade to the so-called military or even the city's top brass cannot be called a contribution to humanity.

If Bai E believes in her, she will never let down this expectation.

The construction of the underground warehouse is completed, but Bai'e has not yet considered the new construction task, so the construction task is suspended.

But in their spare time, several players will still hang out in this place, this is their territory.

Only in this secret corner can they feel completely at ease.

And it has become their habit to come here to wait every noon.

Seeing Bai E's arrival, several players who were doing manual work to improve their proficiency stood up together, "Sir."

"Well..." Bai E nodded, "How has the underworld been in the past two days?"

Two days have passed since the last betrayal incident.

Bai E had no time to observe it himself, so he could only listen to the players' oral descriptions.

"Not bad. Their corrective attitude is obvious. They have become... quite enthusiastic in the past two days."

"Sir..." Xu Ruoguang, who was among the players, suddenly raised his hand like a student, "I would like to ask when we can arrange for a big bathhouse? Or cleaning facilities, some people have... smell Good weight."

Dai Lian glanced at him and felt that this guy was a bit of a dog-licker.

The royal sister Gu Lan coughed twice because of the choking body odor just today because she was near a certain resident. The boy immediately wrote it down and even stabbed it directly in front of the adult.

Children can be taught...

"Okay." Bai E nodded. Physical cleanliness is equally important as spiritual purity. Only by maintaining hygiene can you avoid getting sick and maintain a strong body.

Moreover, the body and the will are often closely related. When most people are weak, their will will also weaken. This does need to be paid attention to.

"I'll talk to Gilder later."

"Is there anything special?"

"There's nothing else..." Dai Lian touched his chin as if thinking, but he already had a plan in mind for what he needed to report to the adults, and if he didn't, he didn't.

Seeing this, Bai E smiled and said, "Then I have something to do here. Let's see if any of you are free."

[The first guard team belonging to the territory itself has been established in your jurisdiction. You need to select a captain with sufficient experience and strength for the guard team to ensure that the guard team can perform its functions normally. You can select "indigenous" or "non-indigenous" to assume this responsibility. If the target accepts your invitation, the relationship between the target and you and the abilities it possesses will directly affect the functions of this escort team. on attributes. Please make your choice carefully:...]

This was the panel message he received on the way to perform a mission near Blackwater City. It probably appeared after the group of veterans officially registered with Kilder and took up their posts.

The selection of targets is actually limited. They are just a few players, as well as team members such as Gilder, Ratman, Rose and Pomelo, and aborigines with slightly closer relationships such as Murphy and Kiloland.

There's even a moon shadow...

Of course, whether she accepts it or not is another matter.

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