Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 319 Veterans Camp No. 2

By clicking on each name, Bai E can even see a preview option, which is the impact these people may have on the functions of the Guards after taking office.

Kuang Xin: Law +? ? ? , majesty+? ? ?

Gong Yan: Synergy+? ? ? , Law-? ? ? , Happiness+? ? ?

Gilder: Majesty-? ? ? ,

Killoran:? ? ?

Yueying:? ? ?

The specific details are not clear and the impact is quite vague. There is only a simple reference function.

In fact, even without these reference data, Bai E still had his own judgment in his mind.

The options of the indigenous people were not considered. Whether it was teammates in the military camp or people he knew such as Kilolan and Yueying, they were not suitable.

They all have their own identities and lives, and it is impossible for them to stay on the underworld all year round.

Gilder and Ratman have been on the underworld all year round, but one of them is the big steward who manages the affairs of the entire underworld, and the other is a devil believer who is inconvenient to show up.

Also inappropriate.

Only players can perform this function.

Special functional organizations require specific supervisors, whose abilities will have a large-scale impact on the entire organization.

Bai E found the feel of some management games and was quite interested in choosing a suitable goal for himself.

After explaining his needs clearly, Bai E looked at the players in front of him expectantly.

"I wonder which of you is interested?"

Become the face captain of the gang of veterans in the underworld?

Several players looked at each other. They longed for freedom and hesitated for a while. They had been a little irritated by having to patrol the underworld every day through tasks. Now they still need to be completely tied to the underworld through their duties.

Even if they have no intention of leaving the underworld and playing with adults for the time being, the heavy word "responsibility" undoubtedly makes people naturally want to escape.

No one said a word for a moment.

"I'll do it! Sir!"

Xu Ruoguang looked at Bai E eagerly and raised his hand.

He didn't know why, but he felt that he should naturally bear this kind of responsibility.

Bai E glanced at the preview effect after he took office——

Xu Ruoguang: Heresy-? ? ?


Okay, that's pretty good. It's better than nothing.

Bai E, a convoy composed purely of outsiders, was not at ease with him. Inserting one of his own "people" in there would be somewhat of an eyes and ears, so as not to turn him into a deaf and blind person.

Although the territory under his jurisdiction is still small, Bai E has gradually begun to feel the heavy pressure from the ancient emperors.

When the living conditions of the people under your rule can only be understood through other people's reports, the fog is enough to make people feel confused and uneasy.

[You invited "Xu Ruoguang" to be the captain of the guard team in your territory (black street). 】

[The target has accepted your invitation. 】

[Currently own:

Management Center - Gilder: Productivity +10%, Collaboration +5%, Foreign Trade Transactions +5%, Financial and Internal Affairs Stability Improvement;

Guard——Xu Ruoguang: (under development...). 】


I just took office and my personal characteristics have not yet started to take effect.

Bai E nodded and closed the panel consciously.

No matter what, just don't waste time there.

Bai E, who is used to playing various games, really hates those "red dots". He feels uncomfortable when he doesn't click on the red dots.

After making arrangements for the players, Bai E went straight to the underworld.

Gilder also needs to say hello. Players are right, and personal hygiene issues must also be taken seriously.

An insufficiently healthy body can also lead to disaster. No matter how trivial and inconspicuous it is on an individual, once it is placed on the management of a group, the consequences will be magnified countless times.

In this kind of conflict and feedback, both Kilder and Baie learned management experience.

After making arrangements, Bai E walked out of Kilde's door, his body stretched slightly in the sun, and his eyes glanced at the team of veterans patrolling the long street, his eyes a little lost.

No tiger was seen.

I wonder how he is doing among these veterans?

The veterans camp not only has the compound that he saw when he first came in, but also another compound.

Hu has never been there, and can only occasionally see some veterans bringing food, water, clothing and the like.

"Are they our brothers over there too?" Seizing another opportunity, Hu stopped a veteran who was delivering something and asked.

"Yes." The veteran, who had difficulty moving even though he had a prosthetic leg, smiled casually. He patted his right leg, which had shrunk to the point where the muscles were almost invisible, "Not everyone is qualified to have a prosthetic leg. , those who are still unwilling to accept the reality can only let them live together slowly."

"Oh~" Hu replied dully and didn't ask any more questions.

The veteran smiled and passed by the tiger.

After they were far away, at a corner that Tiger couldn't see, the veteran who initially led Tiger stopped the veteran who was being inquired about by Tiger and asked, "What was his reaction?"

"It response."

"No response?" The veteran who initially led the way frowned, feeling unconvinced.

The other party's ability to achieve the position of leader of the special team is definitely not due to the existence of only muscles in the brain. It's such an obvious hint that he can't miss it.

Yes, hint.

Hu has been in this veterans camp for a while. He should have been anxious when he saw that everyone had prosthetic limbs but he had never been given one.

In fact, he did ask twice, but the veteran leader who didn't see the slightest "comrade" in the tiger would not give the precious prosthetic limb to someone who was not on the same path as him and others.

Today, he just plans to show his cards right.

But right now, it seems that this card is... not clear enough?

Or is it that the other party is just pretending to be confused and living one day at a time?

But the other party could afford to wait, but he was not willing to wait.

If you are not firmly on their side, then go to the yard next door and rot with their eternal loyalty!

They really value the friendship of comrades-in-arms, but first... everyone must be true comrades-in-arms!

"Huh~" The veteran who led the way sighed softly, straightened his clothes and walked around the corner.


Hu turned around, his eyes somewhat clear, but there was still a simple and honest smile on his face, "Yes."

The other party walked over quickly, put his arm around Hu's shoulders, and said, "Let me tell you something."


Half an hour later...

The personal belongings in the room that had been arranged were moved away. Hu, limping with a cane, pushed open the door of another veteran camp amidst the sighs of the veteran who led the way.

"Think carefully here, we are not trying to harm you." The veteran who was led by Hu put something on Hu's body and smelled the strange smell coming from inside the open door. Even with his experience, The warriors who fought to the death felt a little uncomfortable and turned around quickly.

The voice came from afar, "Think about it for yourself. If you change your mind, you can contact me again."

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