Set off again.

The target of this mission is a base station on the west side of the city, roughly connected to the urban radiation range of Gray Iron City.

The same three special teams were dispatched together, and everything seemed to be no different from last time.

"...But be careful of those omni-machines that may exist nearby." Bai E sat in the car and made general battle arrangements to the other two teams through the short-distance radio within the team.

Although the Internet has been reactivated, the corresponding products have not been able to catch up immediately, and the team still uses vehicle-mounted short-distance radio communications.

There are also possible threats from the outside.

In this era, there is no absolutely safe wild environment. Orcs, bugs, humans, omnics, and even beasts, etc., are all hostile to each other, and anyone who encounters them will have to fight.

The current world situation is in a dynamic balance where no one can win.

Therefore, all neutral resources that exist in the wild will actually have a power body nearby that can affect them.

The base station that is the target of this operation is said to be at the intersection of the radiation ranges of Gray Iron City and Blackwater City, but this is only true for humans themselves.

The aliens didn't take this kind of radiation range that they couldn't control seriously.



The captains of the other two teams responded immediately.

The joint teams for each mission are randomly assigned. The teammates for this mission are not the same two as last time, but it does not affect Bai E and let Rose convince people with reason again.

You can travel all over the world with reason, but you can't move even without reason.

That's it.

Compared to the last time, it was a longer distance and took everyone more time.

It took everyone almost a whole day on the road, and it was already night time when we approached the destination.

Dark clouds are gathering and dark stars are hanging high.

Visibility is extremely low.

"We are still five kilometers away from the target. How about we get closer tomorrow? Have a night's rest first?" Rose, who was sitting in the passenger seat, put forward her own suggestion.

"Well..." Bai E looked at the darkness outside the window. Except for the areas illuminated by the beams of two car lights, the rest of the place was completely dark.

Getting close to the target in this environment is really not a good option.

As a base station that can assume the function of an Internet signal transfer center, it may be very attractive to those intelligent machines.

I didn't pay attention to it in the past. There was insufficient monitoring of this kind of place, and no one knew what this place had become.

Now that he has decided to restart, the risks involved in this base station are not small. This is also the core reason why the task of restarting the base station here was not actively assigned but accepted by him.

There are risks, so there are more military achievements.

Bai E is not afraid of challenges, but he is not a reckless man either.

After all, he is not familiar with the possible opponents - omnics.

The military camp provided relevant information before departure, but the information can only be used for reference and cannot be used as a combat manual for encountering the enemy on the spot.

"Turn off the engine and rest where you are. We will continue setting off at five o'clock tomorrow morning." Bai E gave the order in the team voice.



The two obedient teams responded instantly.

The night passed quickly.

In the early morning, the sun had just risen from the sky, and a group of people who were lying in the car for a short rest opened their eyes under the first ray of sunlight.

"Set off!"

The distance of five kilometers passed by in the blink of an eye, and the target's presence rose from the horizon.

Unlike the base station near the insect nest, the geological activities on this land are not frequent, and there are no human or biological interference factors. The base station still stands on the ground.

But the moment he could see the base station, Bai E stepped on the brakes with a frown.

"What's wrong, boss?"

"Sir, what happened?" the two cars following behind immediately asked in the team's voice message.

"Someone..." Bai Eyan answered concisely and concisely.

To be precise, it's not a human being, but... a machine.

The main body of the base station may be large or small, but at this moment, the periphery has been expanded quite a bit.

A seemingly thick metal wall surrounded the entire base station, and the oil-stained black steel wall showed a thick texture in the sunlight.

Small machine gun turrets were mounted on those steel walls, and the accompanying red scanning light moved in a fixed cycle along the muzzle, looking outward at all possible enemies.


They have already occupied this place and even operated it for a while!

Under the premise that the opponent's strength is unknown, attacking forcefully is tantamount to seeking death.

"Back off first."

The information about omnics that he had memorized before setting off suddenly came to mind, and Bai E gave instructions.

The omnic bodies that remain today come from that golden age hundreds of years ago, but during these hundreds of years, their size has barely expanded, and as time goes by, their numbers will only increase. few.

These omnics are also called the first generation of omnics. They are the group of omnics that rebelled with the electronic demons at the beginning of their birth. They are powerful and can be said to be a display of human strength in the golden age to a certain extent.

Except for those first-generation omnics left over from the Golden Age, the later generations of omnics that were subsequently created because of their ability to collect resources and maintain combat capabilities are not as powerful as their first-generation counterparts.

No matter how powerful the technology is, it requires a stable environment and nearly unlimited resources. Without the resource collection and manufacturing capabilities of humans in the golden age, the descendants of the first generation of omnics created by the first generation of omnics will have no problem in terms of intelligence or mechanical structure. In terms of intensity, the level has dropped significantly.

But no matter how low it goes, the way machines observe the world is undoubtedly through various light and temperature sensing scans, and their warning distance is farther than human eyes and ears.

Just from the encounter just now, the other party may have already known about it.

But the other party may not respond...

This is the significance of electronic demons to omnics. No matter how intelligent omnics are, they are ultimately just programs that can respond to different external stimuli. They will never have the subjective action ability called "desire."

Without the electronic demons, they would remain silent.

And if they have any only pursuit... it is the last order given to them by the electronic demon before falling silent - to maintain themselves and collect resources.

In order to maintain their daily consumption, these omnics will always be like a group of tireless worker ants, looking for available resources and bringing them back to their fortress.

They don't grow in size, but they don't shrink either, and if left undisturbed, they can stay the same for thousands of years.

Of course, if there is a lot of consumption due to encounters, they will also be more frantic to accumulate supplies to replenish their strength.

In short, this is a group of tin cans that generally won’t touch you if you don’t touch them.

It is somewhat similar to those green-skinned boys. They can be eliminated but cannot be eliminated. The more they are beaten, the weaker they become and other alien races will take advantage of them. Humans can only ignore these things as much as possible.

And now...

The head-on conflict is coming!

The three cars stopped and gathered together. Captains No. 5 and No. 6 looked at Bai E together and asked with somewhat worried expressions: "What should we do?"

They just accepted a mission, how could they encounter such a difficult natural disaster?

There is a completely different meaning between encountering an omnic resource-gathering team and a frontal attack on the fortress where they have been developing for a long time. Just three of them?

"Let's take a look at the situation." Bai E bit his fingertips and thought with his eyes. He made a decision after a moment, "Let's walk around the fortress first and take a look at the situation."

Humans need material supplies, and omnics cannot survive on air.

Except for those large first-generation omnics, not every omnic has a small nuclear reactor with nearly unlimited energy in its body.

They also need to replenish energy and even things like engine oil and replace damaged parts.

When Bai E met this legendary opponent for the first time, he could only rely on limited information and his own wisdom to judge the situation and make decisions.

Seeing the other two captains still looking sad, Bai E smiled and said, "You can't just turn around and run away, can you?"

If there is no large-scale first-generation omnic, it is not completely hopeless to conquer this fortress that has been occupied by omnics.

Even if it cannot be conquered, collecting information is a duty that these special teams must perform.

It's impossible to make a trip in vain.

After roughly judging the threat level of this threat point and reporting it, the military will then decide whether to send a large army to defeat it based on the effort required to overcome the difficulty and the subsequent benefits.

The prerequisite for these decisions is the information obtained by these flexible individual teams.

"Let's go." Bai E made the decision, "Let's act separately!"

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