"Why are you attacking me?" Bai E got straight to the point. He could only see the obvious ferocity towards him in the other person's eyes, but he still didn't understand why the other person he met for the first time had to put himself to death.

This was not clearly stated in the words he heard during his "death" when he was split in two by high-energy rays.

Bai Mao stared at Bai E quietly, his cold look a bit creepy, as if there was an invisible monster roaring inside this petite body, "In order to...eat you."

Before Bai E could ask any questions, Bai Mao took the lead and explained: "Gene extractor."

It is also one of Gray Iron City's transformation techniques, but almost no ordinary warriors can bear this surgery, so not many warriors know about it.

Only she... a person who was born with an "immortal constitution" could successfully undergo the transformation of this surgery and let her body finally become familiar with that evil and powerful special ability during the long period of rebirth and disintegration——


By devouring the target's organic tissue, you can acquire the opponent's abilities, even memory, knowledge, etc. The theoretical effect is extremely incredible, but the actual effect is always lacking. Everything extracted is almost a incomplete version, but the absorbed Having more things will also bring about subtle improvements.

"As far as I know, I am the only one in the entire city who has successfully completed this surgical transformation and survived." Bai Mao stared at Bai E quietly, "So I am of extremely high value to them, and they will do it at all costs." Track and find my body.”

Bai E narrowed his eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

"No." Bai Mao shook his head sincerely, "I hope you can pay attention to this and provide technical support to help me remove the tracker from my body. I can't accomplish this myself... and I can't count on them. "

Bai Mao, who was speaking, glanced at the two survivors on one side. They didn't understand Bai Mao, but Bai Mao, who had memory, understood them.

The position of these people is quite chaotic. The surgical transformation has caused their thinking to be disordered. They will do unexpected things at any time due to impulse, and it is possible to do anything.


"But you just attacked me." Bai E stared closely at the other person's eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul and they can also speak.

"The doctor has carved a steel mark on me. I can't resist."

"what about now?"

"Multiple deaths and rebirths in a short period of time seem to dilute the impression of the steel seal on me. This is the only explanation. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to sit here and talk to you calmly now."

"How do you want me to believe a murderer who just attacked me? As long as we are still comrades..."

Bai Mao smiled, like a cloud floating in the sky.

She stood up slowly and gently in a way that was least likely to arouse suspicion, and bowed solemnly to Bai'e, "As atonement, I will disappear completely after completing my responsibilities. All sins in the past are related to this body. It has nothing to do with the next owner, I just hope to give the next successor a complete freedom."

"What if I must kill them all?"

"Although I don't believe that you will be that kind of cruel person, if you can really do it, I think eternal peace is what every passerby of this body would like to see."

Bai Mao's eyes were calm, and she was telling these facts quietly like the most rational wise person, making people trust her.

"..." Bai E didn't say anything anymore.

Bai Mao's meaning was obvious. She wanted to follow him and let him help her completely get rid of the control from Gray Iron City.

You may gain a subordinate with unlimited potential, but it is also a ticking time bomb.

Gray Iron City values ​​her extremely, and they will definitely follow her like crazy.

If you can hide it well, that's fine. If you can't hide it well but expose it...

When it comes to the confrontation between the two cities, there are too many variables.

Based on his current status, it is impossible to judge what attitude Blackwater City will adopt towards its neighbors.

And if you don't want to accept her, it's probably okay to just pat your butt and leave... provided that the big shots in Gray Iron City don't mind everything that has happened since Bai Mao attacked him.

Probably...you won't mind, right?

As long as I didn't take away the white hair that they valued so much...

"What should I do?" Bai E murmured softly, as if seeking advice.

Only Rose, who was very close, heard his voice. She turned her head and stared at Bai E's side face with a pair of bright eyes, "You know what kind of person you are, right?"

What kind of person am I...

Bai E sneered and sighed.

Looking at the Bai Mao in front of him who stared at him sincerely with a pair of eyes, Bai E asked: "Will your next person remember all this?"

"Intermittently, vaguely, anything is possible."

“How do you ensure that your next generation can be truly free?”

"Psychic power..." Bai Mao insisted, "This is the only power I can freely control. I will use part of my psychic power to eternally seal the now vague steel seal. I am not sure whether this attempt will be effective, but this is The only effort I could make.”


A wonderful world where everything is possible.

Everyone is taking risks.

Bai E nodded and finally asked: "I can help you bring a few words to your... heir."

"..." This sentence seemed to stump Bai Mao. She seemed to have never considered this.

After thinking for a long time, she looked at Bai E and said every word seriously.

Time and space intersect, as if standing opposite her is the same body controlled by another strange soul——

So her eyes were soft and gentle as water.

“Milk is delicious, chicken, duck, and fish are also delicious, and synthetic food is also delicious at first, but it will become a bit greasy after a long time.

Exercise more, get enough rest, and remember to brush your teeth. Don't trust others easily, and don't give up trusting. You will be happy if you have someone you can completely trust.

Read more books and think more. No matter what you are studying or thinking about, just ask yourself what is the truth.

Never let what you want to believe, what others want to believe, or what is beneficial to the majority of people influence you, but simply examine what is the truth.

Finally, and most importantly, remember this - love is wise, hate is foolish. "

Bai Mao pursed his lips, looked at the shadow of his other self, and finally said goodbye: "Goodbye..."

In the slight silence, Bai E said softly: "What if I suddenly change my mind? You can continue to live..."

Bai Mao blinked and smiled, a bit illusory and miserable, "I still remember the steel seal... I must disappear completely. Only a completely clean rebirth can bring true freedom."

"May I have your name?"

"I don't have a name..." Bai Mao's eyes were confused, "They always call me number one, or captain. But... Phil Ed, you can call me Phil Ed, this is the name I gave myself."

Also called..."freedom".

"Please... don't let the next owner of this body die again. It really hurts."

"...I agreed."

"Ha~" Bai Mao laughed cheerfully, and then collapsed.

When the persistence that supports her actions disappears, psychic energy can no longer support the "life" of this soul.

"Hiss, hiss...it hurts, it hurts~" Bai Mao, who had fallen down not long ago, woke up again every few minutes, pressing his head with one hand and grinning.

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