
After closing the trunk of the car, Bai E ordered Ling: "Call them over."

The matter here was settled. The three guys from Gray Iron City were also stuffed into sacks and thrown into the trunk as supplies. They could call over the teammates of the other two teams who had won the whole game.

Bai E, the "captive" of Gray Iron City, doesn't want to hand it over for the time being. Bai Mao's existence is too special, and the decision of the city's top officials is too chaotic and unknown. Bai E plans to swallow it privately.

The two dead bodies and the "captured" car were taken as proof of this battle...the photos had already been taken anyway.

The two teams called through the regional radio were illuminated by the headlights of the omnic fortress that had not been completely damaged. They saw clearly the wreckage of the battle on the ground. Their incredible eyes looked at the intact Bai E and the other five people, and finally silently Swallowed.

The traces of the battle are still fresh, and they are all experienced veterans. Through the scene, they can roughly infer the existence of both warring parties, which are all basic abilities.

So I was even more frightened.

["Lucky Blow" charge +10. 】

"Guigui, you guys shot this down?" Even though he had already confirmed it, Captain No. 5 still asked blankly.

"There are also a few friends from Gray Iron City who helped." Bai E said the facts with his eyes wide open.

"Oh~" Captain No. 6 nodded and asked, "Where are they?"

"What about that?" Bai E pointed at the two corpses on the ground to greet them.


A word "eight" or a starry sky are both more tragic.

The shape doesn't look artificial, which proves the horror of this battle.

So how did a team of five people in the team manage to survive to the end without losing a single person?

How strong is this team?


The two team captains looked at each other and were once again glad that they were not too unruly when they first met.

They all listened to the "persuasion"...

"So do we need to clean up the battlefield?" Captain No. 5 rolled up his sleeves, always feeling that he and others had to do something to show that they were not so useless.

"Has the base station been restarted?" The technician following the two teams also came up and asked.

"No need." Bai E looked at them with a smile, "I just want you to come over and have a look. Let's prepare to retreat."


Bai E looked at the black sky that was gradually covering up, as if it was about to rain heavily, and then looked at the direction of the omnic transport team in the distance.

"If nothing else goes wrong, the omnic army will be here soon. Do any of you want to station here?"



"Large army?"

After glancing around at the tragic wreckage on the ground, the members of both teams trembled, "It seems our mission does not include this."

"That's enough." Bai E clapped his hands briskly and pointed to the corner not far away.

Rows of logic cubes were piled in the corner. After the war, Bai E asked two survivors of Gray Iron City to pull them over from the place where they had stored supplies. "Please move those to the car and load them up. That's what we The important materials captured will be a military achievement when we return home."

"You guys?" Captain No. 6 asked with luck on his face.

Bai E smiled slightly, "We."

["Lucky Blow" charge +3. 】

"Dele!" The two team captains suddenly beamed and called the team members to go to work, "Hurry up, hurry up, we have to go home after moving the things!"

"Boom!" A thunder exploded out of thin air, landing in the open space behind the three off-road vehicles.

The weather in this era is far more violent than in the golden age. The sky may have been clear just a moment ago, but it may be covered with dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

The thunder dragon surging in the dark clouds actually glowed with a purple flash under the influence of unknown ingredients.

The bad weather reminded Bai E of the day he was just "born".

Speaking of which, since I "awoke", I have encountered such bad weather very few times.

Thick dark clouds pressed heavily on the earth, forcing people to breathe.

Not long after, the rain curtain caught up from behind, hitting the iron shell outside the car like pebbles.

"It's acid rain!" A teammate's voice sounded on the radio, and the originally open car window closed instantly.

Heavy rain covers the world...

This makes the car seem quieter.

A soft-haired head popped out of the trunk of the car and rested on the back of the rear seat. "Huh! It's killing me."

Next to her, the other two "captives" of Gray Iron City who were wrapped in bags also got out of the bags on their own.

Bai E, who was sitting in the back row, glanced at the white-haired head sitting next to him, and said without any wavering in his tone: "Didn't I tell you not to come out until you reach the destination?"

"But it's really boring~" Bai Mao's tone was soft and waxy, and his smart eyes rolled around, "So where are we going?"

"Military camp..." Bai E said nothing, so Rose took over.

"Where is the military camp?"

"The military camp is where we live?"

"Where do you live?"

"It's a military camp..."


"Rose." Bai E suddenly spoke, interrupting the conversation between Rose and Bai Mao.

Let her chat for a while and they could chat for a whole day. Bai E had already realized this during the brief exchange of awakenings just now.

"Nova, have you forgotten what your sister told you?"

Nova is the name given to herself by the new owner of Bai Mao's body. The new owner of this body seems to be quite independent.

As for Phil Ed, who left some memories and inheritance for her, including those words, she regarded him as a sister.

"I remember..." Nova put her hands on the back of the chair and used her right hand to tap the tips of her left fingers one by one. "Be vigilant and don't trust others easily. You should observe more, think more, express less and be less impulsive. …”


"So are you bad people?" Nova leaned close to Bai E's profile, blinking her eyes.


Unable to answer.

Bai E sighed and had no choice but to compromise, "At least don't talk so much, it's very noisy..."

So Nova instantly narrowed her eyes, curved like a waning moon, "I know, Damax."

Seeing how well-behaved and sweet their captain was now, and then thinking about how moody the captain had been in front of them in the past, the remaining two people in Gray Iron City, who felt that their lives were somewhat ruined, looked at each other and couldn't help but shudder.

So weird...

Fortunately, the character I picked up this time was pretty good, and it didn’t seem to be affected by the steel seal at all. Phil Ed’s attempt was really successful...

The girl with clear eyes appeared in front of Bai E again, and left with a soft smile.


The thin, white-haired girl looked down at her translucent palms in confusion. Her whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds, light and unforced. In the distance, a giant white ball of light emitting cold light stood steadily in the sky.

what is that?

"The sun?"

"Here, where is it?"

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