"It is raining again……"

The lame veteran held on to the door frame and looked at the heavy rain falling outside the window, his tone a little sad.

Moisture can breed bacteria and give the room a musty smell.

Along with the body's trauma, decay and the stench of uncleanness, the air smelled like it was smoky to the eyes.

However, the heavy rain falling from the sky mixed with a cool breeze washed the earth and also blew away some of the turbid air that seemed to have color.

Let people take a few more breaths.

Tiger hopped on one foot and came to the door, breathing in the fresh air from the outside world.

This room is always stuffy. Even if I stand next to the door, I can't smell any fresh breath...the air is not very circulated.

Let's all rot in this room together.

Although food and drink are not missing from them, these veterans with limited mobility are always unable to move freely and can only stay in this large yard.

The open-air courtyard in the center of the compound is the largest area for everyone's activities.

Looking at the rain falling from the sky, Tiger's eyes were slightly lost in thought——

Is the future... going to be like this?

A heartbreaking pain suddenly spread from the broken leg to the brain along the nerves.

The pain spread throughout the body and was clearly felt by every cell.

"..." Hu frowned and endured the sudden pain, and pinched the door with the fingers of his remaining right hand until he turned white with force.

The strange thing attracted the attention of the veterans around him.

After the heart-wrenching pain from the tiger passed, the veteran patted the tiger on the shoulder and said, "What? It hurts again?"

"Hmm~" Tiger responded softly, his lips turned white and peeled due to dryness, making him look miserable.

Patting his shoulder again, the veteran sighed, "It's normal, it's all caused by pain."

The military's medical department treats the injuries of these veterans who are about to be abandoned very simply. Being able to save their lives is already the greatest gift, so don't expect the treatment of injuries to be so perfect.

Without perfect conditioning and care, even if the broken limb has healed long ago, you will always suffer from hidden injuries in the future.

Every veteran comes here like this.

Tigers are no exception.

"I think most of you... don't seem to be like this?" Feeling the heart-wrenching pain gradually dissipating, Hucai stared curiously and asked.

Will you become accustomed to the pain and become numb?


But Hu thinks not.

This pain comes from the body, it happens occasionally, and it is difficult to get used to it.

He didn't know how others felt, but he felt that even if it were ten years later, he would still feel unbearable pain during an attack.

Soldiers are not afraid of pain, but they have a higher responsibility than painful torture.

What was then...what is now?

Not to mention the pain, Hu glanced behind him - facing the extremely turbid and even nauseating air in the room, the other people behind him were able to remain calm.

It seemed unbelievable to him that he would not come out to take a breath at this rare opportunity.

"We..." The veteran who spoke jumped on one foot and found a more comfortable position to lean against the door. He smiled with his irregular tawny front teeth, "We're used to it."

"But..." The veteran hesitated for a moment, glanced at the tiger's relatively clean body, and said hesitantly: "If you really feel the pain is unbearable, you can also... pray."


"Yes... pray." The veteran looked out the window with misty eyes, "Pray, there will be an answer."

“Pray to whom?”

"have no idea……"

"have no idea?"

"I don't know." The veteran nodded, "The benevolent God of Life will treat every living being in pain equally."


On the fence of the courtyard, a yellow-brown shadow flashed away, and only a large package was thrown over with a strong force.

It just passed by the tiger's head and hit the ground inside the house hard.

The veteran who had been guarding the door suddenly smiled even more happily, as if he had been waiting for this scene to happen, "This is a gift..."

He jumped on one leg and jumped towards the big package behind him. At the same time, other veterans who were resting around the room also climbed over.

His limbs were weak, but the scene looked somewhat sensational.

Tiger shook his body unconsciously. Even the heart-wrenching pain just now did not make him feel any chill, but now there was an astonishing chill running down his tailbone to the top of his head.

"Who is that?"

Even so, Tiger still had the courage to move over slowly and asked the veteran who spoke to him.

"have no idea……"

Responding casually to Tiger's question, the veteran who spoke to him opened the package made of waterproof oil leather.

The things inside were scattered, including some supplies that were not exquisite but practical enough - water, food, and bedding.

None were particularly clean, but enough to provide warmth.

Especially on this cold rainy night.

The daily supplies provided by managers can ensure their basic survival needs, but no one doesn't like more supplies... and the "goodwill" that comes with them.

"Who is that?" Tiger asked again.

"I don't know." The veteran who talked to him replied again: "I don't care. We just need to know that there are still people who care about us trash, that's enough."

"Why did he do this?" Tiger asked subconsciously.

Not only ask others, but also ask yourself.

"Why?" The veteran who was talking to him about distributing supplies paused and suddenly smiled, "I also want to know why..."

What's worse than being abandoned is not being needed anymore.

If there were "people" who really needed useless people like them...that would be great.

"Open the door!" Xu Ruoguang, who was wearing a raincoat, put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and ordered with a cold face while standing in front of a rotten black wooden door.

The accompanying veteran with prosthetic limbs looked embarrassed and tried to negotiate, "Captain... we don't need to check here, right?"

Xu Ruoguang turned his head and looked at him coldly, his eyes sharp, "Do you think the regulations formulated by the adults are just a piece of paper?"

"But this is the address of our compatriots..." The veteran's face looked a little ugly, but he did not dare to retort forcefully.

Xu Ruoguang is the airborne captain appointed by the adults to manage them. Of course, it is difficult for such a large escort team in the underworld to have a confidant, which they all understand.

However, in the past few days of overt and covert fighting, they unexpectedly discovered that the airborne captain had some tricks up his sleeve.

Looks immature, but quite capable.

His execution ability is in place and his decision-making is decisive, so he has some prestige among them.

But at this moment...it was found on his own family.

"Captain... we are just afraid of staining your eyes." Another veteran came up from the side, "The smell inside is very strong, and we are generally not willing to go in."

Xu Ruoguang said with a straight face, "When working for adults, any difficulty is not a difficulty. Do you still want the chaos of that day to happen again? Open the door!"


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