
Accompanied by a harsh sound, the thick and dilapidated black wooden door slowly opened, and the pungent rotten and musty smell rushed out.

Xu Ruoguang frowned lightly, bypassed the veteran who stepped aside automatically after opening the door, and took the lead to step inside.

The veterans behind him looked at each other before helplessly following them in together.

They have nothing to fear, but they are also veterans. They and others have prosthetic limbs and can move freely, but these veterans are all crowded here waiting to "rot".

This rare difference can easily make people think of something, especially the captain who leads the team is also a close confidant of the manager of this gathering place. They are unwilling to cause anything bad to happen to the manager before their true intentions are exposed. impression.

As for the No. 2 Veterans Camp itself, they feel that there is nothing they cannot reveal to the light...


Xu Ruoguang, who stepped into it, slightly unsheathed his long sword, turned his head and glanced at the few veterans following him with his peripheral vision, and said in a cold tone, "Is this what you call absolute safety?"

I don't know why, even if it's just a game, Xu Ruoguang has zero tolerance for any heresy other than humans in this game world.

Any human beings who are contaminated with heresy need to be completely eliminated. This is the only way out for human beings.

Cutting off carrion is the only way to ensure the health of the entire body, even if it damages the muscles and bones.

Mysophobia? Or is the sense of substitution too strong?

Xu Ruoguang didn't know, he only knew that he was extremely sensitive to the existence of heresy.

In the past few days, he has led the Black Street Guards, composed of veterans, to clear out many underworld residents who are still involved with demons.

These ordinary humans who have witnessed the existence of demons with their own eyes...or even come into contact with them twice have a very high rate of corruption.

In every moment they were distracted, in every night they slept, those corrupting whispers were invisibly eroding their will.

Not every ordinary person has a firm enough mind.

And right now, those high-dimensional demons are once again showing their fangs to corrode humans.

The stench of rotting corpses rushes straight into the nose. With the blessing of some immortal authority, humans have become "eternal" monsters!



Uncontrollable moans sounded from those rotten throats, the gray eyeballs bulged out strangely, and the face melted like a candle, but still barely maintained a humanoid appearance.

The sound of the door opening startled these unconscious figures, so they all turned stiffly and looked over...

"Crack!" Several veterans following Xu Ruoguang took out their pistols or rifles when they saw their former compatriots turning into that appearance, and subconsciously turned on the safety.

Bullets loaded.

Except for Xu Ruoguang, the vice-captains who were among the veterans stepped forward cautiously, frowned and asked: "Old Lin, what's wrong with you?"

The original appearance was vaguely visible on those corrupt faces, and the vice-captain, who was quite familiar with every one of his compatriots, tried to communicate aloud.

However, in response, there was only the smelly saliva that was about to drip from the corner of his mouth, and the grunting sound in his throat like a vicious dog.

"Haven't you noticed yet? Your companions have completely joined the devil's camp!"

Xu Ruoguang unsheathed his long sword, and the snow light flashed across the wall.

The target has been confirmed, and the humans who fall under the command of the eternal demon will become this kind of rotting corpse that is neither human nor ghost.

Not every eternal demon can mercifully grant equal blessings to every believer, but more often just bless them with some kind of "life" authority.

Those without fear of illness will not lose their lives due to infection by bacteria and viruses, but their bodies and even minds will be corroded by the power from higher dimensions into a state that is unacceptable to humans.

Facing this kind of opponent, the only option is... kill!

Xu Ruoguang's body flashed and bullet time was activated.

The long sword passed across the throat, but it did not bring about the withering of life.

While turning into rotten corpses, these bodies also lost their vitality as normal humans.

Their lives have been completely "digitized". Only by clearing their health points with enough damage can these inhuman and ghost creatures be completely purified.

"What are you waiting for?" As the sword light fell like snow, Xu Ruoguang's cold voice also sounded.

Urging the veterans who were following him to take action.

Although they left their compatriots here, these veterans just wanted to use the worldly difficulties to make their brothers fully understand the real world and join their great cause.

They never really wanted to abandon these brothers who came out of the same predicament...On the contrary, they respected these brothers who had self-persistence even more.

People who become more determined in their beliefs will also be resilient after changing positions.

But no matter how much they wanted to find out why their compatriots in the past became what they are now, they had to pull the trigger under Xu Ruoguang's order.

The facts are before our eyes, the brother who has been corrupted into the devil's minions has no way to look back...



The simple firearm handmade by the black street made a single shot, and the bodies of several rotten corpses were beaten to pieces under the random gunfire.

However, the sound of gunfire undoubtedly attracted the attention of the rotting corpses deeper in the veteran camp, so more twisted figures rushed over quickly with their seemingly mutilated bodies.

The small-scale movement changes of these rotting corpses are not agile enough, but their straight-line speed is quite amazing.

The number of people is far greater than this patrol team. When they rush over one after another, the pressure is astonishing. Moreover, their rotting claws are full of deadly germs. If they are scratched casually, they may need to be recuperated and treated for more than half a month. Armed with a gun The veteran retreated subconsciously.

Move the battlefield to the wider street outside the door.

Fortunately, it was evening, and the curfew order on weekdays meant that there was no one on the rainy streets.



The sound of gunshots spread far away in this calm night with only the patter of rain falling. The residents hiding in their homes were awakened from their sleep, their eyes were slightly in a trance, and they murmured to themselves, "We are purging dissidents again..."

It's like this every day...It's like this every day...

Who knows whether they are killing heretics or just compatriots who are simply displeased?

When will days like this end?


"Stop talking, the guards all obey the adults..." The wife tugged at the corner of the man's clothes, but was violently thrown away by the man.

"Don't touch me! I've been seeing you and the guy leading the guard flirting with each other for a long time. Don't speak for them!"

"I..." Cold tears fell from her face, and the woman huddled in the corner, hugging her knees, just shedding tears.

The rain washed away everything.

Including the ichor that oozes from rotting corpses.

In the roadside ravines covered with grease and moss, the light yellow pus flowed to the lower ground under the wash of rain. As a corpse charged forward desperately, it was swept away by a stream of water. Pang Ran suddenly pulled back and hit the door panel. At some point, a thin figure wearing a linen raincoat blocked the center of the battle between the veteran and the corpse.


Xu Ruoguang flicked the edge of his sword from the diagonal striding posture, wiped the rainwater on his face, and looked at the figure standing in the middle with cold eyes, "What do you want to do?"

"They..." the rat man's voice trembled slightly, because he was facing things that he was not good at dealing with, and he seemed unconfident. "They are harmless."

They just live in a corner. As long as they are not disturbed by sudden disturbances, they will not mutate into rotting corpses at all, let alone take the initiative to attack other humans.

They are also the people favored by the merciful Heavenly Father. The Rat People know the lives of these ordinary believers who may have a more humble status.

Respect for the Heavenly Father does not require calling His name directly, offering sacrifices, or even knowing His existence at all. The benevolent Heavenly Father will treat every poor person who wants to escape suffering but has no means. Giving blessings, this is what is called a "believer".

And only the "chosen ones" who are more "favored" are the ones like him who have special "random blessings" and can maintain their own form with consciousness.

We all have the same origin.

This is also the core reason why after he settled in the underworld, he took the initiative to help these disabled veterans because of the attraction of the "similar" atmosphere.

But now, do even these "harmless" ordinary people have to be brutally exposed to the sun?

"Harmless?" Xu Ruoguang sneered coldly, pointing his sword at the earthy yellow solution mixed with rainwater flowing in the sewer, "Look at those stinky puss! How many people have been sick from it during this period, as a housekeeper, you As a personal guard, there shouldn’t be any chance that he won’t have access to these core data, right?”

After the adults issued decrees requiring the construction of bathhouses, drinking hot water and other measures, the disease rate in the black street increased instead of falling. This abnormal change aroused Xu Ruoguang's vigilance, which was also the core reason for his spot check tonight.

Perhaps these rotting corpses have no intention of actively harming others, but their existence itself is a threat to humans!

This is heresy! Their very existence is blasphemy!

"Get out of the way!" Xu Ruoguang swung his sword, shaking off the rotten flesh and blood attached to the sword, and then pointed the sword at the rat man, "You are a trusted confidant of my lord, I won't do anything to you today! But when my lord comes back, I will eventually seek an explanation from you! But now... don't hinder me from carrying out my official duties!"

"They are innocent!" The Rat Man's words were stupid and he didn't know how to defend himself.

He simply didn't expect that his "identity" was not valued at all by the other party. He just stretched out his arms with a blank mind, covering the carrion behind him like a chicken, and slowly retreated.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded behind him.

Tiger held a cane in one hand and limped out quickly from the innermost part of the yard.

The gunshot came from his right hand.

"Are there any survivors?" Seeing that there were still normal people walking out of the corpse cave, Xu Ruoguang's eyes narrowed and he gestured to the veteran guards behind him, "Get ready to protect!"

Suppress all heretics and protect all human beings.

This is what he believes in.

"Look at yourselves!" Tiger's eyes widened in anger, looking at these companions who were just chatting with him.

Right in front of his eyes, these companions, stimulated by the gunfire, quickly transformed from their original normal human forms into the current corrupt appearance.

Are the changes temporary, or have they already begun?

Tiger doesn't know.

He only knew that this blasphemous existence was the enemy of all mankind.

"Look at what you look like now!" Tiger's eyes swept over the former companions who turned their attention to him because of the sound of gunfire.

The pair of gray-white protruding eyeballs on the dilapidated face looked disgusting.

"Our duty is to protect this world for mankind!"

Even though these chaotic heretics are not the regular opponents of their ordinary soldiers, they are still enemies of mankind!

"You are becoming the enemy of mankind! Who allows you to desecrate your inherent responsibilities like this!" Tiger stood in the rain, not knowing whether it was rain or tears mixed together, falling down from his face.

Facing the strangers so close at hand, the rotting corpses had no desire to attack.

Those gray-white eyeballs blinked slightly, and a rich ink color slowly emerged from the middle.

It's like my own mind is trying to control the body.

"I know that we may never be able to go to the battlefield to kill enemies for mankind, but this is by no means the reason for our depravity!" Hu's words were fierce. Everything he heard and saw in recent days made him feel sad and angry. .

"We no longer have the ability to kill enemies for humanity, but no matter what, we cannot go against humanity. If necessary, I can shed every drop of blood for the city."

During the days after leaving the military camp, even if life was a little worse, the past of fighting for humanity always flashed in my memory like sparkling gold.

That is the most proud career in this life.

"Just a little physical suffering has made you lose your pride as a human warrior. Do you still remember the blood and sweat you have shed in your struggle?"

"Crack!" The bullets of the self-defense pistol were loaded again. Tiger held the crutch under his arm, raised the pistol levelly, and pointed it at his former companion, "Do we have to confront each other with swords and guns?"

"No..." The rotten throat struggled.

The bodies of the rotting corpses began to visibly tremble.

"No! No way!"

"we are brothers."

"We...have never been enemies."

The rotten veterans shed tears of blood, and their corrupt faces showed a deep apology unique to human beings.


"Sorry brother."

The carrion knelt down, begging for death.

"Kill us."

"Kill!" Xu Ruoguang ordered coldly.

Hu frowned tightly.

He just didn't want to see his brothers become like this, but he didn't want to see them die either.

Those veterans were also thinking about the natural feeling of comradeship and were reluctant to take action.

Seeing Xu Ruoguang frowning, he snatched the rifle from one of the veterans and kicked his stiff body away.




There were gunshots, and then a short, clear voice was heard in the distance through the rain curtain.

"Don't kill them!"

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