Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 355 Bai E? grown ups?

That face was extremely familiar to me. During the armored battalion psychic stress resistance training that was conducted every other day in the military camp, there was this soldier who initially impressed me deeply.

A strong performance at the beginning, but a mediocre performance in training...

Although she has no longer deliberately paid attention to this target fighter in recent days of training, she is well aware of the basic training situation of each fighter.

This soldier's training performance can only be regarded as average among the soldiers of the armored battalion, and his progress is slow. His performance is far from the brilliance he had when facing high-dimensional demons.

Maybe... he is a practical player?

Or maybe that devil is actually a parallel import.

It’s unknown, but there’s no need to pay too much attention.

But at this moment, she never expected that the first person she saw fighting against the demon at the center of the vortex... would be this humble warrior.

"That's not right!" Franka's eyes narrowed slightly, and a question naturally arose in her mind.

Why would he appear in this place at this time.

Even earlier than myself who is extremely sensitive to the devil's aura!

Was he originally here?

Franka's eyes wandered, and she easily saw several "sons of the devil" who were working hard to move out the remaining scattered ordinary people who were sluggish due to the leakage of the devil's aura.

Are they here too?

These "sons of the devil" are the subordinates of that mysterious master...

The relationship between them...

Looking at the figure who used an iron rod to resist four vampires at the same time with a relatively thin body, Franka's eyes widened, and a terrible suspicion came to her mind -

Perhaps this warrior who has let him down many times is the mysterious underworld manager himself? !

Bow and arrow! Bow and arrow!

The style of the army's standard compound bow hanging on the opponent's waist caught his eye.

yes! When the other party first rescued the Rat Man, the only clue left behind was the standard arrows in the army. At that time, he and the strong man investigated for a period of time, but later they dropped the matter because the clues were cut off.

According to Murphy and Kilolan, the two top psychic talents who were rescued by this warrior named Baie, he also used bows and arrows to save everyone from the original demon with fear at its core.

All are bows and arrows! Why haven't I linked them together?

Maybe it's because of...the strength shown?

The mysterious underworld manager appeared several times, and the strength he displayed was elusive and unpredictable.

As for the soldier named Bai E in the military camp, in addition to the vague achievements he could hear from Kilolan and Murphy, all he showed in front of him was the image of being in a state of embarrassment during psychic stress resistance training. It is really difficult for people to combine him into the same person.

But at this moment...when coincidences are added up one by one, the facts become obvious.

"Come here and help!" Bai E glanced at Franka who suddenly barged in and didn't pay any attention to her.

It was only a matter of time before his identity was revealed, and through several contacts with his own overt and covert identities, he had a bit of a grasp on the character of this young lady from an arbitration firm who was obviously of extraordinary origin.

The other party would not be so big-mouthed and reveal everything about himself. He would reveal his identity bit by bit with controllable risks to see what attitude the city's high-level officials might have towards him. In fact, it was Bai E who had not yet begun to officially Implementation ideas.

Starting with today's chance encounter, there doesn't seem to be much of a problem.

Bai E glanced at the opponent lightly and looked away. He ordered several players as a matter of course: "Hurry up and come to help."

Since Nova can single-handedly stop all the wandering ordinary people who are attracted by the devil's aura, these devil soldiers can continue to be dealt with by the players.

Not only to gain attributes through the players' efforts to fight, but also to save their own psychic energy.

If I want to shoot them with one arrow, I have to use my full strength.

The output under full power cannot be recovered in a short time with one's own quick recovery. Saving more psychic energy at this time may be the last straw to deal with the big BOSS later.

After being reminded of the mission, Bai E's mentality, which had not taken it too seriously at first, began to become more rigorous.

"Yes! Sir!" Kuang Xin took the lead and replied.

Judging from the size of those big demons, they must be powerful opponents.

Having been gutted just now, his fighting spirit surged up again. Games... they should be so exciting!


"My lord..." Franka murmured softly, sighing secretly in her heart.

The goal of this title couldn't be more standard, except for the always mysterious manager of the Black Street, no one else would think twice.

Even when he saw himself, the other party didn't make the slightest attempt to disguise himself, especially the way the other party looked at him... the understatement was full of the confidence of a king.

His subconscious suspicion when he saw this soldier for the first time in the military camp was indeed correct. It was a reminder from his spiritual energy - he really had another face! He should look so confident and calm!

And allowing himself to prove his suspicion... Is this a showdown by the other party?

Revealing one's identity, in a sense, means goodwill?

When the two overlapped, the white-haired woman guarding the door outside couldn't help but jump into Franka's heart again.

Will they be a team?

Is it a coincidence or an order?

When something was unclear, Franka asked directly.

The first stage of psychic power was activated. Franka unsheathed her long sword and stepped on her long boots. In a few flashes, she came to Bai E's side. The noble's ceremonial sword faced off against the vampire's big sword. After Bai E fended off an attack, she and Bai E leaned back to back.

The eldest lady turned her face sideways with sharp eyes, "Should I call you Bai E, or should I call you Sir?"

"Perhaps we can call you Lord Bai E?" Bai E pursed his lips, with a smile on his lips, and even had the intention to make a joke, "Things are a bit tricky."

As he spoke, Bai E glanced at the blood pool behind several vampire ghosts. As time passed, he didn't know if it was an illusion. Bai E felt that the scope of the blood pool seemed to be expanding, but if he zoomed in on the abandoned factory building in the material world, As a reference in itself, the size of the blood pool seems to have remained unchanged.

This is the weirdness and unpredictability of things in high-dimensional space, which cannot be measured with common sense.

Franka's black and white eyes also swept across the blood pool. She had read a lot in books, but this was the first time she had actually encountered such a level of high-dimensional space invasion.

Processing experience...none at the moment.

At this time, the knowledge from the book was gradually awakening, and she still remembered what she was extremely curious about, "Do you know the white-haired girl outside the door?"

"Yes." Bai E responded briefly, and at the same time smashed open the two swords that were chopped down at the same time. The sound of the clash of gold and iron made Franka's eardrums itch.

Franca picked her ears with her little finger and asked curiously, "Your teacher?"

Although it is a bit strange, the girl does not look very old, but a master is a teacher... That level of spiritual power is difficult to find in the entire city. Comparing it with Bai E's own spiritual power level, this The difference is obvious.

In the eyes of those who have been exposed to psychic energy for many years, the way they observe the world itself is based on the perspective of psychic energy.

Even if they are alert in their hearts, the theory of psychic supremacy still determines most of their opinions when dealing with things.

Bai E looked a little strange and muttered, "Teacher?"

"Isn't it?" If not all teachers, at least they should be psychic teachers.

Now that Bai E is equated with that mysterious man, his past views must be changed.

Unless a strong human being who has reached a certain height has completely relied on machinery to transform his body, he will inevitably need to come into contact with spiritual energy to take himself further.

Bai E has the kind of combat power shown by the mysterious master, so he must have a spiritual companion.

The mediocrity shown in the psychic stress resistance training before has been explained - he has psychic powers, but the low-level psychic powers cannot provide much help in resisting stress. On the contrary, he is more sensitive because of his sensitivity. Ordinary people are even more affected.

And Bai E's identity as an artificial human will not be faked. An artificial person cannot have psychic talents. If there is no one to guide him, he will never be able to step into the door of psychic powers in his life.

So... it was after he accidentally met the white-haired girl when he was out and got some guidance, that he quickly transformed from a newly born android into the absolute leader he is today.

It seems quite reasonable?

Based on the clues she had observed on hand, Franka directly imagined the entire process of Bai E's rise.

"Right..." Bai E didn't make any excuses. Nova's origin is really hard to explain. Since the eldest lady has her own speculations, it's better to just obey her.

The white-haired girl wearing a hood happily trotted in from the outside and shouted to Bai E from afar as if she was taking credit: "I knocked them all unconscious. Can you stop being angry with me?"

She was particularly concerned about the look in Dabai's eyes just now. This was the only reason why she was working so hard at this time.

The girl who spoke spoke with a slightly trembling tone, and the corners of her eyes trembled slightly, filled with fear and uneasiness.


Franka's body trembled, and her eyes froze for a while on Nova, who ran in as if asking for credit, and then slowly turned back to Bai E.

What did she just hear?

Such a humble tone... Do you know what your strength is? Do you need to be so humble?

And a master with such strong emotions is actually this guy's subordinate... or someone of similar low status?

As a new android who was born not long ago, what has this guy developed into in this short period of time?

"You should take a rest first..." Bai E's tone was as gentle as possible. These new-born souls trust her wholeheartedly, and any of her emotions may cause great harm to her, but she didn't do it in desperation just now. Taking too much into consideration, “Leave the rest to us.”

Nova's face was pale and full of weakness after exerting too much force. Coupled with that pitiful expression, anyone who looked at it would feel weak.

Nova, who had been "forgiven" by Bai E, opened her pale lips and smiled happily.

His vision turned black, so he leaned against the wall behind him and collapsed.

Such an intense psychic field control burst out all of a sudden, which was unprecedented for her. At this time, her whole body was limp, and it was obvious that she would not be able to use it for a while.

Bai E withdrew his gaze, held sticks in both hands to block, and glanced at Franka beside him with his peripheral vision, "How can we solve this trouble?"

All his previous thoughts about the blood pool were just guesses based on his limited knowledge. The truly reliable method had to rely on the executive officer of the arbitration office who had real talent and knowledge.

Franka looked at the pool of blood solemnly. In this short period of time, all the descriptions of the current situation flowed through her mind, "This is distorted by the emotions contributed by endless intelligent creatures. The high-dimensional curve points and ripples in high-dimensional space will definitely produce one or several powerful demon individuals. We must find a way to kill the 'core' of that individual in order to completely close this blood pool! Those who drilled from inside The vampires that came out are just a simple manifestation of the invasion of high-dimensional space, and killing them all will be of little use."

It was quite different from his guess. Bai E continued to ask: "What should I do?"

"Have you reached the second level of psychic power?" Franka suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question without thinking.

Bai Er hesitated for a moment, "No..."

"No..." Franka's eyes flickered, and she glanced at Nova in the distance again. Seeing that the girl looked extremely weak, she couldn't say anything after all, she just seemed to have made up her mind. Determined, his eyes changed rapidly, becoming determined and resolute.

"Then I'll have to go."

"No, what's going on?" Bai E squinted his eyes, not knowing what the specific solution was.

Franka's eyes flashed past the vampires, and then stared at the blood pool, "They may be able to invade our material world from the high-dimensional curve point, and you seem to be able to truly You can clearly see the existence of the blood pool, but in fact it still belongs to the category of high-dimensional space. Without the second-stage spiritual power, you cannot use high-dimensional walking to drill into the blood pool and directly kill the 'core' of the blood pool. , this high-dimensional curve point will never close.”

Someone had to enter the blood pool and take the initiative to fight, and among all the people present, except for the girl who had lost her strength, she was the only one who had reached the level of the second stage of psychic energy that could use high-dimensional walking.

Maybe he can't beat him, but this is his duty.

The executive officer of the arbitration office is never a person who makes decisions and then acts.

Discover the demon and begin to eliminate it.

This is the simplest and most straightforward process for every executive.

"What can I do?" Bai E frowned slightly.

"Call someone for me... before I die."

Franka said this, and walked gently towards the direction of the blood pool. Every step was cautious, but full of determination to never return.


Endless wild roars suddenly rose from nowhere, and a pair of curved corners that were even more exaggerated than those of a vampire protruded from the blood pool.

A face that was completely in demon form but with a faint trace of human appearance slowly rose from the blood pool with a pair of demon horns. He looked at Bai E "on the shore" with a fanatical fighting spirit, "You don't need to come here to find him." I……"

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