You... came out?

Bai E and Franka looked at each other, and both saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

"It's Him!" The demonic aura that is so powerful that it distorts the material world cannot be faked. As the other party rises slowly, the space area where it is located

If the opponent is hiding in the blood pool, only Franka can enter.

In their territory, Franka is isolated and helpless, and there is a high probability that she will not be her opponent. At most, she can only delay the expansion of the blood pool, waiting for the support of more other executives who have sensed the devil's aura.

However, now that the opponent has jumped out on their own, they are not guaranteed to win, but at least they can join forces, and the winning rate is always higher.

"Yes...yes..." Smelling the complete fighting spirit on the other side, Franka's eyes became clear.

All demons are both masters and manipulators of their own emotional cores and slaves of those emotional cores.

Demons control fear and are trapped in fear.

The devil controls greed and will die from greed.

If the devil controls the war, he will be loyal to the war.

They will not approve of any cowardly behavior.

Even if they know that hiding in a blood pool can make it more difficult for humans, they will never do such a cowardly thing because they are born in the core of many emotions such as violence, blood, courage, and challenge.

The tall demon with human characteristics slowly rose from the blood pool. The players who had finally moved all the stunned spectators finally came to take over the battle with the four vampires, leaving Bai E completely free to concentrate on dealing with them. The high-level demon that was truly born from the ripples in the core of the blood pool.

The explosion rate shown on the explosion rate subtitle is unimaginably rich——

【? ? ? (Devil) (Chaos) (Elite) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: Definitely (combat experience 10,000 points); High probability (Trait: Frenzy Emergence); Possibly (Psychic Power (War): 100) ;Very small probability (high-dimensional original fragments*1)]

This is the first opponent that Bai E has encountered with an explosion rate of over 10,000 and experience that he must face and solve, and for the first time, there is a very small probability of dropping that has never happened before.

[High-dimensional origin fragments*1: After obtaining enough high-dimensional origin fragments, the recipient will successfully obtain the essence of high-dimensional space...]

The introduction of the item information you see when entering from the link point with your consciousness is quite simple, and there is not much detailed explanation of the nature of the so-called high-dimensional space.

But these possible drops are only things that can be obtained after successfully killing the opponent, not to mention that my current charge is only 52 points, and I can't even use Lucky Strike.

The only thing that needs to be done now is to defeat this demon and eliminate the intrusion point of the high-dimensional space here.

He reached out and thrust it suddenly, the metal rod pierced the concrete floor and splashed a piece of gravel.

He took out the compound bow hanging from his waist and shook it gently, unfolded the bow, and Bai E bent the bow to nock an arrow.

Just to test it out, there is no need to go all out. Demons in the blood pool state can recover quickly, and mobs can be killed with one arrow. The BOSS is definitely not just a matter of one arrow, facing enemies that can quickly recover their blood volume.

Gather your strength slightly and set the wind with one arrow.

"Whoops!" The arrow flew through the air at a speed that was difficult for the human eye to catch, but it stopped at the last moment.

It seemed that there was still about a meter away from the red demon's muscular chest, and the arrow stagnated.

"Buzz~" As if after a brief confrontation with some unpredictable force, the arrow finally lost its forward power, fell quietly, and fell into the blood pool, but disappeared without making any waves.

It didn't deal any damage, but it also gave Bai Erding some feedback——

【? ? ? (Demon) (Chaos): HP? ? ? /? ? ? (Blood pool status, recovering quickly); Defense? ? ? ; Mobility 100%; Traits: Vampire Sword, War Zeal...]

What blocked the arrow attack was the seemingly extremely powerful ability of War Zeal.

[War enthusiasm: A warrior who is loyal to war will never be abandoned by the war that favors him. In a battle of your choice, you can choose a fighting method that you have determined to fight this battle. Neither you nor your opponent can cause damage to you through any fighting method other than the one you choose. (Currently selected combat method: close combat/mechanical combat)]

A type of ability in the field of rules, this is the dilemma you may encounter before facing a high-level demon that truly condenses the law.


Like to stick to your face?

Bai E's eyes glanced at the metal rod on the side.

Close combat, mechanical combat.

Bows, arrows, and firearms need to be excluded at the first opportunity.

Dagger, rapier? Those are weapons that are easier to use among individuals of the same size.

Fighting with bare hands? Maybe it counts, but obviously fighting with a fist and a 40-meter-long sword will probably only result in a beating.

Looking at the abilities he possesses, it seems that except for the specialization of heavy weapons proficiency, there is no fighting method that can be used in this situation.

Bai E glanced at the metal rod that he had just inserted on the ground beside him, feeling a little helpless. He didn't expect that the weapon he had just used to simply deal with those low-level demon vampires would become his only choice at this moment.

After a little movement of his wrist, which was somewhat damaged due to fighting against the vampire, Bai E held it tightly with his backhand again, looked at the stick he held in one hand, and lifted it up at the same time.

The heavy mass in the hand gives people pretty good confidence, but compared to the opponent's terrifying body shape, it's somewhat unsightly.

Bai E stared intently at the metal rod in his hand, trying to activate the power of psychic energy.

Since psychic energy can change the inherent properties of things, making them hard or soft, then maybe it can also make them thicker and longer?

'long! ’

'long! ’

'long! ’

'long! ’

Bai E thought silently in his heart, and then the metal rod in his hand actually continued to grow longer... longer... in front of everyone's eyes.

Break through the floor and grow infinitely.

In addition to the section held by the palm, the other end is also getting thicker and thicker.

As the body grows, the feeling of heavy mass becomes more and more clear in Bai E's hands. Fortunately, this is the nature of the object changed by Bai E's spiritual power. It is not as controllable as a weapon of this size under normal circumstances. difficult.

Franka, who was close by, looked at the metal rod in front of her with surprise as it was about to pierce the ceiling of the entire factory... It's not like no one has used the feature of spiritual power to change the properties of weapons, but to this extent, it's still... First time meeting.

His level of psychic energy is definitely not above the second level, but when he actually uses it, he can actually achieve this level...

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