Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 358 Embrace the fight!

"Spit!" Franka frowned, her pretty face filled with evil anger.

To devote yourself to the devil but still consider yourself a human is really...disgusting!

He immediately stopped talking nonsense, swung his long sword, rubbed his body and went up.

Faced with humans who purely dedicated themselves to the devil, Franka did not show the same mercy as she did to those ordinary suffering people.

Complete destruction is the only way to deal with this creature.

The sword's edge was cold, and surrounding the tall crimson body, the sword's light spread instantly, like a messy and shining ball of light.

The fine sword wind made Bai E, who was standing at a certain distance, feel as if a sharp sword edge was passing through his skin. However, facing the demon prince's bloodthirsty sword, it was difficult to break through the defense.

The movement of any huge creature seems to be relatively slow, but the opponent does not need to use sophisticated skills to block Franka's attack.

After all, he only needs to make a slight movement, which is enough to block most of Franka's offensive positions.

In the occasional confrontation between the two swords, the powerful power from the bloodthirsty demon sword and the terrifying invasion of fighting spirit made Franka feel extremely troublesome.


When the sword with psychic power was fighting against the magic sword, it transmitted the tremor of power back to Franka's wrist, and at the same time, it also transmitted the psychic will.

The surging fighting spirit almost instantly overwhelmed Franka's mind, and even caused the blood flow in her body to start surging and heat to rise.

Biting the tip of his tongue, there was a burst of pain.

Franka shook her head, her eyes clear again.

She knew the dangers of demons, and her psychic powers had been in a state of resistance from the beginning.

The confrontation between physical strength and spiritual will was going on at the same time, making her feel exhausted.

She retreated slightly and leaned down, looking at the opponent solemnly. She pressed the tip of the sword from her waist to behind her with her backhand, and her swordsmanship skills combined with psychic energy began to brew.

Sword skill——Arc Slash!

"Whoa!" The long sword waved, and the crescent-shaped milky white sword energy instantly swayed out. Wherever it passed, even the space seemed to be twisted and cut off.

"Poof!" The bloodthirsty demon sword subconsciously tried to block it, but was suddenly knocked back by the sharp sword energy.

The demon who stepped out of the blood pool and stood on the material earth took a step back involuntarily for the first time.

"Not bad!" The demon prince looked at the dent made by the demon sword and nodded with satisfaction, as if he finally recognized his opponent.

"Your strength is good, but not pure enough."

"Buzz!" The violent sword swung and hit Franka suddenly.

The demonic sword, which was much larger than her entire body, was like a mountain pressing against the top of her body, and a heavy black shadow struck through the air.

Franka, who knew her strength was far inferior to that of her opponent, escaped with a light jump, but it only started the first scene of being chased.



The big sword broke through the air and made a whining sound in the air. It was more like countless innocent souls wailing in it, accompanied by a sound that rumbled and echoed like a demon.

"Calculations, skills, weaknesses, the impact before and after, the prediction of the outcome of the people think about too many things during the battle!"

"Fighting should be pure, devote yourself wholeheartedly to the fighting itself!"

"Like you! Like you!"




The violent sword struck Franka again and again, gradually forcing this petite figure towards the inevitable impasse.

"Come! Face me! Use your sword! Use your will!"

Franca bit her lip and teeth as the fighting spirit invaded her.

The devil's erosion of human beings comes from all aspects. It seems that the other party is just mentally attacking with bad words. However, the influence from the devil, through these words and actions, invades one's own mind all the time with an effect similar to psychic mottos.

If he really became the kind of person he said he was under the other's temptation, then he would not be far away from becoming a demon.


Franka held the sword in her hand tightly.

If you resist fighting, you will not be able to compete with your opponent.

When facing a battle, it is easy to be bewitched by demons.

These demons in charge of war truly deserve the name of demons.

Silver light and shadow suddenly flashed from the corner of his sight, and a thick round rod shadow came silently at some point.


The magic sword and iron rod collided, and the sound resounded throughout the sky.

The rising wind and waves blew Franka's hair, and even though she had been mentally prepared in advance, she couldn't help but feel shaken by the blow.

Looking along the thick rod body toward the direction of origin, at the other end of the increasingly smaller rod body is Bai E holding the slender part of the iron rod with one hand.

"Kick, kick, kick!" The tall blood-red figure couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Okay, okay!" The demon prince couldn't help but take a step back with the magic sword in his hand. He grinned and looked at the figure in the distance with extreme excitement, "Aside from the Blood God, you are the only warrior I admire the most! "

The fighting style is violent and direct enough, and although there is a bit of calculation that humans must have, it is satisfying enough to be able to devote oneself to the battle.

From the other party's body, he smelled the same kind of breath.

Perhaps this is also a loyal elect that God can like, and maybe God has even set his eyes on the other person.

"So, it was you who did what happened to the Blood God?" Bai E looked at the Demon Prince calmly, and there were still many human characteristics on his seemingly distorted face——

Bai E had only met the core person in charge of this underground arena once, but he was deeply impressed by him.

Bai E has always had doubts about the sudden change of the Blood God.

When he was in the underground lair of the Fear Demon, Bai E initially thought that the other party was a believer of the Fear Demon. Although his behavior was weird, it was Bai E's first contact with the devil. Even until the end of the whole incident, Bai E had no idea what he was doing. Didn't have too many thoughts.

It was only when I came back that Kuang Xin had to issue tasks related to the underground arena. Occasionally, my thoughts would wander and I would think of the unusual arena fight that the Blood God participated in that night that I witnessed.

But that's just suspicion.

The target of tonight's operation was not certain. I was just trying it out, but I didn't expect... I really caught a big fish.

Without his seduction tonight, wouldn't the demon promotion in this arena be born?

No! The devil's coveting of the material world is going on all the time.

They spread and breed in every dark corner, just waiting for those humans in chaos to reveal their flaws.

Hearing that familiar name, the Demon Prince looked at Bai E with a sneer, "It's a waste of time that I set up such a stage for the Blood God. He should be the one standing here today!"

Creatures who believe in war will never be jealous of the strength of their companions. As long as they can give birth to powerful warriors to please Allah, no matter who they are, they can become the core of the ripples that integrate high-dimensional space.

It's a's a pity...

"What a pity that guy is so cowardly! He turned his back on Allah's blessings."

After becoming a real demon, the person in charge sensed more invisible fluctuations engraved in high-dimensional space.

Many things in the world will leave "marks" in the high-dimensional space the moment they happen. The Blood God was once fortunate enough to briefly bathe in the glory of Allah, but he failed to live up to this favor. , so that even his spirit body was completely abandoned by God in disgust.

This is the core reason why I have not received any blessing from the power of God before.

The person in charge's eyes as big as lanterns were staring at Bai E, his eyes full of sincere and fanatical invitation, "Come on, you are more determined than the Blood God, and you are more powerful than the Blood God! You are completely You can surpass me and become the only favorite of Allah!"

"Noisy!" The words were accompanied by waves of bewitching spiritual energy that impacted Bai'e's spiritual senses. The natural existence of these high-dimensional demons would cause unimaginable erosion to all intelligent creatures, so the powerful high-dimensional demons existence, the stronger its inherent ability to confuse.

An ordinary person would probably fall into the abyss of depravity just by looking at it. Only the warriors with the most determined will can remain firm in the face of real high-dimensional creatures.

But even Bai E needs to use his will to deliberately fight against the blood boiling in his body.

The dilemma Franka needs to face is the same dilemma he needs to face.

The iron rod in his hand rotates slowly, and the heavy mass at the other end requires ten times and a hundred times the strength of this section to compensate, so that he can swing the huge iron rod according to his own wishes.

Fortunately, the Overlord's Grip allows Bai E to control the weapons in his hands more easily, but every movement still seems slow but powerful when executed.

The thick and thick iron rod filled a large circle in mid-air, easily tearing apart the already riddled floor of the abandoned factory.




The battle of pure strength between two opponents with extremely exaggerated power was earth-shattering. With the bonus of the weapon master, Bai'e, who had a level 7 actual specialization performance, was also very comfortable in the use of heavy weapons. Once it was in operation, it was difficult to stop. , using the force and inertia of the weapon itself to pull the next attack. For a moment, it is not known whether the person is controlling the weapon or the weapon is leading the offensive.

The fierce confrontation made people unable to control their blood. Franca, who was affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two and had to step aside temporarily, looked at the figure who was fighting against the demon with her big eyes worriedly——

Those who face war will eventually become war.

In the past, they were all small opponents who could not stand up to the stage. This time, a high-level demon with ripples in a large high-dimensional space node was considered a real challenge in her cognition.

This is a terrifying enemy that their arbitration office would have to dispatch a large number of executive officers and even more high-level executive officers to work together to deal with!

Not only must we be careful about the opponent's own strength, we must also be careful about the part of ourselves that is corroded and corrupted by demons during the confrontation...

The blood is getting hotter and hotter.

The steaming heat evaporated from all parts of the body, and the violently beating heart pumped out restless blood rushing through the blood vessels like roaring waves.

The burning desire to fight is sweeping through all the senses in the body. Even if the self-restraint reaches the extreme, this method from the elves has its limit after all.


Bai E's breath was expelled from the body with every mouthful of scalding hot air, but it was difficult to expel any of the increasingly intoxicating fighting spirit.

The demon prince's face showed an obvious smile of satisfaction...

That's how it should be! That's how it should be!

War is human nature!

To liberate your nature! Go embrace your nature! Enjoy everything that war has to offer!

Including pain! Including joy!

Because war itself is the truth!

"Let's work together!" Franka attacked from the side, holding down the sword with one hand, and suddenly swung out another sharp sword energy.

"Phew!" The crescent-shaped sword energy pierced the air. However, the same attack could leave a mark on the magic sword and repel the opponent last time, but this time it could not even see the slightest effect.

[...Characteristics: Vampire Demonic Sword, War Enthusiasm, Emergence of Fanaticism...]

[Fanatical emergence: As an absolute believer in war, when you devote yourself to a battle of your choice, you will despise all attacks from targets other than the selected target. When receiving damage from targets other than the selected target, you can instantly launch a counterattack against the source of the damage, with +50% damage reduction and +30% attack power. The duration depends on the immersion level. (Currently selected target: Human/Bai E)]

The Demon Prince, who easily blocked the sword energy with his magic sword, glanced at Franka with disdain, waved his backhand, and a bloody sword energy spread out, almost in the same form, and counterattacked Franka.


The sword energy was as fast as lightning. Even though Franka was fully alert, she was still overturned by the bloody sword energy.

"Don't interfere!" Bai E, who had witnessed everything, jumped up high and climbed up quickly with the help of the tattered floor slabs. The huge iron rod had just hit the ground diagonally, and the feedback force was passing through the flexibility. The stick body is passed backwards.

Bai E, who jumped to the highest point in a few flashes, could even see the moon tonight... and the black shadow outside the factory that was stunned by Nova.

Holding the slender rod tightly with both hands, he raised it high and turned his back. Bai E's body quickly fell from the top, and he tried with all his strength to round the iron rod.

Facing an opponent who was much larger than himself, and the weapon in his hand was a giant iron rod that he had never expected, Bai E didn't know what tactics to use to fight the enemy.

There is never a fixed way of fighting, and the specialization he has learned does not teach Bai E how to fight correctly, but only provides an instinct-like execution assistance in Bai E's every idea.

Don't know how to fight? Then just fight randomly.

As long as you can hit your opponent with the most violent attacks in the simplest way, that is a successful fighting method.

As long as you can defeat your opponent, why should you refuse the will to fight?

After all, you have to say what you are!

The huge club head drew a slow arc in the air, but the pressure it brought was as heavy as a mountain.

Feeling the growing fighting spirit on the other side, the Demon Prince's face evoked an extremely satisfied and appreciative smile.

"That's how it should be! That's how it should be!" The other party laughed wildly. In order to make Bai E completely intoxicated, he would never force back any attack launched by Bai E.

Only absolute head-on confrontation is the best way to inspire passion!


The iron rod swung away the magic sword, and hit the ground without losing its force. Four or five adult men hugged the head of the rod and shattered the earth, causing gravel to fly on the cement floor.

The earth trembled.

The demon prince who was passively blocking was involuntarily knocked back several steps when faced with the iron rod that was thrown down with all his strength.

However, this is only the prelude.

When Bai E completely relaxed his mind and no longer tied his hands and feet, the real battle had just begun.



People follow the stick, and every blow is earth-shattering.

The power of psychic energy surged, attaching a layer of gray fog to the entire rod.

A sky-high blow!

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