"Boom!" The big stick fell, and the earth shook.

The cement floor was cracked inch by inch, and the cracks spread quickly like spider webs.

The abandoned factory building that had been riddled with holes for a long time was finally overwhelmed by this strike. The main body of the building, which had lost the support of the load-bearing beams, collapsed. Huge stones fell in profusion, making everyone who was still inside disgraced.

Including those vampires, including the players who are fighting the vampires...

Everything shattered.

The crimson magic sword was broken by a stick, and the blade fragments flew away, but turned into nothingness.

Even though there is a visual separation, the ontology of the magic sword and the devil belongs to the same concept, and the weakness in the confrontation will be displayed in a more practical form.

The damage suffered by the demon sword is a symptom of the damage done to the demon itself.

[Your attack caused 392 points of strike damage to the target. 】

Only now did Bai E see the true combat attributes of the opponent——

【? ? ? (Demon) (Chaos): HP 4608/5000; Defense 250; Mobility 100%; Traits: Vampire Demon Sword, War Zeal, Frenzy Emergence...]

With a defense power of 250 points, it can almost withstand many military thermal weapons without being hurt. Those thermal weapons, including some heavy machine guns, with only dozens or even hundreds of energy level outputs can be fired even if they are concentrated. , I’m afraid there’s no way to break the defense.

If a demon of this level were an ordinary army, even if they were gathered together to kill them, their efforts would probably be in vain.

At this level, ordinary combat power can no longer intervene. No wonder the Arbitration Institute does not need much assistance from the military.

Ordinary opponents don't need it, and high-end opponents can't get involved.

Only high-level talents with top combat capabilities can truly play a role in this situation.

On the top of the messy rocks, Bai E stood on top of the stick holding the tail of the stick.

Looking at his opponent whose calves were also covered in rubble, his eyes were solemn. This was the strongest blow he could perform at present, but it still only hit less than one-tenth of the opponent's health.

A rough calculation shows that an attack like this would have to be carried out at least twelve times?

An explosion requires the simultaneous use of an instant kill of hundreds of heads and a sky-high strike, which is an instant output of 13 points of spiritual energy. This explosive skill alone will naturally consume 13*12, which is 156 points of spiritual energy. , not to mention skills like Overlord's Grip and Soul Crossing that need to be turned on all the time and consume slowly.

Even with the newly unlocked quick recovery, such a large amount of consumption in a short period of time still far exceeds Bai E's current psychic level limit.

Not enough blue?

There's nothing we can do about it. Maybe normal attacks can also make up for some damage?

Bai E's mind, which only wanted to deal with his opponent, flashed through his mind, and he was not even too distracted by this obvious trouble.

For him, venting everything he can on his opponent is his only responsibility at the moment.

What are the consequences...can't we talk about it later?

Fight first! Try again!


After making up his mind, the bloody border instantly spread in Bai E's eyes, but within a moment, it naturally dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

The reminder flashed by, not even affecting Bai E's attention at this moment——

[You have recognized the laws engraved in the universe of time and space to a certain extent, and have temporarily received a gift from the power of the gods, with an overall increase of 30% in basic attributes. 】

[For the first time, I personally sensed the otherworldly power, your mystery +0.3. 】

Plop! Plop!

Powerful force accompanies every pumping of blood, circulating in the body endlessly.

There seems to be a living seed between the eyebrows, beating rhythmically, as if ready to break out of the shell at any time.

Bai E's eyes were calm, like the endless sea. Hidden under the calm water surface... were unimaginable raging waves.

Holding the iron rod with one hand, Bai E turned around and exerted force. The rod body, which was deeply smashed into the earth, was once again pulled by the incomparable force. The flexible rod body began to transmit the power to the other end step by step.

"It's stuck!" As the stick head was removed from the ground, the gravel that was originally attached to the stick head rolled down.

The thick stick head moved slowly and began to draw a large circle again.

The demon prince who was knocked back by Bai E's stick seemed to take a while to recover. He flicked the demon sword in his hand, and the shattered sword body regained its original shape amid the spread of blood.

Facing the iron rod that had already turned half a circle and struck again with unimaginable power, the demon warrior who was born as a human only had intense excitement in his eyes.

A more vivid blood color was born from nothing, burning on the sword body like rising flames.


The swords and sticks met, and the flames shook off.

The bloody flame was shaken away from the sword, flickered in the air, and turned into nothingness again.

Holding the slightly dimmed magic sword, the Demon Prince had a sinister smile on his lips, "What about that moment just now? Not enough! Not enough! Come again!"

[Your attack caused 8 points of strike damage to the target. 】

[...Traits: Vampire Demonic Sword, War Zeal, Frenzy Emergence, Blood Flame...]

[Blood Flame: The flame waves burning with countless fighting souls embody the absolute will and peak skills of countless warriors who died in battle. After turning on the blood flame, the attack power is +10%, critical hit +10%, and comes with a psychic impact effect. 】

Perhaps all the skills Bai E has acquired are not stated clearly, but some potential mechanisms - such as the limitation of the output of spiritual energy in a short period of time, such as the relaxation of the physical body's ability to mobilize power, all of which prevent Bai E from releasing skills continuously. Complete the maximum explosion.

Therefore, under this normal attack, which was regarded as a "level A", the damage was greatly reduced.

Killing a hundred heads instantly is the most core skill. The mechanism that treats multiple attacks as one blow allows Bai'e's attacks to exert an energy level impact that exceeds the limitations of the weapon itself.

Attack power is attack power, used to counter health value; energy level impact is energy level impact, used to counter defense value.

Faced with this opponent's defense ability of up to 250 points, there is no ability to instantly kill a hundred heads and condense the attack into a moment. Even if the normal attack has dozens of points of higher attack power, it will actually only fall on the opponent. Single-digit damage, the actual effect is greatly reduced.

Instead, because of his opponent's counterattack, Bai E felt that his right hand holding the stick was numb.

"Not enough?" Bai E smiled coldly, showing his white teeth, "I don't think it's enough either."

Put aside the calculation of the outcome of the battle, and put aside all the possible subsequent effects of this invasion.

When he only focused on the battle itself, Bai E found a certain amount of... "fun" in it.

[After a long period of combat, your own abilities have been sufficiently tempered, with physical strength +0.1 and insight +0.1. 】

[The challenges you face are extremely severe. Your extreme concentration makes you more instinctive in exploring your own skills. Your heavy weapons specialization has made great progress. Heavy weapons proficiency experience +23. 】(High probability of awakening special attributes.)

Bai E's eyes swept over his opponent, and his high-level heavy weapon specialization allowed him to instinctively detect weaknesses in his opponent's moves and look for opportunities.

The essence of any martial arts is to use your own strong points to capture your opponent's weak points.

Heavy weapons look bulky and unworkable, and their thick texture makes it difficult to make delicate changes. However, in every open and close confrontation, what needs to be considered more... is the impact on the opponent before the blow is determined. Key capture of action.

That is insight!

Penetrate your opponent and defeat him with one blow!

The rapidly recovering warmth flowed quickly through the arms, and the numbing tremor caused by the impact of the weapons was instantly reduced.

Bai E raised the iron rod with both hands and turned around to hit it again!

Qingtian, one blow!


The cracked earth cracked all the way and spread rapidly into the distance.

The disheveled man who came from afar to join in the fun because he heard the noise stared at a pair of sleepy eyes that were still a little sleepy, staring blankly at the black line that snaked from the distance to his feet, with a dull expression on his face.

The earth is cracked?

Getting excited?

The man looked up at the sky, which was dark.

All around...a dim starlight.

There are other figures in other directions...

It's quite similar to the nightmares I have occasionally.

Should I sleep on the spot for a while?

"The arena collapsed!"

The man heard someone shouting from somewhere behind him in the distance.

Arena? Is it the underground arena that occupies an abandoned factory?


Why did it collapse before my friend had a chance to show off his skills there?

But no matter it collapsed, the neighbor's little son was always bruised and swollen. It was said that he was punished by the hooligans from the next street because he yearned for that arena...

The man was very happy, full of joy in watching the excitement.

He tapped the crack in front of him with his toes and looked at the crack, which was not very wide. Because the sky was dark, he couldn't see how deep the crack was.

So follow the crack and move forward.

Getting bigger and bigger... getting bigger and bigger...

It wasn't until the one-meter-wide crack, which was so dark that it was difficult to see the bottom, that the man felt a cold chill quietly rising from the bottom of his heart.

His tailbone was numb, and there was another loud noise coming from the direction of Leng Buding's arena.


The ground beneath my feet shook three times.

The violent sound made people tremble with fear. The man who had been stunned for a long time slowly raised his head, and then a huge red figure suddenly appeared in his sight...

"Fight somewhere else!" Bai E picked up the iron rod and walked away.

The Demon Prince smiled coldly, "As you wish."

The players are fighting against the vampires, and there is a circle of potential believers who were first attracted by the devil's breath outside the abandoned factory.

These are lives.

When gods fight, mortals suffer.

Even the aftermath of the fight between Bai E and the Demon Prince could easily take away a dozen or so lives. Bai E, who was aware of this, still made a rational judgment while focusing on the battle.

Even the Demon Prince agrees.

What he wants is never the outcome of the battle itself. All demons in the name of war simply enjoy the process of fighting.

What he wants is a powerful opponent! A dedicated opponent!

And since you want to change places, of course you have to go away from the dark streets, preferably towards the deserted wilderness.

It was pitch black in the night, and Bai E was not sure about the direction in a hurry. He simply chose a direction completely opposite to the black street.

Then I saw a dark shadow wandering from a distance...

"Fuck!" The man who was attracted by the silence suddenly stopped, and it seemed that only the tall red figure standing tall and tall was left in front of him.

And it grew bigger and bigger, as if it completely occupied all of my sight and thoughts...

That crimson figure exuded an aggressive aura. Not only did it wash over his brain in waves, but even the space became distorted and evaporated under the other party's erosion.



For a moment, there was only such a simple and primitive thought left in the man's mind.

Why run?

Where to run?

have no idea.



This is the only and pure thought.


A silver light and shadow invaded the line of sight at some point, and the red illusion that towered over the sky seemed to be shattered in an instant.

Only a tall red monster was left, which was smashed away by a silver iron rod that came from nowhere.

What kind of monster is that?

The sharp horns are curved like a goat... The majestic red tendons all over the body... The whole body is engraved with strange runes that are difficult to see clearly...

Exactly the same as the rumored "devil"!

demon! demon!

"The devil has invaded!" After escaping, such a simple thought appeared in the man's mind again.

But it seems like someone is working against Him?

Iron rod...Iron rod...

After groping along the strange-looking iron rod with one big end and one small one, the man saw a figure at the smaller end of the rod that was not easy to spot in the dark night.

She was dressed in an extremely sexy outfit that exposed a large amount of muscles, like a warrior who often appeared in that arena.

Combined with the news I heard briefly just now, a simple speculation instantly took shape in my mind——

The devil has invaded that underground arena, and the warriors in the arena are fighting against the devil for mankind?


I don't know why, but ever since Stick Shadow shattered the crimson illusion, the man felt that his intelligence had returned to his body again.

"Come on!" the man shouted from a distance.

Turn around and run.

Even though the dream was so exciting, it turned out that I was still working too hard during the day.

I have to go back quickly to catch up on some sleep...

[As the vanguard of mankind's fight against demons, you embody everyone's expectations. Your "soul black hole" absorbs the simplest beliefs and successfully transforms them into 12/0 spiritual energy to add to your spiritual energy reserves. middle. 】

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

"Come on!"

"come on!"

Sparse sounds echoed in the dark wilderness.

The source of the sound was unknown, and it was unclear where the figures making the sound were.

Bai E, who was about to lead the demon to distance himself again, paused slightly, as if infinite power was growing in his body...

Did you see it? Not everyone is keen on fighting.

Guys... I just want to live well in this difficult world...

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