Beside the collapsed ruins, several silent black figures appeared at some point.

Their eyes hidden under their black robes silently scanned the entire battlefield, with some uncertainty in their eyes.

Several executive teams of two or three people came. They were extremely sensitive to the devil's aura and sensed the high-dimensional space fluctuations happening here from a very far away place.

They tried their best to rush to the place where the fluctuation came from, but found that the scene had become quiet.

There was only the mess on the ground and the figures of ordinary people who had fainted on the ground, so they couldn't help but whisper to each other and express their own opinions.

"What a big movement..."

"I smelled an extremely strong demonic scent before, but why is it gone now?"

"The devil has definitely come, and I can still feel the remaining traces of high-dimensional space fluctuations."

"Has it been hidden?"

Not all demons are fanatical and militant lunatics. The demons of the "conspiracy" series, including their believers and voters, are extremely good at disguising themselves. Unless they actively do things and leave clues, it will be difficult for them to be discovered by their executives.

With Nova's departure, the influence of her psychic powers is gradually losing its effectiveness.

The ordinary person lying on the ground is gradually waking up, but not completely awake.

Thick bloody light bloomed from the eyes of one of the ordinary people who woke up. He had just woken up from a coma and entered a state of madness like a demon. He noticed that there was a breath of life around him and he casually held an irregular stone in his hand. If you raise it high, you will smash it down.

Even if the opponent cannot resist, the pure bloody killing is enough to make him feel sincerely satisfied.

Not every believer can fully abide by the "glory" of war like the demons of the main war system, but those who tend to recognize one or two points are also in the planning of "war".

However, he obviously couldn't get his way.


The bloody broken palm fell together with the stone in his hand, and blood sprayed...

The man's sanity was controlled by his feverish killing intent, so much so that the pain of a severed palm was nothing to him.

A pair of slightly scarlet eyes suddenly looked towards the direction of the attack. The man casually grabbed the easiest stone at hand again, raised it high and rushed towards the executive who launched the attack.

The higher his resistance to psychic energy, the earlier he wakes up.

However, since they spontaneously recognize the devil's "rules" and actively embrace them, the more talented a person is in this area, the more trouble they will face.

But for these experienced and powerful veteran executives, it is still far behind.


An invisible wave flashed through, and his head instantly exploded like a watermelon.

The headless corpse stood there, still holding the bloody stone with one hand, and then fell to the ground with a "pop" after a while.

The man who woke up was just a prelude. As time passed, more and more figures gradually woke up from the coma.

Not many people fell directly into a violent state. Most of them just shrunk down rationally after noticing the situation they were in after waking up and the weird atmosphere where people were being shot in the head from time to time, trying to observe the situation clearly and figure it out. Why did I appear in this strange place unknowingly...

The cold-faced executive officer easily dealt with the ordinary people who fell directly into the possessed state. He turned to discuss with his fellow executive officers next to him: "These people have been deeply corroded and there is no way to save them."

His companions did not take action, but were just observing the details of those ordinary people and their number. "It can affect so many people invisibly. The level of the demon that appears this time may be very high..."

"But how can these people be dizzy?"

The demons themselves would not do such a thing. The intelligent beings attracted by them would only be transformed into evil slaves by them, and they would not retain their current status as human beings.

And looking at the distribution of these people...did someone forcefully and instantly knock them all out?

Ordinary physical means can kill instantly, but there is no way to just stun but not hurt, unless it is... spiritual energy.

Did a fellow executive who arrived immediately take action?

The executive who realized this looked at another group of executive officers not far away, "You seem to have arrived before us?"

Most executives are lone wolves. They have almost no interaction with other executives except their own companions. Therefore, they must have their own opinions. When encountering anything, their first reaction is always to rely on Use your own observations to determine the beginning and end of an event.

Only when there is a gap in information will you consider seeking help from others.

The executive in question shook his head and looked in another direction, "They are one step ahead of me."

"I wasn't the first to arrive. When I came, I saw the little girl standing there."

Executives wander around and rarely meet each other. When they do meet, only the marks on their clothes or some special spiritual perception can be used as identification.

More often than not, they may not know each other's identities even if they pass by each other.

Not everyone knew Franka, but at this time the eyes of all subsequent executives were cast on her, waiting to learn more information about this demon from her mouth.

Facing the gazes of her colleagues, Franka shook her head slightly, "I'm not the first one to get here."

As a result, there was obvious disappointment in the eyes of many executives.

"But I witnessed almost the entire incident."



"Where's the devil?" Immediately, an executive asked eagerly what he was most concerned about.

Although they don't seem impatient, any panic operation before locking the target will have side effects.

Only when I heard the exact relevant news at this moment did I instantly become anxious.

Every lurking demon is a serious danger. The longer it lurks, the greater the harm!

Is this little girl still intern? Why aren't you panicking at all?

"Has been killed."



"Huh?" An executive opened his mouth wide and made a confused sound.

Franka's voice was calm and she spoke quietly, "Just now, the original arena here successfully underwent a high-dimensional sublimation through the battle souls and blood gathered over the years. A human in the arena successfully became a demon. prince……"


"Prince of Demons!"

"It's like a movement that only a demon of that level can cause."

Just the spontaneous movement generated by the initial invasion of the material world can attract such a large area and so many ordinary people to come to "visit". It is indeed not something that common ordinary demons can do.

Although they may not necessarily be familiar with this arena, they still had a basic observation of the surrounding terrain on the way here. The nearest human gathering place is several kilometers away. If the distortion had not caused a large enough impact, they would not be here. It is impossible to attract such a dark circle of "believers" to come spontaneously at night.

"How was that solved?"

"Did you kill him?"

The impatient executive looked up and down at the young colleague who didn't look very angry, and began to wonder if he should change his attitude when talking to the other person.

What I can't see through may be some rare monsters.

"A... unknown passerby." Franka's eyes were slightly in a trance, as if she was lost in memories.



"Huh?" An executive opened his mouth wide and made a confused sound.

"I don't know him... there were several people traveling with them. It was one person who knocked out everyone present, and another person who killed the demon prince alone. It was too dark, and they were all wearing disguises. I saw Not coming out." Franka's tone was soft, looking a little regretful.

She didn't want to bring any trouble to Bai E because of the chores in the office.

If the other party trusts him, he must not live up to this trust. Bai E's identity may be revealed, but it must only be revealed to a few people he trusts, not just anyone.

The Arbitration Office does not have style, but every executive does. Franka cannot guarantee that every executive who hears the news will be able to control their curiosity or some strange code and avoid trouble with Bai E.



Immediately, the executive who sounded fanciful but somewhat real asked grumpily, "So you were the first to come, but you were just watching the show?"

As executives, they question everything.

Even if Franka's statement may be the truth, it is also perfectly consistent with everything they are observing at the moment.

But this kind of unsubstantiated statement always makes people feel uncomfortable.

Who knows if this colleague has been corrupted by the devil and made up lies to deceive them in order to help the devil hide his traces?

Franka frowned lightly, her eyebrows looked a bit sharp and evil, which made the other party's heart skip a beat, but she still asked coldly, "Bring me the evidence!"

"The opponent is a war-type demon prince. Even if we rush to the scene together, how certain can we be to win him? Facing an opponent of that level, what do you think I can do? Yes, I don't What I can do with my abilities is that when the mysterious master faced the Demon Prince alone, I helped him clean up a few vampires summoned by the sacrifices of ordinary people who were originally here."

"She doesn't seem to be lying..."

The more rational and calm executive analysis has been paying close attention to Franka with his spiritual sense, and the spiritual feedback proves the authenticity of Franka's words... provided that the other party's attainments in this area do not exceed his own. .

"The remaining aura does indeed smell like a war-type demon."

As we all know, there is no such thing as avoiding war or hiding in the authority of war-type demons.

Humans can betray their perseverance, but demons will never betray their core.

Without a bottom line, humans will only become more flexible. Without a bottom line, demons will lose their power...even lose their will and body.


"Who is the mysterious master you are talking about?"

"What's their purpose?"

Anything linked to the devil must be taken seriously. Warriors fighting against the devil may become the devil's minions at any time.

Be vigilant about everything you can be vigilant about, and be careful about everything you must be careful about.

'This is why I can't tell you clearly...'

There is always a persistent executive who wants to eliminate any risk, but the risk never comes from him.

Anyone in the world may fall into the arms of the devil one day, but it seems that he is the only one who will definitely not.

Absolutely absolutely...never!

This is an inexplicable trust.

Franka looked at the person who asked the question with a sarcastic smile, "So why do you think I can spy on the identity of a master who can single-handedly kill the war demon prince?"

War-type demons are recognized as having the strongest combat power. The ability to single-handedly kill the demon princes of this type is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The executive officer's face turned cold when he was suddenly retorted, but he really had nothing to say.

"But at least there are some specific details?" A rational and calm executive came out to smooth things over, "We are all curious."

Franka nodded, and then began to extract the elements from memory in a calm tone, "He used a silver iron rod, but it seemed to be an ordinary mortal object, and it only became transformed with the blessing of his spiritual energy. Huge and indestructible..."

"It looks real..."

"There really is someone who can kill the war demon prince alone..."

The executives looked at each other. There were so many details in Franka's supplementary content that they might not be able to compile it so perfectly even if they wanted to.

And with the psychic monitoring of many of them, it is not easy to compile such a level of lies.

Everything seems to be true...

Then wordless horror arose in my heart. How powerful must it be to be able to kill the war-type demon prince alone?

["Lucky Blow" charge +16. 】

Seeing that her "fooling" was considered a pass, Franka didn't want them to continue to focus on this matter. She looked around. During the process of speaking just now, some ordinary people who woke up and were completely bewitched from time to time. They lost their minds and attacked others regardless of friend or foe. While listening to themselves, the executives did not forget to deal with those who had gone crazy.

"Instead of caring about the mysterious master who at least stands on the side of humans and fights against demons, we should first consider how to deal with these people in front of us."

"They..." There was an executive who glanced at them without any emotion in his eyes. These scumbags who had resigned themselves to depravity did not deserve too much attention.

"Just burn it."

"Yes, these people are hopeless."

No matter how benevolent an executive is, he knows that these ordinary people who have had close contact with the invasion point of high-dimensional space have no room to turn around.

"Apply." Someone suggested.

"Apply." Someone agreed.


There was no doubt and a unanimous opinion was easily reached.

"I'll initiate the application." One of the executives, who looked calm and even somewhat honest, took the initiative to take over the responsibility.

As some kind of wave initiated by spiritual energy was transmitted to the void, and the authority from the Arbitration Institute headquarters passed, a vaguely invisible bronze tripod-shaped creation mixed with spiritual energy and technological atmosphere descended on the entire ruined site out of thin air. , all ordinary people who wake up from coma are shrouded in it.

These ignorant people looked curiously at the semi-illusory things coming out of the void in front of them, completely unaware of the fate that awaited them next.

All the executives looked up at the huge creation, and together they used their thoughts to output spiritual energy.

As the spiritual energy of these executives merged together, the bronze tripod-like creation became more and more solid, and finally fully revealed its mysterious form.

When the fire begins to burn, all the will of the creatures is turned into firewood, and finally condensed into the exact substance that can be used by humans.

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