At night, the old man is still standing at the intersection of the long street, looking into the distance.

Just now, the guards came to report that someone violated the curfew and rushed out regardless of the warning as if they were suffering from hysteria.

Moreover, the huge noises coming from far away from time to time in the dark night and the shaking of the earth underfoot made people pay attention.

Since he has been entrusted with the responsibility of controlling this huge gathering place, Gilder feels that he must at least fulfill his responsibilities.

In this era, a full meal and a trust are equally valuable things. If you lose them easily, you can never get them back.

The old man's slightly tired eyes kept staring nervously in the dark direction. The movement there had stopped for a long time. What about those people who broke out? When are you coming back?

At some point, darker shadows swayed in the night mist.

Discovering that someone was coming in the dark, Gilder was obviously a little wary. At the same time, he waved to Xu Ruoguang, who had been leading the team behind him, and told him to be on guard. At this night, anything could happen.

Until they discovered under the dim light at the intersection that the person who came was actually their own adult, everyone was instantly relieved, and a reassuring smile broke out on Gilder's face, "My lord..."

"Yeah." Bai E nodded. The fact that he saw Gilder at the intersection of the black street clearly showed the meaning behind it——

"Has anyone here gone over there?"


"So many..." Bai E narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised.

Gilder kept looking behind Bai E, as if searching for those people, "How are they?"

It stands to reason that since you are coming from that direction, you will definitely not sit back and watch one of your own, or even just an ordinary stranger, suffer.

"They can't come back..." Bai E shook his head, "The noise over there is caused by the devil."

Anyway, according to Franka, the later batch of ordinary people who faced the Demon Prince would have to be sent over later. The whole story had to be explained clearly to Gilder. Now that they had encountered him, there was no problem in speaking directly.

"Oh~" Gilder responded, his tone a little low.

No matter how many times, the loss of life is always more regrettable.

On the contrary, Xu Ruoguang, who was leading the underworld escort team, his eyes visibly lit up when he heard the keyword, "Sir, you said... you met a demon?"

Bai E glanced at him and knew that this kid regarded all heretics as mortal enemies. He seemed to be more immersed in the game than other players, so he nodded and replied: "Yes, it is that underground arena, which is used all year round. The blood sacrifice made their place distorted into a node of high-dimensional space invasion. The movement just now was mainly caused by a war-type demon prince."

Players participated in these matters throughout the whole process, and they must have communicated before. If you can't hide it, it's better to say it yourself.

Besides, there is no need to hide anything. Being secretive makes it easier for people to do unknown things out of curiosity.

"Devil Prince?" Xu Ruoguang muttered this word, frowning slightly, as if he was a little confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah~" Xu Ruoguang raised his head as if he suddenly woke up. Faced with Bai E's concerned gaze, he shook his head with a slightly shy expression, "It's okay, I'm just... distracted."

Lost my mind again.

The moment I heard the word Demon Prince, pictures flashed through my mind - the giant starship that covered the sky opened fire silently, and the huge red body emerged from the turquoise planet. Emerging from behind.

Demon Prince... That should be the Demon Prince, right?

What kind of demon prince is he who can only make the earth shake twice?

This thought passed away in a flash, and Xu Ruoguang shook his head and laughed. He knew nothing about the devil prince, but of course he was more knowledgeable.

Is it because the scenes in movies, TV shows and animations that I didn’t know where I saw before made me have unreasonable associations? I just don’t know where I saw it from…

The picture in my mind at that moment was quite real and full of pressure, as if... it was as if I was standing in the command room of a space battleship, facing the red body from a distance through the transparent bulkhead, and it was me. .

The dreamy bubble of time finally condensed in his eyes, and then shattered silently.

Xu Ruoguang stood under the street lamp on the roadside and smiled brightly.

Is it yourself?

Will I have such a day in the future? It is said that this game has a bright future, and it is only a matter of time before it enters the universe.

If one day I can lead a space fleet to conquer everywhere, think about it... it would be quite exciting.

"..." Bai E withdrew his gaze and said no more.

Players have a unique absent-mindedness. They can lose focus even while talking, and they don’t know what they are thinking about.

Going to get some materials for making equipment tonight?

"Let's go. I remember asking you to build a health room?"

Although the black street is small, it has all the necessary features.

Although this kind of spontaneous gathering place is insignificant in the eyes of most city residents, each gathering place is also a miniature society.

If you want to become a self-consistent autonomous territory, production, medical care, housing and other conditions must be equipped. They can be simple, but they cannot be without them.

At the same time, the black street is not big or small. Although there are not many talents with some medical experience, there are still a few.

Relying on their meager ability to diagnose and treat some minor problems such as headaches and fever, there is not much of a problem.

As for the operating room that is as sterile as possible, although it may not be needed for the time being, Bai E has already ordered people to do it, and it should be built by now.

Gilder agreed, "Of course."

This territory itself is entirely dedicated to serving the adults. Everything can be done later, but the adults' orders must be implemented immediately.

"lead the way."


Lifting his feet and walking forward, Bai E glanced at the Black Street Guards who were guarding further away - those veterans who had been recruited.

Even if these veterans are all cyborgs, no one knows how the prohibitions written into their genes will become distorted after experiencing the dye vat of society.

In fact, even if they were recruited, Bai E was not particularly at ease with them. When Hu went to their place, what he heard about them was not particularly good.

He hasn't been to the Black Street in the past few days, and he will ask about Hu's situation later...

Therefore, Bai E's attitude towards these veterans was a bit conservative, and he naturally did not want these people to know too much about Nova.

So he said softly: "If you have nothing to do, continue patrolling. You need to be vigilant every night."

Xu Ruoguang was looking at each other with his gay friends at this time, winking and muttering something in a low voice.

Hearing Bai E's voice, his body suddenly trembled and he stood up instantly like a conditioned reflex, and at the same time he loudly replied: "Yes! Sir!"

He turned around and looked at the veterans who were also preparing to follow him and gave a serious order, "Everyone is here, continue patrolling!"

"Yes! Sir!" the veterans said in unison, full of anger.

After experiencing the battle with the Eternal Rotten Corpses, although Xu Ruoguang was not very trustworthy in their hearts, as a temporary cooperation officer, he was still trustworthy.

The black street is not big, and the clinic is located in the center of several streets, so it can be reached in a short time.

"This is it, sir." Gilder stretched out his hand to guide him.

The pure white walls exude a soft glow, which seems to be incompatible with the overall style of the black street.

The flawless pure white in the darkness is even more dazzling.

"It contains the physical examination equipment we purchased, which should be able to help adults."

An old-fashioned equipment owned by an unknown number of people cost almost all of Black Street's savings. Gilder still remembers the seven hospital beds that were packaged and sold together... a featureless iron hospital bed. To charge them one thousand blackwater coins is like a beast!

However, at this moment, the tone was calm and gentle, and a qualified butler would never bother the owner.

If money is gone, you can make it again, and your orders must be thoroughly implemented.

"Okay." Bai E smiled and nodded. Of course, some of the knowledge he mastered may come from extraordinary factors that are unreasonable in psychic powers. In addition to the "necessary ingredients" in different situations, it can also be based on different situations. It is possible to adjust the process of performing the surgery on your own, but it is always easier to have the help of specific instruments.

Physical examination equipment is not necessary, but it is better to have it.

"I need to perform the operation on her first, you can move freely."

Bai E didn't know why the players kept following him. He had already settled the rewards for the mission, so he used this excuse to distract the players.

If something really happened to them, this would be the time to speak up.

"Sir..." Gong Yan came forward, stared at Bai E with his eyes, and asked for instructions in a gentle tone.


"I wonder if there's anything we can do to help?"

They kept following behind, actually for two purposes, one was interest, and the other was utilitarian.

Of course my interest is to "watch the plot".

Players' time in the game is sometimes precious, but it can also be wasted.

When you are writing, you race against time, and when you are free, you can spend a whole day looking at the flowers.

The white-haired NPC next to the adult is a new face in the organization, and he is powerful. More importantly, he is good-looking and seems to have some special affection for the adult.

They smelled the gossip and instinctively wanted to watch the fun.

As for utility...

This game has too much freedom, and many tasks may need to be triggered by yourself.

After watching a plot with a camera behind an obviously special NPC, maybe the corresponding task will be triggered.

Compared to task chains with stable returns, fresh and exciting unfamiliar tasks always make players more excited.

Looking into the eyes of Gong Yan who made the application, Bai E roughly guessed what they were thinking from the player's perspective.

"Maybe not for the time being. I have to perform a minor surgery on her. I'll let you know if necessary later."

"Surgery?" Gong Yan's eyes lit up, "Can I follow my example?"

The adult's abilities are far superior to mine, and there are no obvious injuries found on the white-haired lady's body, so the content at hand is definitely not covered by the "first aid" I have learned before.

Gong Yan is interested in learning these medical abilities.

"Study?" Bai E was stunned, then smiled happily, "Of course."

While speaking, he manually added the knowledge he just clicked into the power store.

Newly added to the influence store (second floor): [Human Body Transformation Plan 1.0 Tutorial, price - basic guidance: 25 influence points contribution; professional guidance: 40 influence contribution points; famous teacher guidance: 60 influence contribution points. 】

While adding, Bai E explained, trying to make players believe that this is a logically complete and self-consistent game world, and that he has absolutely no behind-the-scenes operations. "Considering the different stages of development, you guys before were not suitable for contacting these deeper things. , I was afraid that you would waste too much energy on things that you can’t use temporarily, so I didn’t let you get in touch with them until now.”

"Yeah~" Gong Yan nodded innocently.


In many previous games, players always wanted to delete their accounts and start over because they bought the wrong thing and learned the wrong thing. This game can actually help them intelligently manage their experience.

intelligent! suitable!

"I studied!"

Since adults feel that they can be open to them, it means that they have recognized their current level and can accept more new things.

As for the 60-point power contribution's a piece of cake for her who now has 330 power contribution points in stock.

Bai E nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, then you can come in too."

After layers of disinfection, Bai E entered the specially built sterile operating room. He first glanced around the entire structure of the room. The ability derived from his knowledge gave him a subconscious understanding of the role that relevant instruments can play in actual use. It's clear.

Through observing the environment and sorting out his knowledge, Bai E already had a complete set of plans in his mind.

"I'll give you a basic physical examination first." He pointed in the direction of the physical examination instruments and equipment, and at the same time walked to the corner of the room to change clothes and perform more detailed preparations and disinfection.


Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar furnishings in the room in front of her, Nova looked a little timid at the moment.

The white operating room brought back vague memories of her past.

Especially the "clinking" sound Bai E made when he was sorting the utensils made those "distant" memories come out like waves.

The specific picture is blurry, but you can vaguely see a tall figure with gray hair pulling away the leather gloves on his hands, holding up silver surgical instruments and heading towards the direction of his point of view.

What is even clearer is the emotion that awakens along with these memories——

Fear, helplessness, confusion, fear...

His body was manipulated wantonly under the cold touch, even disemboweled?

A glistening mist instantly rose from Nova's eyes, and the surging emotions instantly overwhelmed her entire mind.

"What's wrong?"

A gentle smiling face pierced through those pictures, and a gentle voice sounded peacefully not far away.

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