Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 366 The promise made?

"You want to learn psychic powers?"

After listening to Kuang Xin's narration, Bai E stared at him.

Want to learn skills? Let’s learn.

career planning? I'm an NPC, you ask me?

I don’t even know what the ultimate avenue of this world is. I can only use it for what it is. How do I know whether it is necessary for you, as a warrior who yearns for face-to-face output, to spend extra energy on spiritual energy?

Or just skip the process and learn it yourself some trouble.

Bai E's face was solemn, "It's good that you can realize this. Each of us has limited time and energy, and we all understand the principle of biting off more than we can chew. But each person's situation is different. My advice is to follow your heart."

"What do you mean?" Kuang Xin looked confused.

"Follow your impulses and believe in your thoughts. Don't regret, don't look back, move forward firmly. No matter what choice you make, just remember not to regret it in the future. Spiritual energy starts from the heart, and what you believe in Yes, it’s correct.”

"What I firmly believe is correct?" Kuang Xin began to reflect on whether he really wanted to learn psychic powers.

Dai Lian, half a step behind Kuang Xin, summed it up and asked: "What do you mean, sir, without any taboos? Just do whatever you want to do?"

"That's roughly the meaning, but limited freedom is more free. You can control it yourself."

There was a moment of slight silence.

What do you want to do in the game? They really haven't thought about it carefully.

The NPC's sudden words made them feel themselves falling into a subconscious reflection, but they quickly broke away from those occasional feelings and thoughts.

My mentality jumped out again - in short, there are no binding rules, no career plans, no route capabilities, just learn if you want, don't wrong yourself.

Do you want to learn it yourself?

Kuang Xin clenched his fists.

Maybe he doesn't have to be good at it, but he must understand it.

"I want to learn, my lord."

"No problem." Bai E nodded.

After changing hands, the newly obtained abilities were added to the power store——

Newly added to the power store (second floor): [Enlightenment - Psionics, Price - Basic Guidance: 200 points of power contribution. 】

When the level of psychic energy reached the second stage where it could be released, and at the same time, he learned and mastered the technique of psychic impact from Franka, Bai E also understood how Yueying in his memory guided him on the spiritual path. Can be a great person.

The basic skill is psychic impact, it's just a matter of level.

If aboriginals teach aboriginals, their level of skill may have a big impact. With the guidance of a famous teacher, you may be able to get started quickly. If you teach others with half-baked skills, it is obviously misleading your children.

But it doesn't matter if you put it on yourself.

To directly use experience to cheat, what level is required? If you have basic abilities that can be judged by the system, you're done.

The rest depends on whether the player's experience reserve is strong enough. Other than that, they are all minor issues.

Therefore, Bai E, who also mastered psychic impact after reaching the second level of psychic power, can completely provide similar guidance to Yue Ying at the beginning.

"That's it!" Kuang Xin, who received the system prompt, saw at a glance the newly added ability learning in the power store.

200 points of power contribution? just! Don’t bring too much at all.

"I want to learn this."

"Remind you, you don't have psychic talent, you may need to put in more energy than others to get the same improvement."

I don’t know whether the player’s birth talent is random or made by himself. The two girls Gong Yan and Gu Lan have psychic talents and can awaken their psychic powers without NPC guidance.

Even if a person like Kuang Xin, who has no talent, can learn, the total amount of experience he needs to consume will probably be determined based on his "mysterious" level.

Players don't care about talent, everything can be compensated for by experience... provided they have enough experience.

"I know, sir!" Kuang Xin felt clear in his heart.

In the past few times when everyone learned the same skill, some spent more experience and others spent less. It was because the birth attributes that everyone ordered at the beginning were different.

If you have a big advantage in physical skills, then it is normal for you to suffer some losses in mysterious abilities like psychic abilities.

These days, he has been fighting everywhere and completing tasks, and has accumulated a lot of experience, so he is not afraid of getting burned.


"Then add me, sir..." Dai Lian looked at it with envy. Kuang Xin only had 200 points of power contribution left to charge, so why didn't he dare to charge with 225 points of power contribution left.

This game world is so open, and I always strive to make no mistakes. It is really tiring to make sure that I make good use of every resource, so I might as well indulge... Occasionally, it seems good to be a little more pure like Kuang Xin.

No regrets?

Then don't regret it, anyway, they who are following the adults are far ahead of other players in the same period.

It's just a little bit of contribution and stored experience, which can be earned again.

Teaching one is teaching, teaching two is teaching.

They want to learn and gain experience on their own.

Win, win big, win three times, win big.


The experience in the magical and mysterious spiritual world always has nothing to do with time.

Just like Bai E was led by Yueying in the beginning, now the two players led by Bai E have truly experienced the mysterious and mysterious feeling in the game.

The real and mysterious sensory experience seemed to transcend the limitations of the game and truly brought them into contact with the wonderful and magnificent high-dimensional world.

It wasn't until the prompt from the panel sounded that they opened a pair of slightly regretful eyes.

I was immersed in that mysterious experience for a long time and could not escape, and a wonderful thought unconsciously arose in my heart——

This game is too real, right?

The feeling has exceeded the limitations of the game. In that wonderful experience where they can't tell the passage of time, the experience the game brings them has surpassed everything.

When did our world’s technology advance to this level? I haven’t heard this game publisher brag about what epoch-making technologies it has used? Apart from being able to play games while sleeping and seamlessly connecting the in-game timeline when logging in to the game every day, there is not much promotion.

For the first time, a little curiosity about the game itself arose in their hearts.

[The "teaching" is over. Through the feedback of the "teaching", you have gained a total of 1780 combat experience points and 1290 general experience points. 】

"It seems that you have successfully mastered spiritual energy." Bai E looked at the faint spiritual energy rising in the eyes of the two people and smiled with some relief.

Learning psychic powers is just the beginning. Without psychic talents, it is probably impossible for them to master those psychic skills on their own, and they will have to learn them on their own later.

That is a continuous recording of experience.

Come on, my supermen!

"Thank you for your advice, sir. Let's set off now." Dai Lian stepped out of that wonderful aftertaste and made his first statement.

I’ve also learned psychic powers, my experience has been spent, my contribution points have been spent, it’s time to go out and continue working hard.

"Go ahead and get the car yourself from the warehouse supervisor. It's free this time." Bai E said with a smile.

Players act resolutely and leave at will.

After watching them leave, Bai E turned around and walked towards Gilder who had been waiting in the next room.

From the moment they met, Bai E could see some desire to talk in the old man's eyes.

Obviously, during the period of his absence, a lot of things happened in the dark streets.

"How is Tiger?" Bai E was the first to ask after he came to sit down in the room.

"I was just about to talk to you about this." Gilder's face was solemn. The underworld under his management always heard news of demon minions appearing from everywhere. It was undoubtedly due to his incompetence in doing things.

After leading the team to clean up the No. 2 veteran camp that day, Xu Ruoguang reported to him the entire process in detail as soon as he came back.

Those veterans who accidentally fell into the arms of the devil but were willing to die are tragic, but the problems behind them cannot be underestimated.

"...But fortunately, your comrade-in-arms has not fallen, he is just who he is now..."

A bit lonely.

Almost all veterans who were disabled and did not have prosthetics were destroyed that night. The remaining veterans were equipped with prostheses and usually existed in the form of the Black Street Guards.

Hu was left alone in the always empty yard doing some handicrafts within his power.

Gilder thought about using the resources of the underworld to buy prosthetics for him, but he didn't have a suitable excuse. In today's situation where resources are uniformly allocated, it is easy to cause gossip.

He also knew that those veterans still retained some resources of their own, but it was difficult to forcibly clear them out, so he could only pretend not to know.

But I don’t know why those veterans have always been unwilling to install prosthetic limbs for Tiger. In the past, there were many people, and it might be said that there were not enough resources, which was not a problem of scarcity but inequality. Now only Hu is left. It stands to reason that a pair of prostheses will always be enough. It's no problem.

The development time of the Black Street was short, and there were many problems in various aspects. Kilde realized that other problems could be solved slowly with the passage of time. Only when Bai E asked about relevant aspects, he revealed this aspect.

Bai E's eyes were in trance, and his fingertips were tapping lightly on the table at hand.

What is the purpose of those veterans?

The resentment after being abandoned by the military camp because of his disability? I don’t see much anti-social rebellion at the moment.

Even I, who also has the identity and experience of an artificial human, don't understand what the prohibition in genes will become when it is distorted by dirty reality.

But fortunately, the "old captain" is always an old captain. Even if he is in thorns, he can still maintain his unique sobriety.

"Keep watching..." Hu is not a person who can't bear loneliness. Living a stable and monotonous life every day is probably a kind of peaceful happiness for him.

If the day can go on calmly, that may not be a bad thing.

"In addition...there is also the matter of Fernandi..."

"Fernandi?" Bai E was a little confused.

Fernandi is a Rat Man. This kid has always been well-behaved and sensible. Has something happened to him now?

"He said he wanted to see his sister and hoped that adults could help him find a solution."

It seems reasonable to miss your loved ones after a long time.

Bai E smiled, and his nerves, which were still a little tense at first, relaxed slightly, but then he also felt difficult to deal with.

No matter who his sister is, if she could enter and leave the military camp freely, she would have come out to look for her brother long ago.

But if the other party himself does not have this authority, how much authority does he have as a big-headed soldier? His own pass can only be used by himself, let alone bringing a heretic like a ratman with the identity of a devil believer into the military camp... that is courting death.

He asked either verbally or subconsciously: "What's his sister's name? Which organization in the military camp is she in?"

"Marty, I heard that she went to work as a military nurse."


Such a familiar name.

Now that his thinking speed has been greatly improved, Bai E instantly found the girl who always smiled gently and reservedly from his memory retrieval.

It turned out to be her? The world is really small...

"I can only bring him a message. It's not certain whether it will work..."

"That's good...that's good..." Gilder agreed, but there was some hesitation at the end of his tone.

When Rat Man talked about this matter with himself in private, his face was filled with gloom, as if he had a death wish.

The reason why I want to see my biological sister is not so much because of missing me, but because I want to see my sister one last time...

But the Rat Man didn't say it clearly, he just begged him and the adults to tell him that his death wish... was just his guess.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally chose not to say it clearly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Gilder smiled, his smile a little tired.

"If nothing happens, you can go and rest. You have worked hard to manage this messy situation."

"It's not hard!" Gilder's eyes trembled slightly, and all the previous grievances disappeared in an instant.

["Lucky Blow" charge +5. 】

Looking at the adult's back walking away in the dark night, three black figures emerged from Gilder's side at some point.

"Tou, haven't you said anything yet?"

"..." Gilder pursed his thin lips and said nothing.

Another black figure followed closely and asked, "Yes, sir, we all believed in you and joined this guy's banner at the beginning, but what about now? We are so busy all day long that we are exhausted. When he promised us I haven’t seen a single bit of your garden flowing with milk and honey.”

Gilder was not the only refugee who hid with him and did not enter the city. He also selected several trustworthy and smart young people to work under the command of the adults.

Many times the promotion of political orders requires overt and covert coordination and cooperation. Sometimes the existence of the atmosphere team is also very important. This is Kilde's little trick.

Normally, everyone would hide their relationship with each other, but now...

"They in the city have come into contact with you, right?"

"It seems that you also know..." The young man leaning on the door frame next to Gilder said in a helpless tone, "You also know the conditions of everyone in the city. Their lives are very good now. We all have Talented people, as long as we go there, we can get the same treatment as them, which is better than here..."

"No!" Gilder interrupted suddenly.

Of course it's not that he doesn't want to see his former companions live a better life, but if these people now seek refuge in the city, how can they explain the period when they disappeared?

Once it is traced back to the adults, won't it bring trouble to the adults?

It cannot withstand investigation.

"Boss, we are not so ungrateful. It was you who saved me, you who saved me from those people, and you who led me to escape from that hellish place and survive. Of course, sir, we are the same Our savior, we never dare to forget this. But... we can’t lock us up with this for the rest of our lives."

"..." Gilder pursed his lips tightly and just retorted feebly, "A home built by oneself is always more peaceful than someone else's garden..."

"But the garden can be seen, and the home... is too tiring." The young man sighed softly, "We can continue to help you, but you have to give us a deadline, okay?"

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