Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 367 Pilot Selection

Too many things happened in one night. When Bai E returned to the camp, it was already three o'clock in the middle of the night.

The breathing in the tent was peaceful, but when Bai E rustily took off his clothes, a pair of bright eyes suddenly appeared from behind.

Rose's slightly hoarse voice sounded a little sneaky, "Have you been hanging out for so long again? Can you take me with you next time?"

Bai E knew that she was not asleep, so he glanced diagonally behind him calmly, "You don't have a camp leave certificate..."

The rules and regulations of the military camp itself are still an insurmountable mountain for them.


"It seems that I have to find a way to get one later..." After muttering to herself, Rose reminded her thoughtfully: "Let me tell you something, start paying attention tomorrow, the assessment is coming soon."



Yes, it's almost half a month in the blink of an eye, and the deadline for selecting the main pilot mentioned at that time is also coming soon.


"What's there to be careful about? Isn't this just normal training?"

"It is said that someone from the Mechanical Court will come over to observe secretly. Let's stop playing from tomorrow on, right?"

During normal training, the two would occasionally try to play their own roles, focusing on one that had nothing to do with each other.

So much so that the results of the simulator are not very good.

But as the official assessment is approaching, playing like this will definitely destroy your future.

"Got it." Bai E nodded, not having the slightest doubt about the source of the news.

Rose has a warm and cheerful personality. Even though her origin as an android makes her naturally have a bad filter when it comes to getting along with those natural human pilots, as time goes by, this girl can still easily integrate into any group.

She could find out a lot of information in the pilot camp that Bai E didn't know.

After changing into shorts and a vest that were more comfortable for sleeping, Bai E pressed Rose's head and pushed her back, "Go to bed early. We have the opportunity to get a camp departure permit for you."


Early the next morning, everyone gathered in the pilot camp had obvious nervousness and excitement on their faces.

Everyone's eyes looked around, trying to find the adult from the Mechanical Court.

Of course, the Mechanical Court is not part of the military camp. It is a small elite department similar to the Arbitration Chamber and is directly under the jurisdiction of the City Elders.

But for personal development, that is where the armored battalion goes for advancement. The level of steel creations there represents the current peak of technology in Blackwater City.

As for the people there...everyone is a strong among the strong, even without those steel objects.

For the natural men in these armored battalions, the mechanical court is also a good development direction.

But obviously, everyone's current exploration is in vain.

As far as the eye could see, I didn't see any unusual figure. Since I said I was observing in secret, I naturally wouldn't let these reserve pilots find it easily.

While waiting impatiently, the instructor finally came to everyone.

"Let me tell you some good news..." The instructor put his hands behind his back and slowly glanced at the expectant faces of all the soldiers in front of him. In fact, there were people from the Mechanical Tribunal secretly investigating this news. He secretly released it to give these boys a warning, fearing that They happily missed something big.

Although the Mechanical Court is not superior to the military camp in terms of structure, it has no direct subordinate relationship with the military camp.

But for the armored battalion in the military camp...especially the pilot battalion, the mechanical court is an absolute promotion and development.

Moreover, the selection results given by this kind of external inspection are often more authoritative and fair, and the bosses at the top are more willing to trust their opinions, so their judgments often play a decisive role in the selection of pilots.

The premise is to seize the opportunity!

"Starting from today, you can officially come into contact with our Titan-class armed mechas, and... your performance today will also determine whether you can become a real mecha pilot."

During the previous training, I only verbally threatened everyone. In fact, as long as my performance was not too bad, I would almost never be expelled from the pilot camp during the simulator training.

The simulator is to lay the foundation for everyone. The real performance depends on the actual operation of controlling the mecha in person.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the Titan-class armed mechas in the armored battalion were lost during the last Zerg expedition, and the Armament Department was speeding up production during this period, they would have had access to the mechas themselves earlier.

Hearing that today was the day when the results would be released, the expressions on the faces of the reserve pilots who had been training for a long time suddenly became a little nervous.

Afraid that his boys would perform abnormally due to nervousness, the instructor hesitated for a moment and then said comfortingly, "Of course, you don't have to be too nervous. Today's result does not mean the future. Students who fail to become a formal driver today will only be able to succeed in the future." Even if your training results are excellent, you can still become a full-time pilot."

The armored battalion's pilot establishment is not a fixed number of elimination systems, but a benchmark has been set. Anyone who can complete the requirements can become a full-time pilot.

But time waits for no one...

Bai E glanced at the countdown for his mission - 15 hours, 57 minutes and 48 seconds.

The last day...

The mission that was triggered when he first came to the pilot camp - the mission of the main pilot only has one day left.

Others may be able to slowly work hard in the days to come, but he must confirm his qualifications as a full-time pilot today. Only in this way can he obtain the reward provided by the mission - Mecha Transformation Plan 2.0.

All current mechas are collectively called first-generation mechas according to this knowledge, even the more powerful and specific mechas of the so-called Mechanical Court.

The truly innovative second-generation mechas are those that require direct changes in the control mode.

Bai E didn't know how long it would take for him to achieve this qualitative leap relying on the world's own research and development power, but anything was always more secure if he had it in his own hands.

This Transformation Plan 2.0 is a must-get!

"Now, go and actually touch your exclusive weapons!"

The huge mecha body was standing tall not far behind everyone. This was why the warriors who had seen those behemoths were excited and anxious from the beginning.

No matter how realistic the driving experience in the simulator is, it cannot compete with the excitement of actually getting started.

The main body of the mecha is painted in blue and white, standing in the sun and shining brightly.

The number of each mecha is written on the foot. If it is assigned in advance, there will be no confusion in fighting for the mecha.

In fact, the structure and appearance of each mecha are exactly the same. As a single type of war weapon supplied to the military camp, it does not need to be specifically built like the armed mechas used by the people of the Mechanical Court.

According to the rules and procedures they had been trained in advance, they hung safety ropes on their bodies and followed the steel ladder behind the mecha. Bai E and Rose used their hands and feet to climb up quickly.

The cockpit of the mecha was at the chest, very high off the ground. If a warrior with a weak physique accidentally missed it while climbing, he might fall down and die.

It is not easy to train a mecha pilot. These safety rules are also the assessment points for scoring. Even Bai E, who thinks it will be fine if he falls, will not be unconventional in this kind of place.




As the cockpit door sealed, the sound of the various mechanical structures in the cockpit rotating clearly reached the ears of the two people.

The majestic feeling of power that followed rushed towards me, and the entire cabin was quiet enough to hear two anxious hearts clearly.

Their eyes swept over the familiar and unfamiliar structures around them. Bai E and Rose's eyes swept across them inadvertently, and there was only a strong sense of excitement in their eyes.

This is the mecha!

【Discover a new "mechanical structure", should you establish a link with it? (From: Mechanical Body)]

This is my mecha!

Even though the "machine soul" is illusory to most people, the armored battalion believes in this.

The mechas used by each pair of pilots are both for routine training and actual combat use. Unless there is a problem with the craftsmanship and they need to be completely rebuilt, the mechas used by that pair of pilots will be used throughout their service period. Definitely not going to replace it.

In other words, what you get now... will follow Bai E's entire career during his service in the armored battalion.

So of course...

【Start building links! 】

Establishing a link requires continuous contact for at least 48 hours, but before that the two abilities blasted from the omnic still faithfully exert their basic effects.

"Buzz~" The sound of electric current activated the entire silent body, and the boundless vitality seemed to expand inch by inch along the huge steel body.

The resonance given by the "mechanical mind" made Bai E's consciousness seem to flow through the entire mecha at that moment.

The instructor's instructions with a buzzing sound came from the loudspeaker in the cockpit: "Everything is available, proceed to the designated target location, time limit: 5 minutes."

At the same time as the sound sounded, from the view from the cockpit, an off-road vehicle could be seen driving away from the military camp with two streaks of yellow sand.

The instructor is sitting in the car.

And the assessment starts from now on.

Of course, practical training for behemoths like mechas cannot be carried out in military camps. Apart from the uninhabited wilderness, there is not such a big place for these behemoths to have fun regardless.



There is no sound, only an acknowledgment of the command received via electronic keystrokes.

The target location ordered by the instructor appeared on the electronic display screen that could be seen from both driving positions.

"Ready to move forward."


It was the first time they came into contact with the actual operation of mechas and it was a big deal. With Bai E and Rose's tacit understanding, they were able to communicate in a standard manner.

"Standard forward third gear."


"Prepare to cross."


The occasional small dirt bag that passed by was easily crossed by the mecha's stride.

The structure of the standard formation when standing statically was broken the moment it started.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Mechas, such huge and extremely difficult-to-maneuver war weapons, are never required to fight together. Each mecha is a ferocious battlefield beast that can be formed into an army alone...

It's just that the performance of some of them... is really too impressive.

Some people can step up to the sky with their left foot and their right foot, while others can only fall down with their left foot and right foot.

Perhaps it was the first time they came into contact with a physical mecha and they were too excited. The two pilots, who used to have a tacit understanding of each other, operated so fiercely that the mecha fell to pieces.

The ground shook, startling the rest of the soldiers of the armored battalion who were training.

Fortunately, there were no critical supplies in the direction of the fall, and the space reserved between the mechas was large enough, so no more indirect losses were caused.

The instructor, who was watching this scene through the surveillance screen of the drone camera, had some red cheeks and gently covered his eyes. The next moment, he felt a strong low pressure envelope the entire carriage.

"Sir...Sir." The instructor looked at the burly figure sitting opposite him who was also looking up at the monitor screen. The other person's half-black and half-iron gray face was cold and chilly, so he jumped into the body As an instructor, his voice seemed to be stumbling.

"Their usual training performance is not like this. Maybe it was just the first time they came into contact with the mecha today. They were too excited and nervous..." The instructor smiled, trying to regain some impression points for the cubs he brought out.

"...Hmm." After a long silence, I heard an emotionless response from the man in the dark coat, without comment.

His rolling iron-gray eyes searched the screen, and finally locked onto the number W0713 displayed on the paint sprayed on the ankle of the fallen mecha in the slightly blurry screen.

The instructor carefully observed the other person's face and found that he could not tell much information from his expression, so he could only smile sadly and did not dare to explain any more.



Every step the mecha's huge body took caused the ground to tremble, and those actual vibrations were accurately transmitted to Bai E's body through the hard connection in the cockpit.

Although the simulation cabin will have similar feedback, the overall feeling is always lacking.

Not to mention that he, who now has a mechanical body and a mechanical mind, has never been so familiar with the machine he is controlling.

With the same mechanical rhythm level, with the addition of the two major mechanical system capabilities updated after this return, the operating feel has been significantly improved.

Even a simple run seems to bring with it a smooth breathing feeling like the human body.

Even when observing other mechas that were also marching not far away, a special feeling arose in my mind, as if... it seemed that the moving movements of those mechas were indescribably stiff.

"What are you looking at?" Rose asked curiously after noticing Bai E's gaze.

"It's nothing." Bai E withdrew his gaze and looked at the place designated by the instructor.

The off-road vehicle was already waiting at the finish line.

The expressionless member of the mechanical court indifferently counted the time, and the moment the countdown ended, he ruthlessly issued an order, "Those who haven't arrived will be eliminated."

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