Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 373 Possibility of Plan Implementation

The first stage of spiritual energy is reception, which is to perceive the stimulation of the outside world to oneself. At the same time, it can be used to change the properties of oneself and "close" objects on a small scale.

The spiritual power of the second stage is to be released outward, to perceive the world and transform others. Naturally, it can filter to a certain extent content that one "does not like" or "is unwilling to accept".

After the psychic power reaches the second stage, the psychic suppression force field that applies to all warriors indiscriminately has almost no effect on Bai E.

Bai E could even feel the reason behind the psychic suppression force field - the wails of countless wronged souls, which were almost the same as the thoughts in the exorcism essential oil.

Standing in the phalanx of soldiers lined up in the cabin, Bai E's eyes were clear. Those psychic influences that used to confuse people's will no longer affect his will at all.

He and Franka looked at each other quietly, and took the initiative to walk over.

In the cabin at this moment, except for him and Franka, the other soldiers were unable to extricate themselves from the torture of psychic suppression. This was the best opportunity for "individual contact".

"I didn't know it before, but now I realize that the smell here is somewhat similar to the smell in the exorcism essential oil?"

After a battle in the arena, Bai E also learned the origin of the exorcism essential oil.

The will of countless people has been turned into firewood to fight against the devil. Whether voluntarily or forced, human beings need such sacrifices to ensure the integrity of the subject under the erosion of the devil.

This is unwillingness and helplessness.

No one can break this situation.

Franka's eyes were calm. She realized these things earlier than Baie. She also experienced the process of doubt, pain, trying, and finally becoming desperate and numb before accepting the facts again. "Only sacrifice can we fight against the devil. The more complicated the experience, the more complicated the experience." , the more 'wealth' it can provide. There is a saying in your military camp that is right. Each of us is human currency. It is the greatest responsibility of each of us to maximize our own value and spend it at the right time. , no one is an exception.”

Her eyes looked at Bai E, but they seemed to be looking at a point in the nothingness behind Bai E without focus. "For thousands of years, we have endured silently. Sometimes we sprout briefly in the sun, and more often in the shadow of death." Hanging on for dear life, we have fought and died for countless centuries, spilling the blood of our enemies and our own on countless battlefields.

Human beings continue to sacrifice themselves, and sacrifice allows the continuation of human blood, generation after generation, generation after generation, no matter what the great ideal is, because the sacrifice itself is greater than any ideal.

But perhaps, there is a hope buried deep in everyone's heart: hope that one day, maybe ten thousand years from now, there will be a generation that no longer needs to sacrifice, and there will be a generation where mankind will live in peace forever..."

Seeing the slightly astonished expression on Bai E's face, Franka suddenly smiled softly, "This is what you once said to them. They have always remembered it in their hearts. I also like it very much."

Ever since she heard from the so-called "Devil's Sons" the ambitions that this lord talked about when they officially met for the first time, Franka knew that she would not trust the wrong person.

Judging by the time, this underworld ruler had only been "out of the factory" for a few days when he said these words.

The other party's determination to save all mankind from the fire and water has been so firm since then, and to this day, he has never given up his efforts.

"I know you hate sacrifice, but there is no other way. In our era... sacrifice is the only thing we can do."

"So you told Fernandi the same thing?"

"No." Franka smiled softly, feeling a little fragile in the wind and rain, "I don't like forced sacrifices, but he seems to feel the need to repay the kindness that once warmed him... It's you, Gave him courage."

Compared with those who are forced, those who voluntarily go to the battlefield are always easier to accept, and leaders who can possess this kind of charisma may be the kings most needed in this era.

Bai E squinted his eyes and didn't care about these vain compliments. After all, behind such compliments was the weight of life. What he cared more about was the actual operation.

Is sacrifice necessary?

"So, what do you want him to do?"

"... Those suffering are not the only ones we can see in the real world. The souls imprisoned in high-dimensional space are enduring eternal torture. Not many of them may be actively embracing, maybe Yes, but many of them are forced by reality. Their existence is a failure of all of us, and they are also the source of power in high-dimensional space..."

The strength of the overall power of high-dimensional space does not seem to have much to do with those lonely souls. However, when these souls are regarded as a whole, then the power of high-dimensional space without the support of this whole will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. weaken.

Saving those suffering souls will undoubtedly relieve the pressure on human beings themselves.

This is a human mistake and a trouble that humans have to face.

"Perhaps many of the other origin demons are worthy of death, but many of the eternal demons are truly innocent, and it happens that Fernandi is his divine choice, so the basis for this operation can be established. Although... I don't have the strength to actually implement this plan."

Just after listening to an idea of ​​her own, her brain suddenly turned to the plan as a mission that must be done, and she even directly brought trouble to Bai E... Franka felt that she still underestimated the child's determination.

"So, this plan is actually feasible, right?"

Bai E's eyes were sharp.

The harm of high-dimensional demons to the human world is obvious to all. If their power can be greatly weakened, it will undoubtedly bring long-term respite to mankind.

If we seize the time when the demons are silent and completely eliminate the disasters of orcs and zerg, humans without real-world enemies in the future may not be able to integrate themselves and use sound and complete social systems to reduce the pollution of high-dimensional space to humans as much as possible.

Returning to the golden age may not be impossible.

And...if it is a soul, can it be governed by the black hole of one's own soul?

Can the souls saved from other demons really just disappear completely, or are they "preserved" by themselves in another way?

Don't know, but you can try.

But this so-called "guide" that Fernandi can be responsible for may be open to question...

"But we don't have enough manpower..." Franka's eyes were filled with sadness.

After proposing this plan, she returned to the institute and made some insinuations.

However, even the Grand Inquisitor, who was closest to her, completely disapproved of such reckless behavior.

Bai E narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly, "No, maybe someone..."

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