Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 374 The growing helper

Conventional psychic talents are rare, and it is quite difficult for each of them to grow up. There are even fewer who can grow to the second level without dying prematurely.

Every psychic in the wild will be highly valued by the city, and will be assigned to study and serve in different institutions. There is not much social contact with each other, so it is difficult to integrate large-scale forces from a personal perspective.

But there is a group of people... they all have the same origin - refugees.

Yes, it was the same group of refugees who came to the city with Gilder.

If all of the hundreds of people with psychic talents can reach the second level, then there is a basic possibility of executing this plan.

And in fact, the psychic level of every psychic talent will naturally grow with the passage of time. As long as they do not die young or deteriorate during the growth process, it is only a matter of course to be promoted to the second or even third level.

The dilemma of psykers has never been the level of psionic power per se, but rather how to avoid being corrupted by higher dimensional forces.

Those people escaped from the original demon - fear, and are naturally more resistant to the erosion of high-dimensional power. Their chances of growing into second-level or even third-level psykers are higher than those of ordinary psychics. Those who are capable are much higher.

So, if we can integrate the power of these people...

Of course, the plan to counterattack high dimensions will not be rushed, but the best time to do something was "ten years" ago, and the second best time is now.

"How are Killoran and Murphy doing at your place?"

"They..." Franka was stunned for a moment, wondering why Bai E suddenly brought up an irrelevant topic, but she understood in a blink of an eye, "You want to find that group of people... them, they have made rapid progress."

As one of the few top psychic talents that the city has encountered since its establishment, the speed at which those two children have progressed in the path of psychic ability is rare.

After only learning for a short period of time, both of their spiritual abilities have reached the peak of the first level of spiritual energy. However, due to the inevitable barrier between the first and second levels, their cultivation temporarily stagnated.

"...I heard that a special trial is being organized for the two of them recently to help them successfully break through. The institute attaches great importance to this."

Talented people will be valued wherever they go, and the two children are also smart and sensitive, so they will do well in the future.

"That's good." Bai E nodded assuredly, "Can you contact them?"

"Lord Aglaia said that you are not allowed to meet..." Franka looked at Bai E's face with a slightly teasing look in her eyes.

"So you all listen to her?"

Franka pursed her lips and smiled, "If she knew your current level, I'm afraid she would be the one regretting it the most."

As an artificial human, it took only about a month since his birth to master the second-level psychic ability. This is a level that has to surpass the two children of Guillory and Murphy.

Whether it is the innate limitations of artificial humans or the self-exploration of pure wildness, these limitations are unimaginable disadvantages for the two children who have been protected by their leaders all the way. Bai E, who still grows up strong under such circumstances... Franka It is already difficult to make any comments on this from the perspective of a "senior" in the way of psychic energy.

This is a miracle!

Aglaia is not a narrow-minded person. Even if she has misjudged something, she will not let it go as long as there is a chance to remedy it. There will always be a day when Bai E's true psychic level is exposed in the city. Fran Ka was looking forward to the adult's expression at that time.

"I will find an opportunity to arrange a meeting for you, and wait for my news." Franka always carries the delicate and noble air of a noble lady, but when she actually does things, she seems extremely reliable.

At this time, the voice is short and the tone is determined.


The tapping sound of small heels echoed in the dark corridor of the arbitration office.

Psychic stress resistance training in the military camp only takes place every other day. Franka, who finished today's psionic training, will be fine for more than a day and can have enough time to run back and forth.

To be entrusted by others is to be loyal to them.

Immediately after finishing the training, Franka returned to the arbitration headquarters in the city.

She found the familiar Grand Inquisitor and asked her how she was. After finding out the whereabouts of the two children, Franka rushed straight to the area where the two were now.

The Arbitration Office looks like a small group of buildings, but in fact the interior is distorted by psychic energy. The actual space is even comparable to half a city. If you don't determine the target location first, searching for it for a whole day may be in vain. .

Finally, in a dark void space that seemed to have a twisted whirlpool in front of her, Franka saw the two children who were following the instructor and listening to some instructions.

The instructor is a tall, thin man with a somewhat sinister look. He has a cold aura and is difficult for ordinary people to approach.

"Franka?" The instructor, who noticed the unexpected movement, turned around and saw Franka, his brows slightly furrowed in confusion.

Before Killolan and Murphy joined the arbitration office, Franka was once considered a minor celebrity here.

Before the emergence of top psychic talents, Franka's excellence was also a fact recognized by many people.


"What are you doing here?"

"Play with them." Franka pointed at the two children who were following the practice with a smile.

She has a straightforward personality and has often found two children before. This is not the first time, so it will not arouse any suspicion.

But now is not the time.

The instructor's eyebrows were cold and his tone was stern, "They are about to attack the second section and are making final preparations. Don't disturb them if you have nothing to do."

"Almost second level?" Franka's eyes lit up slightly, "It's really are they going to break through?"

"..." How could you ask that?

The instructor had a cold face, and it was difficult for him to really get angry when facing Franka, who was full of curiosity but pure enthusiasm. After all, Franka also had some skills that he had mentored.

"The mentor wants us to actually hunt a demon." In the silence for a while, Kilolan suddenly responded with a smile.

'I told her last time that we were both going to be in the second stage, and she shouldn't show such surprise. ’ These thoughts passed through Kilolan’s mind, and he easily realized that this innocent-looking noble lady must have something to say to her alone without hiding it from her mentor.

Then he turned to look at his mentor and smiled very softly, "Teacher, Franka is working in the military camp. It's rare that she comes back. I want to talk to her..."

For psychics, one must pay attention to the understanding of thoughts.

If you have other things on your mind, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

And this smart and well-behaved girl is equally lovable. The instructor waved his hand helplessly, "Pay attention to the time."

"Teacher I know."

Finally finding a chance to talk in private, Franka sat face to face with the two half-year-old children in a secret corner.

The eldest lady's long sword hung above her legs. She seemed to have no regard for manners but was full of aristocratic demeanor. She sat leaning on her back and said excitedly, "I went out with him to do something big again last night!"

"Big deal? What big deal?" Murphy's eyes lit up, full of interest in everything happening in the outside world.

Franka waved her hands proudly, "It's nothing, it's just that someone was promoted to the Demon Prince and was killed by my two brothers."

Murphy was stunned, and his face suddenly became excited, "Devil Prince!"

During his studies at the Arbitration Institute, he also learned the meaning behind this title.

Except for the eleven major impact events that have only appeared in rumors, the disaster caused by the Demon Prince can almost be said to be the biggest disaster related to demons that humans can encounter in the material world.

Every time a disaster of this level occurs, it will have an extremely serious impact on the material world. Records include a large area of ​​human land that was forever swallowed by high-dimensional space because of the demon prince.

"What kind of devil is it?"

"A war-type demon, the one with the highest combat power."

"That must be hard, right? Is it just the two of you?"

"Of course!" Franka waved her hand and saw another pair of clear eyes with a smile in her peripheral vision, so her tone became slightly restrained, "But mainly he is the main force, I just helped a little."

"That's awesome too!"

"He's still awesome..."

"Of course you are awesome, sir."

Seeing that the topic finally came up, Franka rolled her black and white eyes before saying: "Speaking of which, in fact, the main reason why I came back this time was to accept his entrustment."

Kilolan, who had been smiling softly and saying nothing, seemed to become nervous for a moment, "What did your Excellency say?"

"He said...there may be something that needs your help."

"no problem!"

"I haven't said what it is yet?"

"As long as it's an adult's request, it doesn't matter what it is."

"...You really trust him." Franka muttered to herself.

Murphy also looked at Kilolan unconvinced, "That's right, you haven't said what you want us to do?"

So he turned to look at Franka, "Sister, I wonder what the Lord wants us to do for him?"

"There are some things that I can't say easily. It's best if you communicate in person. I wonder if you have a chance to sneak out?"

Kilolan frowned slightly and slowly shook his head, "I'm afraid I won't have this chance."

As the city's brightest new star in the field of psychic energy, her daily life is always under the close scrutiny of others. I am afraid that she can only get rid of this kind of monitoring when her power truly reaches the peak where no one in the city can control it.

Before that, she probably didn't have many opportunities to break the rules.

This situation was also a possibility that Bai E and Franka had anticipated, and Franka also had room for free judgment.

But it was a matter of great importance, and it might even violate the decision ordered by the arbitration. Franka did not dare to reveal it at will, so she stared at the two children in front of her seriously, "I can convey it to him, but the matter is of great importance. If it is really No, I also hope you won’t reveal it.”

After such a long gap, the two children studied and lived in the arbitration office, and came into contact with as many people as they learned knowledge.

Franka couldn't guarantee their "loyalty" to Bai E. She needed auxiliary judgment based on psychic feedback.

"No problem." Kilolan agreed without hesitation.

"Killolan!" Murphy stared at the girl closely. "He has never contacted us for so long. When he contacted us, he asked us for help. Is this..."

A little too utilitarian?

"This is a matter of course." Killoran shook his head and rejected Murphy's view, "Why keep in touch if there is no need? A real bond does not require daily greetings to maintain. We work so hard here just to be able to one day Useful for adults.”

"It's to be useful to the world!" Murphy has always disliked Killoran's statement. "And he even has to avoid the informants in the institute..."

The Arbitration Institute has gradually become an authority in his eyes, the absolute only justice in the world. And if he needs to hide from this authority, does it mean that your not so just?

"My lord is never wrong." Kilolan said softly, his tone as calm as water.

“No one can be right all the time.”

"It's okay, my lord."

Murphy's eyes flashed with sadness, and his tone became a little weaker, "At least we can listen to what the adults want us to do before we make a decision?"

"This is already a form of disloyalty."

Kilolan shook his head and turned to look at Franka, "Can you tell me?"

The differences between the two children did not surprise Franka, and it was not the first time that they had a dispute. Fortunately, the two of them were always honest with each other, and they said, "Okay, but you have to..." I promise that even if I don’t want to help, I will never reveal it to anyone else.”

Seeing the way Killoran looked at him, Murphy blushed, "I'm not an ungrateful person! Even if I don't help him, I will never harm him!"

"Okay." Franka nodded.

No matter how much they have experienced, the innocence of the two children remains the same. During the psychic monitoring, there was no feedback that there was any lies in their words.

"He hopes that you...can contact all the compatriots of your race, and after all of you have reached at least the second level of psychic power, you can work together to do something! The goal is...high-dimensional space!"

"Expedition to high-dimensional space?"

"What a bold idea..."

After hearing the news, Murphy and Killolan each murmured with different attitudes.

Franka, who roughly explained the plan and reasons, looked at the two of them steadily, "How about it? Do you dare?"

This was an extremely bold idea, so bold that she didn't even dare to tell anyone in her circle except Bai E.

Human beings have always been cautious and conservative when making decisions in high-dimensional spaces.

"no problem!"

Unexpectedly, while Killolan seemed to be still pondering, Murphy immediately expressed his stance, "Let's help him!"

Too radical...too bold...

But that’s how it should be!

Murphy never had any objections to that adult.

But the other party's status in Kilolan's heart... was too high.

He can't be right all the time, how can anyone be right all the time?

It has to be so radical, it has to be so bold, so that there is room for mistakes.

At that time, he will redeem everything and let Kiloland know who is the real savior!

Murphy's unexpected statement did not bother Franka. She looked at Killoran, waiting for her decision.

The girl's eyes calmed down from the slight flicker. She looked at Franka and responded softly with a smile, "No problem, I have been keeping in touch with them, but it seems... they still need to be repaired now. To speed things up.”

Her thinking was not about whether she agreed with the plan or not, but about the detailed execution process.

Knowing that the adults had plans to develop their own power, she never abandoned the refugees who had little interaction with her after coming to the city.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, she is just an unfamiliar outsider who misses old friendships, but only she knows... that all actions are supported by a clear purpose.

At least the second level of strength... The tribesmen still live a little too comfortably.

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