Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 375 “Storage Space”

At night, Bai E came to a familiar location, and Yueying's figure was also hidden in the familiar shadow.

Except for Bai E, no one can detect the existence of Yueying in this position. This is a tacit understanding established between the two of them at some point.

"You came back yesterday?" Yueying said softly.

The tone was calm, as if it was just a normal inquiry.

But after getting along for a long time, Bai E also gradually understood the personality of this elf lady.

This is actually a dissatisfied question - I came back yesterday, why didn't I come?

"Last night, I went to fight the devil."

"Devil?" Yueying's eyes narrowed slightly, remembering the abnormal fluctuation he felt last night.

The fluctuation was a bit far away, so she was not interested in checking it at that time, but she did not expect that it was related to Bai E.

"It's good to be back." Yueying nodded lightly. No matter who the opponent was, now that he appeared in front of him alive again, it meant that the danger had passed. "What kind of opponent is it?"

If the distance is too far, the amplitude of the fluctuation will be unclear, making it difficult to directly determine the intensity of the event from the high-dimensional fluctuation itself.

"The war-type demon prince is quite difficult to deal with."

"..." Yueying's lips moved, speechless.

The war-type demon prince is just "supportive"?

It is true that she has never encountered any demon prince in the real world, but she has occasionally encountered demon princes when traveling to higher dimensions.

To be honest, it was also "quite difficult" for her.

If my sister hadn't been there at that time, the demon prince would have really escaped.

And how long has Bai E been practicing, and he is actually able to deal with an opponent of this level?

Who is the elf?

But after spending time with this guy for a long time, even these seemingly impossible things seem to be normal for him...

Feeling the spiritual energy unexpectedly released by Bai Eke, Yueying's crystal lips pursed slightly, a little surprised, "You are also in the second stage."

"Luckily, I broke through during the battle, otherwise I really wouldn't have been able to defeat my opponent."

"Yeah~" Yueying nodded slightly.

It should.

Without breaking through to the second level of spiritual power, she could not imagine how to defeat a demon prince.

"Now that you are already at level 2, you can start learning more psychic skills."

Bai E kept paying attention to Yueying's expression and tone, and found that he was always indifferent, and felt a little disappointed.

He did not underestimate himself. Killing a demon prince who invaded the material world alone was a good achievement, right? However, there was still not much surprise in Yueying's eyes.

This shows one thing - my level is still not enough in the eyes of the real high-level people in this world.

This is him finding his place, but he obviously still has a long way to go.

"Well...but before that, I have a question I want to consult with you." Baie did not put all his hopes on the refugees that Murphy and Kilolan could call for any possible help. All have to be won over.


"If you want to attack high-dimensional space, what conditions do you think are needed?"

Franka may be well-informed due to her status, but due to her own limitations in strength, she may not be able to have a clear understanding of many things.

Yueying is the strongest intelligent creature Bai E has seen so far, so her judgment should be more authoritative.

"Attack high-dimensional space?" Yueying narrowed her eyes slightly. She was really surprised when she heard that Bai E had not shown much performance in dealing with the demon prince before. "What do you want to do?"

"Something happened that made me pay attention to the souls imprisoned in high-dimensional space. If these souls can be rescued from those demonic territories, it will not only relieve their pain, but also weaken the power of high-dimensional space. Power, so..."

Yueying stared at Bai E quietly, her crystal clear eyes flashing with unknown emotions.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" A slightly rude interruption.

Bai E was slightly startled, "I's just an idea at the moment, so I want to ask for your opinion..."

The body began to feel hot, Yueying tried his best to control it, drooped his eyes lightly, and said as calmly as possible, "No one has done this before."

So she couldn't give any opinion.

But just this ambition is enough to make people excited.

Bai E understood her hidden meaning and was a little disappointed, "Don't you even understand me well enough?"

"How many people have you prepared?"

"If successful, there could be hundreds of second-level psykers."

"That's it?"

"That's all." Yueying's question made Bai E feel guilty.

A few hundred psykers shouldn't be too few, right?

According to Franka, the reason why those hundreds of refugees are so valued is because hundreds of psykers are a considerable asset to the entire city.

And judging from the several demonic incidents that I have encountered so far, even if I can solve the problems that a second-level psyker can solve, even if others are a little worse, a few more people can probably solve it together?

Hundreds of psykers acted in unison and launched an attack on just one demon's territory. How could it be said that there was some possibility of success?

Even if you don't say saving everything, even if you just open a gap and save part of it, it is still an attempt to give yourself a deeper understanding of the true side of the world.

Plans do not always succeed. Baie can accept all possible developments of the plan.

As for whether the plan is risky or not, what is the success rate... Aren't you trying to perfect it as much as possible now?

Facing Bai E's expectant gaze, Yueying sighed softly, "It's too risky."

She has never actually fought against a human psyker master, but she feels that it is not as difficult to get close to as dozens of second-level psykers.

There are countless risks in the high-dimensional space that even she is afraid of... not only from specific demons themselves.

Therefore, hundreds of second-level psykers want to launch a surprise attack in the high-dimensional space, the opponent's main battlefield. No matter how you hear it, it is a bit of a fantasy.

"Then we can only wait for a more perfect opportunity?" Bai E frowned lightly.

Hundreds of psykers were the number he could aspire to in the short term. For more power, he would have to wait until he became the ruler of the entire city before he could have a chance to activate it.

Or is it still not enough? Wait until he becomes the ruler of the entire planet before unleashing all of humanity's psykers?

Do you have to wait until something is perfect? On the road to perfection, can we turn a blind eye to all tragic misfortunes with peace of mind?


Precisely because no one has done it, it is even more necessary for someone to try it.

Bai E was not too determined to give up, "No chance at all?"

Moon Shadow shook her head and repeated again, "No one has tried."

Same description, once negative and once firm.

No one has organized large-scale psychics to actively invade high dimensions, and no one has taken the initiative to enter a specific demonic territory in high-dimensional space and successfully come back to describe what the territory looks like.

Everything is unknown.

Only latecomers who don’t have a deep understanding of the world dare to take big steps to explore everything.

The new-born soul examines everything in the world uninhibitedly, trying to resist everything.

"You can try, it's your freedom."

If that day comes, she probably won't stand idly by and may even contact her own tribe for him.

This is the first counterattack launched by intelligent beings. How can we miss the presence of their elves?

But until then...

Yueying spoke calmly, trying his best not to let the human warrior in front of him notice the blood that was beginning to surge in his body, "You first need to master the skills of high-dimensional walking."

Bai E only broke through to the second level of psychic power last night, and it is impossible for him to have time to rely on self-understanding or learn the skills that can only be unlocked after reaching this second level.

"I can."

There are mission rewards, and you don’t even need to pay experience to unlock them.

This is equivalent to directly saving thousands of points of learning experience that may need to be paid.

As he spoke, Bai E used it directly, and his entire body became nothing in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, he flashed out from a place several meters away.

[Psionic (Second Stage) Skill - High-Dimensional Walking: From now on, you can completely inject spiritual energy into your physical body, so that the physical body can briefly enter the high-dimensional space and integrate with the spiritual body. You can inherit all the characteristics of the spirit body in the high-dimensional space, and at the same time, you can control the spirit body to act more freely, and bring the part of the impact of your actions that is adapted to the material world with you when the physical body returns to the material world. Return to the material world. (Note: High-dimensional space is mysterious and unpredictable. The longer you continue to "walk" in it, the longer the "distance covered" you walk, and the easier it is for your spirit to be penetrated.)]

The small-scale transfer of the material world through high-dimensional space is exactly an application after the physical body is replaced by the spiritual body and then returned to the material world.

Being able to perform this technique is mastering one of the biggest features of high-dimensional walking.

Yueying closed her lips tightly. Even though she had accepted that nothing should be strange if anything happened to the warrior in front of her, she still felt a little absurd at this moment, "..."

walk slowly!

"What about psychic storage?" When you reach the second level, there are many skills you can learn.

High-dimensional walking is the "reality" that must be mastered, and it is the ability that must be possessed to understand the other side of the world.

Psionic storage is a convenient need that psychics always need as humans.

"I don't know how to do this yet." Bai E said with great interest.

What needs to be done is still far away, and the new abilities that can be accessed right in front of you are always exciting.



I just made a breakthrough last night, so I can't master all the second-level skills without a teacher. That would really make people doubt the authenticity of the world.

Yueying felt relieved and her tone became a little lively, "The so-called spiritual energy storage is to rely on your spirit body to 'fix' a space around you."

The nature of high-dimensional space is energy and subjective.

In that magical place, thinking with a certain energy base can shape reality out of thin air.

Psykers who have reached the second level can fabricate their own reality with their own thinking.

Fixing the "space" around the spirit body into a real space that can adapt to and store items in the physical world is the application of this shaping.

The size of the space, the types of items that can be stored, etc., are all determined by the creator's own will and level.

The storage space of some powerful psykers can reach hundreds of cubic meters, and can even store living people for a short period of time; while the storage space of some psykers can only store some dead objects with a simple structure and a single substance, and the space is extremely small. .

In the "world" observed by the pure spirit body, Yueying's will is very directly perceived by Bai E through the slight vibration of spiritual energy.

"...The extent of your influence will be the extent of your storage space. In the future, the improvement of your spiritual power level can slightly increase this space, but the 'space' that can be circled initially is often the display of your talent."

[You are learning psychic related skills...]

[Trigger teaching task—Psychic energy storage. 】

[Teaching Task - Psychic Storage: Everything is possible in the world of psionic energy, and you can even shape reality in this world. Task requirements: Follow Yueying’s guidance to complete the shaping of the storage space. Mission completion rewards: Psychic energy +5/5, storage space quality +1. 】

"You can use your psychic powers to analyze and deconstruct my storage space to help you complete this process. The second level skills are more difficult, so don't be disappointed if you don't make much progress tonight."


The tentacles of psychic energy touched the tangible "square" deliberately displayed by the other party. The thick barrier separated the boundary between reality and illusion, protecting everything within it to exist safely.

It turns out that elves also wear underwear...

[You are paying for the storage space shaped by combat experience analysis and deconstruction goals...]

[Current deconstruction completion level: 1%]

[Current deconstruction completion level: 11%]

Time passes quietly like water.

No learning is difficult as long as you are willing to put in the experience.

If you don’t have enough understanding, you need experience.

Enough experience turned into a solid understanding and integrated into Bai E's instinct, so the know-how of how to shape the barrier easily emerged from his mind.

The power of psychic energy began to outline trails of light. Those invisible light paths converged with each other, eventually forming transparent "walls" that reflected the scenery and were built with the spirit body as the center.

Real attributes are instantly given, and the barrier that separates illusion and matter divides the space into two areas that are incompatible with each other.

[Current deconstruction completion level: 100%. You have completely completed the analysis of the target space and successfully established your own storage space. 】

The fingertips of the spirit body slid gently in the air, and Bai E could feel the degree of control he had over this space.

In the process of establishing the space, countless authorities related to "reality" are naturally given in the process of establishment, so that the space controlled by oneself is as complete and self-consistent as a real and true material world, with complete and precise logic but And it cannot be changed.

[You have successfully established your own storage space. Reward: Psychic Power +5/5, Storage Space Quality +1, has been issued. 】

When the reward fell, the entire space shook slightly...

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