
'Why is he here? ! ’

That silent figure was the one that Helen remembered most deeply when she came to the military camp. As a new android just born in the training warehouse, this recruit named Bai E accomplished things in a short period of time that other soldiers would be unable to achieve in their lifetime. achievements.

It was precisely because of his outstanding performance that he was attracted by his resume as soon as he came to the military camp and devoted himself to observing him for a long time. He even considered him as one of his most important test subjects. The idea came up, but in the end because of his poor performance in melee combat talents, he gave up the plan in the end.

After returning, she was very glad that she did not choose a "flawed product" on impulse, nor did she choose the warrior named "Rose" as a lower-level "replacement". This plan required many resources, veteran. The hospital is by no means a place where one is willing to gamble on slim odds.

This plan can be delayed, but it must not fail!

So...why is he sitting here at this time today?

Those who appeared on this occasion at this time must be high-ranking officers in the military camp, or important front-line officers involved in this battle. How could he, an ordinary soldier, sit in this position?

Although she has not had much contact with the army, Helen also knows the promotion system within the army - unless you have a city lord father, it is difficult for a normal natural person to be promoted from a low-level soldier to an important officer in just a few months. class.

Or... this warrior's performance was so terrifying that it broke the conventional system? To force even a rigid place like a military camp to recognize his achievements?

Could it be said that I was still wrong at the beginning?

This fleeting guess was accompanied by a little regret rising in her heart. Helen was stunned in place, with countless thoughts flashing through her mind.

"Academician Helen? Academician Helen?" The call that sounded in her ears as if from a very far away place made Helen suddenly come back to her senses.

Blinking her eyes lightly, Helen's consciousness returned instantly, and she turned her head to look in the direction calling her as if nothing had happened.

Weslin was looking at himself with a flattering smile.

"Academician Helen, I want to trouble you again. These are two brand-new Zerg behemoths that our military encountered in a battle that just happened. We have carefully preserved the sample tissue of one of the behemoths and are waiting for it. for your acceptance.”

Helen collected her mind and focused on the more urgent and important things at hand, "Where is the battlefield video?"

"At this."

Following Weslin's gesture, a picture of the giant beast captured by a battlefield drone suddenly appeared on the white curtain behind him.

The first shot at the scene was undoubtedly shocking. As the last core combat force of the military, the Titan-class armed mecha was instantly knocked down by the shot. Even the blast of firepower was enough to cover a huge area.

Judging from the subsequent summary of the explosion area, whether it was machinery or human bodies within the shelling range, the casualty rate was as high as 95%.

If the equipment is hit in a less important part, it can still be saved, but if the human body is collapsed, it will be shattered. The power is no worse than being hit by an anti-material sniper rifle.

What's more important is that even if the spread is extremely wide, the behemoth's artillery strike range is still dense.

This level of destructive power is far more exaggerated than the previous performance of the "dominator".

The master is fierce and fierce, which is just a control field that controls others and controls himself.

And if there are a few more of these new behemoths, and there are several rounds of bombardment before the war begins, how can humans have any chance of winning?

Even the Titan-class armed mechas they were proud of looked like paper in front of them. The larger the battlefield, the greater the threat from this behemoth.

In small-scale battlefields, mechas can also rely on the tyranny of mechas to attack people in the face. In large-scale battles, it is difficult for mechas to cross the insect nest to perform beheadings when encountering the endless sea of ​​insects.

Humanity can only be thankful that the bug once again irrationally exposed its most powerful trump card on the battlefield where it should least appear.

If they were humans, they would never reveal their absolute trump card so easily.

But no matter what, once the newly emerged behemoth was reported, it was instantly assessed by the military as the most difficult strategic unit of the Zerg race.

"We named it Thunder Beast..."

The video played slowly, Helen couldn't take her eyes away, and Weslin was beside her and introduced softly.

The progress came to the decapitation tactic of forcibly charging the mecha. Helen had no time to take into account the differences in the performance of the mecha team. She was only concentrating on every move of the "Thunder Beast" when facing the mecha's charge.

The video finally comes to an end as a blue and white mecha cuts in with a single blade and inserts a bomb into its body to detonate it.

Weislin synthesized the information summarized by the analysis department in the short period of time from returning to the camp to now and presented it to Academician Helen in front of him, "After our preliminary analysis, the main weapons of the Thunder Beast are two types: one is made of The form of bombardment formed by the combination of two projectiles. One is an attack form in which the symbiosis gun on the forelimbs spits out a large amount of acid stored in the glands in the body. The two methods are used to bombard distant battlefields in a large area. One is to protect itself when being approached by enemies. In addition to this, the Thunder Beast does not carry too many other symbiotic weapons or organs.

And judging from the physical appearance of the Ultralisk we observed, it doesn't seem to be...nor is it suitable to be loaded with other types of symbiotic weapons. It shouldn't have too many variant functions. At present, we feel that the best tactic to deal with the Ultralisk is to let our armed mechas sprint and fight face-to-face. The Ultralisk lacks the means to face-to-face with high-armor units. "

"But can each of your mechas possess the melee strength of this mecha?"

Helen pointed to the scene that finally stopped on the screen. The mecha holding a single sword turned its back to the Thunder Beast, and the huge Zerg corpse slowly fell over.

Although the video was short, the performance of the other mechas on the screen was very different from the performance of the mecha that killed the Thunder Beast. Helen believed it if it was said to be a teaching battle conducted by the instructor with the students.


Weislin has neither the thought nor the time to pay attention to this aspect. He is a marshal who takes charge of the overall situation and does not need to worry about the personal combat power of each organization under his command.

Not capable enough? Then practice!

There are tens of thousands of people in the military camp and millions of people in the entire city. If there are not enough in the camp, they will recruit troops. If there are not enough, they will let the android production line rush to recruit them. They can select the talents they need one by one.

It’s not that a unique existence like the “Imperial God of War” is needed. Ordinary geniuses are just a matter of probability.

...So at this moment, he was still speechless about Helen's question.

But Helen also didn't care much about this difference in personal combat power. She just needed more relevant information.

"Where's the other giant beast?"


The screen flashed, and the picture flashed again.

The whole process of the red behemoth running from the appearance, to being briefly dragged down by the mecha squadron, to the retreat after the death of the Thunder Beast is shown. The time is short, and the content that can be observed is even rarer.

"We tentatively named this giant beast the Tearer. Its pair of giant claws that are usually hidden can easily tear apart the strongest defense of our armed mecha. And its scale..."

I'm afraid not small.

If the Ultralisk is an absolute weapon for long-range bombing, the Ripper is the invincible king in close combat.

A pair of sharp claws can easily tear apart the armor of an armed mecha. In just a few tens of seconds of delayed battle, three tearers directly tore one and a half of the mecha into pieces. That half of the mecha would have been destroyed if the captain of the mecha combat team had not eliminated the thunder. Even if the beast queen comes to your aid in time, the fate of destruction cannot be avoided.

Although that pair does not seem to be as powerful as the "Juggernaut", which cuts into a mirror with one strike, it is still one of the best Zerg symbiosis weapons that humans have ever seen.

Coupled with the terrifying power that is enough to overwhelm the mecha in a head-on confrontation, and the full-body bone armor that makes it difficult for all the mecha's armed weapons to damage it, the threat level of the Ripper is not any lower than that of the Thunder Beast.

Not to mention that there were three Rippers when they appeared, and they didn't look like a cherished unit at all.

If we see a large group of these bugs rushing towards us on the Zerg battlefield in the future...

Just thinking about it makes every officer shudder.

In front of people from their scientific research department, it is to be expected that the military department would not dare to make radical conclusions.

Helen never expected to rely on them to characterize the newly emerged Zerg species. At this time, she just pointed to the last scene frozen on the screen.

The blue and white captain's machine was looking at the direction of the three red giant beasts, like an absolute god of war protecting the entire army.

"Who controls this mecha?"

Thunder Beast's playing time is not long and there are not many opportunities to show off.

Even if a battlefield drone follows the entire scene, many details cannot be seen clearly due to distance and pixel issues.

Not to mention the Ripper, the whole battle lasted for less than a minute. Except for the last brief entanglement between the captain's mecha and it, the battle against other mechas was almost a one-sided crushing.

Perhaps only the pilot operating the captain's aircraft can tell more details that others cannot access.

Helen doesn't care about the difference in combat power between individual warriors, but she understands warriors - every warrior who wants to defeat his opponent must first understand his opponent.

The mecha pilot who directly fought and killed the Thunder Beast, and was even able to tangle with the Ripper and evenly matched, was the one who had the most say at this moment.

"Captain Bai, now it's up to you to answer Academician Helen's question." Weslin turned his attention to Bai E with a smile on his face.

The soldiers he single-handedly promoted once again stole the show in this battle, which also put gold on his face.

"Yes! Marshal!" Bai Erban stood up, turned to look at Helen with a serious face and nodded, "Academician Helen, please tell me."


'It's him! ’

The focus returned to the warrior in the corner again, and the thoughts that had been suppressed just now couldn't help but come to mind again.

Helen's heart was shocked, but her face just narrowed her eyes, "You became a pilot? When did it happen?"

"Five days ago." That was the time for the assessment to become a full-time pilot, and Bai E would never forget it.

Helen tilted her head slightly, "Marshal Weslin, if I remember correctly, the standard for your pilot establishment is that you need at least 14 points of physical fitness, reflexes, and 13 points of insight, right?"

The pilots of the pilots are not a bunch of sprouts. In order to ensure that the strongest weapon of mankind can play a sufficient role, the pilot who drives it must also have a strong physique and sufficient observation and reaction capabilities.

Even if the pilots of the mecha company are only candidates, they are still top-notch elites among other establishments. They have reached this point through layers of selection and certain artificial assistance and reinforcement.

This is also an important reason why they are extremely repulsive to airborne artificial humans becoming team members.

Weslin was slightly startled when he heard Helen's question. He glanced sideways and saw the cautious nod of the adjutant on standby, so he replied firmly: "Yes!"

Helen murmured softly, "This attribute requires..."

But it was much more outrageous than when I first met him.

In the beginning, it could be said that the potential for the awakening of alien genes was not fully released, which led to an explosion of development when the attributes were low. However, now the rapid improvement of all attributes...

Not to mention breaking the rules and becoming the only person to join the regular pilot team as an android. At the same time, even in this very short training time, he became the captain of the mecha squadron that surpassed all the pilots in the mecha company.

What did he do during this time?

The thoughts that were originally extinguished are once again ready to stir up.

It was just related to her private plan. Helen knew the importance. After a simple inquiry, she went straight to the topic at hand, "Did you kill the thunder beast with your own hands?"


"In addition to what Marshal Veslin said just now, is there anything else you want to add about the Thunder Beast?"

"Back to the academician, what the marshal said is true. According to my observation, the attack methods of the Thunder Beast are limited to these two forms. Its structure limits its ability to carry out other forms of combat. It is worth noting that there is a group of small The team of worker insects and bee insects will always follow the Thunder Beast. If we had not conducted a round of missile bombing on the Thunder Beast first, our beheading operation might have to face more resistance. And according to my observation, the Thunder Beast The beast seems to absorb the biomass of the small insect guards around it and use it to recover the injuries it has suffered. This is a war weapon that can only follow the battle formation to carry out strategic strikes. If it appears in a formal formation, we will definitely not be able to deal with it now. , it shouldn’t appear on a battlefield of this level.”

The information about the Thunder Beast is quite clear in the Behemoth Encyclopedia. This is not a rare thing!

As long as you are willing to pay for biomass, this kind of bug can be produced in large quantities by the Zerg.

Once they appear in groups, they are existences that humans, as Bai E knows now, are absolutely unable to deal with!

Why would the intelligent Zerg expose such a trump card so easily?

Since the last time he set foot on the Zerg battlefield for the first time, Bai E has been doubtful about the Zerg's real goal. He can only take advantage of this time to mix in some personal goods and see if he can get some points. Now in the city, it can be said A senior person you can talk to.

"...will it also absorb the biomass of other bugs to repair itself?" Helen whispered softly. This is information that did not appear in the video or Weslin's summary just now.

Nodding, Helen indicated that she knew, and then asked: "So... where is the Ripper?"

"I think this name may not be appropriate." Bai E looked directly at Helen calmly.

Naming will create a preconceived impression on people's subconscious mind, and a suitable naming is also very important.

"In my opinion, the responsibility of this red giant beast is more to protect... We should call it - guard."

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