Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 393 The merits are equal to the faults

The thunder beast has a clear illustration to help him understand everything about it. As for the red giant beast, he can only rely on his own perception to judge.

Unlike the Thunder Beast, which can be mass-produced with just enough biomass, the red giant beast feels more like a special species that is difficult to mass-produce to Bai E.

In his brief confrontation with the crimson behemoth, even Bai E, who was piloting a mecha to fight against him, did not find any way to kill or even defeat his opponent.

Before he mastered the skills that could greatly increase his combat power and apply them to mechas, Bai E had no chance of one-on-one combat, even if he was operating an armed mecha that is now known as the most powerful war weapon in mankind. Just win the opponent's confidence.

The explosion rate subtitles also support this. Just like when you first met the Overlord, when you saw the three "guards", the explosion rate subtitles you saw were just "???".

The Thunder Beast can also be said to be a qualitative change brought about by quantitative changes. The only high-strength substance displayed on its body is the highly concentrated seeds of one of the two cannonballs it fires. Moreover, its slow movement and fragile lower limbs are extremely deadly; but Crimson Red The lewd behemoth Wanwan Quanquan is a perfect creature with no weaknesses in its entire body.

If a behemoth of this strength could be created at will, Bai E couldn't think of anything else on this planet that bugs should be afraid of.

What convinced Bai E the most was the terrifying commanding voice coming from the insect nest node network - exactly the same as the last time the Overlord appeared.

Does that voice mean the consciousness of the master? Or...a higher-level hive mind capable of commanding the Overlord?

The division of labor within the Zerg is clear, and commands spread quickly within the node network with almost no delay. The lower-level bugs listen carefully to the orders of the higher-level bugs, and there are rarely cross-level commands from high-level bugs, which means more consumption.

And how could an existence that could be directly commanded by that grand will be an ordinary mass-produced species?

The behavior of the other party's retreat itself also means that the other party is not willing to lose this special existence easily.

Without the kind of large-scale field control ability similar to that of the Overlord, a lone giant beast would not be able to escape death if it fell into the human army formation that had finished dealing with the ordinary insect swarm.

Compared to the Thunder Beast, the "Guard" is a more special existence.

Facing Bai E who put forward his opinion, Helen's eyes narrowed slightly. After a brief look, she suddenly smiled and said, "Come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Weislin who had been following him, "Marshal, I'm sorry to bother you. I have understood and received the information you provided. I will complete the next work myself and provide you with Behemoth as quickly as possible." Detailed information about it.”

"Follow me." Turning around to lead the way, Bai E looked at Weslin from behind for instructions.

He waved his hand casually and gestured with his mouth, "Go ahead, go ahead."

Academicians of the Academy of Sciences are important people, and everyone here can cooperate with the research, not to mention the captain of a small mechanized combat team.

When the academician with a fierce aura walked away with his high-heeled footsteps, most of the officers in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ These girls are quite scary."

"Nonsense! If someone can become an academician in a place like a scientific research institute, he has seen as much blood as us."

After a brief moment of relaxation, Weislin stood in front of the stage again.

He was well aware of the research institute's behavior, so as soon as he came back, he asked everyone to compile all the information about the new behemoth. He didn't even have time to summarize the various departments on their human side in the battle. Performance.

Those who have merit must be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes must be punished.

This is the method that must be used to control people.

Knocking on the table, Weslin glanced around slowly before speaking calmly: "Let's get started..."

"Yes!" The commander-in-chief who led the expedition stood up and spoke calmly, "About this battle..."

The description of the process of the battle was lengthy and boring, all about routine tactics and unremarkable numbers of sacrifices. Weslin fell asleep listening to it.

After the commander-in-chief's voice stopped for a while, Weslin suddenly reacted, "That's it... that's it... does anyone else have anything to add?"

"Yes!" An officer sitting not far from the commander-in-chief suddenly stood up, "The commander-in-chief missed a very important piece of information - in this battle, a soldier in an important position made a huge mistake. , so much so that the battle almost failed completely. I wonder why the commander-in-chief didn’t mention it at all?”

The commander-in-chief had no expression on his face and replied calmly: "Individual performance has little to do with the success or failure of the entire battle. The battle will not succeed because of one person's outstanding performance, nor will it fail because of one person's abnormal performance. The responsibilities within the specific establishment are the responsibility of the direct superior of each establishment, and I will not waste everyone’s time here.”

"But what if the organization led by this person is our vital mechanized combat team? This is a sharp knife for us to deal with the advanced Zerg, but he was almost led into the abyss!"

This immediately caused an uproar among the unsuspecting officers.

Disobeying orders on the battlefield is a taboo in the army.

Weislin narrowed his eyes, and his originally nonchalant thoughts about settling the matter quietly dissipated, "What exactly is going on?"

"Report to the marshal!" The officer put his legs together, saluted suddenly, and then began to state, "In this battle, Captain Bai Ebai, the captain of the mechanized combat team, disobeyed military orders and acted without authorization before the battle. Not only did he ignore the orders of his superiors, He even twisted military orders to deceive his team members, causing the entire war situation to fall into the most dangerous situation!"

"You fucking fart!" Immediately, an officer with a hot temper suddenly stood up and glared at the officer who made the statement, "What does the dangerous situation of the battle have to do with Bai E's private actions?! Without his risky actions, we would not have been able to do this this time. The battle has been defeated so damn long ago, why is it your turn to talk nonsense here?"

The officer who made the statement stared at the officer who came forward with a strange look in his eyes, "Gladstone, if I remember correctly, he directly disobeyed your order... Are you okay?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! Without Captain Bai's turn of events this time, how could we kill those new behemoths? Why didn't you come out to answer when Academician Helen spoke out just now? Just tell me, the entire military camp Who can you find who can kill the 'Thunder Beast' before the three 'Guards' arrive? With the Thunder Beast there constantly bombing from a distance, how can we win this battle? Find me a pair of pilots like this! "

He has a bad temper and doesn't understand the overall situation well.

But so what?

At that time, it was true that his soldiers were disobedient because they did not obey the command. On the way back, with the guidance of the commander-in-chief, he also saw clearly the key to the success or failure of this battle——

It was really because of Captain Bai's outstanding performance that he suddenly won this battle that should have failed.

Having soldiers like this at your disposal may hurt your head a bit, but how fulfilling are you? Can you, an outsider, be allowed to complain?

"..." The officer who was scolded hesitated for a moment, then turned around and bit his tongue, "No matter what, he can't wash away the matter of disobeying orders on the battlefield."

"This is called an on-the-spot decision based on the battle situation!" Suddenly a voice from further away suddenly jumped out, "If you can go to the front line and kill a thunder beast, I will work for you as your personal guard later. You tell me to go east, but I will never go west."

"Carlos!" The officer who was being criticized glared at the corner where he was speaking. After realizing that the eye attack had no effect, he turned his head and looked in another direction that was clearly separated from Carlos. "Hamilton, what do you think?"

As long as Carlos supported something, Hamilton would definitely oppose it.

You need to find yourself some powerful allies...

Hamilton, who seemed to be dozing off, raised his eyebrows, "If I remember correctly, the mecha company should be under my control? I didn't say anything, is it your turn as an outsider to take charge?"

The officer who was scolded didn't take it seriously. Hamilton was just such a person. He didn't know who was good or bad, so he just persisted and asked, "Okay! Tell me, is this a big mistake for disobeying military orders? He still assumes an important position." The captain of the mechanized combat team, this is going to a military court!"

Hamilton's eyelids rolled, "Resisting is a crime, beheading is a merit. If you have a fault, you will be punished, and if you have merit, you will be rewarded. I will punish him not to train for a morning, reward him with an extra meal in the evening, and then balance the merits and demerits. This matter Even if it’s over.”


The officer suffocated slightly. What kind of reward and punishment is this?

Scanning his eyes slightly, he found that there was still a silent "force" on the field, so he seemed to have found a savior.


"He played well..."


So the officer could only look at the military marshal who had enough voice to finally characterize the incident, "Marshal Weislin..."

"Okay, okay..." Weslin couldn't help but want to yawn, so he woke himself up from the bed late at night. After finally dealing with the people who left the scientific research institute, he still let them sleep?

"Just do as Hamilton says. Why does this person care about you?"

"Just now he even openly questioned the Tactical Department's naming of the new species!"

"This matter has to be decided by the Scientific Research Department in the end, and nothing we say counts." Weslin didn't take it seriously at all, and it wasn't him who was slapped in the face.

"But our commander-in-chief deliberately concealed it..."

"The merits and demerits are all outweighed, what else is there to say...yawn~"

"Bang!" After Helen left with Bai E, the closed door suddenly opened, and Helen's assistant, also wearing a white coat, ran in quickly, "The academician said that Captain Bai made a great contribution this time! Never failed."


Why are you all going against me?

I just want to participate in the Commander-in-Chief's book. What's wrong with me?

The officer felt dizzy and felt the world's deep malice toward him.

'wrong! ’ The dazed officer found an opportunity.

The wind has changed, and the rudder has turned to the wind.

"Yes, yes! It's a great achievement! The commander-in-chief deliberately suppressed it!"


Where are people?

crooked? Where are people? Don't go!

In a separate private room, Helen stared at the warrior in front of her with an inexplicable smile on her lips, "Do you think 'guarding' is more important?"

"They are rarer. In comparison, Thunder Beasts are more important. That is the opponent our army needs to face more intuitively. Guards only appear to protect some important units, and they should not be seen on ordinary battlefields." Faced with Helen in private, Baie was more willing to express some of his own opinions. This was one of the few opportunities for him to get in touch with the urban upper class without much risk.

"Then why did you see it?" Helen squinted her eyes, wanting to hear the thoughts of the warrior in front of her. "If the thunder beast is not rare, why are there guards to protect it?"

"Maybe... it's just for us to see?" Bai E carefully expressed his opinion.

He was no longer a completely stereotyped image when he last faced Helen, and using that image now is obviously a bit self-deceiving.

And he also really wants to know whether humans understand this.

Whether it's sandworms or the new thunder beasts and guards that appeared this time, Bai E can always smell more strange information from the abnormal exposure behavior of insects.

The timing of their exposure is too strange. It is obvious that they have more strategic value when they appear on a more decisive battlefield, but they always appear in the human field of vision on some insignificant occasions.

Is human reconnaissance capability all-pervasive?

So why are you so unprepared for the existence of the "Master"?

In other words, this is the information that bugs deliberately reveal to humans.

"Think...what would we do?"

Helen flipped through the printed information in her hand and said casually, "Both the Thunder Beast and the guards can easily defeat the armor of our modern mechas. The eight-element alloy is no longer enough to support the highest intensity of the current battle. It is urgent to develop a method to stably produce more advanced sixteen-element alloys. At the same time, the high-end bugs of the Zerg have this level of defense, so... what about the Overlord? If we want to completely defeat the Zerg, the current weapons are not enough to support it."

The solution is simple---increase technology.

'Is this what the bug wants? ’

Simple and direct thoughts arise in my mind.

'What do they want to do? ’

"We have already had this guess..." Helen lowered her eyelids, "In fact, in the past many years, bugs have had more than one opportunity to completely engulf us, but they always died due to various strange reasons. It didn’t succeed. Whether it was intentional sparing or lack of ability has never been determined, but in the past few times... the intention has become much more obvious."


"So what else can we do?" Helen smiled helplessly, "Because the bugs want us to be technologically advanced, so we won't be technologically advanced?"


"So our research has never discussed this possibility. Just know it in your heart. You... the trophies you brought back this time are of great use. I will analyze them soon. Do you want to take a look?"


Of course look.

The specific data in my Behemoth Encyclopedia has not been put to use yet.

There were too many people just now, so he couldn't show it.

When you're alone, there's always an opportunity to show off your usefulness.

And...did Helen just talk about sixteen-yuan alloy? That is the core technology needed for my own mecha transformation plan!

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