
Bai E's request to participate in the research is not surprising. This warrior is also very interested in these technology-related research, and interest is also a kind of talent. There is no doubt that this warrior's talent is displayed in all aspects.

This was also the reason why I fell in love with him in the first place, but unfortunately...

Temporarily collecting her mind, Helen focused on business.

As the translucent white jade fingertips gently pressed the case on the metallic smooth table, the curtains unfolded from the huge wall in front of Bai E to both sides, revealing the biological experimental cabin behind it, which was blocked by transparent glass.

Although the Thunder Beast killed by Bai E with a bomb had a lot of internal organs destroyed, its body was still big enough for the military to dig out a lot of fresh remaining tissue, which was more than enough for research, and it is now on display. in front of your eyes.

Helen controlled the robotic arm behind the isolation window to check the tissues provided by the military and sent them one by one to the inspection point.

In the huge room, there was only the slight buzzing sound of the machine running...

The strength of muscles and bone armor far exceeds that of all species captured in the past, and both forms of attack are also very powerful. Among them, the acid sprayed and the swollen tick bomb, one of the shells used in the artillery, can be found in regular patterns. But that seed-like cannonball...

After searching for a while, a sac-like organ that appeared slightly strange under the scan came into Helen's sight.

The sharp cutting knife gently cut open the layer of strong muscles that seemed to be still beating, and a multi-chamber sac-like organ was completely revealed in front of Bai E and Helen.

And in those chambers, black "cannonballs" of various sizes, that is, the "seeds" of one of the two cannonballs hit by the shelling, were quietly displayed in them.

"Beep~beep~beep~" The machine finally beeped to indicate that the analysis was completed, and Bai E was the first to come over, "How is it?"

"You're quite anxious..." Helen glanced at him and turned to look at the instrument's display panel.

The various precise indices were all blind to Bai E. Only the paper data finally gathered at Helen's fingertips was the only item that could be understood.

"Muscle strength...bone strength and density...the structure of the seed..."

While murmuring softly, Helen put down the paper summary in her hand, leaned back and half leaned on the back of the seat, and rubbed the center of her eyebrows with her green and white jade right hand in distress.

"I can't figure it out..."

The detailed composition and structure of each bone and muscle can be quite different, but it is difficult to judge the specific expressiveness of the combination.

The possible range given by the computer analysis is so large that it seems that no analysis was performed.

Just like they have never been able to fully understand the secrets of the human body, let alone fully understand the body of a foreign race like the Zerg.

In the past, it was possible to finally lock down the opponent's ability numerical range based on a large amount of actual combat experience. However, the information provided this time was too little. I am afraid that we can only provide a rough range for the military through a few images and some oral descriptions. .

As for the power of the shelling, it is even more difficult to give an accurate guess, and it is impossible to talk about targeted research on protective materials.

Helen shook her head and tapped the keys.

Bai E glanced at Bai E from the corner of his eye and asked softly, "How did you feel when you fought with the thunder beast before?"

From the video, there was not much direct confrontation between the two. Most of the time, the mechas controlled by Bai E and his companions dexterously bypassed the bulky beast to find weak points to attack. Even in the midst of a fierce battle, he also It must be due to the surge of hormone secretion and the brain is almost empty. Most soldiers are unable to describe in detail the details of the battles they have participated in, and even Bai E is probably no exception.

I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to tell anything if I asked him, so Helen just asked casually.

But he didn't expect Bai E to respond: "Yes!"

That's too much.

Bai E wanted to pour out all the information recorded in the Behemoth Illustrated Book in one breath, but for the sake of rationality, Bai E could only reasonably give it through scenarios one by one, "I had a head-on collision with its limbs. At that time, our machine Armor used about 80% of the peak force, but it was still slightly disadvantageous, so it is estimated that the impact force of ordinary joint limbs is about 95% to 97% of the full operation of the mecha arm. In addition, the bombardment damage of the Ultralisk..."

The sound of typing on the keyboard stopped at some point, and Bai E, who was speaking out his thoughts all at once, saw Helen staring at him in surprise.

He had long seen Helen's attention, but at this time he just pretended to be strange and asked, "...Is there any problem, academician?"

Helen asked with some disbelief: "You...observed so much information?"

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

Bai E couldn't explain it, so he just asked with a straight face, "...observation of battlefield information is something we must do, right?"

The facts are here, just throw the issue out and let other people rationalize it how they think it is, it is other people's business.

very suitable.

"..." Helen pursed her lips and discovered an advantage that she had not found in this guy in the past -

He is surprisingly sensitive to data, even converting it into areas he is familiar with.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah!" Helen quickly typed on the keyboard and quickly wrote down a large list of data that Bai E had just mentioned.

These data may not be directly used as the final standard, but they can also be used as a rough reference.

The conclusion about a new Zerg species has not been made so quickly. They need more comprehensive calculations and experiments.

"What about the 'guard' you mentioned? How do you feel about fighting against it?"

"Guard?" Without a giant beast illustration, Bai E shook his head, "I only fought with one of them briefly, and I'm not sure whether its power is at its full strength, but even so, it is slightly better than the power of the mecha. .”

"Hmm..." Helen nodded slightly, feeling it was natural.

There is less information about the crimson behemoth "Guard", and there is no organization to capture it. We only know that in terms of attack and defense alone, the hard qualities of the mecha are not as good as the "Guard".


The room was quiet again, and Helen stared intently at the "seed" that was placed in front of several probes and scanned together. Of course...beside it, there was the chamber muscle tissue that was cut and analyzed.

As the red and blue light flashed across, the machine gradually stopped rotating.

"How about it?"

"No results..." Helen's eyes swept across the screen in front of her, her brows furrowed.

"But judging from the chamber muscles that secrete this substance, this "seed" looks like some kind of... stone? Extract and condense it, layer after layer, until it reaches a sufficient standard. Launch it to ensure sufficient lethality. But... there is no way to cut it open, and there is no way to truly confirm its organizational structure and its explosive power during a frontal impact."

"That tick-shaped swelling oil bomb is its nemesis?"

"But the chain reaction similar to a nuclear reaction cannot be slowed down and controlled. We must use our own methods to open this substance." Helen's fingertips lightly tapped the table, "Judging from the performance in actual combat , the strength of this material is even higher than that of eight-element alloys, and it may provide some ideas for us to develop the technology of sixteen-element alloys."

The need to develop new materials is urgent. The two newly emerged behemoths can easily penetrate the strongest armor currently available to mankind. Ordinary troops may still be able to fight the enemy with their lives by attacking without defending, but the most elite teams It definitely requires the most sophisticated weapons.

Every new thing that human beings encounter is an opportunity, and crises and opportunities coexist.

The technology of the Zerg is quite barbaric, and the things they use to attack humans may also one day become their own nemesis.

[You are participating in the creation of technology - sixteen yuan alloy smelting technology. The current creation progress is 0.1%. After the full participation is completed, you will obtain: technology - sixteen yuan alloy smelting technology; scientific research experience +5000 points; science and technology points*3. 】


"what's good!"

Facing Helen's doubtful gaze, Bai E praised with a straight face, "Academician, I think your idea is very reasonable!"

"..." The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Helen smiled helplessly and shook her head, "If we had an idea and could produce results, we would have conquered the world by now. Okay, if nothing else, you can go and do your work first. For these The research of things is not a temporary thing. If there are any breakthroughs, I will let you know as soon as possible...if you are still interested."


It’s so great!

The whereabouts of my new mecha will fall on you!

'Quite easy to learn...'

Helen pursed her lips, lowered her head and waved her hands without looking back, "Go ahead, go ahead, I also need some quiet time."

"Tsk~" As the airtight sound of the door sounded, Helen bent over her desk and concentrated on her work.

Time passed by every second in the evening. Helen, who had been sitting at her desk for a long time, stretched out and found that her brain, which had been running at high speed for a long time, was a little stiff. She shook her head and smiled softly. She got up and planned to move her body and her mind at the same time.

Focusing on something for a long time is not a good choice. It is easy to form a fixed mindset and end up in a dead end. It is also necessary to change your mind occasionally.

Helen thought for a moment with her eyes slightly lost in thought before pressing a button at hand.

After a while, his student and assistant opened the door and walked in, "Teacher?"

"I want all Bai E's resume information from the last time he left until now."


During the break, it is also a good entertainment to see this boy's promotion path.

Let me see how a guy who was a top soldier not long ago managed to gain a foothold in the military camp in such a short period of time, and even became the first pilot battalion selected from the elite among the elite. team leader.

Perhaps a lot of Bai E's information is top secret to ordinary officers, but in the face of Helen's supreme authority, there is no secret at all.

Electronic Demon…

High-dimensional demon...

Three arrows destroyed the orcs...


Helen gasped softly, completely immersed in the story as if she were reading biographies of historical heroes.

He keenly uncovered the true identity of the electronic demon from the ruins of the Internet server and technically assisted the group of people from the Ministry of Information to complete the repair of the ancient device.

During a seemingly ordinary mission to rescue and escort refugees, he encountered a high-dimensional demon, but he was able to successfully fight back with his absolute determination and even rescued a group of refugees, thus bringing a large wave of psychic talents to the city. .

As for the record of shocking the orcs with three arrows on the way back to the city, it is only the most inconspicuous of these records.

"It's amazing..."

Helen had heard about all these things. After all, they were major events that affected the trend of the entire city. However, she did not expect that the key contributor to them was actually this boy.

With such unprecedented achievements, it is no wonder that he was immediately transferred to the mecha company, and was even upgraded from an artificial human status to a natural human status for the first time in history.

So in the future training, it is logical to train step by step in the mecha company and show your strength to become the captain?

The detailed records told the past of the legendary warrior. Helen's eyes were filled with brilliance, and the previous plan quietly came to mind again.

Even if the melee strength is slightly worse, it doesn't seem to be a shortcoming when the performance in other aspects is so amazing.


As Qianqianyu's fingers slowly turned down, a line of handwriting was clearly displayed in front of Helen's eyes.

[Apply for injection of genetic optimization solution. 】

【application passed. 】

[Test passed. 】

[The injection was successful and the increase was astonishing. 】

"Injected?" Helen's fingertips trembled slightly, "Already injected?"

She had no idea about the genetic optimization fluid.

Although the genetic optimization fluid is a product of their scientific research institute, how many places are there in the entire city that are eligible to apply for the genetic optimization fluid every day?

This kind of procedural work cannot require the daily attention of a dignified academician like her. Anyone who meets the criteria can apply and get the injection.

And for Bai E who has made such great achievements, it is natural that he should be rewarded with a dose of genetic optimization fluid.

But... but according to her current conception, those who want to become the seeds of the "Primarch Project" must be absolutely "natural" talents who cannot undergo any genetic optimization and adjustment.

The hopes that had just been raised were shattered again, and this plan that had never been mentioned to anyone was once again shattered in my heart.

Helen's eyes were blank, and she sat blankly in her seat, calming down her somewhat restless mood.


She could hear her own voice.


After a long time, Helen adjusted her mentality and looked at the tablet in her hand again, and the past about Bai E flowed under her fingertips again.

In the first battle to capture sandworms, the information of ten special teams was replaced and almost all were destroyed.

At the darkest moment, the signal transmitter modified privately by Bai E conveyed the position back to the base.

Moreover, before the reinforcements arrived, he used a pair of iron fists to smash several sandworms that were attacking together.

Use your human body to defend the elite Zerg!


A slight cracking sound sounded at the fingertips, and cracks spread out from the center of the delicate glass screen under the force of the fingers.

What exactly did I miss?

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