The blue sky, green mountains and green water.

Under the sky covered with white clouds, the morning sunshine is wrapped in the gentle breeze, blowing every pedestrian among the high-rise buildings.

"呢呢呢呢呢墢~" A slight cracking sound sounded from somewhere in the space, and an extremely small black crack flashed over the head of the person, and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared. .

The folding mirror of the space reflects the distant scenery, like a mirror that reflects the distant scenery into the eyes of nearby passers-by.

It's a pity that the crowds of people passed by in a hurry, and no one saw this fleeting and strange scenery.

Kuang Xin stood at the edge of the empty square, holding his cell phone, and murmuring to the other end of the phone, "Xiao Guang, I don't know that we live in the same city until we have known each other for so long, let's come out and have sex."

"I'm not going." A buzzing voice came from the other end of the phone, "I'm not familiar with it."

"Don't be like this... We came out to do tasks for our boss, but we encountered a lot of things. When we go online tonight, it will probably be a decisive battle. Don't you come out to cheer us up?"

"decisive battle?"

"Yeah... let me tell you, we are having a great time fighting here. We are going to rush directly to the arsenal and have a big fight tonight! If we win, we will go home for the New Year, if we lose, everyone will be arrested, haha ~"

"..." Xu Ruoguang was silent for a while, and could only say two words, "Awesome."

"It's why don't you come out? It's okay to stay at home anyway, and you can't play games during the day."

The strange thing about "Galaxy OL" is that it can only be played at night when you are sleeping. Unlike other games in the world, this game does not occupy the normal time during the day at all, and 12 o'clock at night to 8 o'clock in the morning is the most popular time in the world every day. It is a sleep time that no one can resist. At this point, no matter where you are or what you are doing, you will feel an irresistible sleepiness and fall into a deep sleep.

And how wonderful it is to be able to hold a game helmet while lying in the game cabin in this irresistible sleep and start a different life in the game world, and not feel sleepy at all because of the game in your sleep when you wake up. Wonderful experience?

Therefore, from the moment this game was launched, it became popular all over the world.

But it is precisely because of this feature that you cannot play games during the day...

"Okay..." After a rustling sound, Xu Ruoguang's voice sounded coldly again, "Where is it?"

"Central Plaza, you can get there by taking Metro Line 1." Knowing that Xu Ruoguang was a homebody, Kuang Xin thoughtfully pointed out the route for him. After speaking, he muttered in a low voice, "I can't believe that you can do this in this city." After living for more than ten years, I don’t even have this bit of common sense.”

"I'm not coming."

"Ah, no, no, no, I was wrong, brother."


"Okay~ I'm wearing yellow clothes today, and I'm standing under the statue in Central Square. It's easy to recognize."


While waiting, Kuang Xin was a little anxious. From time to time, Kuang Xin looked at the smooth metal surface on the roadside and reflected on the image of himself going out today.

Hmm... I'd give it 11 out of 10 points. Don't be afraid of being proud, because facts don't need to be eloquently stated.


The wind caused by the underground passage of the subway howled, and the tremors of the earth were transmitted to Kuang Xin's feet.

Not long after, a young man wearing black and white clothes trotted over in his direction.

Looking at the direction the other party was heading straight towards, Kuang Xin pinched his fingers nervously, until he got closer, and then asked cautiously: "Xiaoguang?"

"Yes." Xu Ruoguang nodded, his expression calm.

Kuang Xin looked at the other person up and down with some surprise in his eyes, "Jiang Zishuai?"

Handsomeness is not the key, the key is that this kid looks exactly the same as in the game. This kid directly uses his own face as the image in the game!

Sure enough, handsome guys can do whatever they want, right?

"..." Xu Ruoguang pursed his lips, "Why did you call me out?"

"It's okay... I just went out for a walk. How boring is it to stay at home?"

"I thought you were here to talk about things in the game."

"Game?" Kuang Xin was stunned, "What's there to say about the things in the game? Just do it and that's it."

"What if we lose?"

"If you lose, just try again. In three days, I will be a good man again!"


Quite open-minded.

But it seems that this is the attitude of all in this world...or most people towards this game.

Due to the non-replicability of this game to a certain extent - everyone's place of birth and identity are completely different, so that almost no one's development route is the same, and cross-regional information has almost no meaning. Only players within a game area need to exchange information, but that can also be done within the game. can't find anyone online.

At least Xu Ruoguang found almost no discussion threads about the game content anywhere.

Everyone seems indifferent to this...

Sighing helplessly, Xu Ruoguang's eyes wandered around him.

He always felt strangely alienated from this relatively unfamiliar world.

"Hmm...huh?" Looking at a figure walking slowly not far away, Xu Ruoguang's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling like he had seen it somewhere before.

"Hey, hey, hey? What are you looking at?" Kuang Xin stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes. He didn't know what the guy he asked out was looking at.

Xu Ruoguang opened his palm and turned his head around trying to find the source that made him feel familiar.

When his eyes shifted to a silver-gray object, Xu Ruoguang was suddenly startled, "..."

The silver-grey things are... statues.

That person... looks exactly like the statue?

"Are there any cos activities today?" Xu Ruoguang asked blankly.

In Xu Ruoguang's understanding, only those historical celebrities who have made immortal achievements are qualified to be worshiped by the world with statues.

This kind of person... is generally not alive, right?

"Ah?" Kuang Xin followed Xu Ruoguang's gaze and replied in a matter-of-fact manner: "Of course there is no cosplay exhibition... Isn't that Aristotle himself? Why, you have lived in our Mingguang City for more than ten years Have you never seen him before?"

"I'm supposed to have seen him?"

"Shouldn't you have seen him?"



"Don't look, don't look..." Kuang Xin just thought this was the self-cultivation of a senior otaku, took Xu Ruoguang's arm and ran forward, "Come on, come on, follow me, I heard there is another one today" The cultural relics have been unearthed, let's go and see the scene together."

"What kind of 'cultural relics', I'm not interested in." The whispered retort obviously couldn't match Kuang Xin's enthusiasm. Xu Ruoguang was pulled by Kuang Xin and flew forward involuntarily.

Not only is Kuang Xin a handsome and muscular gorilla in the game, but in the real world... he is also a macho man with a height of over 1.8 meters and a handsome figure.

The subway communicates everywhere. Kuang Xin took Xu Ruoguang and took two subway rides. After taking the subway for about fifty minutes, he finally arrived at the other end of the city.

Just like the crowds outside the huge exhibition hall of the museum, people who have received the news and are interested gathered here from all over the city.

Following many people into the exhibition hall, Kuang Xin pulled Xu Ruoguang and drilled in a certain direction.

The cameras full of guns and cannons were all pointed in one direction. The white-haired old man wearing a black classic suit, who was slightly confused on his face, sat on his seat, his eyes searching and cautiously scanning everything in front of him.

"Sir, welcome back." The host, who was also wearing a black suit and wearing a small headset, looked at the old man with a smile as he made his opening remarks, sitting opposite the old man. "This is a new era, sir. Through your unremitting efforts in the past, Work hard, now we are in the most glorious era. Welcome to wake up in the new world, this is the 137th year of the Golden Era...Mr. Einstein."

The eyes of the old man with pale hair showed rare doubts. However, after waking up, the basic common sense about this era kept pouring into his mind and gradually took over his will.

This is a golden age... There will be no more wars and no more poverty in the world.

There are no longer distinctions between countries, and for the first time all mankind is completely united.

Talents from all over the world, the past and the future...all fields and all races are striving for the future of mankind in various fields.

Human beings look down at everything with pride, and the whole world will crawl at the feet of human beings.

Only distant space is the only journey for mankind in the future.

This is...what kind of era?

Full of miracles...even the dead can be resurrected, miracles are no longer rare.

Xu Ruoguang's eyes were straight in the audience, looking at everything in front of him in complete disbelief.

Kuang Xin, who occasionally glanced at his profile, didn't pay much attention to what was happening on the stage. After all, similar scenes had happened too many times in the past. Instead, he was more interested in the senior otaku next to him.

"What? It's your first time here?"

"No..." Xu Ruoguang shook his head dully.

It’s not the first time I’ve been there, but it’s the first time I’ve learned that such a thing exists in the world.

Is it because my past self was alienated from the world, or was it because my past self was so confused that I didn't notice such a shocking phenomenon?

Resurrection of the dead is a forbidden spell.

wrong! Where did this rigid view of mine come from?

The fact has already happened before my eyes. Where did I get the impression that this phenomenon should be surprising?

Everyone present... everyone thought this was a matter of course, and no one raised any doubts about it. They were just calmly watching the characters who came out of historical biographies, and quietly appreciating the beauty of this mess of time and space. .

It wasn't until the crowd dispersed and Kuang Xin pulled his body out of the exhibition hall that Xu Ruoguang regained some of his rationality under the sunlight in the sky outside.

"How is this done?" Xu Ruoguang asked aloud.

He knew that he could look it up online, but there was a familiar friend nearby who could ask, and he could obviously get a more detailed understanding.

"I don't know~" Kuang Xin opened a pair of confused eyes, "I am not one of those scientists...but I have occasionally seen some news before. Those scholars believe that we are in a special space-time singularity, and the long river of time occasionally It will create some ripples and send people here who do not belong to our era. In fact, there are often people who we have never heard of or even come from the so-called 'future'. Their identities and backgrounds are all different. And it may not necessarily be directly connected to our past and future. Whenever such a figure appears, digging out and combining the background information of the era of their birth from various fragmented information has become the most talked about topic among scholars. one."


While he was talking, another solemn interview screen appeared on the large screen outside the skyscraper across the square.

The elegant and gorgeous female host, wearing a white suit and uniform, excitedly reached out to the camera and introduced: "This is the Parliament Square of the upper-level parliament of the Human Federation. Just now, there was an election for the new Grand Consul of our Human Federation. There is already a result. The new Grand Consul will be Mr. Kevin, who has not received much attention in advance and has only been active in the political arena in recent times. It is reported that Mr. Kevin also comes from the tunnel of time and space, and was born in a war-torn country. era, I don’t know what impact this past experience will have on his governing ideas.”

While he was talking, a colorful crowd surged out from the steps behind the female host.

At the very back of the crowd, there was a group of people walking towards the outside.

"Oh~ Our new Grand Consul has come out. Let's go interview this Grand Consul who may be unfamiliar to everyone and see where our human federation will go in the future..."

Seeing the appearance of the target group, it can be seen in the camera that many journalists working in the same field as the female host immediately gathered around her.

"Mr. Kevin..."

"Mr. Kevin, please ask..."

"Mr. Kevin!"

"Mr. Kevin!" The female host in a white suit took the lead, squeezing to the front, spitting out a bunch of words quickly and clearly with her small mouth, "First of all, congratulations on your election as the Grand Consul of our term. Then I wonder what your plans are for the future of the federal government in the coming days?"

Kevin was wearing a slim-fitting naval officer's uniform. He looked at the camera with a smile on his face, but solemnly replied: "Jerk off."


The look on the female host's face was dull for a moment, but she quickly reacted and asked: "What do you think of our future..."

"The future will definitely belong to the sky!" Kevin pointed to the horizon. Beyond the blue sky was an endless space desert. "Fighters soar in the sky. Only the best warriors can lay the foundation for victory for the empire."

empire? The empire is too far in the past.

Now, it’s the time of the federal government.

But no one has time to care about the little grammatical error of the new Grand Archon. They are just more interested in the future direction. "My Lord Archon, do you think there will be a possibility of restarting the war in the future? Where is the enemy?" ?”

"My lord, do you think the federal government will eventually be divided?"

"Did the government discover alien forces in the universe?"

Kevin's words were like a boulder dropped into a small pond, causing waves of excitement.

He just pursed his lips and smiled, "Starting from tomorrow, a game called 'Thunderbolt' that controls fighter planes and shoots will be released on all platforms. I require that everyone must complete it within two years." once!"

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