Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 406 “Meeted several NPCs”

"Let's go~" After meeting the netizen, he felt satisfied, "I'll see you online when I go back... Oh, by the way, we can't meet. Let's go fight~"

Kuang Xin patted his butt, turned around and left.

Go home, put on your helmet, and lie down in your favorite game cabin. With the stimulation of electric current, darkness covers your sight.

In the midst of heavy tiredness, the door to another world suddenly opened.

The timeline in the game is still the moment you log off, and the time you log in again is directly connected as if you just took a nap.

Kuang Xin's eyes swept across the dim world in front of him. This underground cave hides countless warriors working hard for their dreams.

This is all the result of the swallow.

Looking back on his experience after arriving in Gray Iron City, Kuang Xin still feels like a dream-like magic until now.

The most surprising thing among them was Yanzi's change...or maybe she was always like this, but they didn't know it in the past.

Kuang Xin's eyes were empty and his thoughts were wandering, as if he had returned to the day when he first came to Gray Iron City.

The rumbling car slowly stopped after being able to see the magnificent city.

Everyone has just arrived and has no idea what the rules are like in this city.

If people and vehicles coming in and out of the city were searched in detail like Blackwater City did, then their group of people from the outer city probably wouldn't be able to hide anything.

The safest approach is to walk around the city first to see if you can meet locals and get some general information about the city.

The four of them got out of the vehicle. Kuang Xin rubbed his buttocks with pain in his face, "When will you have money and change your car? This car is not for people to sit in."

"Come on..." Yujie Gu Lan, wearing a brown leather jacket and shorts, jumped out of the car briskly and said: "It would be nice to have a car that can be used. How many other people who entered the game with us are still relying on two I’m running the map on one leg.”

Dai Lian and Gong Yan didn't speak, they just looked at the city in the distance quietly——

The sleeping volcano serves as the background of the city, making the city that should be extremely majestic look quite small.

The air was filled with a layer of pungent ash, like the crumbs of burned paper, which shattered when pinched.

On the rolling mountains in the distance, many plumes of black smoke can be seen, and the ash debris is spit out from the vents of the volcanoes.

They were blown high into the sky, swept by the wind, and spread around the entire city...including the city.

"Cough cough cough~" Gong Yan couldn't help but sneeze a few times.

Dai Lian casually took out a black wet silk scarf from his arms and handed it to her. His eyes continued to stare at the black and gray world in front of him, "I'm sorry."

Being acclimatized is the first problem that everyone needs to face.

As the absolute leader of this small group, Dai Lian consciously shouldered all the responsibilities he had to fulfill.

Before coming, he got some information about Gray Iron City through the small circle of power boosters he had in the past.

The moist silk scarf was what he had prepared in advance.

But he didn't expect the impact to be so great——

[You have inhaled a large amount of harmful substances, your body has been severely traumatized, and your health has been -1. 】

[Your body's mobility is reduced by 10% under the attack of harmful substances. 】

If you want to perform a mission here that lasts for several days or even ten days, it is unrealistic to only rely on something like a moist silk scarf to relieve the discomfort.

Their mission process may require contact with a lot of content and characters. They can be outsiders, but when necessary, they must also make some necessary contacts as locals.

Integrating into the local area is the first thing they must do after coming here.

Fortunately, this is actually very simple.

The best mechanism of "Galaxy OL" is that many abilities can be acquired through repeated training.

It even includes adapting to the environment. As long as you can't die, you can learn to swim by throwing people into the water a few times. You can run naked after being frozen in the ice and snow for ten days and a half. Radioactive elements coexist harmoniously...

If you drink sea water for a few more years, everyone will become a superman.

So the best way to adapt to the environment is...





"Cough cough cough!" Kuang Xin was choked by the black ash in front of him and coughed out snot and tears. He bent down and put his hands on his knees and turned to stare at Dai Lian beside him and asked: "Is this the method you said?"

Run to the edge of a volcano to breathe?

"Is there a problem?" Dai Lian raised an eyelid and accidentally choked himself.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

While choking, he was still explaining, "I have a friend in Gray Iron City, and he said that local players have to pass this in the first level."

Unlike other players in other cities, the natural mission of players born in Gray Iron City is to first obtain the "Adaptive Breathing Enhancement" trait, otherwise it is better to restart as soon as possible.

"Hahaha!" Gu Lan had no inhibitions. She burst into laughter watching the argument between the two, and then accidentally...

"Cough cough cough!"

When she coughed so hard that tears welled up in her nose, Gu Lan did not forget to tease the two of them, "After you guys have finished practicing, I will ask you to help me decorate my villa to remove formaldehyde, hahaha...cough cough cough cough~"

As the harmful components in the air are continuously inhaled, the panels begin to show the effects on the body in words.

[You have inhaled a large amount of harmful substances, your body has been severely traumatized, and your health has been -1. 】

【...Hit value -1. 】

【...Hit value -1. 】

【...Hit value -1. 】

[The harmful substances you have absorbed have exceeded your body's load. Please get out of danger as soon as possible. 】

[Harmful substances have entered your blood circulation, your life is continuing to weaken, your mobility is weakened by 20%, and your health is -5/min. 】

Dai Lian turned around and ran away without saying a word.

The slopes of the volcano are steep and rugged.

Dai Lian stumbled and fell to the ground suddenly. He rolled several times like a rolling gourd before stopping in disgrace.

Looking up, he saw a pair of small feet wearing calfskin boots. Dai Lian stretched out his right hand, "Help, help..."

"Okay~" Gong Yan pursed her lips and smiled, then squatted down while holding her small canvas bag.

[You have received first aid, your injuries are stable, and your health is recovering quickly. 】

[Your body has recovered from a serious failure, and its resistance to damage sources has been improved to a certain extent. Your concentration resistance is +1, and when it reaches 100 points, you can form a trait - adaptive breathing enhancement (level 1). 】

"it works."

Dai Lian, who had recovered, looked slightly happy. Although he had heard from his training friends, the success of the personal test still gave people a sense of joy.

"Guluulu..." Another figure rolled over after him. The gray-headed Gu Lan looked up from the ground with a smile, "Help~"


[You received first aid...]

[Your body is recovering from a severe failure...]

Kuang Xin: "Save..."

Looking at Gong Yan who was still standing there with no intention of training him, Dai Lian asked with curious eyes: "What about you?"

"Me?" Gong Yan brushed some stray hair around her ears, "I'm going up, who of you will save me?"

Without waiting for Dai Lian to answer, he smiled again and said, "It's okay. I have spiritual power that can purify my own condition."

She inhaled a breath of smoke as she spoke. She had just let go of the wet silk scarf and couldn't help but cover her mouth and nose again and coughed a few times, "Cough, cough, cough!"

"Okay~ As long as you have no problem."





At the foot of the mountain in the shadow of the mountain, several figures with mottled colors are mixed on the stone ground mixed with gray, black, and various colors of volcanic stones. Unless they are close, they are not very noticeable.

The three breathing people vaguely heard some unnatural sounds. Dai Lian, who had the highest insight attribute, suddenly stopped breathing heavily and looked sharply in a certain direction.

The tiny black spots were gradually enlarging downwards from the very far slope, obviously coming in this direction.

And several red figures are chasing behind the two black spots. The contrast between them is enough for people to easily detect the gap between the two.

Kuang Xin and Gu Lan both stopped their normal breathing rhythm and looked in the same direction.

"It seems like someone is being chased by a monster?" Kuang Xin squinted his eyes, unable to see clearly.

Gu Lan spat softly, "The cooking team has seen it and you still want to tell me?"

"So what to do?"

Dai Lian hesitated for a moment and then made a decision, "Save him!"

They were unfamiliar with the place, and there was no more appropriate way to start than with the savior.

After making a decision, the three of them rushed forward.

When he got close enough, Dai Lian took off the long bow hanging behind him and pulled out a stainless steel arrow from the quiver on his back.

They had made full preparations for this mission in Gray Iron City.

Facing a completely unfamiliar local monster, Dai Lian didn't dare to be too embarrassed.

The first shot is a unique skill from an adult - powerful shooting!

The heat wave with the scorching temperature of the volcano swirled on his fingertips, and the endless power gradually reached its highest point while slowly accumulating power.

Seeing the moment when the pursuer and the pursued lost their positions during the chase, Dai Lian's eyes narrowed and his fingers relaxed.


The arrow shot out like a dragon, carrying volcanic hot fireworks, setting off a violent wave in the air, and shot straight into the chest of one of the chasing beasts.


The arrows, which were powerful enough to penetrate the cracked gold stone, also easily tore open the chest of the giant beast. Like a red lion walking upright, the body of the giant beast froze for an instant, and then completely froze in place.

The crimson body gradually lost its crimson luster as if fading, and turned into ordinary black iron-colored stones, which quickly fell from the air and scattered on the ground.

"Is the monster made of stone?" Kuang Xin rushed to the front with a speed like a burst. When Dai Lian was accumulating strength on the spot, he was already extremely close to the place of pursuit.

But at this moment, the person being pursued, who seemed to be desperate because he saw "there was an interception ahead", slipped and fell down suddenly.

He lost control of his body as he rolled to the ground, and the red giant beast chasing behind him would not let go of its prey.

Raising the front high, the giant beast with its huge claws was about to slap the poor guy under him to death with one claw. A black shadow that was not much stronger than the poor guy suddenly flashed in it.


The strong muscles made a sore sound. Kuang Xin hoeed the ground with his feet and roared from his throat, "Ah!!!!"


Under the powerful explosion, even the heavy beast made of stone was completely overturned, and the whole body suddenly smashed to the side, splashing a cloud of dust.

The last giant red beast looked at the prey in front of him, its red eyes like hot rubies flashing with excited blood. However, a figure dashed from the side and punched down, wearing a Gu Lan, who was wearing black and red gloves, punched the beast's neck and twisted it, so that the beast's giant claws could only hit the ground in vain.

Gu Lan, who landed on the ground, had a cheerful and enthusiastic smile on her face. She adjusted her right hand and adjusted the psychic glove that was too big to fit, and then stretched out her hand to help the male human who fell on the ground in front of her, "Are you okay? "

"'s okay." Wang Wenbo stretched out his hand blankly, only to feel that the person in front of him, who was wearing shorts and a gray face, was probably a woman, unexpectedly looked like a master.


Crazy calls sounded from behind, and the figure of Kuang Xin, who was chasing the giant beast, flashed past behind Gu Lan.

Seeing this crazy scene in front of him, Wang Wenbo swallowed and spit.


Isn't this too fierce?

Damn the Fire Spirit Beast, what are the backgrounds of these people?

But I haven't seen them among familiar players. Are they NPCs that have undergone surgical transformation?

If the NPC has this kind of seems normal.

Dai Lian, who put away his long bow and approached slowly and equally quickly, walked over with a smile. The remaining two red giant beasts were no match for Kuang Xin, and the intelligence of such giant beasts was obviously limited. It would be obviously difficult to tangle with him. Kuang Xin doesn't know how to change the target, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

He is more concerned with the progress of the task, which is the source of the information.

Dai Lian put on what he thought was the most sincere smile, watched from a distance as he approached, and at the same time imitated his elders, greeting in a voice that sounded calm and reliable, "Friend, are you okay?"

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine."


"What an unlucky thing. Why did you run into a fire spirit beast?"

"I just want to go out and pick up some rubbish. Are you so badass?"



Dai Lian's smile froze on his face. He looked at the backs of the two humans walking away. He looked at Gu Lan beside him and squeezed his eyes dryly, "We seem to be ignored."

Gu Lan also opened her eyes, wondering if she had some hallucination, "Can they not see us?"

"..." Looking at the other person's retreating back, Dai Lian pinched his chin and analyzed rationally, "Maybe this is the customs here? People in Gray Iron City don't like talking to strangers?"



Amidst the chaos, Gong Yan, who noticed something unusual, came belatedly and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I met two NPCs who were being hunted, but they probably didn't have a mission, so they ignored us." Dai Lian waved his hand.


The two players who returned to their lair reported today's results to their boss with a bleak look on their faces, "Boss, we encountered a fire spirit beast."

"Oh?" Under the dim light, the white and soft chin raised a smile, "Can you still run back?"

"Hi! I just happened to meet a few strange NPCs." Wang Wenbo waved his hand and said indifferently.

Another player was full of interest, "Don't say anything, boss, those NPCs are quite fierce."

"Oh?" The boss' tone was raised, and he was obviously interested. "What kind of fierce method?"

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