"The giant lava beast is not that easy to deal with..."

Yafei lay down behind the stone, staring at the charging situation in the distance with empty eyes.

Three insignificant...no, there is one more.

In addition to the three people mentioned by the two brothers Wang Wenyanbo who were slightly up the slope, there was another small black spot further at the foot of the mountain.

After discovering that his companion on the mountain had encountered a monster, the remaining little black dot also began to run wildly in the direction of his companion.

The four small black dots sprinkled on the gray-black mottled ground are almost unnoticeable. On the contrary, the giant stone man who is striding diagonally down the mountain is more than ten meters tall and looks shocking.

In comparison, the three little black dots that rushed up were as ridiculous as a mantis trying to use its arms as a cart.

The lava monster is a monster that appears on the volcano every once in a while. It seems that the stone that makes up the main body of its body is not its core.

Some players have observed the formation of this kind of monster - it is an unknown living flame mixed with those originally ordinary stones.

A moment after this monster takes shape, it will lock its hatred target in the direction of Gray Iron City. As for all the humans it encounters on the way to attack Gray Iron City, it will also trample on it. .

They all in Gray Iron City are familiar with this kind of monster. In fact, most people are trying to fight against this kind of monster. Even those players who have successfully completed one or two surgeries do not dare to face this kind of terrifying monster rashly.

One operation can barely escape, two operations can allow one to escape calmly, three operations... There is no such talent among the players yet.

Therefore, the lava behemoths that appear every once in a while are often affectionately and familiarly called monster sieges by players. Only the power of the city can resist such terrifying behemoths.

"The giant lava beast is very powerful. You must not be hit head-on by it." Wang Wenbo looked nervous, not wanting his boss's joyful expectations to be dashed in an instant.

If he hadn't been afraid of being affected by the aftermath of the battle, he would have even wanted to go up and remind these guys who seemed reckless and ignorant of how powerful the opponents they faced were.

Except for those tough men in the city who have undergone special third-stage surgeries, no one can withstand its punch head-on.

Watching the three small black dots coming closer from a distance, the moment the tall stone man raised his fist, the hearts of the three spectators were in their throats.

"Run!" Wang Wenyan clenched his fist tightly!


The ground trembled and smoke spread.

The vibration delayed for a moment before reaching the feet of the three people, and a loud rumbling sound echoed in their ears.

Looking in a direction that was unclear from a distance, the three of them squinted their eyes, wondering how much flesh and blood was covered under the rising smoke.

"I just said you can't fight head-on!" Wang Wenbo hated the iron.

Wang Wenyan reminded in a low voice, "They can't hear what we are saying here."

"...Normal people should know not to fight it head-on when they see such a big body, right?"

Yafei said nothing. As an excellent sniper, her eyesight allowed her to see a little bit of details——

The fist of the lava beast did not hit the ground directly...

Tiny black dots stood in front of it, using a pair of arms that looked no bigger than the tips of needles from a distance to block the giant beast's punch.

And slowly raised it...

"Uh uh uh uh... Yeah!"

The veins on Kuang Xin's forehead popped out, and his feet that were sunk into the ground pressed hard against the ground on his heels.

The absolute defense he learned from Bai E made his body as hard as iron and integrated into one body; he was already good at physical fitness, but under the advanced physical training plan 3.0, his physical attributes had already reached the limit of 15 points that ordinary people can achieve, plus The extra strength given by his own talent and expertise, the ruthless body, and the explosion of the over-limit drive taught by Bai E, the power alone is already terrifying that ordinary people can't imagine.

At this moment, after the initial punch that held back the giant beast's potential energy, the giant stone fist that lost its follow-up power was forcibly lifted up slowly.

The teammates standing aside will not watch Kuang Xin fight alone. Facing an unknown and strange beast, killing the opponent first is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Gu Lan put on the psychic gloves again and moved his wrists twice. He sprinted towards the stone man who was wrestling with Kuang Xin and stepped on the opponent's rugged body. Then he rushed to the top of the stone man's head and pulled up high. He punched the round boulder head in front of him with his fist.


The condensed spiritual energy was all transformed into substantial impact force under the wonderful effect of the gloves. The fist, which did not look too heavy, actually exerted an even more exaggerated expressive power than Kuang Xin.

Psychic energy can transform everything.

Although an individual's psychic energy always has its own attributes, the characteristics of tendencies are often limitations, and each individual's psychic energy cannot change at will.

But humans have wisdom, and the spiritual creations made by craftsmen who also possess spiritual energy can allow limited individuals to show endless changes.

Gu Lan, who joined Kuang Xin's trio, did not leave her original union. After all, she was the one supporting the players in the union with her salary.

Thanks to the efforts of those "mining" personnel, this glove is another combat weapon that she obtained at a huge cost.

"No wonder gorillas like close combat. It's really fun."

Gu Lan, who staggered the stone man's body, jumped off the stone man's body and landed lightly on the ground. He shook his sore wrist and said to Dai Lian who was not far away with a smile.

Dai Lian nodded, feeling a little envious, "It's indeed amazing."

The archery skills he learned were more powerful, but nuclear weapons could not be released at will. He did not have much spiritual power yet to support himself from using this decisive killing skill as a level A. Before he found the weakness of the stone man, he took action Very likely to be wasted.

As for other abilities... Gun fighting skills are indeed cool, but the power is limited by the gun itself. With the gun he currently owns, it is rare to be able to defeat this kind of stone giant.

Before Kuang Xin found out more information, he could only watch the show.


Kuang Xin had already gained a slight advantage in the fight. With the support of Gu Lan's punch, the stone man's center of gravity was unbalanced and he was completely overturned.


Kuang Xin, who had overturned his opponent, took advantage of the victory and pursued it. A pair of fists covered with an absolute defensive force field couldn't help but hit the stone man he was stepping on.

Even though these volcanic stones were aggregated into a whole under the mysterious power, the texture of the stone itself was only strengthened to a limited extent, and the stone fragments flew away under Kuang Xin's punch after punch.

"Gah!" The three people watching the battle from a distance dropped their jaws instantly, looking at the scene that happened in front of them in disbelief.

"Isn't this fierce?"

Only a strong man who had undergone three surgeries could achieve this, and he was a famous strongman throughout their entire Gray Iron City.

"But don't be careless. The strength is secondary. The flames of the lava beast are like tarsal maggots. If you touch it even slightly, it will be burned to ashes. Even if you jump into the water, you can't extinguish it."


Flames suddenly spurted out from the gaps between the stone combinations, and the vigorous heat wave made Kuang Xin, who had activated absolute defense, jump back subconsciously.

Absolute defense protects against physical attacks, but it doesn't say it also protects against magical attacks.

However, as a power type, his reflexes were not particularly good. He was still in a state of hyperemia, so he couldn't move backwards, and his body was still contaminated by the flames.


Seeing a flame stained on his left arm, Kuang Xin subconsciously patted it with his hand.

As a result, the flames that were originally only on the left arm were successfully directed to the right palm.

The pain of the flames is not unforgettable for the player. There is even a warm touch between the burning sting. Kuang Xin does not feel the pain, but curiously waves his palms and looks at Dai Lian behind him, dumbfounded. He whirred and said, "Can't you put out this fire?"

[Your body is being burned by fire, and your health is -1. 】

【...Hit value -1. 】

"Hey!" Wang Wenbo lamented, "Let's amputate the leg as soon as possible..."

Yafei pinched her chin and muttered secretly, "It seems that they are indeed not locals."

People in the Gray Iron City are not unaware of the characteristics of the lava beast. No matter how powerful they are, those who can stand up to the giant beast dare not always fight hand-to-hand with the opponent. The opponent's irregular eruption of flames is the biggest threat to those fierce men in close combat.

"Why don't you tell them to run away? Don't die here." Wang Wenyan put forward his opinion in a low voice, "The giant lava beast cannot be killed by just a few people."



"Wait." Yafei waved his hand and stopped Wang Wenyan who was about to run out to remind him.

The situation in the distance took a new turn. The fourth person who was farther away finally caught up with the first three in this entangled time.

I don’t know what the newly arrived black shadow did, but the flame attached to one of the black spots disappeared instantly.


What kind of supernatural power is this?


The skill that combined spiritual power and medical skills easily extinguished the flames. After completing this seemingly inconspicuous action, Gong Yan smiled softly at Kuang Xin in front of her, "It's okay, I'm here."


The giant stone fist came with Feng Xiao, and Kuang Xin blocked it with one hand without looking back... Then the whole person was punched away like a solid cannonball.

As if to determine the outcome of his battle, the eyeless head of the stone giant also looked in the direction in which Kuang Xin was flying, nodding his head as Kuang Xin bounced on the ground as if in vain.

The whisper of the long sword sounded at some point. The long sword with its sharp blade tore through countless pieces of gravel, and struck a stream of fiery red aura flowing inside the stone.

Like a long snake that was frozen for seven inches, the fiery aura twisted and struggled wildly. The stone man's body also began to move violently, trying to throw out the tiny human wrapped around him.

Gu Lan's figure sounded clearly, "Xiaodai, this is it!"

While Kuang Xin was entangled with the stone beast, she was never idle. With her deeper spiritual attainments, she saw more things on the panel that others could not see at the beginning of the fight. In the judgment of the fight again and again, , the spiritual power keenly locked onto the "fatal weakness" of the stone giant beast.

Gu Lan, who clung to the surface of the stone with one hand and used her spiritual energy and fiery aura to hold the opponent back from escaping, clenched her teeth, and her voice jumped out of her throat, "Hurry... ah!"

"I know." Dai Lian responded calmly, his hands already bent on the bow and arrow.

The heat wave from the volcano condensed on the fingertips of his right hand, and the gray-black dust formed a visible vortex that revolved around the arrow body.

"The giant lava beast..."

"Stop the giant beast..." Wang Wenyan pulled his brother, pointed at the figure standing there with a bow and arrow, and said to the boss: "That's him, he shot a fire beast with one arrow. "

Although the fire spirit beast's level and strength are far inferior to those of the lava beast, if they want to kill it instantly with one strike, that is an achievement they have never heard of.

But now, this same blow is about to be displayed on the lava beast.

Yafei's eyes narrowed slightly, and the imagination in his mind when he listened to his younger brother's words did not reflect reality until now.

This is an ability she has never seen before. Maybe these people are really the hope of this city?

Point your finger loosely, and the arrow will come out.

A flaming hurricane swept across, and the steel arrows pierced through the stone.


The hole as big as the casserole was transparent from front to back, and the fiery red aura that was originally fixed by the long sword disappeared somewhere, so the fiery red lines in the gaps on the entire stone man's body also instantly dissipated.

Like a killed fire beast, the boulder that had lost its "core" regained its original color, fell from the assembled state piece by piece, and scattered on the ground.

"Hu~hu~" Gu Lan, who landed on the ground, hooked her waist and held her knees, breathing heavily, her rather majestic chest rising and falling rapidly. Although the battle just now seemed simple and smooth with no twists and turns, it was very costly for her.

If one more comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it.

"I haven't figured it out yet, why should we fight with it?"

"...I didn't think about it either." Dai Lian put away his long bow and deliberately looked away, "Didn't you charge first?"

Gu Lan rolled her eyes angrily, "The gorilla charged first."

"When you are new to a place, don't you have to see the level of the local beasts?" Kuang Xin, who was knocked away by a punch, was already running back alive and kicking, "By the way, let's take a look at our cooperation and current combat effectiveness~"

"Unexpected incidents can better reflect our strength. We are much stronger now than before." Gong Yan concluded with a smile, walked to Gu Lan with a small bag, and held one of her arms, "You are injured."

"Ah~" Gu Lan looked at his bloody arm, and then realized that he had been injured at some point, "Haha~ I didn't pay attention."

Gong Yan, who lowered her head to treat the wound, turned her back to a certain direction and whispered in a voice that could only be heard nearby, "There is someone behind you."

"Ah~" Dai Lian looked straight in that direction and replied: "I saw it... they came here on their own."

"...It's the two boys we rescued before."

"Be careful, life-saving grace may not be reliable."

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