Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 409 Are you also a player? !

Before approaching, Yafei pushed Wang Wenbo from behind, causing the boy to stumble and rush to the front of Kuang Xin and the others.

Wang Wenbo, who had stabilized his body, touched the back of his head and looked at Kuang Xin, who was standing with his arms crossed in front of him with a smile, "Um... Hello, sir. We... We are the two people who were rescued by you just now. We were too nervous and ran away just now. Okay, now let’s bring our sister over to say thank you to you.”

With Wang Wenbo's introduction, Yafei successfully appeared.

The girl clasped her hands behind her back, with a bright smile on her face, "Yes, sir, these two boys lose their minds and run away when they get nervous. They don't even know how to thank their savior."

"Just a casual thing." Dai Lian approached from the side and waved his hand casually, "What did you want to do when you went up the mountain before?"

Knowing nothing about this place, Dai Lian could only use cautious words to try to outline the information bit by bit.

"Them?" Yafei turned his head and glanced at the two brothers following him, explaining with a wry smile, "We don't have much ability, so we can only risk our lives to look for some scattered minerals near the fumaroles. Go and exchange some poor funds. The fumaroles near the city have basically been cleared away. We don’t dare to go up to higher places. We can only think of looking for opportunities on the Shanin side. .It can only be said that it is pure bad luck to encounter those fire beasts."

Guessing that these people were powerful NPCs from other places, Yafei took the initiative to reveal information in his words, trying to see if he could trigger some mission keywords.

"..." Dai Lian squinted his eyes and his brain analyzed rapidly.

The limited information he got was that the abilities of people in this city were purely expressed through surgeries. People who did not do well often did not have any surgeries, or the surgeries failed. Only such people were less controlled by the city.

But there is no guarantee that such people will expect to achieve better treatment because of their low level.

If they really behave like newbies from other cities, they can easily be deceived and sold as fat sheep.

Although they may not be fooled by their intelligence, there is no need to waste time.

Therefore, you still have to maintain a sense of mystery and be safe. If the other party has plans, they will always take the initiative.

"Small things, done casually, are not worth mentioning." Dai Lian's wind is light and calm, and he is strong without desire.

"Um... sir~" Yafei's brows were lively, and he glanced at the huge pile of rocks scattered in the distance due to being shot through, "We have never seen the combat skills you used just now... It doesn't seem like it's us. Characteristics of the city?”

Dai Lian had a smile on his face, full of mystery, "Oh? You have seen a lot?"

"The knowledge... is not bad." Yafei chuckled, "If the adults are not familiar with the city, maybe we can lead the way for the adults? I wonder where the adults want to go?"

"..." Dai Lian did not speak, but looked at the young girl in front of him calmly with his eyes.

This is what he learned from his master...the bearing of a strong man.

Sure enough, Yafei instantly took a step back and just waved his hand, "Of course...if the adults need privacy, we can leave immediately and never reveal a word about the adults!"

"It's not necessary." The long-term tacit understanding made Gu Lan know that someone had to cooperate with Dai Lian at this time, so she smiled and walked forward with her long legs, "Are you familiar with this city?"

"Of course!" Yafei held his head high, "No matter what the adults want to do, I can think of a way for them."

"Is this considered repaying a favor?" Gu Lan's lips curled up slightly.

"Well..." Yafei pinched his fingertips with a smile, "It would be better if the adults are willing to help us with a little help."

"Speak directly, what are you busy with?" Dai Lian asked in a calm tone.

"We are all useless people who are not qualified to perform surgery..." Yafei said in a pitiful tone, "I think the adults don't seem to have gained strength through surgery, so if it's convenient... I hope the adults can teach us how to practice method."

Of course you have to find your father, but you also have to have the power.

NPCs have NPC battle plots, but the final key to deciding the outcome may be the confrontation between players.

The dog camp is full of people who have successfully undergone surgery, and the rat camp is full of people who have not had surgery or have failed surgeries. There is naturally a gap in strength between them. If this overall gap cannot be filled in other ways, then There is a high probability that they are not qualified to compete with each other.

Therefore, if you want to overthrow the evil rule of this city, in addition to the big daddy who leads the charge, you must also have other underground professional mentors besides surgery.

Maybe the adults in front of me...

"Teach you?" Gu Lan laughed and shook her head, "No, you can't learn it."

"We all have very good understanding." Hearing that there was hope, Yafei sounded anxious and tried to persuade.

Is there any difference in the understanding of their players?

As long as the NPC is willing to teach, they can learn it as long as they give experience.

After coming to this game world for so long, Yafei also understands the fact that sometimes you have to take the initiative in order to gain something.

"..." Then Dai Lian, a clever man, condensed his eyes and instantly thought of a possibility.

Good understanding, poor social skills, yet so out-of-the-box and spiritual...

Gong Yan, who had been left silent until now, stepped forward as if in surprise, "Are you players too?"




Three faces were dull.

The word "ye" already has enough explanation - these four powerful guys are actually players? !

"You...are you also a player?" Wang Wenbo, who had been silent behind the eldest sister except for the opening remarks, asked excitedly and with a somewhat blocked tone.

"Ah~" Gu Lan turned to look at Gong Yan, her tone was calm, which was considered an admission.

Dai Lian also glanced at Gong Yan with slightly doubtful eyes, but didn't say much, but still maintained his "cold" persona.

From the "adult" in the opponent's mouth, he suddenly became a player of "the same level". I always felt that the pretentious feeling just now disappeared completely in an instant.

"You guys are so awesome!" Knowing that they were all players, Wang Wenyan instantly jumped in front of Kuang Xin, who had been standing with his arms crossed. "Brother, you are so fierce. You can actually challenge a giant lava beast. How did you practice?"

"Ahaha~" Kuang Xin touched the back of his head, "General...normal..."

I’ve been following these guys in the team, and I’ve always been teased by them. Now I feel embarrassed to be complimented on my face...

Yafei's incredible eyes scanned the faces of Dai Lian and Gu Lan in front of him, as if he had just come to their senses, and his face was filled with disbelief, "Are you players too?"



Where in Gray Iron City have they seen such a fierce player?

Even for those few bastards who successfully completed the second operation and showed off in the city all day long, their expressiveness was not exaggerated.

One or two surgeries are basic modifications to the body. Strengthened cardiopulmonary function can only ensure stronger physical explosiveness, durability, and recovery.

But for those people to confront a giant lava beast...

No matter how many times you come, food is delivered.

And just now, these four players, who did not carry any powerful thermal weapons at all, were able to easily kill a giant lava beast with simple cooperation!

Are all the players in the outer city so strong?

Then the Gray Iron City players who knew something about the situation hadn't already started a quarrel?

This level of strength is by no means average, it's just that the players in front of you are top-notch. this stage, what good can a player do if he can leave his place of birth and cross a vast wilderness map to come to other cities?

"You... are too fierce."

‘It seems pretty cool too? ’

Dai Lian's expression didn't change, "Just average."

"What mission are you here for? Can you take us with you?" The communication between the players was much simpler. Yafei leaned aside and hugged his thigh tightly.

When there is no conflict of interest, as long as you are sweet enough and can shout "666", you can often follow other big players and drink some soup.

Gong Yan smiled softly and took the initiative to approach, "We received a commission to come to Gray Iron City to find something."

"Something? What is it?" Yafei patted his chest, "You name it and I can find it for you."

"Stabilizing Repair Fluid."


"Is it difficult?" Gong Yan asked thoughtfully, looking at the other person's face.

"It's not that difficult." Yafei looked stiff, "It's just a little troublesome..."

The city may have never wanted to strictly control everyone through the need for stable repair fluids for people undergoing surgery, but since it is a resource that everyone needs, a limited supply is an inevitable development.

Only those who have undergone surgery can go for regular physical examinations, or receive a limited amount of stable repair fluid, and inject it on the spot, so there is no way to hide any of it.

There is almost no possibility of obtaining this thing through formal channels.

Of course, wherever there are people, there are shady things. There are indeed a small amount of low-grade stable repair fluids circulating in the black market, as well as inferior products imitated by some private workshops in the city. How effective they are depends on luck.

"If you plan to spend a lot of money to buy...I can find some for you, but the quality cannot be guaranteed. Or do you have any special channels of your own? By the way, the lava beast you just killed, if If you can find its 'breath of fire', you can get a lot of low-grade repair fluids."

"You just said...mark number?"

"Yes..." Yafei nodded, "The more surgeries you have done, the higher the grade you need. Basically, the repair fluids circulating in the black market are No. 1 and No. 2, and I have successfully performed three surgeries. The above people are considered the backbone of the city. Those who do such private work do not dare to release such resources. If they are caught, it will be a death penalty. No one dares to buy, and no one dares to sell... at least as far as I know. No."


Dai Lian, Gong Yan and others looked at each other in silence.

Looking at their eyes, Yafei also guessed their mission goal, " doesn't really require high-grade repair fluid, right?"


"Yes..." Yafei nodded, "At your level, the tasks you can receive may also be of this difficulty, otherwise you wouldn't be asked to come from other places. By the way, where did you come from?"

"Blackwater City." Kuang Xin replied with a smile.

We are all players, and we are all buddies.

Dai Lian frowned, thinking only about the mission, "So is there any chance?"

"Yes, but it's difficult." Yafei didn't completely cut off everyone's thoughts, "The city arsenal. Maybe we can find a way to go in and steal some. Although we will definitely be wanted by the city afterwards, you are from the outer city anyway. , it shouldn’t be a big problem if you just run away after doing it. I heard that someone tried it... although they were caught... but we can learn from their ideas."

"Steal?" Dai Lian looked strangely and repeated the word.

"You...don't want to steal it, right?"

"If we can drive in and fill up a car, then I think it's okay to 'steal'." Gu Lan explained with a smile.

The adults told them before coming here that they can take back as much as they can.

After all, this is a resource that needs to be supplied for a long time. You can't just run to Gray Iron City every now and then. You must feed it all at once.

"How much do you want?!" Yafei opened her mouth.

Installed in a car? She couldn't even imagine how generous the reward for this mission would be.

"But no matter how generous the reward is, it's useless. No matter how fierce you four are, you can't conquer a city." Yafei began to think about the four of them sincerely, "How about not completing this mission? We will be arrested. You will really be sentenced to death. There is no such thing as resurrection in the early stages of the game. You have the strength you have today, so there is no need to take such risks."

"No!" they all said in unison.

Facing four resolute faces, Yafei was stunned for a moment.

walk slowly.

It seems like the rewards are really weird.

"How about... let's go back to our base first, and I'll find a way for you?" Yafei tried to make his own suggestion.


"You guys usually live in a place like this?" Kuang Xin asked strangely, looking around at the dim environment in front of him.

"Ah~" Yafei smiled helplessly. The unknown bacterial flora underground emitted a faint fluorescence, keeping the room dimly lit, so that the young girl's face was a little looming. "There is no way, we don't want to Those who perform surgeries are hidden in places like this."

This is a natural underground cavity, with many connected small "rooms" separated by those random stalactites, and the "rooms" are all filled with people.

"It's not just us players here, there are more... NPCs who are unwilling to undergo surgical transformation, as well as people whose surgical transformation has failed."

Everyone needs food, clothing, housing, and transportation, even players.

It is necessary to sign up for group heating, and a certain amount of resource exchange is also necessary.

This is the last pure land for players who are unwilling to undergo surgical transformation, but it is not very beautiful.

"You guys should take a rest here first. If you have anything, you can tell these two brothers. I will find a way for you right away." Yafei arranged everything, waved and left, "Wait for my good news."

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