"Is there any other way?" Yafei looked at this beautiful woman with some confusion.

"Of course there is a way." Gong Yan turned back to look at the darkness behind her and said softly: "Them."

seeing is believing.

This was Gong Yan's original intention to take the initiative to heal everyone in the crypt.

After all, Yafei's narrative is only her personal one-sided words. Only the facts observed through her own eyes and ears can truly restore the truth of the matter.

Most people in Gray Iron City have long complained about the city's policy of forcing everyone to undergo surgery and not being responsible for any aftermath if the surgery fails. There are more and more demands to break this policy and give them a peaceful life.

Of course, the people I asked on the train were all those who had bought tickets, and the people I asked in this underground cave were of course people who were dissatisfied with the policy. The number of vested interests who benefited from the policy was still unknown.

But no matter how small the proportion is, the existence of these people cannot be ignored.

Among the huge base, there are definitely a few people who are resentful of the city's policy. If these people can be brought together into one force, then a surprise attack on the city's arsenal with limited defense will not be just empty talk.

Bullets may easily pierce flesh, but no matter how many weapons there are, someone still needs to use them.

With people, everything is possible.

"But they are too weak." Yafei shook his head and did not feel optimistic. "They can't even guarantee the nutrition of a normal life. We can't expect them to fight. Unless you are willing to spend a lot of resources and wait long enough Give them time to take good care of their bodies and cultivate them like real warriors."

"No." Gong Yan called in the people, and Dai Lian's thinking suddenly became clear again, "As long as you can eat two mouthfuls of food, no one lacks the courage to fight with all his strength."

As he spoke, Dai Lian looked at Yafei with burning eyes, "You said that the 'flame breath' we obtained after killing the lava beast can be used to exchange for low-grade stable repair fluid, then if it is used in exchange for Where are the water, food, medicines and other supplies provided to them?”

"Two months!" Yafei blurted out, as if he had already calculated this.

As soon as she said the words, she realized that her reaction might look a little weird in the eyes of the other party, so she quickly explained: "The flame breath produced by the lava beast is the only top-level wealth that we can possibly come into contact with. Every time this happens, When we were planting monsters, we were all considering whether we could kill one alone and sell it for money, so we had already calculated what this kind of treasure could be exchanged for. There are about four to five hundred of us here, and a wisp of flame Breath' enough to keep us all fed for two months."

"No! No need." Gong Yan shook her head, "Our mission time is limited, two months is too long."

"You can't make a fat man with just one bite. We can't instantly heal everyone's bodies with just food."

"I never said I was counting on their personal qualities, we were looking for... quantity."

Four to five hundred people can eat for two months, so what if it is shortened to one month, half a month... or even a week?

So is it a thousand people, two thousand people or even four thousand people?

In such a big city, how come there are only a few people here who are trying to survive by resisting urban policies?

After inquiring, Gong Yan could easily know that there were more than one underground gathering point around the city to avoid city detection. As long as he treated the injured and gave him water and food, he might not be able to win over a large number of people who were willing to risk their lives with him in a short period of time. An "army" for once.

"This..." Yafei was shocked by the thoughts of this gorgeous big sister in front of her.

Are you going to activate the underground power of the entire city as soon as you arrive? What a big ambition.

This is a path she has never considered, and it is also a direction that she was completely incapable of pursuing in the past.

"Then...what do we need to do?" Yafei asked softly.

"Purchased enough supplies."

"Too much."

If you just exchange for a little stable repair fluid, it would be easy to handle, and you can carry a few boxes. Although it is dangerous, it will not be too eye-catching.

But if it is to exchange for water, food and medicine, the scale of the supplies is too large and it is easy to attract some coveted eyes.

"I want you to help me when I need it."

Only force is the absolute guarantee for such dangerous behavior.

"That's no problem." Dai Lian agreed.

"In addition, I need your help to explore the garrison forces near the arms depot, as well as all the forces that may be involved in this operation and the surrounding terrain. If possible, it is best to get another batch of weapons. If the funds are not enough, The supply of some food and medicine can be appropriately reduced."

Even if it's just an ordinary small pistol, it's better than using bare hands.

"Okay, I'll try it."

Yafei nodded in agreement and followed the thigh to do things, which made people feel excited.

Having been born in this fucking city for so long, she has been unhappy with seeing those terrible things for a long time. Now that she has the opportunity to challenge such hateful rules, her body is trembling with excitement.

Seeing Yafei's small figure submerged in the darkness again, Kuang Xin and Dai Liancai turned to stare at Gong Yan together, as if they didn't know each other, with surprised eyes.

"Why are you looking at me?" Gong Yan always had that gentle smile on her face, "I got some information when I was treating their injuries just now. I think we might be able to use them if we need them."

"Nothing wrong."

“Swallow is awesome!”

"But even if we do get the supplies...are they willing to do anything with us?" Dai Lian looked at the mist in the darkness with a worried look.

He couldn't see everything in the darkness, but he knew that there were countless eyes watching here in the darkness.

The sudden incident just now has shown the chaotic nature of this place. Even if these people are dissatisfied with the rules of the city, they are not good at all. They want to use them as gunmen. Don't be fooled by these people...

He is only good at planning combat operations for small groups. When planning how to complete a mission that can be accomplished by a group of four or five people, he can instantly think of thousands of reasonable plans in his mind, and he can make reasonable use of everyone in the team. An individual's personal abilities and even personality tendencies.

However, when encountering such a large-scale battle, his past experience was not enough to support him in completing the overall plan, and he naturally felt a little uneasy.

Looking at Dai Lian's slightly confused side face, Gong Yan's eyes flashed slightly and she realized the dilemma.

The supplies have really arrived.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, and there were even small-scale conflicts, but with the strong strength of Kuang Xin, Dai Lian, Gu Lan and others, the small-scale conflicts were not able to evolve into an endless deadlock. The wise man surrendered and even offered Ding Dian a firearm as compensation.

The supply boxes that were pulled into the underground cave one after another with trolleys were illuminated by the skylight from the outside world, and everyone's eager eyes were focused on each box.

We may all be down and out, but few of us are stupid.

The new adults were very capable and hid in this cave for two days without leaving.

It is foreseeable that they will encounter some changes in their lives.

And there are also rumors that everyone will have a good life soon, which makes them full of expectations.

And in the early morning of the third day when the sun fell on the earth, a wonderful fate befell them all for the first time.

"Praise sir!"

"Is it distributed to us?"

"I haven't had a full meal in days."

Countless pairs of hungry eyes looked at the boxes one after another. The palm closest to the door, with its fingernails full of black soil, gently touched the first large box that came in, and whispered softly, " Is this for me?"


The hand he just stretched out was whipped away by Wang Wenbo, who was in charge of escorting from the front, "Take your dirty hands back, they haven't been given to you yet."

As he spoke, he turned around and looked at the real protagonist, Kuang Xin and his party, who were following behind him.

It was the arrival of these four great players from Blackwater City that brought about everything today.

It's up to them to announce what they plan to do.

"It's your turn." Gu Lan smiled and punched Dai Lian in the back.

Dai Lian has always made the decision on their actions. Although sometimes Gu Lan himself has certain tactical thinking and even feels that he may be better, Dai Lian's ideas are almost always feasible; let alone Even when he was confused sometimes, Dai Lian was still able to quickly come up with a plan that seemed feasible.

Over time, Gu Lan gave up her little thinking about the situation. As a woman... it's normal to be a little lazy sometimes.

However, this time, Dai Lian, who had always been decisive, felt hesitant and confused for the first time.

He looked around him, trying to find some solace.

But there are only a pair of trusting eyes.

The problem is...I can't even believe in myself.

Too many... too many people.

Too much attention is a kind of pressure.

Although he had already adapted to similar pressure and would not be knocked down by it, the confusion about the plan still tortured him deeply.

For this reason, he couldn't get a good night's sleep in the past few days.

What can I say to unify these people?

‘These things are not given to you for free. ’

'I need you to do something for me...'

‘See this food? If you want, use your fists in exchange! ’

Various opening remarks flashed through his mind, but none of them could give Dai Lianxin the confidence. It seemed that no matter what he said, they were all wrong.

Not to mention future strategic planning, how should I arrange it to maximize the role that each of them can play.

He already knew the distribution of the arsenal's garrison strength and the forces that might be involved, including the terrain characteristics of the city, as discovered by Yafei. However, these various factors could not be combined in his mind instantly as usual. The plan being implemented.

There are too many people participating, and the current situation has changed too much. To come up with a plan that considers everything carefully and guarantees a result... is really beyond his current ability.

"It's okay, I'll do it." A gentle voice sounded from behind.

Dai Lian, who subconsciously looked at the other party, only saw a pair of gentle yet firm eyes. In those eyes, there was firmness and confidence that he had never seen before.


"If you don't know how to say it, just let me do it." Yanzi said in a gentle voice, which didn't sound very strong, but it somehow made people trust him.

"... Huh~" The sudden relief instantly shattered Dai Lian's state of mind, and the pressure that had been burdened on him disappeared instantly, making him suddenly feel a sense of relief, "Then go ahead..."

His lips moved, trying to say something he had thought about, but in the end he closed his mouth tightly.

Maybe Yan Zi can do better than himself?

To appease everyone's emotions and take care of everyone's dignity, isn't this what Yanzi always does?

However, this is a war...

With a cold smile on Yanzi's lips, he stepped from the back to the front of the small supply convoy.

Her eyes slowly swept across the darkness, and her psychic eyes penetrated the dim mist. Her own psychic characteristics allowed her to easily observe the "emotional color" emanating from each person. This is because the underground waterway has already demonstrated its effectiveness when the two judges from the Arbitration Office were secretly snooping.

But now, all the eyes that are observing him have various obvious emotions.

Expectation, enthusiasm, anxiety, greed...

Complex emotions merged into a surging undercurrent, and everyone was waiting for his words.

In fact, she didn't know what to say to completely control everyone here, let alone how to take care of everyone and bring out everyone's unique abilities in future actions.

What Dai Lian didn't know, she didn't know either.

But when Dai Lian stopped moving forward, she had to stand up.

"The city's rules are not fair, so here we are."

"Even if it's not us, there's always someone else who will do what we do."

"Because of the city's bad rules, today you have to live in this underground place. Maybe your whole life will pass like this, but your children... your grandchildren... your descendants... and even the endless future, I miss you. I don’t want to see them still living in the same place.”

"You want to escape, but escape cannot solve the problem."

"You'll all get enough food to keep your bodies healthy over the next week. But that's about it."

"The food we provide is only for one week, and the medicines are limited after all. I will only stay here for a week."

"In a week's time we will strike back against this rotten city. We will launch this operation whether you are involved or not."

"If we fail, we will fall there."

"Succeed, and you will have a real future."

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