Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 412 If you fight, we will follow

After the words fell, there was silence.

Dai Lian was a little anxious behind him.

You don’t impose any requirements and just feed them for a week for nothing?

Only when you put in the effort will you get something. This is a standard that should be implemented everywhere.

After feeding them in vain for a week, Dai Lian had no doubt that these people were still lying here eating and waiting to die.

Maybe there will be a few passionate ones among them, but a few will not be able to influence the overall situation. In the end, they can only rely on a few of them to fight.

Facing the heavily guarded city arsenal, just relying on the four of them... would undoubtedly be difficult.

"Yanzi..." Dai Lian tried to remind Gong Yan as he carefully pulled Gong Yan's clothes from behind.

However, even without him speaking, Gong Yan could easily sense the will of everyone present through psychic feedback. mixed with fear.

These people didn't know what they and others were going to do at first, but now after knowing the goals of themselves and others, they clearly began to show their inner emotions.

Compared with the city's absolute rule over them for many years, it is undoubtedly difficult for them to trust them from the bottom of their hearts when they suddenly fall from the sky to overthrow the city's rule.

Maybe they will accept food and medicine, or maybe they will flatter themselves and others through coercion, and then turn around and report in order to get rewards from the adults in the city.

So not enough!

not enough!

Their bodies are too weak, their spirits too sluggish.

The body and mind have always influenced each other. In many cases, a strong body can bring a firm will.

We can't force them to make a decision today, and strong medicine will have to be given at the end. I need something else.

There needs to be something...something inspiring enough to allow these people to maintain a restrained trust for a while.

Faith stirs psychic energy.

For the first time, Gong Yan felt that the spiritual energy that she had always regarded as data began to beat in her sea of ​​consciousness like a real life.

At the same time, information that had never been seen before began to pop up on the panel——

[Free Creation Mode: You are trying to create some brand new ability by combining the skills and abilities you have learned with your own needs. Judging from your ability, the current success rate is "extremely small". But you can help you complete this creation by paying a certain price (combat/general experience). (Consumption: 200 experience points/time)]

Free to create?

The emerging model makes Gong Yan somewhat unpredictable. Can he create some kind of brand new ability?

Is this the ability you want now?

But even I don't know what abilities I need now to allow these people to maintain a restrained level of trust in myself and others for the time being.

But it doesn't matter.

Novel game content is always interesting, and I am not a strength person who values ​​everything based on strength. If I don’t use all the experience I have in my hands to explore these new contents, where else can I use it?

Try it!

[You paid 200 combat experience points for a creation, but the creation failed. 】

[You paid 200 combat experience points for a creation, but the creation failed. 】

With the expenditure of experience, countless inspirations are flying in my mind.

The dynamic spiritual energy urgently needs a carrier to express its effectiveness.

After many attempts, new abilities were revealed...

[You paid 200 general experience points for a creation, and the creation was successful! 】

[Inspiration Banner (Psionic Creation Blueprint): You can solidify your psychic energy on something, and all individuals recognized by you as being within the scope of this psychic creation and who can see this thing with your own eyes will obtain it. A certain degree of spiritual inspiration, as well as weak physical strengthening and recovery capabilities. All effects are directly related to the level of psychic energy when creating things. The number of psychic creations that can be created currently is 1. When the next creation is created, the previous creation automatically Loss of psychic potency. Creation attributes: permanent, can be destroyed. 】

Gong Yan's eyes swept around, and the scene remained silent after the speech just now. It seemed that everyone was waiting for his actual action or his next speech.


A steel pipe used to secure supplies on the cart was suddenly pulled out, and Gong Yan casually tore off the denim jacket she was wearing, revealing a white navel-baring vest underneath.

He then used the rope that tied his hair to wrap the clothes around the steel pipe with one hand, and the spiritual power began to be injected into it simultaneously.

[Psychic creation is in progress, please do not stray away from the target object. 】





The steel pipe was suddenly inserted into the ground, which was not hard soil, and the denim fabric was floating in the wind at the end of the steel pipe.

The faint milky white aura rippled instantly like substance, and quickly dissipated into the invisible.

[You have obtained a psychic creation - Encouragement Flag*1. 】

[Encouragement flag: While this flag exists, all individuals within a 25-meter radius spherical space centered on the flag will be encouraged by the flag and automatically obtain "Trait - Spiritual Inspiration", physical energy +0.5, and health recovery +2/ min. 】


The psychic field is enough to cover every figure in the cave, and a faint warmth flows in everyone's body.

The firm confidence they had never had before dispelled the confusion in their hearts. Even if they didn't know the way forward, they miraculously dared to run forward.

Someone waved his arm strangely, feeling that his strength suddenly increased a little for some reason.

Someone pinched the injured wound, and felt that the constant pain and erosion at the wound had faded a lot at some point.

The power of psychic energy spread out in circles like microwaves, sweeping across the entire place.

Dai Lian and others who owned the panel immediately discovered the message that popped up on their panel. The message clearly explained all the effects of this sudden buff on them.

Encouragement flag? !

When did this happen? !

Is that the steel pipe wrapped with cloth strips? !

There are many other players among the group of people in the crypt, and the three Yafei are not the only group of players hanging around here.

Like Kuang Xin and others, they all noticed this change through the panel for the first time, and then looked hotly at the ordinary-looking steel pipe held by Gong Yan with one hand.

However, at this time, no one dared to make a sound.

The strange changes surprised the aborigines, and the players did not dare to say a word under the power that they could not do.

Only Gong Yan's voice calmly reached every corner of the dark crypt——

"This may not be the first time we have resisted, and it won't be the last."

"Your ancestors did the same thing, and your descendants may need to bleed again for this."

“I believe that the future is always glorious and bright, but I don’t know when that future will arrive.”

"But is it possible that all this will end in our generation?"

"We may not be able to overturn everything right away, but at least we can use our attitude to win some 'freedom'..."

“…born free as a human being!”

From what I could see, even the most malicious profilers had put aside their dirty thoughts for the time being.

When you no longer try to report, the fear of uneasiness and surprise disappears in an instant.

Maybe they won't be able to agree to come forward right away, but at least they won't let this plan die at the very beginning.

Gong Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back, I saw the surprised looks of my companions as if they were meeting each other for the first time.

"Distribute the supplies." Gong Yan waved her hand, still smiling and giving instructions as usual.

Times have changed.

Everything that happened a week ago passed by in Kuang Xin's eyes like a flash of time.

Everyone is willing to exercise and practice equipment.

But these can be for themselves and for their future lives.

The problems left at that time remain unresolved to this day.

But today is the time they promised to launch an attack!

"It's time..." Dai Lian appeared behind Kuang Xin at some point and sighed softly.

He admitted that the swallows that day exuded a brilliance that he could not imagine, but whether these NPCs who were accustomed to being cowardly could have enough courage to fight hard was still chaos beyond their control.

"If no one is with us, do we still attack?"

"Don't worry, we are still here." Yafei's clear voice also sounded from the darkness behind him.

After knowing each other for almost ten days, Yafei gradually got to know the details of these people through daily interactions.

It was not the game life of a few top rich second-generation players, as I had originally imagined.

These are a few friends who share the same interests and hobbies... They take risks together, have fun together, and have similar situations in the game, so they come here together.

For a mission whose reward is not as generous as imagined, I am determined to give the results of all the efforts accumulated since entering the game until today.

"You are not alone."

A dozen players followed Yafei and emerged from the darkness together.

This is the first challenge they know of by a player against an authoritative force in the game. The opponent is also an undoubted devil, which makes their actions full of a sense of righteousness.

Is there any more romantic gaming experience than this? Even after this, what awaits them may be a full reopening.

"Even if we fail, we still want this city to remember our name!"

Dai Lian glanced around, unwilling to interrupt the player's ambition.

In their internal discussions, all the arguments were actually just means to complete the task.

If no one really wants to follow, they will most likely choose other options instead of attacking head-on.

It's not completely impossible to steal some repair fluid and exchange it.

It always sounds like a fantasy for four people to attack a heavily guarded arms depot.

If you are not sure about something, it is better not to do it.

"Won't fail."

Gong Yan's calm voice sounded from the entrance of the cave. She had just returned after getting up early in the morning and going out to deal with the last trivial matters.

Because she took the initiative to stand up, almost all matters big and small during this week had to be implemented by her.

The people they contacted were not the only one, there were two other places where the suffering people living in underground caves were also selected to be recruited for this operation.

Days of decision-making gave her the aura of a superior person. Even though she still had the same calm and warm smile as before, she also had a majestic aura.

A dozen unfamiliar players even regarded her as the first "goddess" in the game!

"Failure, I never thought about it."

"A hasty failure is irresponsible to everyone."

At first, they just wanted to use the people here as thugs and as a springboard to complete the mission.

Perhaps these people are pathetic, but in the brief initial contact with them, they are unable to make players truly empathize with them.

The initial plan was actually driven purely by interests and righteousness.

If these aborigines are unwilling to follow, then they may not really charge as they said.

However, getting along with each other for a few days may not change others, but it will definitely change yourself...

Gong Yan's ethereal eyes swept across the darkness calmly.

She knew that pairs of eyes were looking at her.

Everyone, you have woken up early.


The steel pipe that had been stuck in place without moving had finally left the ground for the first time. Gong Yan held the steel pipe that was warm due to psychic energy with one hand.

"Have you made your decision?"

All was quiet.

No one answered.

Dai Lian and others' eyes dimmed slightly.

"The questions I didn't ask that day, today is also the last time we ask you...have you made your decision?"

Still quiet.

Everyone had woken up in the silent darkness, but no one expressed their opinions.

Gong Yan nodded slightly, his bangs covering his eyebrows.

She turned around and ordered softly, "Let's go!"

Dai Lian sighed softly, pushed the player next to him and said, "Let's go."

"Let's go." Several players cursed, but still walked out.

At least at this moment, they feel like heroes, so handsome!

At the moment when all the players turned around and walked toward the hole...


Standing up in unison seemed extremely coordinated in this silent cave.

Dai Lian, who was walking at the front, looked back in surprise, only to see those silent aboriginals all holding weapons in their hands at some point and standing in every corner of the cave.

The silent phalanx actually had a sense of order and power at this moment.

"Sir, we don't know what to say." A man standing in front of the phalanx held the rifle tightly in his arms.

His pair of pious and hot eyes just stared at the back of Gong Yan who had not turned around.

"Sir, I only know one thing -"

"You fight and we follow."

"We are not animals and we are not cowards."

"We are human beings."

It's completely different from the original idea. The strong medicine is not in the beginning or the end, but in the middle...every day.

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