Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 426 High-dimensional walking

"It's almost time..." At dawn, the sun just rose from the horizon.

The first ray of milky white light shines equally on every creature on the earth.

Bai E opened his eyes peacefully and murmured softly.

He also mobilized men from the underworld and small towns, but did not expect those people to participate in the battle.

The strength of omnics is too terrifying for ordinary people, and even those players who have grown up have little significance in this battle.

Bai E didn't put his hope in them and asked them to come over... He just asked them to come over to clean up the mess and move things.

So he couldn't wait until they actually came before he started to attack.

The sound of "rustling" rang in the ears, and everyone in the car was making final preparations for battle.

It is undoubtedly a fantasy for a five-person team to directly attack a relatively large omnic factory.

But if the team is led by their captain, then anything is possible.

Bai E clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, "There's nothing to say, and there's no tactical choice. The plan is very simple. I'll try out those omnics first. If the communication works, use voice communication. If the communication doesn't work, use voice communication." It’s up to you to decide what to do with it.”

Tactics can only be discussed between individuals or groups of similar abilities. However, other than yourself, others are far from the level of the omnic guarding army, so any tactics are nonsense.

In this world, after all, only strength is the real trump card.

With that said, Bai E picked up an explosion-proof shield commonly used in the army with one hand and jumped out of the car with light steps.

The bold action made his blood boil, so much so that the spiritual energy that always flowed slowly seemed to start to jump at this moment.

Bai E could feel the excitement in his body, and his self-suppression also reminded him whether he needed to suppress this physical change.

But Bai E didn't want to do this.

A certain degree of excitement is conducive to performance.

Not to mention that there is also the magical power of psychic energy in this world. Of course, cold reason can also play the role of psychic energy, but passionate blood is often better able to embody the "miracle" of psychic energy.

Looking at Bai E's lonely back, the four people who stayed in the car looked at each other.

"I always feel that the captain is becoming less and less human..."

"'s getting more and more perverted."

Going to a large factory of omnics alone, does it sound like something that ordinary people can do?

But that's what their captain did...

Not even using that wonderful "stealth" ability.

The drone released by Zero hung far behind Bai E, maintaining a distance where he could roughly see the captain's life and death. After all, the technology of omnics was not comparable to this era. If he followed closely, he would easily be ahead of the captain. Discovered by omnics.

The four people in the car stared nervously at the small screen. The lens shook slightly, but it was always locked on the small black dot that was advancing smoothly.

Bai E's pace was neither fast nor slow, approaching the dark factory at a steady speed like an ordinary march.

The tremors of the earth gradually became clearer, and at the moment when he passed a certain limit, Bai E's "eye of the sky" psychic ability keenly discerned that a certain signal was firmly locked on his body.

'radar? ’

When this thought flashed through my mind, a distant fire appeared at the farthest end of my field of vision. It didn't look too bright under the morning sun, but it was eye-catching enough.

The fire expanded rapidly and split into several different projectiles.


It's really not polite at all...

This thought flashed through Bai E's mind, and there was an explosion at his feet.

The ground suddenly sank beneath his feet, and Bai E's body rushed out instantly.


Almost continuous small mushroom clouds floated up one after another. After all, the speed of the human body was still not as fast as the speed of high-tech weapons.

In the smoke and dust, the vigorous figure was still rushing forward.

"It's so exciting..."

I am really crazy to resist missiles with my body.

How could I have dared to think that I would still have such a day when I first came to this world? However, the fact is that he has unknowingly reached this inhuman level.

The psychic energy gives the explosion-proof shield in his hand almost immortal protection, and the absolute defense from the skills also makes his body so powerful that it is comparable to the terrifying level of Yuan series alloys.

But Bai E, who had avoided the core of the explosion, still felt the surge of energy and blood.

This means that if he really stands still and resists missiles, his current level is still far from enough.

But how many rounds do you have to launch a missile?

The next moment, Bai E raised his head.

As soon as I raised my eyes, fireworks burst into the sky.

Countless warheads dragged orange tail flames and hit them like raindrops. Bai E only had time to utter a "fuck" curse before he had to instantly deploy his spiritual energy and enter a special form - —

High-dimensional walking.

This technique was originally only used for fighting in high-dimensional space. If used well, it can also avoid some attacks in the real world.

Spiritual energy changes, and the body changes quickly.

The real body turns into a void spirit body and escapes into the empty and vast high-dimensional world.

Bai E had no time to pay attention to the magnificent scenery of the high-dimensional world. The moment he entered the high-dimensional walking state, he continued to sprint in a certain direction marked by himself.

The connection between high-dimensional space and the real world is not absolute. The north in the real world and the north "identified" by the conscious spirit body in the high-dimensional space may be two completely different directions.

Without an absolute sense of space and early signs of psychic energy, psykers who break away from the high-dimensional walking state are likely to appear in places they cannot predict.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The successive explosions almost flattened several centimeters of the ground, but at the forefront of the explosion smoke, the strong black shadow continued to rush toward the factory unabated.

Ling, who spotted the captain in the surveillance video at a glance, could only open his mouth helplessly, watching this incomprehensible scene happen before his eyes. he still a human?

["Lucky Blow" charge +12. 】


Are all my teammates my fanboys?

Bai E turned around with this thought in his mind, and then found that the next round of attacks had arrived again.

The green warhead exuded an ominous aura, but the oversized warhead showed a slower trajectory speed, and it was not directed at itself.


The moment the warhead landed, the world fell silent, and a certain kind of green light wave exploded in forms other than vision. Bai'e suddenly felt that his perception of high-dimensional space was suddenly blocked by some kind of barrier...

High-dimensional walking has been banned?

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