The sudden change did not panic Bai E. Although the military's information on omnics was not exhaustive, the basic information was recorded.

Psionics have been studied for a long time in the Golden Age. The psykers of that era also came from the chaotic development period. Not all psykers belong to the human federal organization, so there is no shortage of ways to deal with psykers. .

Regarding the high-dimensional walking skill of psychics that can isolate physical damage in the real world, they have already developed a method that can temporarily isolate the connection between high-dimensional space and the real world.

This "dimension bomb" is one of the most violent solutions they used, and now it is also controlled by these omnics that have inherited the technology of the golden age.

But it doesn't matter, high-dimensional walking is just one of Bai'e's many abilities that is not critical. It has completed its mission by escaping a wave of large-scale cluster bombs by surprise.

With this sudden advance, Bai E had already arrived quite close to the factory.

At this distance, if the omnics continued to launch powerful missiles, they would undoubtedly only damage their own factory facilities.

Sure enough, the machinery on the outer wall, which was originally just a pitch-black steel wall, instantly changed, and countless oily machine guns turned out from below, revealing their ferocious true appearance.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The firepower of countless heavy machine guns firing at once covered the sky and the sun, and the dense firepower ballistics blocked all Bai E's dodge routes.

Even those bullets that hit the ground instantly splashed up a piece of mud. For a moment, the ground near Bai E was like waves in an angry sea, with countless mud spots churning.

And in its densest center, the sound of "clang, clang, clang, clang" can be heard almost endlessly.

The dense metal storm hit the explosion-proof shield strengthened by psychic energy, making a sound like metal clashing, and sparks flying everywhere.

Occasionally, bullets that broke through the explosion-proof shield fell on Bai E's body, but they were all blocked by the steel-like skin.

The deformed warheads followed Bai E's path and spread all over the ground.

The trajectory of the laser shot was swaying, trying hard to catch up with the agile black shadow.

Looking at the horrific battle taking place on the screen, the four people in the transport vehicle were completely stunned, their mouths wide open, and they were at a loss.

If rushing out from the aftermath of the missile was not too shocking,

"what should we do?"

"I do not know……"

This kind of fighting scene surpassed all the occasions they had encountered before, and the fierce and exciting battlefield made them completely confused where to start.

Follow up and rush together? They are not captains. They will be torn apart within minutes after entering.

Just watch it? I always feel sorry for the captain charging forward alone...

"Let's just watch..." Rose pursed her lips and made a decision for everyone.

The battle situation at this time is not something they are qualified to contact. When Bai E has solved the overall situation later and really needs any support or aftermath, it will be their time to take the stage.

["Lucky Hit" +12. 】

The fans are making an effort.

Bai E is also exerting his strength.

The veins on his forehead almost popped out when he concentrated his will to the limit.

Those bullets seemed to be fighting against his blast shield and body, but when they hit the two that were enhanced by spiritual energy, they were essentially fighting against Bai E's spiritual energy.

Below a certain limit, the basic bonus of psychic power is enough to cope with it, but not enough to reach the "higher level".

However, after the attack energy level exceeds the basic bonus of the skill, any additional confrontation will be transferred to Bai E's spiritual energy.

The power of psychic energy is the power of will.

All the bullets hitting his body seemed to hit his soul.

The will will eventually become weak, and no matter how strong the soul is, it will gradually become decadent under constant blows.

Even if the consumed quantity can be quickly replenished by the virtual world, the quality will gradually decline, making it difficult to protect against incoming bullets.

We can no longer allow these machine guns to lock fire!

Although it is not enough to break the defense for the time being, the impact of the bullet still makes it difficult for him to break through quickly.

The dense and non-stop impact is far more difficult to deal with than the bombing of missile clusters.

It seems that the distance from the steel wall is only two to three hundred meters, but if you continue to be entangled with these bullets, the distance of two to three hundred meters may become an insurmountable chasm.

The idea of ​​testing your own limits ends here, "Sky Eye" psychic power, open!

The power of psychic energy is no longer limited to himself and the things he holds in his hands. The gray mist spreads out instantly, covering a certain range of space around Bai E.

Although it is far less than the range of the original owner, the same spiritual energy can produce completely different effects in the hands of assistants or warriors.

The moment the Sky Eye spiritual power was deployed, all the bullets in the field clearly appeared in Bai E's sight.

Within this field, no detail changes can escape his "eyes".

Although the barrages were dense, they did not arrive at the same time.

The gap between them is actually not small, but it is difficult to find opportunities in the crazy ballistic speed under normal circumstances.

However, in one's own field, everything is possible.

Not to mention that the "eye of the sky" is not only "observation", everything in the field will also be controlled by Bai E's will.

If you can get through the gap, you will get through it. If you can't get through it, you will use your will to distort the "change" of the target.

The kinetic energy of the bullet is powerful, but as long as it deviates slightly from the original trajectory, the final result will be very different.

But it is much less expensive than Bai E's physical resistance.

A strange scene happened - the density of the barrage did not change at all, and the rate of fire was still terrifying. However, the black shadow that was full of sparks just now seemed to suddenly become an invisible ghost in the endless barrage.

There are no bullets that can be fired, and the few sparks that occasionally splash become completely inconspicuous under this terrifying barrage.

Countless heavy machine guns fired at once, and in the end it became nothing but nothingness, as if they were shooting mosquitoes with a cannon.



In the distance on the gray land, a convoy stopped at the farthest distance from which the battlefield could be observed.

The young man leading the team stepped on the edge of the car's pedals, lying on the open door and looking at the battlefield in the distance that looked like the earth had been dried to pieces.

The terrifying power made him feel frightened even from such a distance.

He is no longer the ignorant refugee he was before. With his own psychic talent and dealing with many things in the dark streets, he has already developed his own understanding of the world.

However, the knowledge of "I haven't seen anything" has now just become the barrenness of "I haven't seen anything".

Even with all his words, he couldn't describe what he saw at this moment.

The overwhelming firepower looked even more terrifying than the weapons at the Blackwater City military camp.


This unfamiliar word jumped out of his mind. In this era, people who could possess such terrifying firepower had no other thoughts except those metal mechanical lumps.


What are the omnics fighting?

From his perspective, he could only see barrages all over the sky bombarding them as if they were free of charge. However, there were no large visible opponents in the target area being bombarded, nor any signs of interactive confrontation during the bombing.

It's like there are too many bullets in stock? Or maybe you just want to practice your marksmanship?

Do omnics also need to practice marksmanship?

This funny thought flashed through his mind, and the man began to doubt the order he had received.

Confused, he took out the map with the location coordinates in his arms and compared it. The man just scratched his forehead and said, "That's right..."

His eyes wandered back and forth between the map in his hand and the battlefield in the distance, and the man's eyes were full of confusion.

Where are the supplies Gilder mentioned...?

The vast white land is really clean, the only thing with something...

The man's gaze slowly moved up, looking at the battlefield where the firefight was still taking place at the end of his vision.

" can't be right?"

Nova, who was also hiding in the dark carriage, looked at the ongoing battle with her big, bright eyes.

Her spiritual power allowed her to see through the barrier of the carriage and look at the site that was being bombarded in the distance.

The familiar aura...and the aura was far stronger than ever before.

So... so awesome.

"I think... I have probably found where the other party provided the steel." The soldier in black leather jacket took off his leather gloves, raised his binoculars and stared at the battle situation in the distance, muttering in disbelief.

They followed the convoy that set off from the Black Street all the way to this place, but when they arrived here, the convoy stopped in their tracks.

What are they here for?

The only thing around that may have resources is undoubtedly the omnic factory.

This Omnic Factory is located between Blackwater City and Gray Iron City. As the core elite force of Gray Iron City, they have always been aware of the existence of this factory.

It's just that for them, capturing the factory here is too costly, and may also lead to crazy revenge from omnics. More importantly... even if all the resources and materials in the factory here are evacuated, it means nothing to them. Not big at all.

In addition, as long as these omnics are not provoked, they will not actively expand too much, and the city will not take it seriously.

But now... someone else is actually trying to gnaw on the hard bone that they are unwilling to gnaw.

The little black street couldn't get the steel resources the doctor wanted, so they went straight to the omnics.

Is there any force in this world that has more steel resources than omnics?


The black leather-clad warrior spoke with a sigh and stopped to observe silently.

The doctor's attention to the streets outside Blackwater City was unusual. Normally, since he had confirmed the location of the lost "No. 1", he could just grab it back.

The cost of making a fuss outside Blackwater City is not that high, let alone a dispute between two city levels.

Now the doctor's attitude towards the underworld is more inclined to "investigate"?

What to investigate?

We don’t understand either.

Just do what the doctor ordered.

I want to see what you, a person behind a small street, can do to capture a medium-sized omnium factory.





A silver stick suddenly revealed its true appearance from the overwhelming firepower.

At a close enough distance, it seemed that just a slight swing of a section of the stick was enough to smash the firing machine gun turrets.

And in fact...that pitch-black figure leaping high did exactly that.

The silver stick drew a large circle in the air, and swept diagonally towards the machine gun emplacements below with an unparalleled roar.


Amidst the chaos of electric sparks, the bases of a number of machine gun turrets were instantly smashed, and a large area of ​​silence instantly appeared amid the surging firepower.

But this is no flash in the pan.

The silver stick shadow waved wantonly in the air, hitting the inside of the factory.

Everywhere he passed was a mess.

The towering steel wall, which seemed to be solid and reliable, was suddenly smashed into a huge gap.

Behind the wall, countless electronic omnics with scarlet eyes were ready.

The mechanically driven steel body is extremely powerful, and can face the flying shadows of silver rods, and the sky is full of mechanical bodies flying in all directions.

Unparalleled for a while.


The distance is too far and the figures cannot be seen clearly.

But the silver iron rod that opened up the world undoubtedly showed that there was a human being fighting countless intelligent machines inside.

And it was almost a one-sided crushing.

The soldiers in black leather jackets looked at each other silently and remained silent.

Although people or forces who can confidently attack the omnipotent factory will always have two brushes of their own... but these two brushes are a bit too hard.

Or is the doctor far-sighted...

["Lucky Blow" charge +26. 】

The total is 50 points...

Bai E's eyes were indifferent after receiving the information prompt on the panel.

After reaching a certain level of strength, all armed forces below this level will no longer be able to compete with him.

No matter how many ordinary shrimps there are, they can hardly pose a threat to the giants, not to mention that the scale of the armed forces in this factory is not terrifying.

If the amount of firepower he just faced doubled again, perhaps the recovery speed of psychic energy provided by the virtual world would be difficult to keep up with the consumption.

After all, when I was under the greatest pressure just now, my spiritual energy reserves had been steadily declining due to the back and forth between recovery and consumption.

If he hadn't turned on the "eye of the sky" spiritual power at the end, his spiritual energy would have been exhausted long ago.

The limits that were not tested when facing the Orc War BOSS last time were revealed this time. After about twenty times of psionic energy draining cycles, the replenishment speed of psionic energy finally slowed down visibly to the naked eye.

I just don’t know if it’s the limit of the virtual world or my own personal limit. After all, after consuming more than 4,000 points of spiritual energy, my temples are already twitching and beating, as if they haven’t rested for several days. kind of overdraft.

However, the challenge that can truly be called a threat...has not yet appeared.

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