The instructor's mecha slowly followed behind him. Bai E, who arrived at the ruins of the town in advance, had enough time to explain the details that needed to be explained to everyone he knew.

Commonly known as "counterpart confession".

Bai E jumped down from the cockpit of the mecha more than ten meters above the ground, and came to Kuang Xin and others who had been waiting for a long time. He turned back and glanced at the blue and white mecha he drove over. Bai E said briefly. : "To make a long story short, the mecha I drove this time violated the military discipline of the military region. People from the military region will definitely send commissioners to investigate the reasons for my attack. Remember, I was on a field mission last time. I met you who defected from Gray Iron City at that time. Because you were disheartened by Gray Iron City and you were unwilling to contact any city again, so after I rescued you from the omnics, I took the opportunity to cover you here. Town ruins.”

As he spoke, Bai E took out the emergency communicator he had paired with Kuang Xin, "This is what I gave you last time. I suddenly attacked this time because I received your call for help. Do you understand?" ?”

The statement I made up is actually not very different from the real situation. Except for the difference between saving this group of people from omnics or orcs, almost everything else is true.

The situation is urgent, and it is almost impossible to completely fabricate a new statement in a short period of time so that thousands of people can agree on it. Contents that are slightly adapted from the facts are more appropriate.

The nine truths won the trust of the military commissioner, and the only lie conveyed the message he wanted to convey.

In fact, even the statement of "rescuing these people from the omnics" is to conform to the logic of this omnic counterattack.

This is the best way to deal with it that Bai E came up with in a short time.

Feeling that the language was not strong enough, Bai E went directly to the task.

[The commission description is automatically generated...]

[Main Mission - Warm Lies: The leader of the force who has been sheltering you has violated the military discipline of the "Blackwater City Military" where his identity is due to this rescue. If the testimony you provided for the military commissioner is Your leader is advantageous enough, and perhaps your leader can successfully avoid this crisis. The fate of the leader is in your hands. Whether you tell the truth or choose to support the leader who has always taken care of you... the choice is in your hands!

Task requirement: Provide a favorable testimony 0/1 for the leader.

Mission rewards: 100~500 general experience points (adjustable), item rewards (undetermined). 】

(Note: Allow "auto-complete"; "Permissions" and "Expenses" will be deducted and locked after confirming the release delegation.)

[This task will be related to the development of the entire world, and your choice is crucial! 】

[Do you want to publish the current commission? 】

Looking at the automatically generated task description, Bai E was slightly startled.

main mission? Does it matter where the world is going?


Am I that important?

Bai E's understanding of the tasks he can release has always been an intermediary for the system to help him edit information according to his own wishes, without providing any subjective opinions.

But this time...

I have never thought about releasing main missions to players, let alone tying the development of the entire world to myself.

The moment he saw the mission description, Bai E realized that he might never really understand this system.

However, there is no time to delve into it at the moment.

【release! 】

"Understood!" The moment before the mission prompt sounded, Kuang Xindai Lian and even all the surrounding players and others agreed.

And the moment after agreeing, the task reminder sounded instantly.

There is a rare limit on the number of tasks. The main tasks come equally to every player present, and their decisions will affect changes in the entire world line.

"main mission?"

"A white lie?"

"Linked to world changes?"

"Damn it, we adults are indeed the protagonists of the world!"

"This must be a tightrope!"

For players, greater risks represent greater benefits.

City? military?

The official forces in the game cannot inspire any awe in their hearts.

Moreover, completing a key part of the main mission with their own hands also made them feel that they had a profound impact on the world, giving them a sense of accomplishment and participation.

And for the residents of the town... Bai'e, who has saved them from fire and water many times, is their true belief.

City? Really unfamiliar.

Gong Yan, who saw another giant mecha walking slowly, narrowed his eyes and called out to all the players around him in a low voice, "Did you hear what the adults said? We are all grasshoppers on the same rope, and I have nothing to say. Yes. Everyone has seen your strength, and it is definitely considered top among the aborigines. Even if we expose your true situation this time, with your strength, we can easily kill a bloody path. We are the ones who have lost your trust. The one who suffers. And if we choose to help, we will follow the Dragon Minister! Everyone knows how to choose."

Even though he knew how attractive his lord was to all players, Gong Yan still wanted to add an insurance policy.

Looking around, Gong Yancai ordered in a deep voice: "Before the military commissioner arrives, you must inform the aborigines in every small town of what the Lord has said, and do not allow any mistakes to be made. The task is not difficult. , but this time we must work together!”


"rest assured!"

Just kidding, this is the most high-end combat power they have come into contact with in this world. The ability of a single person to destroy an army of omnics by himself is far more intuitive and fierce than the last time he attacked the omnic factory.

He even pilots the mecha that every boy dreams of!

After establishing a relationship with such a powerful NPC, they are more likely to get more benefits from this NPC in the future than trying their luck by finding a high-level NPC elsewhere.

"Okay, let's go. It's fast. We don't have much time left."

After saying the instructions, the crowd dispersed and merged into the shadows.

When the instructor and the adults of the Mechanical Tribunal fell from the mecha cockpit at the same time, Bai E, along with Gong Yan and other players as well as some ordinary people from Gray Iron City, sat quietly on the ground and waited.

Bai E stared quietly at the collapsed building in the distance, his eyes trance-like, as if a little sad.

Just looking at this scene, the instructor's own suspicions have already arisen in his mind.

The image of a hero who did not hesitate to violate military discipline to save this place where refugees gathered in the wilderness easily came to mind.

Whether it was due to his purpose or the overwhelming strength Bai E showed this time, there was a strong emotion of respect in his tone.

"Captain Bai, because you have seriously violated the regulations of the military region, I will arrest you here... Please cooperate."

Bai E was silent. He stood up and stretched out his hands.

"Ka!" The master of the Mechanical Court took out a pair of metal shackles and clasped Bai E's wrists.

The Mechanical Court is an institution with absolute combat power that judges high-end entities in the city.

Their opponents are targets like Baie that are not under the jurisdiction of the city and are a big enough threat to the city... whether they are mutants, omnics, orcs or demons.

Humans always trust the power of technology more than "unstable" psychics.

The shackles that locked Bai E were made of an unknown metal, and they obviously had special psychic effects attached to them. The moment he put the handcuffs on, Bai E felt that his psychic energy flow speed had been reduced by almost 99%.

At the same time, a needle-like touch came from where the shackles were, and Bai E clearly felt a strange pheromone injected into his body.

[Your body has been infected by abnormal toxins, and your physical performance is -50%. 】

Weak and powerless.

Bai E, who was accustomed to psychic powers and strong physique, suddenly felt his feet weaken, showing full signs of being suppressed.

However, a pair of strong arms held up Bai E's almost toppling body. The Lord of the Mechanical Tribunal stared at Bai E passionately in front of him and whispered in an absolutely confident tone: "Go through the process... Don’t worry, even if the military region wants to abandon you, our Mechanical Court will not agree.”

Placing one hand on Bai E's shoulder, the other party expressed his reliability in a steady voice, "We won't let anything happen to you."

Even if the Master of the Mechanical Court deliberately lowered his voice, it was still enough for everyone around him to hear.

The players looked at each other silently, with expressions of knowing they would be like this.

My Lord is so powerful and his status in the military region must be extraordinary. Would such a figure have no backer?

What does a small violation of military discipline count? Regardless of their testimony, nothing will happen to your lordship.

If anyone really betrays your lord, it is because he has been deceived by lard.

Hearing the same declaration from the adults around him, the instructor couldn't help but reveal an embarrassed smile.

His position is with the military region. The military region has not yet said how to deal with it, but your mechanical court is eager to come and snatch people away.

No matter how much he yearns for the Mechanical Court as an individual, his identity is still an officer in the military region.

At that moment, he couldn't help but say with some embarrassment, "Sir... Captain Bai's matter has not yet been finalized. Isn't it good for us to talk about this in advance?"

"..." The Lord of the Mechanical Court glanced at him, and the white eyes in sharp contrast with the black skin were particularly obvious.

Obvious disdain.

The military area was restless late at night.

News of the mecha's defection spread to almost every corner of the military region. Even if they didn't know the truth, the sudden appearance of a mecha acting alone, followed by the sudden strict curfew and the late-night mobilization of military region troops were enough to make everyone The soldiers all realized that something terrible had happened in the military region.

All the generals in the military region were gathered in the huge reporting hall late at night. The defection of the first mecha pilot was enough to attract everyone's attention.

"Just now, a pilot in our mecha company suddenly controlled his mecha and forged military orders to leave the camp without receiving any orders." The officer who reported the truth to everyone had a serious and solemn voice. Leng Li said, "His name is Bai E, you can also call him... 95B27."

As his voice fell, the information about Bai E was instantly clearly displayed on the big white curtain in front of everyone.

Everything Bai E has done since his "birth" until today has been recorded in detail. Even the top secret of an artificial person being upgraded to a natural person cannot be hidden even under this level of violation of discipline.

The many officers who were suddenly summoned only knew the general direction of the incident, but they did not know what the real incident was or who was involved.

Now that I saw the character information appearing on the curtain, the scene fell into a strange silence.

'Cyborg? ’

Some officers caught the key words, and immediately stood up with angry eyes and were about to express their opinions impassionedly. After standing up, they found that the whole audience was staring at them with strange eyes, so they suddenly He took back the intense words that rushed to his throat.

‘What does this mean? ’

‘Why are you all silent? ’

There are factional disputes with clear-cut banners in the military camp. Usually, if anything happens, it will attract crazy criticism from the rival parties.

He had just been promoted from the grassroots level and was determined to fight for his own camp to leave a distinct impression in the eyes of his superiors.

And now...what does it mean?

The officer looked at the boss of his camp doubtfully.

Hamilton sat upright on his seat with his thick arms folded, not even looking at the information on the curtain, as if it had nothing to do with him.

'Yes! The pilot of the mecha company! ’

Can ordinary people join the mecha company? Those who can join the mecha company must be the core elites trusted by adults.

Regardless of whether they are artificial humans or not, the ones adults trust must be their own family members.

So...what about the other side?

Those who take photos of themselves will definitely be suppressed by the other party, right?

The officer looked at another area with clear distinctions. Carlos, the leader, looked up at the ceiling, as if there was some most attractive object on the ceiling that absorbed all his attention.


What are you doing?

The bottom is beaten to a bloody head, but the head is already in harmony?

The officer glanced around blankly and found that no warrior was willing to speak out at this moment.

'In the end what happened? ’

Weslin also had a dark face.

Bai E was his "confidant" who was promoted by him personally. This boy's words and actions were quite consistent with his own thoughts several times, and he liked him very much.

But with such a big thing happening now, as the marshal of the military region, I can't be without some attitude.

A "cough" sound attracted the attention of everyone. Weslin looked towards a corner of the conference hall, "Deva, can you say a few words?"

"I won't say it." Deva just shook his head. He was honest and outspoken, and never tried to hide anything. "I won't do such offending things. But since the marshal insisted on telling me, I will only say one thing...investigate the matter. The truth commissioner has not returned yet, so Captain Bai Ebai may not have defected. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait."

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