Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 438 The Road to Legend

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about?" A black-faced officer who had been standing aside asked with a serious face, "If you don't defect, can you violate military discipline and fly a mecha out of the camp at will? If everyone does this, Why do you need military discipline?"

The person who suddenly spoke did not belong to any party within the military region, or even to the military itself.

This meeting was not only attended by officers from the military camp, but also by personnel from the Ministry of Justice. It was precisely because of this that Weslin had to step forward to enforce justice.

If the military department commits such serious disciplinary violations, their legal department will have more excuses to intervene in military matters in the future.

As soon as the investigator from the Ministry of Justice opened his mouth, the scene fell into silence again.

However, the investigator from the Ministry of Justice obviously did not intend to let go of Deva, who was the first to jump out. He was keenly aware that there were many invisible secrets in this incident. The military had no control over the city in recent years. The reason for their huge contribution may be due to their bloatedness and corruption!

The investigator's falcon-like eyes stared closely at the black-faced officer standing there. What the other person just said was very fishy, ​​"This officer, is the soldier who violated disciplines one of your subordinates? Do you want to protect him?" A serious disciplinary violation?”

Deva gave a bitter smile when he heard this and shrugged, "Let me just say that I don't want to offend anyone... My lord, please treat me as silent. I will not express any opinion on this matter. You can investigate me however you want."

After saying that, he sat down directly without saying a word, just folded his hands and glanced to the side.

The corners of Weslin's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that it would be inappropriate if things continued like this.

The people from the Ministry of Justice are here. Now is not the time for them to close the door and deal with it casually within the military region. They have to come up with a charter for handling it.

Although he really likes that boy, it is definitely not worth it to put his complete control over the military department for a small soldier. It is better to directly attack this small soldier...

As soon as he thought about it, Weislin coughed lightly and said with a serious face, "Sir Lovis is right, military discipline must not be violated. No matter who violates the regulations of the military region, he must be severely punished. Mechas are an important combat unit of our military region. Driving a mecha without authorization and leaving the camp is a great hazard and risk to the military region and the outside world. Don't encourage this trend. Just issue a pursuit order. It doesn't matter what reason he has for driving a mecha to leave the camp. See you. Target, kill without mercy!"



Weislin's decision obviously did not conform to the wishes of many officers on the field.

Carlos and Hamilton stood up almost at the same time, but they each opened their mouths, but neither could say anything for the first time.

Now we don’t know Bai E’s purpose of leaving the camp without permission.

As long as they don't defect, they all have the intention to save Baie at a certain cost.

But the problem is that the current situation is unclear. They dare not place a bet directly until the personnel sent to chase Bai E get back the news.

If Bai E is really rebellious, they may lose more than a little price by trying to protect Bai E.

Carlos and Hamilton looked at each other and moved their lips. Finally, Carlos raised his chin slightly and narrated calmly: "I think Commander Deva is right. The current situation is not clear enough. It is better to wait for the report from the frontline personnel. According to the news, it’s not too late for us to make a decision.”

"..." Deva glanced sideways at Carlos, his face speechless.

The person in charge of the technical department who was waiting on the sidelines suddenly became happy and interrupted everyone's thoughts by speaking out, "Received contact information from the front line! They have captured the target! They are currently returning."


"In addition, the specific reason why the target left the camp without permission is still under investigation, but they sent back a recorded video first, I don't know..."

Mechas are large units, so the equipment they can carry naturally doesn't have to be too limited in scale.

The gadgets Bai E made himself can already communicate without delay across ultra-long distances, and the new equipment developed by the city's scientific research department is naturally more powerful.

Although it spans thousands of miles, it is still enough to transfer video files.

Weislin nodded and ordered: "Let it out and take a look."

The people in the legal department have to consider it, and the opinions of the officers under his command also have to be considered.

It seemed that Carlos and Hamilton both wanted to protect the white captain, so he might as well be a favor. As long as the situation was not particularly serious, he could see if they could produce any favorable "evidence".

"Roger!" The technician who received Weslin's order nodded in agreement, and then tapped the buttons on the control panel in front of him a few times. A slightly shaky recorded video appeared on the giant white curtain in front of everyone.

In the picture, there are sparks in the sky.

"What was recorded?"

"I can't see anything clearly..."

"You seem to be on your way?"

After all, the direction of those sparks is getting closer and closer.

The officers calmed down and watched silently.

As the firelight gradually got closer, some sharp-edged shadows gradually appeared within the field of vision that could be clearly observed.



"There is another that our defecting mecha?"

When the picture gradually got closer and became clearer, a large number of small exclamations suddenly appeared on the scene.

"The first generation of omnics!"

"And there are two of them!"

"Isn't that white first-generation omnic flying in the air the owner of the highest authority of the omnic central base on the northern plains? How could it appear in a place like this?"

"Why did our defected pilots get into a fight with these omnics?"

"Did he know that these omnics wanted to attack our Blackwater City and went to stop them in advance?"

Knowing that their superiors wanted to protect the defected pilots, some smart officers took the initiative to make up reasonable excuses for violating discipline.

However, the black-faced person from the Military Affairs Ministry just glanced at the officer who spoke indifferently, then withdrew his gaze and looked at the curtain again.

Even if you get the news and go to stop the omnic, it is still a serious violation of discipline.

Just because the result is just, we cannot ignore the evil of the process.

Their military department cares about rules, not reasons.

No matter how righteous the defecting pilot's reasons are, a violation of discipline is a violation of discipline! Never let him go! seems like there is no need to let him go.

In the picture, the earth-yellow first-generation omnic has already revealed its prowess to the defecting pilot under the command of the "white devil".

with full force!

The firelight illuminated the faces of many officers present, and some sighed softly.


"No wonder they were caught so quickly. It turns out he was already dead..."

"Captain White is really unlucky to be targeted by two first-generation omnics."

"The first thing I saw when I defected from the camp was an omnic. Who can blame me?"


On the screen, the cannonball was split into two, and the blue-white figure flashed like a ghost from the attack of countless cannonballs and rushed in front of the earth-yellow first-generation omnimachine. The only weapon equipped on the mecha-the alloy sword suddenly slashed. The first-generation omnics of the omnic clan looked extremely tough.

It was like a suicide attack, but it brought astonishing results. With one strike, the sky collapsed.

It split open the khaki first-generation omnic and also split the brains of all the officers present.




A thousand words are worth less than a simple question.

What happened?

Right before their eyes, the first-generation omnic was chopped into pieces by the defecting mecha?

When did the mechas in the military region have this level of output power?

Or maybe the sword in the hand of the defecting mecha is actually a secret cutting-edge weapon secretly given to him by an academician from the city's scientific research department?

Otherwise, how could they explain the explosion that happened before their eyes?

However, the development in the video was not swayed by anyone's will, and continued to "swish" with two swords. The huge earth-yellow first-generation omni-machine was smashed to pieces like a harmless watermelon, and exploded on the spot. .

"That's the first generation of omnics!"

"We have encountered that white devil before, and that white devil easily destroyed one of our group field divisions."

"But it seemed to be scared away..."

"I have fucking eyes!"

At this moment, even if they were usually hostile, other officers in the military camp looked at Hamilton with surprise and asked: "Hey! Are all the pilots in your mecha company so fierce?"

Hamilton looked similarly glazed over.

Are all my people so fierce?

How the hell didn’t I know?

If they were really so fierce, wouldn't I have destroyed all their omnics' hometowns earlier? Omnics do not have the large-scale field control ability of the insect master that targets the human mind.

The reason why everyone is reluctant to touch omnics is because these things are difficult to fight and have little oil and water.

If the pilots of their mecha company can reach this level and send a company directly to the omnic base, wouldn't there be no one to compete with them humans for ores?

He knew that Bai E was fierce, but he never thought it would be so fierce.

A first-generation omnic can be chopped to pieces with one sword, and a first-generation omnic can be chopped apart with three swords. I would never dare to do this in my wildest dreams.

The fierce performance calmed every officer present, or it may have directly burned their CPUs and short-circuited them for a while. Everyone watched the video progress in silence, their brains already empty.

However, the explosive scene he saw at the beginning was far from the limit. As the cameraman's perspective followed the defecting mecha all the way forward, the observation perspective meticulously scanned every detail passing by.

Debris everywhere...

The flames ignited by the omnics stretched into a jaw-dropping legendary road.

The two first-generation omnics did not attack alone. Before rushing in to kill the two first-generation omnics, the defecting mecha first cut down the entire army of omnics.

"What level is this?"

"I do not know……"

"I know! I know! It must be a secret order from the Scientific Research Department! This is testing a secret weapon for the Scientific Research Department!"

"Stop talking nonsense! The machine inspection report of this mecha is still in the files... He even only has a knife."

A knife... cut down an entire omnic army.

["Lucky Blow" charge +44. 】

"Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!" The arrogant laughter was the first to ring through the conference hall. Hamilton slammed the table and glared at the investigators of the Department of Justice, "I asked him to go! What kind of violation of military discipline? A few things that have no impact. ! I just didn’t have time to go through the process! You need to check me! Do I have anything to do with him?”

The investigators of the Ministry of Justice were also completely stunned by this fierce record at the first time, but Hamilton's words were undoubtedly a provocation to his IQ, "If it was really your order, why didn't you stand up and testify just now? And? If I read it correctly, this defecting pilot is an artificial human, right? For an artificial human to be elevated to the status of a natural person, and to assume such an important position, you also lack a reasonable explanation for this!"

"Explanation?" Hamilton just waved his hand arrogantly, "How many explanations are there?"

Strength is explanation.

If anyone in the military camp has this ability, Hamilton can make him his father.

At this moment, even if Bai E really wanted to defect, it didn't matter to him.

Defection is nothing more than profit.

No matter what price the other party offers, he pays double!

Or was he wronged by someone in the military camp?

He immediately revealed the other party's genealogy for Bai E!

Be tough and don’t give in to anyone!

The city lord came today, and Bai E left the camp privately because of his order.

"In a word, if you check me, I have nothing to do with him."

I did it all, you have to catch me!

Hamilton raised his neck and didn't like anyone.

"You! You! You!" The investigator was so angry that he pointed his finger and couldn't say a word.

Arrogant! Too arrogant!

The people in the military department are really rotten to the core.

No matter how powerful you are, one person is not enough to calm down this troubled world. Rules...are the truth that ensures the city's longevity.

These brainless warriors!

Weslin glared at Hamilton and motioned for him to restrain himself.

The Ministry of Justice is the upper echelon of the city's authority. If they cause trouble to the City Elders, their entire military region will be sanctioned.

There is no need to completely fall out with them over a little soldier, although the strength of this little soldier is suddenly a bit too much...

"Sir Lovis, please don't worry..." Weslin said with a smile. The appearance of the video also gave him a little confidence. "According to the video sent back from the front line, our Captain Bai left the camp late at night for the same purpose. We humans think about it. We shouldn’t decide his fate so arbitrarily. Even if there is a small procedural error, we can still give him a chance to redeem himself and make merit~"

Weslin kept silent about the word "defection".

Of course, the people from the Ministry of Justice cannot be offended, but such a fierce warrior must not be abandoned casually now.

Have a good attitude and be determined to protect.

This is his plan now.

"Sir Lovis, isn't he already on his way back? We might as well wait until we see Captain Bai and talk to him before deciding how to deal with it this time. What do you think?"

The investigator thought for a moment and nodded, "That's okay."

The incident happened suddenly, and they probably didn't have time to give their confessions.

As soon as he comes back, he is dragged into the court for a confrontation on the spot, and the truth will naturally come out.

With this in mind, Lovis turned his head and whispered to the men behind him, "Go! Send the escort directly here as soon as they come back, and don't let anyone come into contact with the target."

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