Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 439: Stealing people?

The three Bai E, who were escorted by instructors and people from the Mechanical Court, were escorted by a group of people to the huge conference hall.

Looking across the faces of everyone present, Bai E lowered his eyebrows and remained silent, his hands simply hanging on his chest, waiting for the next development.

A strange man stepped forward in silence, staring at Bai E with stern eyes. The man's voice was captured by the microphone and spread through the loudspeaker to the entire conference hall, "95B27, you forged an order and piloted the mecha to leave the military camp without authorization. You have seriously violated the regulations of the military region, do you know your crime?"

95B27? I haven’t heard this title for a long time...

Bai E gently raised his head and looked at the other person with a pair of eyes without any disturbance. "Self-suppression" strictly controlled the hormone levels in the whole body, and replied calmly: "I know."

"..." The investigator from the Legal Department was slightly startled, "You know?"

Don't you want to defend yourself?

It feels like a punch on cotton.

"I know." Bai E looked at the other party with sincere eyes, "But I have to go."

The investigator was not interested in getting into any more trouble with a soldier who violated discipline. "Since you admitted that you left the camp without permission from your superiors, there is no need to say anything more. No matter what reason you have, you should not be the one to do it." Reason for disregarding military camp regulations.”

After saying that, the investigator turned around and looked at the arrogant officer who was still standing in the audience, "I will come to settle the account with you after you openly tried to deceive the Ministry of Justice. Now... we first need to deal with this person who violated military discipline." The pilot makes the judgment. Marshal Weislin, according to the regulations of the military region, the Titan-class armed mecha belongs to the military region's special-grade weapons. You should know better than me what the crime of stealing special-grade weapons without permission is."

"This..." Weslin glanced at Bai E. Everyone was still here trying to think of a way for you, but you ended up doing all the tricks yourself.

Looking at Hamilton and other officers who were also silent, Weslin's face was full of sorrow. What should he do now?

In the corner, a slender figure hidden in a black cloak gently caressed the scabbard of the long sword in his hand, and a dim light flashed past the hilt of the sword.

Bai E made too much noise, and she didn't know if her "face" among humans was enough.

If that's not enough... the sword in her hand will speak for her.

"You plan to execute him, right?" The members of the Mechanical Tribunal, who had been watching indifferently for a long time, had not said a word since they came back. It was only at this moment that the whole audience could not think of any good way to deal with it, and then they spoke in silence. Said: "In this case, it means that Captain Bai has been removed from the military region, right? So here, on behalf of the Mechanical Court, I sincerely invite Captain Bai to join us. Before coming here, I have informed our court Justice, the Justice is already on his way here. We want this person in the Mechanical Court."

On the way back, the judge of the Mechanical Court kept insinuating himself to find out why Bai E was unwilling to join the Mechanical Court before.

It was a bit dumbfounding to learn that the real core reason was just because Bai E was unwilling to accept the transformation of the mechanical body.

In the view of the people in the Mechanical Court, accepting the transformation of the mechanical body will deepen the connection between oneself and the machine and make it easier to obtain the prerequisites for the qualification to communicate with the machine soul.

But now that Bai E already possesses a machine soul, asking him to undergo mechanical body transformation is simply putting the cart before the horse.

Of course, perhaps after undergoing the transformation of the mechanical body, Bai E can have a closer connection with the machine soul and exert his body's abilities to a greater extent, but that will have to be done voluntarily after Bai E joins the Mechanical Tribunal through long-term exposure. Just make some changes.

The prerequisite is that Bai E must join the Mechanical Court.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to persuade Bai E to voluntarily join their Mechanical Tribunal. After all, the Mechanical Tribunal is not a superior unit of the military camp. Although most of the pilots in the mecha company have the goal of joining the Mechanical Tribunal, these are all personal wishes. , when it comes to actually going through the process, communication and coordination between the mechanical court and the military camp are still needed...

If the military camp is determined not to let anyone go, they won't be able to rob them by force.

But right now...the military camp plans to execute Bai E.

Is there any better God-given opportunity than this?

It was just a charge of violating military discipline, and they used the mechanical court to force him to be released. No one dared to show off to them.

This wave is stable!

"What are you talking about?" Hamilton slammed the table, "Did we say we were going to deal with Captain Bai? Is it your mechanical court's turn to protect people? No need! Captain White is a member of our armored battalion in life and death. soul!"

After saying that, Hamilton suddenly looked at Weslin, "Marshal, Captain Bai is the soul of our mecha company. Without him, our mecha company will have to stop firing. It's up to you how to deal with it!"

Forced into the palace!

There were not many senior officers in the military camp who were convinced by Weslin, the airborne marshal. They usually didn't have any major issues and just wanted to give each other some face.

Now that we have encountered a core incident, how can you, an airborne marshal, kneel down to outsiders on behalf of the military region?

"I stand with Hamilton on this matter." Carlos said calmly, "Captain Bai's ability is one of the best in the military region. He has made many contributions to our military region and has great prestige in the hearts of other soldiers. If we really want to deal with him, I I think the soldiers in the entire military region will have some criticism in their hearts. And in a few days, when we set out for the general attack on the insect nest in the Black Rock District, leaving Captain Bai's powerful combat power unused is simply cutting off an arm. Even if Captain Bai really does this this time If there is a mistake, we can leave it until after the general attack on the insect nest. Give Captain Bai a chance to redeem himself and make meritorious service. I believe he will give us a satisfactory answer. Here, I am willing to use my military rank to vouch for Captain Bai. If he cannot If he has made enough contributions in the general attack on the insect nest, I am willing to accept any treatment with him without any complaints!"

For the first time, the two military region factions, which usually had a bloody quarrel over the treatment of artificial humans, stood so harmoniously on a unified stance.

Weslin, who was forced into the palace by his men, had a complexion as black as coal, but knowing the character of these officers under his men, he knew that these were treacherous people.

‘I will remove you all when I get the chance in the future! ’

Feeling cruel in his heart, Weslin looked at the investigator from the Legal Department with a wry smile, "Sir Lovis, what they said may not be unreasonable. It would be a waste to kill Captain Bai with such a strong strength. It is better to give Captain Bai a meritorious service." The opportunity may be more suitable, what do you think?"

"I see..." The investigator smiled coldly.

He never believed that one or two high-end combat forces could influence the overall situation of the world. He didn't need this disciplinary-violating pilot to defeat him, but it was useless to have him alone if he couldn't defeat him.

After all, these people are still selfish and want to cultivate and win over their cronies!


A burst of electricity suddenly flashed through the entire conference hall, and then a solemn voice sounded like rolling thunder over the entire conference hall.

"What? Is it so difficult for our Mechanical Court to have one person?"


"The Justice is here!"

There was an exclamation in the venue.

The Chief Justice of the Mechanical Court is one of the truly top figures in this city. Even he has come forward, so there is probably no need to fight.

Hamilton and Carlos looked at each other with the same solemn look in their eyes.

Although their military region is the largest, it does not have much say in high-end combat power and top levels.

If the military region marshal has enough prestige, he may be able to compete with the other party.

But Weislin, the airborne marshal...

If he can't even handle matters within the military region, how can he be expected to be tough in front of the chief judge?

In the silence, a clear girl's voice sounded from a corner of the venue.

Franka smiled at the corner of her mouth and looked slanted in a certain direction on the ceiling of the venue. "Your Majesty, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of the Grand Judge Nolenitz. There is something I need to remind you, Captain Bai Erbai. He is the potential seed that our Arbitration Institute has been observing. If the military region does not want him, Captain Bai should first consider our Arbitration Institute, not the Mechanical Court, what do you think?"

The major events that happened in the military camp were not hidden from any officer with some status. As an instructor of the Arbitration Institute stationed in the military camp, Franka had no reason not to come and join in the excitement.

After discovering that the protagonist was Bai E, he immediately became interested.

Among everyone present, only she knew Bai E's true identity.

The video just played was indeed shocking enough, but in Franka's eyes, it was not as good as the feats that the other party could accomplish in the field of psychic energy.

Fighting alone and killing a war-type demon prince who invaded the material world, this level of combat power is difficult to match even in their arbitration center.

The combat power in the material world can be converted into the equivalent of weapons, and the demons in the spiritual world are the eternal enemies that humans really need to be wary of!

I knew before that Bai E had no intention of leaving the military camp, but if he really couldn't stay in the military camp, then their arbitration office was Bai E's real home!

As for Grandpa Nolenic...he will definitely understand his decision to kill first and then play.


Franka, who suddenly spoke out, was obviously another troublemaker.

The Arbitration Institute, as a force institution in the city that is completely responsible for fighting against demonic things, this institution also has the same weight.

The Grand Presiding Judge Nolenic is also a top figure in the city who is not inferior to the Chief Justice.

But the premise is... this young lady who spoke out is really qualified to replace the Grand Judge Nolenitz.

Everyone knew that the chief justice was watching the young lady who spoke out.

After a long silence, the majestic and hollow voice quietly said, "Little girl, if what you said is true, I can go talk to Nolenitz."

Individually speaking, neither her status as a third-generation descendant of that family nor her status as Nolenitz's favorite newcomer executive were enough to qualify the eldest lady to speak in front of him.

But when these two identities were concentrated in one person, the justice did not dare to ignore Franka's words easily.

However, with a "bang" sound, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open by a violent force. The crisp sound of thin heels tapping on the ground approached quickly, and a hoarse and sharp voice was not afraid of the person who came from afar. The chief judge said, "I think all of you have forgotten one thing. Captain Bai Ebai is an asset of our scientific research institute!"

A tall figure wearing a white coat quickly burst in from the gate. The guard at the door looked confused and didn't understand why he saw so many important people at the same time tonight——


As the youngest rising star in the Academy of Sciences, Academician Helen's authority in the Academy is only under that of the dean.

Even though in theory, military institutions such as arbitration tribunals and mechanical courts, and cultural institutions such as the Scientific Research Institute, are among the top institutions in the city, as the provider of all cutting-edge technologies in the city, the Scientific Research Institute's status is inherently transcendent.

The legendary story of a pilot who single-handedly wiped out an entire omnic army swept through every top organization in the city in the middle of the night. As the protagonist, Bai E's name was naturally placed on the radar of most of the masterminds of these organizations. On the desk.

Familiar name, tough deeds.

Helen immediately wanted to come back and see what kind of physical fitness this long-awaited warrior who had left a deep impression on her was like now, but she didn't expect to encounter such a scene as soon as she came.

Stealing people?

"The original intention of the artificial man project is that we collect data for the mass production of super soldiers. These artificial soldiers are only loaned to the military region for use. They are essentially the assets of our scientific research institute. When will it be your turn to fight here? ?”

Helen's slender eyebrows swept across the audience, but behind her petite figure was the overwhelming energy of the scientific research institute.

Glancing at the military marshal indifferently, Helen warned with a sharp eyebrow, "Even if it is to be scrapped, it has to be signed by our scientific research institute. When will it be your turn to make your own decisions?"

The whole audience was shocked.

Every officer who participated in this meeting never expected that the situation would develop into the current scene.

For a mere android soldier, all the top agency bosses in the city jumped out to snatch people?

Although this warrior's personal ability is indeed exaggeratedly strong, but... he can't play like this, right?

For a moment, all eyes finally focused on the silent figure being held in front of everyone.

The other party's head was slightly drooped and his breath was flat, as if he was indifferent to everything happening in front of him.

Was it something that had been anticipated, or was it just a lack of desire?

But no matter what, this calm and calm demeanor still amazed all the officers.

In what happened today, no matter which one of them was replaced as the protagonist, it would be difficult to accept the ups and downs.

What kind of magic power does this legendary pilot possess that makes the entire city sleepless for him tonight?

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

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