How could the situation evolve into what it is now?

How could a good accountability meeting turn into a people-stealing meeting?

The investigator from the Legal Department had a sullen face. In such a situation where big bosses gathered together, it was not his turn as a small investigator to push for anything.

But it was silent, and I was not willing to do so.

Legal regulations must prevail over the entire city so that the city can develop long-term and healthily.

Right is right and wrong is wrong.

If you are right, you will be rewarded; if you are wrong, you will be punished.

Right and wrong cannot be offset.

If these people in power are allowed to act recklessly, no matter how big the city is, one day it will fall apart.

A pair of fists were clenched tightly, and a gentle male voice suddenly came from behind, "Believe in what you insist on, and don't give up."

A man wearing a green translucent windbreaker appeared silently behind the investigator. The man looked at Helen and smiled softly, like a harmless and gentle breeze, "Academician Helen, when a child reaches the age of 16, After leaving the family to go out to work, his parents can no longer assume any responsibilities and obligations for him. When this warrior steps out of the training warehouse and joins the world of his own will, he should be responsible for everything he does. Genetically normal artificial humans are not slaves, and the Research Institute does not have absolute sovereignty over them. This is written in the relevant charter of the artificial human project. When you talk about him as a commodity, you have already determined that he is A failure in the plan... Then, Academician Helen, do you think this soldier is a defective product in the artificial man plan?"

"..." Helen squinted her eyes and stared at the other person.

The man was smiling, his eyes narrowed into a narrow slit, and he spoke softly, looking harmless.

However, even those who have never met the Minister of Justice have heard of his insidiousness.

The people in the Legal Department are like cold poisonous snakes wrapped around everyone's neck, greedily spitting out cold snake messages at every fresh and tender neck.

When dealing with any other armed department, the Research Institute can strangle the opponent's lifeline, and it will not be unreasonable to be unreasonable.

However, for the Ministry of Justice, this institution that governs the city purely based on reason and philosophy is not afraid of the constraints of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

If they cannot truly "defeat" the other party morally, even the city's elders will have to pay attention to the other party's demands.

Helen is a technical person, so she is not very good at this kind of sophistry on people's minds and principles, and has no intention of confronting the opponent in this regard.

At this time, they just remained silent and simply stared at each other.

The man didn't care, he just looked at Bai E tenderly, and spoke softly, making people feel like spring breeze, "Bai E? Here, I first apologize for the offense my men just caused you. He shouldn't ignore what you did. There is a motive for violating discipline, maybe you really have a reason to do this. So, can we listen now?"

Helen stood not far from Bai E. After the man finished speaking, she immediately told Bai E: "It's okay. Don't worry. As long as I'm here, no one can do anything to you."

Even if they go to the Council of Elders, no one can touch Bai E.

She said it would be useless if anyone came.

Bai E still said nothing, but glanced at the technical department personnel in the distance.

He has been back for so long. It stands to reason that the commissioner sent by the military camp to investigate the reason why he left the camp should have investigated the whole "truth" of the matter, and it is time for him to report back.

The same thing always feels different when it is said by oneself as the client and when someone else says it for oneself.

Bai E didn't want to brag. It might be more convincing for the investigation reports of those military district commissioners to tell the same story.

‘How to do it? Can it be faster? ’

As if aware of Bai E's expectation, the staff of the technical department suddenly leaned back. After carefully confirming the content displayed on the screen in front of them, they trotted to Weslin's side and pressed against Weslin's. My ears whispered something.

"What?" Weslin's eyes flickered, and there was obvious joy on his face.

Patting the shoulder of the technician who came to report, Weslin motioned for him to take action. At the same time, he clapped his hands. After attracting everyone's attention, he said slowly and in a deep voice: "The account of the person involved may not be credible. I There is an investigative report here from the commissioner that should be more accurate."

The minister of the Ministry of Justice's gentle and gentle eyes finally glanced at Bai E, who was silent, and then looked at Weislin and said with a smile: "Since the marshal has obtained the front-line investigation report, we naturally don't have to deal with the parties concerned. waste time."

Weislin nodded, looked at the technical staff on the sidelines and nodded: "Let's get started."


Above the white curtain, the video is connected.

The investigator, who was still in a small town, was wearing a military uniform, holding all the information he had investigated in his hands, standing upright and talking to the camera.

"The action path of the disciplinary mecha is clear and traceable, the target point of the action is clear and there is no pause."

"The forces participating in the war are clear, and all traces of the battle are traceable and consistent with the oral accounts of eyewitnesses."

"The number of survivors is large, and the descriptions are consistent when sampling separately, which generally rules out the possibility of collusion in advance."

"After our detailed investigation, we have uncovered the entire truth behind Captain Bai's driving a mecha and leaving the camp without authorization..."

"On xx, xx, Captain Baie's special team was performing the task of clearing omnic minecarts in the northern mines when they encountered a group of refugees who had just been expelled from the 'Gray Iron City'. At that time, this group of refugees was being chased by a group of people passing by. The omnic was discovered and happened to be rescued by Captain Bai’s special team.”

"Captain Bai'e, who rescued the refugees, originally planned to lead these refugees back to Blackwater City. However, they had suffered injustice in Gray Iron City and were unwilling to contact another city. After their pleading, Captain Bai led them to Captain Bai'e. They passed by a group of golden age building ruins during an earlier mission, and helped them clean up the threat of mutated beasts in the ruins."

"Considering that this group of refugees is isolated and helpless in the wild environment, Captain Baie left them a personal communicator that can directly contact him."

"When we encountered the omnic counterattack this time, it was they who contacted Captain Bai'e, who drove the mecha out of the camp late at night. The contact information between the two parties, including the communication equipment, is now in our hands, and this information cannot be forged. .”

"This report is a preliminary report of the first phase. It is not guaranteed to be completely correct, but it has certain reference significance."

"Following up, we will also send personnel to the location where they said they encountered omnics and the 'Grey Iron City' to investigate whether what they said is true, and give a second-stage report...above."


A bright light flashed and the video went off.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice looked at Bai E again with a smile, "Captain Bai E, it seems that the violation of discipline is not the only one that happened tonight. No one will blame you for saving the homeless people in the wild. However, when encountering a large-scale wilderness The refugees choose to hide it without authorization, how should you explain it?"

"There is no explanation..." Bai E looked directly at the other person with calm eyes, "I don't want to see people who have been hurt by the 'city' once again be disturbed again."

"..." The man pursed his lips and smiled softly, "Then how should you explain the liaison device? The wireless liaison device developed by the Ministry of Information should not be equipped with every special team, even our Helen What the academician gave to you privately is just for you to use as a test, and it is an asset of the city. You handing it over to an outsider without authorization is another serious crime."

Bai E looked straight ahead, his face expressionless, "I exchanged the main parts of the liaison device with my military merits, and the specific functions were modified by myself. Theoretically, they are private assets."

"..." The man was obviously silent, never expecting to hear such an answer.

He looked at Helen for the first time, only to find that there was also obvious surprise on Helen's face.

Isn’t it true that Helen didn’t give it to him in private?

How could a warrior with such powerful fighting skills be able to perform such a skill?

This kind of statement cannot be faked. The equipment is in the hands of the military district commissioner. Once he comes back to check, he will know who made it. As long as the soldier is not stupid, he will not lie in this regard.

"Okay." The man avoided talking about the matter.

The better the warrior is, the harder it will be for him to operate on it.

The more he pays attention to these minutiae, the more excellent qualities he will undoubtedly reveal and drive those people crazy, and the more difficult it will be to deal with it... In fact, it is almost impossible to deal with the warrior himself now.

Being able to slightly expand the influence of the Legal Department through this incident is the limit of what he can do.

"So, your reason is...for a group of refugees in the wild, you chose to openly violate military discipline and leave the camp late at night to rescue the armed mecha, which is an important combat resource of the military region, without permission?"

Bai E really raised his head and looked directly into the man's eyes. His pupils were full of determination and strength, and he was so sure, "Refugees are also human beings."

"Yes! Refugees are also human beings." Helen's eyes lit up, and she finally found a point where she could interrupt. "The first of the genetic prohibitions on artificial human implantation is to regard 'human beings' as the supreme and everything that needs to be protected. . Before and above his responsibilities as a soldier in the military camp, doing everything possible to protect every human being he meets is his highest mission since birth. Before his identity as a 'soldier', he first changes He is a defender of mankind! Choosing to conceal the existence of refugees is also to protect 'humanity'. If there is really any mistake in this incident, then it only lies in the actual application of the ban on artificial human genes and practical regulations In terms of conflicts and confrontations. As a contradictory individual, Captain Bai E can do nothing wrong."

There is no violation of discipline, only technical limitations.

Looking at Bai E with a firm face, Helen's eyes were full of visible appreciation.

Just like when I first met him, every word and action of this warrior was as clear as a mirror.

He has no selfish motives, no compromise, everything... is just for the sake of the human group itself.

Perhaps the city agencies that use this kind of warrior will occasionally be troubled by this "rigidity", but until they have the technology to edit genetic bans in more detail, he will be perfect!

"..." The man from the Legal Department stared closely at Bai E's face, unable to find any flaws in this determined warrior.

Even the detection of psychic energy cannot bring him any useful information about flaws.

It's not a violation of discipline... It's not a violation of discipline...

An artificial person stands on the basis of the great cause of "humanity", and all its actions have the most noble and original starting point.

No one can accuse an artificial person of not being "smooth" enough, let alone ask him to abandon the human position and "act flexibly".

It has nothing to do with disciplinary violations.

...Only the sincere heart of an artificial human.

"But you should have reported it in advance before leaving the camp in the mecha, instead of making up lies!" The first investigator from the Ministry of Justice couldn't help but question.

"The time is tight, the cumbersome process is foreseeable, and I don't have time."



The Minister of Justice sighed, with an obvious look of decadence on his face, "I have nothing to say."

As he spoke, the man turned to look at Weslin, "But the fact that no one wants to see and that can easily cause misunderstandings and crises happened before our eyes. In my opinion, we should learn a certain lesson from it. It's so 'rigid' We cannot predict whether individuals can take on heavy responsibilities and whether their choices at critical moments are more in line with the needs of the city. Should we be more cautious in dealing with this group in the future and ensure enough monitoring angles and rapid feedback mechanisms? This is something we should consider more in the future. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. How to operate it depends on you...Marshal Weslin."


"Are people outside the city also called people?"

Small voices spread among the officers present.

Successfully driving out the people from the Ministry of Justice is undoubtedly something to be thankful for, but what the Minister of the Ministry of Justice said is not unreasonable.

When encountering similar things in the future, will these artificial humans do anything against the interests of Blackwater City?

There are already opponents in the military region who oppose treating artificial humans as natural persons. Now this sudden incident has undoubtedly once again provided favorable evidence for their views.

Even Hamilton, who was selfishly very optimistic about Baie personally, did not dare to force other officers of his faction to shut up amid the whispers.

Your status comes from the support of the entire faction, and being chosen as the leader is not all about power.

Weislin obviously hated this unstable factor even more, "Captain Bai is really not suitable to take on such an important position in the military camp..."

"That's just right. Come to our Mechanical Court, we don't care." The people in the Mechanical Court who escorted Bai E back suddenly became excited.

Franka was naturally unwilling to give up, "If it's for human beings, we who only want to fight against demons are the better choice!"

"No need to go to such trouble...I can still be the cornerstone."

Looking around, Bai E calmly expressed his thoughts.

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