No matter what, the military region is always the best starting point for one's own development.

Having stayed here for so long, neither my popularity in the military region nor my well-established interpersonal network in the military region can be compared to a new starting point.

Moreover, the military region is large in scale, unlike elite institutions such as arbitration offices and mechanical courts that are more inclined to individual operations.

From the looseness of management to the convenience of gaining popularity after completing some events to increase recharging, military camps are more convenient.

As his strength becomes stronger, the so-called military discipline regulations? To myself, it is just empty talk.

And there are opportunities to change jobs at any time, so don’t be in a hurry.

Bai E's words undoubtedly left the choice completely in the hands of Weslin.

Strong in strength, rigid in cognition, yet extremely heartfelt.

No matter how much he hates Bai E's shortcomings, the advantages of this soldier are enough to cover up everything.

Put it in a military camp, even if it doesn't have to take on important positions, it can still be used as the most useful trailblazer.

And instead of releasing it today, it is better to keep it as a bargaining chip. If institutions such as the Arbitration Institute and the Mechanical Tribunal really want this warrior, as long as they are willing to provide enough chips, they may not be able to make a deal.

Looking at the soldier with a calm expression, Weslin's face was filled with admiration.

"Okay! Then let him..."

"Ahem~" An old voice suddenly interrupted Weslin's voice. The chief examiner who first took the Baie Marksmanship test spoke softly and gave everyone present an explanation that was not an explanation, " This is an arrangement within our military region, so I won’t waste your adults’ time any more.”

His eyes met Weslin's glance briefly, and the old man shook his head calmly.

The status of the military region is not lower than that of the leader of any force present. If a leader does not have absolute strength, he should at least have some foresight and determination.

As a military marshal, you do not need to report everything to other agencies.


Weislin was silent for a moment, realizing that he was indeed a little panicked for a moment, "Yes! This is the personnel arrangement within our military region, so I won't waste your time. Now that the whole story of this incident has been understood and investigated, the meeting can be dismissed. .”

After taking a deep look at Bai E at the center of the incident, the Minister of Legal Affairs patted Bai E on the shoulder with a smile, turned and left without saying a word.

The crowd gradually left, and Helen came to Bai E, stared into his eyes, smiled softly and said, "Follow me."

The purpose of her hurrying to the military camp was to test Bai E's current physical data and see if she could make any new discoveries.

As she said, the original intention of the android project was to collect experience data in order to create the strongest warrior.

Bai E is currently the strongest individual that has appeared since the creation of artificial humans. He has grown rapidly and has almost no shortcomings.

If this special case could be reproduced...

Life is of course full of miracles, but even a small amount of experience that can be learned is precious.

No one dared to stop Bai E, who was taken away by Helen.

Except for the outsiders and most of the low-level officers who left, several senior officers in the core of the military region obviously had their own opinions on the matter. The few figures scattered everywhere were like rocks in the sea. As the entire conference hall almost emptied out, it became completely silent. After coming down, Hamilton, Carlos and others, who had been silent, walked towards Weslin, who was also waiting silently.

The real decision on how to deal with Bai E has to be made among them.

"What is the marshal going to do?" Carlos was the first to ask.

If Bai E is still allowed to be the initial identity, then he can accept it.

As long as Bai E is in the organization under his control, his military rank and so on are just empty names.

Artificial humans may have some rigidities and limitations, but as the first artificial human to perform so well, Baie still has the potential to pave the way for the future of artificial humans in the future.

"The current establishment of pilots and the identity of the leader of the special team can no longer be used." Weslin looked serious and only stated the current facts without giving his own opinion.

It means kicking the ball back to the senior officers in front of you.

"How about... let him be a servitor?" Hamilton did not give up.

An invincible pilot who can wipe out an entire omnic army with a single alloy sword. If he is completely deprived of the possibility of becoming a pilot because of such a small hidden danger, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss to their armored battalion.


"Can we think of something?"

"Oh?" Weslin raised his eyebrows slightly and asked curiously: "What can I do?"

"The genetic ban on artificial humans is not absolute, is it?" Hamilton's eyes shone with confidence.

As the leader of the faction that opposes the reuse of artificial humans, he has a sufficient understanding of the characteristics of artificial humans.

"The prohibitions in genes and the reality encountered after birth will be combined, twisting everything in the prohibitions into codes suitable for reality. Even the most loyal android warriors to human beings will be hungry when they are hungry. Killing a bad guy with a lot of crimes to get food is a fact that has happened in the past. Therefore, the code that Bai E firmly believes in now cannot be changed before it is tried. Isn't it? "

As long as Bai E can be made to know that people outside of Blackwater City are not included in the category of "human beings" that he needs to protect, then Bai E, the artificial human warrior, will no longer have any shortcomings.

With the unstable factors removed, Bai E can still become the sharpest knife in their mecha company!

"So...what do you want?"

"Entrust Academician Helen to help us brainwash him. It may be difficult to program the genetic ban on all artificial humans, but deep brainwashing for one or two individuals should not be difficult for their research institute... right?"

Carlos frowned slightly, but hesitated for a long time and did not say anything in reply.

Brainwashing can cause certain damage to an already formed personality, and may even damage one's sanity.

But Bai E in his current state cannot be trusted by the military region, and there will be resistance to promoting him in the future. If you want Bai E to go further in the future, you must fight for the risk of brainwashing.

If it can be achieved, the most perfect Bai E will undoubtedly be a rising star in their military region!

"This..." Weslin hesitated slightly, a little moved, "I'll think about it."

"Then before Bai E makes changes..." Hamilton looked at Weslin expectantly.

"Just as you said..." Waving his hand casually, Weslin turned and left.

Regarding Hamilton's suggestion... of course I happily accepted it!

A goal that can be fought over by the Mechanical Tribunal, the Arbitration Institute and even the Scientific Research Department, of course, is better to hold in one's own hands.

A commander does not envy how capable his officers are. As long as the other party cannot threaten his position as marshal, the stronger the capability, the better.

Moreover, as an artificial human, Bai E naturally has a huge leverage. As long as the tone of the city remains, artificial humans will always be inferior to others.

Is there any more suitable person to support?

Moreover, I have not forgotten the fact that these so-called senior officers "forced the palace" just now. If I can promote the artificial man Bai E, become his confidant and replace Hamilton, Carlos and the others... this military region will be truly complete. Take it under your control!

It will also become his most important political capital in the city!

With these lights flashing in his eyes, Weslin strode away, and his mind about the future development direction had never been as clear as it was at this moment.

It's still the familiar white operating room.

Helen looked at Bai E with kind eyes. In her eyes, his beautiful streamlined figure was the most perfect art in the world.

It’s hard to imagine how the training warehouse that has created countless artificial humans can cultivate such an outstanding work among tens of millions of repeated products.

Green fingers caressed the unobstructed flesh, Helen's eyes were filled with intoxicating obsession.

"It's still the same. I need to test your current physical fitness."

"Yes." Bai E nodded calmly, not having any strange emotions because he was naked.

When facing Helen, "self-suppression" monitors all abnormal hormones in the body all the time, trying to prevent any flaws in his reaction.

After watching Bai E get on the instrument bed, Helen withdrew her eyes and patted her face with her hand from an angle that Bai E could not see.

She felt her face was a little hot, her ears were a little hot, and her eyes were dizzy, as if they were floating in the clouds.

She had seen the bodies of countless test subjects before, and this was the first time this happened.

"What was I thinking?"

He murmured secretly and shook his head, as if to get rid of all those charming thoughts. It wasn't until his mind became clear again that Helen looked seriously at the instrument screen in front of her.

Press a few buttons lightly and the instrument starts...

Following the slight beep prompt, the small movements in the instrument gradually stopped, and the results were presented in front of Helen's eyes——

[Physical fitness]: 18.2


[Reflection]: 16.5


All exceed the normal human limit of 15 points!

Yes! Bai E had been injected with genetic optimization fluid, and the upper limit of his body's reach had already exceeded 15 points. However, he was able to increase his actual ability to the current level. In just a few months, Bai E's progress rate remained the same. The horror is not inferior to the few days after birth.

Of course, attributes come second.

To be able to achieve the achievements that Bai E has accomplished now, it is no longer enough to just rely on these basic attributes. Those personal characteristics that can only be mastered through a lot of training and actual combat are the key.

The ability to train those abilities is called talent.

This is what Helen really wants.

"Next, I need to extract some blood and some tissue sections from you. It will not threaten your health. However, some strange touch sensations... including stinging, squeezing, etc. are normal, so don't worry about it."


Controlling the machine to perform operations again, Helen asked seemingly casually: "Your mecha already has an organic soul, right?"

This was common knowledge among all the slightly knowledgeable people in the city after hearing the news.

Without the help of the machine soul, it would be impossible to accomplish all this with just a standard mecha with only an ordinary alloy sword, even if the ace pilot of the Mechanical Tribunal came in person.

Not to mention that Bai E even completed it alone without the help of a pilot.

"I don't know what a machine soul is..."

Bai E looked at the outer wall of the white machine in front of him in ecstasy, as if he was lost in memories, "But I can hear it talking to me, so thin and dense that I can't hear clearly. It's like an illusion, but also like there's really someone there. Talk in my ear.”

A gentle murmur sounded in his ears, accompanied by a hot wind carrying a delicate fragrance, blowing in Bai E's ears, "Is that so?"

"...Similar." Bai E's heart skipped a beat, and he suppressed the throbbing at this moment with self-restraint, "But it's not clear, and it always seems to have foreseen my upcoming thoughts. From that time on , it became easier for me to operate the mecha. They said it is difficult for one person to fly the mecha, but I seem to be able to do it."

"Really?" Helen's fingers stroked the resolute face in front of her, from the jawline upward, across the facial lines, and gently brushed her eyelids.

His eyes were focused and cold.


Caught off guard.

A wet mark was printed on the side of his face. Bai E's heart trembled, and he was immediately suppressed by self-restraint.

He seemed to belatedly turned his head to look at Helen, who was retracting her pretty face, with a simple expression and a puzzled tone, "Academician?"

A meaningless smile flashed across Helen's lips, "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

After saying that, she glanced to the side.

She has always had doubts about the true identity of this android warrior.

Bai E's performance was flawless, but it was undoubtedly inconsistent with the performance of those events that required clever reactions.

She always felt that under this expressionless face, there should be another face with exquisite features, so... she did a little test.

But... the display on the instrument did not fluctuate.

Was this android warrior really so innocent all along?

Although the androids all have the restriction of "oblivious thoughts", how long has the other person been born?

Over such a long period of time, a basic understanding of the world should have been established.

Does he really know nothing? Or... is there any special way to control one's emotions?

Machines can only detect data in a physical sense, and those special personal abilities are difficult to express in a digital form.

"Ding ding ding~" The doorbell of the room suddenly rang.

The assistant's voice sounded at the door, "Teacher, Marshal Weslin wants to see you."

"..." Looking at Bai E, who was expressionless and taking samples from the instrument, Helen replied loudly: "I know."

The moment he stood up, Ling Neng released his short-term suppression of his emotions, and a bright red instantly surged from his white neck to his cheeks.

Bai E's test is also a challenge to his own heart.

She firmly believed that the momentary excitement she had just had was just the base desire of this body, but unfortunately...she lost.

Admiration for the strong, pity for the weak, awe for the ability to adapt to circumstances, and admiration for upholding human justice, all miraculously converge in the same individual.

'Should I wish he had another face? Or should we hope that he is just a simple android warrior? ’

One that is mysterious, dangerous and alluring.

A strong, calm and trustworthy person.

Can such an individual really be scientifically deconstructed and mass-produced?

With a flicker of doubt in her heart, Helen stepped toward the door. (End of chapter)

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