
"What's the matter?" Helen's tone was cold, and a strand of curly hair hanging on the side of her face swayed slightly, a little impatient.

"I have something to trouble you with." Weslin looked at the gorgeous and deserted woman in front of him with a smile.

Even if there is obvious impatience in the other person's eyes, he still has to be patient and try to please him.

This is the youngest academician of the Academy of Sciences and the first candidate recognized by everyone to take over as the next dean.

If we can get her support, it will undoubtedly win half of the city's sky.


"It's about Captain Bai..." Weslin's tone was slightly hesitant, "You also know his current situation."

"Well..." Helen's eyebrows were raised slightly, and there was a little interest in her eyes. "What do you think?"

"Continuing like this... it will undoubtedly be a waste of combat power for the city, and it will be difficult for him personally to achieve good development in the future. Are you right?"

Helen folded her arms and said with cold eyes, "Marshal, if you have any ideas, you can tell us directly. We are not used to beating around the bush when doing research."

"Then let me get it straight... I know that due to current technological limitations, we cannot write detailed genetic bans on all artificial humans, but for a small number of individuals, we should be able to distort them through acquired means. cognition. I mean, maybe we can try to... brainwash him."

"Brainwashing?" Helen squinted her eyes, a dangerous color flashing in her eyes as she stared at Weslin.

There are high and low techniques for brainwashing. The common method is to wash away a large amount of junk information to make the other party's spirit collapse and establish a new system.

However, this technology is not only primitive and unstable, but also a huge mental damage to the brainwashed people. If they cannot resist it, they will directly become idiots. Even if they succeed, they will start from a blank piece of paper.

Slightly more advanced neurotechnology will not bring such major sequelae, but the damage to the mind is also irreversible, but the difference is in degree.

These violent plans were used on Bai E...

But Marshal Weslin was right.

Based on Bai E's current character, if he cannot make changes, neither the military nor any force in the city will reuse him.

The best outcome is to become a high-level thug.

Do you hope that Bai E will have a future?

The future of the city is still gloomy, so how can we talk about individuals?

But for this android warrior who has been special from the beginning, Helen hopes that he can go further...

"I know." Helen agreed softly, turned around and left.

Weislin, who didn't get an accurate answer, asked from behind, "Academician, what do you mean?"

"I'll let you know the results."

"Thank you, academician!"


The sound of the door opening and closing sounded softly.

Turning his head, he could only see a pair of long legs walking in. Bai E waited quietly, and the rustling sound sounded in front of the machine above his head.

The running instrument just stopped.

The city's biological technology is pretty good. While Helen was out handling things, the machine had already completed the process she had set up in advance.

All was quiet.

Helen was probably checking the fresh report.

'can not tell……'

Helen frowned slightly.

A basic physical examination can only reveal the three basic attributes of the human body. Although Bai'e's attributes far exceed the limits of ordinary humans, they still cannot support him to achieve such amazing and terrifying achievements.

The tissue sections she took from various parts of Bai E's body can reveal various more detailed sub-items in this body that support the existence of those attributes, such as cell activity, cardiopulmonary strength, muscle toughness, number of visual cells, and other indicators.

And...comparison of genetic maps.

Even if there has been a genetic optimization, there is not much difference between Bai'e's current genetic map and when he just came off line 95.

Those changed fragments were almost indistinguishable from other genetically optimized warriors, and the magnitude of the changes were all within the foreseeable range.

As long as you are willing to spend resources, it is possible to create a complete one-to-one replica of Bai E according to his genes.

But this kind of cloned individual is not much different from the artificial human warriors generated by normal fluctuations on Line 95.

From any direction, it is difficult to find the reason why Baie is so special.

But the facts are right in front of us...

Helen's eyes drifted away, looking at the resolute warrior lying in front of her, his eyes looking at the ceiling, his face always expressionless.

Her cold eyes softened slightly, Helen sighed softly and gave instructions softly.

"Get up and get dressed."


Looking at Bai E who was getting dressed carefully, Helen, who was sitting in the armchair, suddenly said, "They want me to brainwash you."

Bai E paused in putting on his clothes and looked at Helen suspiciously, "Brainwashing?"

"Yes, brainwashing." Helen's pupils did not contain any emotion. Although she was looking at Bai E, there was no focus, as if she was just looking at the distance behind him through Bai E's shadow, "Even the most mature Technology will inevitably cause some damage to your body. To be honest, I don’t want to use it. But they are afraid of you now and must make you change."


Helen blinked and came back to her senses, her eyes finally focusing.

She stared at the expressionless Bai E closely, "So, can you make changes?"

"What, change?"

"Become more obedient and stop doing those dangerous behaviors... You should know which of your behaviors can easily arouse others' vigilance." Helen's tone was soft, her eyes firmly hooked on Bai E's, "Or, do You have to be more secretive and don’t let anyone discover the flaw.”


Is this negotiating?

What did she find?


It can be said that he has the smartest brain in the entire Blackwater City and is the person who is most familiar with his own body. It is impossible for such a person to not notice the slightest abnormality in several contacts.

Even if you give perfect reasons every time, when there is a huge conflict between facts and perceptions, your reason will doubt everything.

Judging from the other party's current attitude, even if he knew that he had an agenda, he still wanted to help cover it up.

But I’m not sure if the other party is just deceiving me. Once he admits it, he will be arrested when he leaves the house...

Want to take a gamble?

But if you keep it a secret, you may never have the chance to build a good relationship with her again.

If you reject the olive branch, you will only have swords and guns.

But you can't explain everything straightforwardly, otherwise you will no longer have any initiative.

During the slight silence, Bai E glanced down slightly and looked at the "shackles" still on his hands.

This was put on by the Lord of the Mechanical Court. After wearing this thing, his physical strength and even his spiritual energy were horribly suppressed.

Wearing this thing, Bai E didn't have any capital to fall out.

Bai E's small movements are not obvious, but Helen, who has been watching Bai E's every move, will not let go of any detail.

Seeing this almost imperceptible little movement, a bright smile finally broke out on Helen's face, which had always been stern.

Walking towards Bai E with a pair of slender legs, he casually touched his right hand in the air while walking. Following a slight fluctuation of psychic energy, a silver-gray metal key suddenly appeared in his hand.

Insert the lock and the electronic password passes...

With a "click", the shackles restraining Bai E popped open and hit the ground with a "clunk".

Feeling the body that was rapidly awakening, Bai E moved his wrist slightly.

Facing Helen's smiling eyes, Bai E's face remained calm, "Thank you, academician."

Helen raised her right eyebrow slightly and said noncommittally, "I can cover for you."

"I don't quite understand, Academician."

"I don't need you to 'understand' now." Helen turned around and went to pack up the test bench and materials, "Just go if you have nothing to do."

"Don't you need to be brainwashed?"

Helen twisted her body and turned half of her face, "Do you want to?"

Bai E was silent for a moment, stared into Helen's eyes and replied slowly: "I don't want to."

Helen smiled brightly and said, "That's okay. Go ahead. The lounge is next door. You can stay there for two days first... In addition, after brainwashing, there is a recovery period ranging from a few days to a month. This We will keep you under observation for a while.”

This is the drawback of current technology.

Since Weslin knows about the brainwashing technology, he cannot fail to know the related performance of this technology. There is no point in deceiving.

After that, Helen ignored Bai E and just sorted out the information, letting Bai E go and stay.

Bai E stood there, silent for a moment, then turned and walked towards the door.


After hearing the opening and closing of the door, Helen, who was packing her things, made a movement, her whole body sank as if relaxed, and she whispered in a voice that only she could hear.


Communication between smart people does not need to be too clear. A silent understanding can leave some room for buffering for both parties.

Bai E was gambling, and so was she.

Fortunately, Bai E's bet was right, and she probably wouldn't be wrong either.

He would rather risk exposing himself and do those alarming things, just to save some homeless people in the wild who have no connection.

Even if such a person has his own awakening will, how dangerous can he be?

Starting today, you will put on a new mask, but also take off the mask of the past.

Bai E...

Let me see what you look like after taking off the mask.

I just hope you don't disappoint me.

After being notified by Academician Helen, Weslin immediately summoned Hamilton and other senior officers who had recently dispersed together again.

"Academician Helen has brainwashed Captain Bai. It's a great success!"

Hamilton and Carlos looked overjoyed when they heard the news.

"That's good!"

"But..." Weslin pondered slightly, "Brainwashing surgery has a recovery period ranging from a few days to a month. This period is an observation period to confirm the effect and the recovery of the mental state. So we have to reconsider it for the time being."

"Then let him be my mecha servant for a month according to the previously agreed terms. We can't let him completely lose his familiarity with mechas just because of a month of neglect."

As long as Bai E's flaws as an artificial human disappear, the combat power that can be used by a single man to drive a mecha group to destroy an entire omnic army cannot be wasted.

"Just do as you say..." Weslin waved his hand, he didn't care about this little detail.

In Hamilton's eyes, the Armored Battalion was his private territory.

But here, the entire military camp belongs to myself.

As long as Bai E can perform well in the future, he can be promoted in any way he wants. In the end, doesn't the biggest say in cultivating Bai E rest with himself?

This boy knows how to repay his kindness, and he will definitely be a good and obedient child after training.

"What about the general offensive originally scheduled for five days?" Among the senior officers called, only Deva was thinking about major matters besides Bai'e.

"Keep it unchanged." Weslin waved his hand and made the decision lightly.

No matter how exaggerated Bai E's combat power is, he is still just one person.

No matter how strong a person is, can he have a decisive impact on the outcome of the battle against the Zerg?

You must know that the Zerg, as the biggest opponent of mankind, are far from comparable to those mechanical lumps.

With the same record, a few more pilots from the Mechanical Court can achieve the same effect.

In order to please the military camp and have priority in dispatching Bai'er in the future, the judges of the Mechanical Court promised to mobilize several outstanding pilots in this general attack on the Zerg to help them win this crucial battle. of battle.

With or without Bai E, he doesn't think it will have any absolute impact right now. There is no need to give up the foundations he has laid in various places just to wait for his recovery period, which may last up to a month.

Recently, troops from the military camp were mobilized on a large scale for pre-war training, not only to train the soldiers' combat capabilities, but also to cut off the "tentacles" extending from the insect nest.

Five days later will be the best time for their planned attack, and it will not change due to any changes!

"Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Then let's break up. Hamilton... Baie will be left to you. Pay more attention during this period. The technology of the scientific research institute is not necessarily safe, and we have to keep an eye on it ourselves. By the way, the academician said that he passed by The brainwashing spirit is quite exhausted, and he has gone to rest now, so don’t disturb him tonight, and we’ll talk about it in two days.”

"Got it." Hamilton was in a happy mood, and there was a gust of wind as he turned and left.

After everyone dispersed, a black shadow squirmed slightly in the corner of the conference room.

The slim figure holding a sword in one hand and clasping both hands on his chest stepped out of the shadows without making any movement.

As long as she wanted to, she could go anywhere in this military camp that was no longer guarded against her. Only the so-called academician's research room was a little troublesome.

So she waited here...

"Brainwashing... servitor?"

A trace of worry flashed in Yueying's dark pupils.

The military camp didn't deal with Bai E forcefully, so she couldn't take action directly.

But the brainwashing... won't destroy the little guy's brain, right?

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