The veteran obeyed obediently and handed over his contact information with the "doctor".

When the real owner arrived, Kuang Xin and others who were following Xu Ruoguang to watch the excitement and were in charge of contacting him all opened their mouths.

"why you?"

Zhou Wenjie, who hadn't seen him for a long time, scratched the back of his head and laughed, "I didn't expect that either, haha~"

Xu Ruoguang turned to look at the veteran following him, "Is this the 'doctor' you are talking about?"

The veteran whispered back, "Doctors are an organization..."


Zhou Wenjie said with a smile on his face, "I just came here because I heard that I had a chance to leave the city this time. I planned to find an opportunity to sneak out and find you. I didn't expect that the person who contacted our organization was actually you..."

"Cough~" A cold voice sounded in the shadow of the room not far behind. Kuang Xin and others could only see the graceful and enchanting body of a woman wearing a purple cheongsam.


"Hey~ leave her alone." Zhou Wenjie waved his hand casually, "She is here to protect me because she is afraid that the local forces outside the city will not follow the rules."

Wolf Scorpion corrected in a cold voice: "It's surveillance."

"It's whatever you say~" Wenjie said casually behind him, then looked at Kuang Xin and others with interest, "What kind of surgery? How many people are there?"

"Probably dozens."

In addition to the surviving players who were born in Gray Iron City, there are also many original residents of Black Street who are missing arms and legs.

Since you want to take care of it, you have to keep a bowl of water level.

"No problem..." Wenjie agreed, "Where is he? Do it!"

He is a practical person who does what he says.

", where's the money? How much do you want?" Xu Ruoguang took the initiative to speak out. Although they knew each other, it was still a negotiation between two forces. There had to be some procedures, right?

Zhou Wenjie waved his hand casually and said: "No money required. We are all buddies, what money do you want?"

"Cough~" The cheongsam woman standing a little further away coughed again, her tone sounding a little cold and unhappy, "The organization has been short of funds recently..."

"Oh~" Zhou Wenjie responded obediently and casually quoted a price, "...then I'll give you 10,000 black water coins."

Xu Ruoguang's face turned dark when he heard this.

Isn't this too expensive? Don't you say we are brothers? When I asked those veterans, they all said that in the past, a person could only charge 5,000, but with you it is doubled?

With confirmation in mind, Xu Ruoguang subconsciously confirmed: "One?"


Then it was the turn of the woman behind her to raise her voice. The cold air coming out of her teeth made even the unrelated Kuang Xin and others feel a chill on their necks, "Pack it up!?"

Dozens! That's dozens of people!

According to the unit price of 5,000 each, it will cost hundreds of thousands less to finish it all. Even if you are friends and offer a 20% or 40% discount, the discount can still fill a considerable financial gap in the organization.

But now you just pack 10,000 and it’s all done?

"Zhou! Wen! Jie!" Wolf Scorpion's face was gloomy, and the scar on his face looked particularly ferocious.

Zhou Wenjie turned around and spread his hands, "What should we do? Or you can kill me?"

"..." Wolf Scorpion paused slightly and said coldly, "The organization cultivates you..."

"Shut up!"

Wenjie suddenly gave a serious cold shout, causing Wolf Scorpion to immediately fall silent. Looking at Zhou Wenjie's expressionless face, there was some surprise in his pupils, "..."

"It's not you who contributed to my efforts." Wenjie instantly showed a sweet and flattering smile, "You can go back and say that you did two, and no one will know~"

"But there are dozens of them..."

"You know." Wenjie showed off his thin arms and legs, "I'm super fast."

"But the material cost..."

Seeing that he finally had room to interrupt, Xu Ruoguang suddenly said in surprise, "I'll do it! I'll do it! We'll do it ourselves! We've already bought all the materials!"

Knowing that he had a lot of people, Xu Ruoguang arranged for people to buy all the needed materials early in the morning. As long as he had money, there was no barrier to this thing.

The installation of prosthetics is never limited by materials, but by technology.

The direct connection between machinery and human nerves without causing conflicts is enough for countless generations of people to painstakingly try to develop.

Organizations that have mastered this technology all regard these capabilities as their core competitiveness.

Wolf Scorpion narrowed his eyes, bit his lower lip, and said no more.

Looking at Wenjie who turned around, Kuang Xin, Dai Lian and Xu Ruoguang couldn't help but raise a thumbs up to him——

Brother is awesome! A role model for our generation!

For such a long time, I thought that the boy who was sent to the city was sold as a black slave. I never thought that a black slave could one day become his master.


"Stop talking, let's go, go!"

My hands are itching unbearably and I just want to have surgery.

Every skill in this game is full of magic and makes people yearn for it.

Seeing that a consensus was reached, Dai Lian walked alone to where the players were waiting, "Which one of you will come first?"

"I'll come, I'll come!"

"I come!"

To experience new things in the game, the players are more and more active. They press forward with their hands and feet broken, and they are extremely excited.

"Then it's you." Dai Lian casually clicked one and led him to the somewhat shady operating room.

"Lie down." Zhou Wenjie, who had already changed into a white surgical gown, gave the order equally excitedly.

Unknown to other places, he is king in the operating room.

"Would you like anesthetic?"

"No!" The player lying on the operating bed raised his neck. In reality, he would have to hush for a long time even if he used a knife to cut his finger. In the game, why not punch hard and experience everything that he has never experienced in reality?


The brutal and bloody doctors and patients made the "surveillance" person in the corner have his eyes twitching.

She always felt that the little brother cultivated by the organization was not a normal person, but she did not expect that the people this little brother met were also abnormal like him.

How can anyone watch with interest when their arms and legs are being amputated without anesthesia? He even let out...a dirty-sounding moan.

Both parties enjoy's incredible.

In Wenjie's focused eyes, there was only the pleasure of soaring experience.

[You are trying to perfect Knowledge - Neural Link (Complete). The current improvement progress is 86%. After all is completed, you will receive: Knowledge - Neural Link; Scientific Research Experience +1000 points; Science and Technology Points*2. 】

The connection technology between machines and nerves possessed by the organization is quite crude, limited to the extent of its usability, and is certainly not comparable to the cutting-edge technologies possessed by urban scientific research.

Zhou Wenjie, who gradually gained the appreciation and trust of the organization through basic computer technology, discovered the current limitations of this technology as soon as he came into contact with it.

Of course, urban scientific research institutes will not publish their cutting-edge results. If individuals want to develop, they need to make breakthroughs in this area.

If any technology wants to make a breakthrough, it will undoubtedly be inevitable to practice a large number of cases.

The organization only wants to make money through this, but Zhou Wenjie only cares about cases that can be used to improve experience and proficiency.

Not only for the brothers who sent him to the city before, but also for strangers he didn't know, Zhou Wenjie was willing to perform surgery for free.

Just like when I first joined the organization, I didn't have the consciousness that a black slave should have, and I worked hard overtime and worked crazy hard.




Looking at Wenjie who was buried in the crazy operation, the eyes of Wolf Scorpion standing in the corner gradually softened. At some point, he took the initiative to approach and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the silk handkerchief in his hand.

A simple operating room does not have such complete and sophisticated equipment. This large-scale operation requires a lot of physical strength, and Zhou Wenjie's physical strength is being consumed a lot.

But fortunately, the results are gratifying enough.

[You have completed loading and successfully connecting a prosthetic limb, and your neural link experience will be +0. Current knowledge - neural link (level 2) experience is full, waiting for breakthrough to continue to increase the upper limit of ability]

[You are trying to perfect the knowledge - Neural Link, and the current improvement progress is 100%. 】

[You have completely completed the completion of "Learning - Neural Link". The reward is: Knowledge - Neural Link (complete); scientific research experience +1000 points; Science and Technology Points*2, which have been distributed. 】

[You have obtained "Learning - Neural Link (Complete)", the upper limit of knowledge is unlocked, and the current upper limit of knowledge is level 5. 】


Zhou Wenjie let out a long sigh and sat back without caring about what was behind him.

As a "doctor" who performs "surgery", how can his physical strength be so bad?

But the long-term continuous high-intensity surgeries still drained every strength from his body.

[Through long-term extreme maintenance, your physical fitness has gained considerable growth, physical fitness +0.1. 】

Here we go again...

However, the body that was still falling along the trend was held by another soft embrace. The always cold tone of the wolf scorpion sounded so gentle for the first time, "Just take a rest when you are tired, no one will rush you."

Wenjie took out a tube of light blue liquid from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

Wiping the liquid from the corner of his mouth, Zhou Wenjie smiled cheerfully, "Rest? I don't have time to rest!"


[Feedback from the commission, physical fitness +0.1, knowledge - neural link experience +200. 】

[Has acquired "Level 1 Neural Link" and obtained 1 technology point simultaneously. 】

[The current neural link experience is 100/300. When you reach 300 points, you can master "Level 2 Neural Link". 】

[The source "Learning - Neural Link" type has been changed. The current "Learning - Neural Link" has been automatically replaced by "Learning - Neural Link (Complete)". 】

[Learning - Neural Link (Complete) (Level 1/5): Your understanding of the commonalities between the human body and machinery gives you the initial ability to load mechanical bodies on the physical body. From now on, you have the ability to put mechanical bodies on the body. The prosthetic limb is equipped with the surgical capabilities of the human body, and can ensure that the probability of rejection within three years is less than 30%, that within five years is less than 50%, and that within ten years is less than 99%. Note: Neural link technology is the prerequisite knowledge necessary for the development of "Advanced Knowledge - Biological Master Brain Theory". Research and development of "Advanced Knowledge - Biological Master Brain Theory" can only be carried out after reaching the full level. 】

Biological mastermind? Sounds familiar.

One of the requirements of my mecha transformation plan 2.0 seems to be this technology.

I have been thinking about where to get this technology, but I didn't expect that it would be given to me by a player.

He is familiar with the players he has a relationship with, and he has not sent any tasks to them for several days, so there is only one target that can provide feedback at this time——



Bai E, who was secretly rejoicing, suddenly heard a call from not far away, "Captain Bai, Master Wait for you to come over."

"Oh~ Got it."

The hangar is empty and the dome is extremely high.

Normally, I didn't think much of it when driving the hangar, but now I measured it with my feet, and I realized how small the human body is compared to the entire hangar.

This is already the third day after the "brainwashing" operation.

The military region does not raise idlers. As a servitor who has been beaten to the end, before I can completely gain the trust of the adults in the military region, I have to shine at my post and spend the inspection period safely.

Of course, he may have learned these inside information. Even if he was "demoted" to the hangar and became the lowest servitor in an armored battalion, the other servitors in the same group and the leader of all servitors... that is, he was deceived by Bai E. The hangar managers who had been there for a while still treated him with respect.

Seeing Bai E coming from a distance, Master Hou, whom the other servitors called Master Hou, smiled and said to Bai E: "Captain Bai, our servitors have a lot of work to do. Those servitors who are going to the battlefield and those of us who are waiting... The servitors in the rear are actually two concepts. What those servitors on the battlefield need to learn are some emergency handling methods required on the battlefield and the rapid loading of ammunition. And we in the rear need to learn the overall maintenance technology of the mecha. There are two directions, I don’t know which one you prefer?”

"Anything is fine..." Bai E did not limit his development.

When you can't fight on the front line, learning some logistics skills is definitely a skill that is not overwhelming.

"Then follow me and learn from me first." Master Hou smiled. Most of the servitors were quite humble and gentle. As an old servitor, Master Hou was one of the best.

Taking Bai E onto the vertical lift, Master Hou introduced along with the sound of the motor running: "This mecha is just like the more common tanks and chariots. If you want to exert its combat capabilities, it must be We need absolute logistical support. The mecha is not a human being, and it cannot speak when it hurts. It is our full responsibility to find out all possible hidden dangers on the mecha and ensure that it does not fall off at critical moments."


With a slight clenching sound of the mecha, the elevator stopped at the back of the mecha. In front of Bai E's eyes, Master Hou opened a heavy baffle on the back of the mecha, and a dense variety of signal lights suddenly appeared in front of him. "Our mechas have various self-checking systems. Captain Bai, you have retired from the pilot's seat and you should know this. But the self-checking indicators you see inside the cockpit are only for a wide range of functional modules. If there is no damage, the self-check indicator light here can better show the details of every part of the body. Of course, some hidden corners that have not yet been damaged but have hidden dangers are our biggest enemies."

"I heard that there was a powerful master in the past who could find the most secret hidden dangers just by starting the mecha and listening to its sound and feeling its vibrations. But I can't do it, and no one here can. We have to learn Using tools to maintain mechas must not only be meticulous, but also efficient. This is even more important for those servitors who are going to the battlefield. From now on, I will demonstrate it to you." (End of Chapter)

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