Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 448 Mecha Quick Repair

The instrument is of course not handheld, but mounted on a remote-controlled giant robotic arm.

Mechas require regular and frequent maintenance to exert their combat capabilities. However, the maintenance of these instruments of mechas requires a complete set of production and industrial lines behind them.

Every detail behind this is accumulated by the city over hundreds of years. Even for an individual, sufficient logistical support is the real confidence to be able to exert combat effectiveness.

It seems unrealistic in this world to ignore resources and social relations and form an army by one person...

Looking at the giant mechanical arm flying up and down in front of him, Bai E suddenly had a better understanding of the underlying rules of this world.

If you want to develop your own power in the future, you must pay more attention to this!

Silver-gray mechanical lights and shadows swirled in his eyes. Bai E, who was multitasking, did not miss anything that Master Hou said.

[You are learning "Knowledge - Mecha Maintenance", the progress is 1%...]

"The indication of the malfunction light is already a very serious situation. Many times, a loose deck or a missing screw will become the core reason for the failure of an armed mecha."

[You are learning "Knowledge - Mecha Maintenance", the progress is 3%...]

"You should always pay attention to sealing rings and sealing strips like this, and replace them regularly according to the technical manual. In fact, after doing it a lot, you will gradually become familiar with the places where hidden dangers often occur." Master Hou said after a pause. Somewhat solemnly, "Of course... don't slack off just because you are familiar with it. Those corners that usually don't cause problems can also become fatal weaknesses at critical moments. After every battle, we have to do technical analysis here. If it's because of maintenance problems... he will be beheaded."

The military region has extremely strict requirements for these servitors. Not only do they possess certain practical skills, they have a low status, but they also have to tighten their nerves at all times.

Most of the servitors are androids. Most of the androids who come to the armored battalion will be kicked into the servitor establishment. The androids who follow orders rigidly are the most useful technicians.

Of course, a few natural people with mechanical spirituality will also be stuffed here, like Master Hou, and they will often become the core of the entire hangar.

Their pay is generous, but their requirements are equally strict.

Being a servitor is a position that absolutely cannot go wrong.

Meticulousness, patience and efficiency are absolute requirements for every technician.

"At the same time, we also need a certain number of tests for the newly replaced module to ensure its stability. Any parts produced by lathes have certain errors. Even a 0.1% performance gap in key parts at critical moments may cause huge differences in results. Different places. In addition, you have to know what is normal to know what is abnormal. Otherwise, even if you see the hidden dangers, you will not know that there is something wrong with it. For example, here... the deck here should be smooth Seamless, but now..."

Bai E listened with concentration, feeling the fulfilling feeling of having knowledge crammed into his mind bit by bit.

[You are learning "Knowledge - Mecha Maintenance", the progress is 50%...]

[The learning progress of "Learning - Mecha Maintenance" has reached the minimum requirement, and the teaching mode is turned on. 】

[Teaching: You have learned a lot about the basic knowledge about mecha maintenance. Your personal attempts and the guidance of your seniors will benefit you a lot. You can pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to correct your mistakes and learn from the other party's experience in guidance to complete your understanding of mecha maintenance. (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

Then... let's get started.

"Master Hou..." Bai E suddenly said, "Can you let me try?"

Master Hou, who was controlling the mechanical arm on the control panel, was slightly startled and turned his head to look into Bai E's eyes, "You coming?"

How long have you been teaching for?

A normal servitor would have to follow behind and watch for a few days before he could gradually try to get started.

"Let's try it. You have to try it yourself to verify whether it's right or wrong, right?" Bai E laughed.

"That's right..."

But it was too fast.

Master Hou hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

Anyway, it was Captain Bai Ebai, so the other party's arrival in the servitor's team must only be temporary.

A character like this cannot afford to disobey his will. If the other party wants to try, then let him try.

Recognizing limited abilities will be more conducive to future teaching.

Get out of the way and Bai E takes his place.

When operating the robotic arm to different positions, switch to different maintenance tools, and use sound waves, probes and other means to check for any hidden dangers that may exist inside the body.

Even if some specious hidden dangers are detected, the instrument will not alarm. Those potential hidden dangers that have not yet been damaged cannot be distinguished mechanically.

The entire process requires careful observation by the operator himself.

Master Hou stood aside, hugging his arms and saying nothing.

Getting started for the first time is the best time to test the ability of Captain White.

If there are any mistakes or mistakes in the process, you can point them out after you have completely completed them, so that you have enough space to reflect and remember.

He has decided that he will point out even the slightest mistake later.

It's the first time... Inexperience is inevitable.

First, he must learn to be reverent!

Respect is the first code that all servitors must learn.

[You are paying combat experience to correct your mecha maintenance behavior...]

[You are learning "Knowledge - Mecha Maintenance", the progress is 55%...]

[...Mecha maintenance experience +1. 】

[You are learning "Knowledge - Mecha Maintenance", the progress is 61%...]

[...Mecha maintenance experience +1. 】

[The current mecha maintenance experience is 0/300. When you reach 300 points, you can master "Level 2 Mecha Maintenance". 】

[Mecha Maintenance (Level 1/3): You have learned most of the common sense about mecha maintenance, and have simple hands-on skills. From now on, you can handle most of the problems that occur on the mecha body. Minor failures and potential hazards are just "slow" in efficiency. 】

‘It’s quite slow, but it’s better to be careful. ’ Master Hou, who was watching from the sidelines, pinched his chin and was somewhat satisfied.

No matter what your ability is, your attitude is at least correct.

Novices cannot aim too high and must be meticulous in their duties, only then can they be qualified to gradually pursue faster efficiency.

As time passes, experience occasionally jumps up.

After the entire mecha was processed, the sunset outside the hangar cast a dim and dim light.

3000 points of combat experience were exchanged for a total of 900 points of knowledge and experience, which was completely worthless to Bai E now.

[You are learning "Knowledge - Mecha Maintenance", the progress is 100%...]

[...Mecha maintenance experience +1. 】

[The current mecha maintenance experience is 500/500. You have successfully mastered "level 3 mecha maintenance". 】

[Mecha Maintenance (Level 3/3): You have learned all the common sense about mecha maintenance and have rich hands-on skills. From now on, you can handle mechas as long as you have supporting facilities. All malfunctions and potential hazards that occur on the machine body are covered, while the efficiency is "extremely high". 】

[It is detected that the character also has good "psionic" cultivation and has formed a "link" with the same type of mechanical structure. You have the qualifications to unlock a more advanced "knowledge - mecha quick repair". 】

[Trigger side mission—knowledge training. 】

[Learning training: Advanced knowledge includes the coordination of more abilities. You need to integrate the abilities you have mastered through continuous attempts and apply them to your current skills. Task requirements: Complete a certain number of repeated mecha maintenance operations 1/? ? ? . Mission completion rewards: scientific research experience +3000, knowledge - mecha speed repair, psychic power +10/10, current link power conversion delay reduced by 50%. 】


Bai E was slightly startled. Are there any high-end gadgets?


Master Hou was stunned.


After watching Bai E complete the overhaul of the entire mecha, Master Hou, who was immersed in it, was shocked to realize a fact——

Captain Bai, the first time he got started, he had already completed a complete overhaul of the entire mecha.

He even made up his mind to correct his mistakes and watched the whole process, but he didn't find any opportunity to point it out afterwards.

The speed is indeed a bit slow, but for a person who is getting started for the first time, being able to fully apply the knowledge learned to complete the overall maintenance of the mecha is already a great thing in itself.

On this basis, he still needs to be picky about speed, which he can't say yet.

Not to mention that the slowness was only the first stage. Later, Captain Bai, who seemed to be getting more and more skillful, was unambiguous when he started to move.

He couldn't express the words he wanted to teach the newcomers to be in awe of. After holding it in for a long time, Master Hou could only pat Bai E on the shoulder and sincerely sighed: "You did a good job. Keep trying?"

The mecha he selected was a new machine that was newly manufactured to cope with the gradually expanding mecha company. Even though there were some minor flaws in the machine body, they were definitely not many, and there were no over-the-top contents.

Only those old machines that have been in service for a long time will have all kinds of weird situations that even experienced technicians like them can't predict.

Today is the first time to teach. No matter what, Captain Bai, a newcomer, must learn to be in awe!

Bai E nodded, "Okay."

What you want!

Unlocking new advanced knowledge requires repeated tasks. Although there is no clear upper limit, it is definitely correct to do it as required.

Perhaps the legendary master level mentioned by Master Hou is some kind of manifestation of mecha speed repair.

"Then just wait..."

There are not many machines in the hangar, and the other two machines are also new, so there is no need to waste time.

Only when the pilots of the mecha company who went out for training come back can they get enough training and experience from those real old mechas.



While the two were talking, there was a slight earthquake.

The heavy weight shook the earth, and the vibrations gradually approached from a distance.

"came back!"

"came back!"

The servitor on guard shouted loudly, and the entire silent hangar became lively for a while.

Mecha training without Bai E was so lonely, and almost all the mechas walked back on their own while keeping their main bodies intact.

Bai E's eyes suddenly focused on a mecha that looked the most miserable among them. The number on its ankle came into view at the next moment——


That is, my own mecha...

Bai E stepped aside and waited silently for the pilots to emerge from the cockpit of the mecha.

Most of the pilots who got off the mecha did not look back at the hangar. Only one pilot with golden curly hair jumped off the ladder and immediately scanned the entire hangar with his eyes, trying to find a certain figure. .

Bai E's actions that night were not notified to anyone in the team. After the accident, they also received orders not to contact Bai E again, and they were not even allowed to inquire about Bai E's whereabouts without permission.

But there are many people who know about Bai E. For Rose, who has a wide range of contacts, it is not difficult to find out Bai E's whereabouts.

The servitor should be in this hangar, right?

"Rose, what are you looking at?" the pilot who was traveling with him asked enthusiastically from behind, "The training is over, let's go to dinner together?"

Rose glanced at him, as if he was looking at garbage, "Today's training was like shit, do you still have the heart to eat?"

This is the new partner assigned to her by the above, who is said to be the son of a mid- to high-level military officer.

Rose is not resistant to trying new things. If the other party has a good personality and cooperates well, she can contribute more to Bai E in the future.

After knowing that Bai E drove a mecha alone and wiped out an entire omnic army, Rose knew that even if there was another chance to drive a mecha in the future, Bai E would probably not act with her.

But I didn't expect... Apart from being able to blow with his mouth, this guy has no skills at all.

When I cooperated with Bai E, I just felt like I was struggling to catch up. When I cooperated with this guy, I just felt powerless and unable to perform any operations.

Maybe Bai E also felt this way when he cooperated with himself.

However, Bai E's "remaining power" was still there. During the training, those brats stared at the mecha and beat it up, almost to the point of being dismantled by the mecha.

‘Silly! Silly! They're all stupid! ’ Even though Rose is quite well-educated, she is also full of irritability at the moment.

The leaders of the military are all stupid, and Bai E is willing to hide such a strong fighting ability. No wonder he has to hide so many things from the military camp.

Now Rose just wants to take advantage of this rare opportunity to find Bai E and ask about the specific situation and what her plans are in the future.

If there are any secrets that cannot be told, you can also help him make some preparations in advance.

But being pestered by this guy is definitely not going to work.

Rose had a look of disgust on her face, "I have time to think more about how to operate the mecha. We are about to go to the battlefield. I don't want to die with you."

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