Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 451 Mecha Company, dispatch!

Every three servitors form a servitor team, and each team has its own dedicated service targets.

The servitor's duty on the battlefield is to track the mecha it is responsible for within a certain distance, and then make its own action plan based on the situation on the battlefield, the weapon and ammunition consumption of the mecha in charge, and radio communications. To ensure that the mecha in charge can exert its maximum combat capability on the battlefield.

Bai E fought as a servitor, so he naturally sat at the end of the team in a group of three servitor armored carriers.

The mecha is a strategic weapon, and of course it is the last one on the battlefield. As the mecha's logistics team, their servitor team naturally has to fall further back.

If it were Bai E who had just arrived in this world, he might have felt that the organization of servitors might be the safest position.

The luckier servitors didn't even need to be dispatched from the beginning to the end. It might be that the mecha-killing pilot suddenly died and no rescue was needed, or it might be that he didn't encounter an evenly matched opponent from beginning to end and didn't use the mecha's strength at all.

But now...

After various Titan-level behemoths appeared one after another in the Zerg, the servitor team that needed to follow the mecha might not be so lucky.

The other two servitors Bai E who were in the same car were not impressed, but they all obviously knew Bai E. As soon as they got in the car, they took the initiative to please and said: "Captain Bai, please rest, we will drive."

If we really encounter danger, Bai E will have to help.

The servitor's logistics vehicle has extremely thick armor, but the vehicle carrying the weapons and ammunition required by the mecha is extremely heavy, slow to move, and has no spare space for weapon modules.

The only weapons on the vehicle may be the individual equipment that the servitor can carry.

A knife and a gun are all their self-defense weapons.

On a chaotic battlefield, three guns have to be used to guard an entire vehicle. Although there will definitely be protection from other friendly forces around, it is still unsettling.

When they heard that they were assigned to the same team as Bai E, these two servitors were extremely happy.

Faced with the courtesy of his two companions, Bai E did not refuse.

We haven't reached the real battlefield yet, so there's no problem in recharging our energy.

Vehicles rumbled in, sending up dust and sand.

It was almost the same route as last time, and there were many bones along the way that had not been cleaned by time.

The flesh and blood have long been digested by the wild creatures in the wilderness, but the hard bone armor of the Zerg is obviously not something that ordinary creatures can digest.

It is difficult for humans to directly use the chitin bone armor of the Zerg. The consumption of collection, transformation, and generation is far greater than the output. Usually, the Zerg will send out small-scale insects to recover the chitin bone armor that they have lost. Bug squads are also one of the most common forms of conflict with human patrols.

However, it is still rare that the bones and armor are not recovered even after all the flesh and blood have been eaten away.

Obviously, the military camp had carried out frequent and large-scale attacks in the past period, cutting off almost all the tentacles extended by the Zerg.

The preparations made to this day are just to completely wipe out the insect nest in this final battle, so that Blackwater City can be completely away from the threat of the insect nest, so that in the future, military expenditures can be reduced and more emphasis will be placed on other aspects of development.

The power of the military region may have shrunk after this war, but as the marshal, Weslin will have a smooth road ahead in the city's politics with this achievement.

Bai E looked at the scene outside the car through the transparent car window, and suddenly a thought came to his mind that made him feel weird.

In just an instant, Bai E's pressure dropped to the depths of his heart and disappeared.

Raising bandits to respect themselves?

He's not that crazy yet.

If possible, of course, we must do our best to help the military region truly complete the complete annihilation of the Zerg.

As the more mechanized team moved forward quickly, the Baie servitor team hanging at the end could already feel the heat of the frontline fire from the rumbling cannon bombardment.

Those rows of V3 rocket cars slowly raised the snow-white rockets they carried in front of Bai E's eyes, and with a burst of white gas, they quickly took off, drawing countless different curves in the air, and finally smashed Towards the true hinterland of the Zerg.

The last time Bai E was on the front line, when rockets flew over his head and landed scatteredly on the huge battlefield, he felt that human firepower was so poor.

Now that the equipment has been expanded, and the rockets launched by the group are all gathered together, Bai E, who is still behind the V3 rocket car array, feels for the first time that human firepower is no worse than the omnic factory where he rushed alone that day. Even better than that.

In order to ensure the intensity of the strike, the array of rocket vehicles is fired back and forth in batches. The moment the previous batch of rockets is fired, the next batch of rockets is already rising from the loading rack of the rocket vehicle.

The counterattack from the Zerg was equally ferocious. The blue electrical current easily tore apart human armored vehicles. From time to time, Bai E could glimpse small mushroom clouds igniting in the distant human formation.

Even in the daytime, the fire is still soaring into the sky!

The continuous artillery fire shook the earth, and at the same time it also covered up the signals that were not easy to detect...

At regular intervals, there are specific sonar devices scanning the ground at the foot of the military formation. Those insects that are active deep underground are not completely traceless.

Of course, humans have come up with corresponding solutions for the various new types of bugs that have emerged from the Zerg race, and have developed equipment together.

However, it is not easy to accurately capture sandworms that are as free underground as they are in the air in a chaotic battlefield environment.

Only half of the attacks can be accurately located and predicted in advance, and the remaining half of the sandworms always appear in places where humans do not want them to appear.

The purpose of evenly dispersing elite infantry, main battle vehicles, and tanks in the rear formation is to deal with these bugs that can attack from underground. In a burst of chaos, the fighting between humans and bugs is not limited to the frontline confrontation. The main positions in the rear also suffered the same blow.

These things that can launch sneak attacks from underground are really a sharp knife for the Zerg to target the rear.

"Mecha, move out. Destroy the sandworms and stabilize the military formation."

The cold orders sounded in the voices of the mecha company and the servitors closely related to the mecha company.

It's not a general attack, it's not that time yet, the purpose is just to deal with the sandworms in the rear formation.

For individual soldiers, sandworms are of course difficult to deal with. Even if it is a combat vehicle or a tank, it is a bit troublesome to deal with a sandworm.

But to a Titan-level war weapon like a mecha, the sandworm is as ridiculous as a slippery little bug.

So dozens of mechas more than ten meters high were dispatched together, striding towards the sneak attack sandworms that were raging in the military formation.

The alloy sword was swung, and the chitin bone armor of the sandworm was unable to resist, and body fluids were thrown everywhere.

Low-level worker bugs, bee bugs and even mantis bugs and cannon bugs are just ordinary pioneers. As long as they have enough biomass, these low-level bugs that consume human firepower and energy can have as many as they want.

Fight in the Zerg territory, die and recycle at the same time. Their sea of ​​low-level insects is almost endless.

If the speed of human advancement cannot exceed the speed of their recycling and regeneration, then the insect nest will not have any worries simply relying on the low-level insect sea.

However, the low-level insect sea was obviously unable to resist the advance of the Blackwater City army, which was now more mechanized. As the battlefield began almost an hour later, the human front had advanced to a precarious distance from the core of the insect hive.

As a result, the new giant bugs of the Zerg race that we had seen before - the Thunder Beast and the Hive Guard emerged from the Hive almost at the same time.

"Seven Thunder Beasts! Seven Thunder Beasts!" The investigation report from the front line instantly resounded. The terrifying destructive power of the Thunder Beasts was fully demonstrated in the last battle Bai E participated in.

At that time, a team of equally large size was beaten to a pulp by a single Thunder Beast. Now, seven Thunder Beasts appeared together, instantly tightening the nerves of the senior officers in the command car.

They knew that the Thunder Beast was not a giant Zerg beast that was difficult to copy, but the fact that seven of them appeared at once exceeded their previous expectations.

"Mecha company, all attack!" The order from Hamilton sounded immediately.

The lethality of the Thunder Beasts was too terrifying, and it was impossible for the human army to allow them to fire indiscriminately.


Ainol, the pilot who cooperated with Rose, as the current commander of the mecha company, responded immediately.

So the mechas that were originally scattered everywhere to clean up the sandworms launched a charge everywhere at the same time.

As the company commander's temporary command of shoulder-to-shoulder mecha combat, Ainol quickly assigned corresponding combat tasks to each mecha in the entire company.

The mecha company now has thirty-two mechas. Facing seven thunder beasts, five mechas can almost behead one at the same time.

However, the insect nest guards who are the guardians of the thunder beasts are still the same three they saw last time.

As Bai E said, the insect nest guards, who did not seem to pose much of a threat, were actually rarer special behemoths to the insect race.

Compared with Bai E's last sudden attack and beheading, this time the attack on the Thunder Beast on the large-scale battlefield was much easier.

The scene of more than thirty mechas charging together is shocking.

The first round of bombardment brewed by the seven thunder beasts also showed its horrifying damage.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The bombardment power combined by the special seeds and the swollen tick shells is extremely terrifying, and the killing range is much wider than the cannonworm's biochemical plasma cannon.

Like oversized fragmentation grenades, the lasing seed shells instantly cleared away all man-made objects and life within the explosion range.

Two mechas that were not that agile were also affected by this large-scale attack.

The right leg of one was instantly shattered, and the other was hit to such a degree that the self-checking system reported damage instantly.

As the mecha launched its attack, the fleet of servitors as a logistical supplement followed immediately.

Perhaps they were not really useful until the end of the battle, but when needed, the servitors must appear where they should appear as soon as possible.

The two injured mechas stayed in place for a while. The mecha with its right leg shattered probably couldn't be saved in this battle. However, the other mecha that only suffered a certain "fragment" impact was still able to be rescued. possible.

Several servitor armored vehicles sent for emergency repairs ignored all the chaotic battlefields between the targets and headed straight for the target despite the risk of sandworms raging and shelling coming at any time.

Bai E's eyes swept through the side windows indifferently, without any fluctuation.

In order to prevent system chaos, each servitor armored vehicle has its own mecha that must be taken care of first. Only when the target mecha is completely out of combat can they deal with other mechas that need to be dealt with.

Of course, in order to prevent the overall rigidity, the wartime command system can also make temporary commands and flexibly mobilize this allocation.

Now that he has not received the command message, he must not be able to violate his original responsibilities.

And the target that his servitor armored vehicle is responsible for is... W0721.

The mecha drove in and easily crossed the sea of ​​insects.

The servitor armored vehicles cruised on the edge of the battle line and were unable to penetrate deep into the mine pool.

Although the low-level insect sea on the front line cannot stop the advancement of the human army, it is still a threat to their servitor armored vehicles that have no means of counterattack.

If a mecha that penetrates deep into the enemy's camp is damaged, there will be responsible servitor armored vehicles rushing in to watch the pressure, and the surrounding main battle formations will also provide immediate support.

Or maybe the pilot of the damaged mecha has enough energy to withdraw, so the repair operations of the mechas can be a little safer.

Human artillery shells and insect biochemical bombardments passed all the way along the transparent porthole in front of him. The roar of artillery fire was mixed with the hiss of insects. Bai E held the machine gun in his hand and felt his blood boiling.

The battlefield environment ignited his battle-hardened will, but under his current status, he must deeply restrain this impulse in his heart.

Bai E has not forgotten that he is still in the "observation period".

Any of your actions cannot exceed the expectations of those observers, let alone make them feel the slightest sense of "out of control" threat.

Thirty mechas rushed in collectively, causing a bloody storm behind the sea of ​​insects.

The large number of thermal weapon modules carried on the mecha are extremely effective in killing low-level insects, which can be regarded as a disguised reduction in the pressure of advancing the online main battle establishment.

As the company commander, Ainol's eyes were fixed on one of the Thunder Beasts that was charging up the cannon.

The third sea-blue mechanical vertical eye implanted on his forehead by the Mechanical Court allows him to see more information that is invisible to the naked eye.

The expected destructive power that the target can cause, the limits of its own body's abilities, etc... all flashed before his eyes in the form of a data stream.

"Keep up with me."

"I know!" Rose responded in a cold voice.

As a cooperative partner, he could feel that the android pilot named Rose was not completely satisfied with his performance.

But being able to achieve perfect cooperation with him who had been transformed into a mechanical court, this Rose's ability is still amazing.

"Leave this to me, you go take care of the rest!"

After marking his chosen target on the mecha's shared tactical system, Ainol began to forcefully control the burst.

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