Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 452 Servitor opens the way

The recorded video of Bai E's sudden attack and beheading of the Thunder Beast was almost watched over and over by every pilot in their mecha company. The Thunder Beast was what every pilot in their mecha company had to face in this battle. Opponents, the "successful experience" that their predecessors have had is undoubtedly a required course for their mecha company to graduate.

As the current captain of the mecha company, Ainol remembers every move Bai E performed in the past. Even if he regards Bai E as a goal that he must surpass, imitation before surpassing is indispensable.

Facing the charging Thunder Beast, the captain's mecha escaped from the endless tide of low-level insects almost exactly the same. With many low-level bugs forcibly "getting on board", the entire mecha quickly approached a dangerous place. distance.

He raised his hand and slashed, and another cannon insect that was passing by was cut into two pieces.

Without losing any force, he continued to slash at the lower end of the thunder beast's huge body.

The back armor of the thunder beasts, which is as thick as a hill, offers unparalleled defense. Only for the sake of mobility, their lower bodies cannot have too thick chitinous bone armor.

However, even the lower limb bone armor without enhanced defense could not break through the defense in an instant when faced with the coordinated slashes of Ainol and Rose.

Without the two rounds of bombing by the rocket cluster at that time, the relatively fragile lower body defense of the Thunder Beast was not as fragile as imagined.

However, in the tactical discussions within the mecha company, these were all situations that were expected to happen.

But it doesn't matter. The extreme output capability of the mecha itself is more than enough to deal with a thunder beast. As long as it can be operated, there is always a chance.

The sword had no effect, so the captain's machine rolled sideways and stuffed a bunch of cluster bombs under the Thunder Beast's body.

The effect of rocket cluster bombing in the past can also be simulated by mechas.

The bombs placed close to the face can be exploded more accurately. The body of the giant beast was suddenly shaken by a series of explosions. However, the biological cannon barrel belonging to the symbiotic creature on its back was not affected, and the two shells fired after charging were still fired suddenly. , just because the body of the giant beast itself was shaken, causing a huge deviation in the direction of the launch.

The shell missed, but hit the target crookedly.

A mecha that was trapped in a sea of ​​​​worms due to its slow movement was dealing with countless bugs crawling up its body. When it looked up, it saw two round spherical cannonballs heading straight for the front door.


The plate armor on the chest of the mecha is where the cockpit is, and it is also the place with the strongest defense capability.

But it was still vulnerable to the Thunder Beast's broken cannon.

Broken instantly.

Broken body fragments were thrown all over the sky, the entire mecha was almost broken from it, and the upper body was crumbling.

After losing the control of the pilot, the huge body collapsed in the direction behind it, and was instantly overwhelmed by countless insects, completely becoming a part of the terrain.

The journey across the sea of ​​​​insects to the Thunder Beast is not easy. Not all pilots can achieve the instantaneous breakthrough like Bai'e.

The power of the mecha is indeed great, but in complex situations, the pilot's control commands often conflict with the actual situation due to blurred perception of feedback.

The direct consequence of this behavior is to be left in a sea of ​​​​insects with endless resistance. Those insects will quickly crawl all over the mecha's body like a mad dog. Even if it cannot break through the defense, the mecha will be unable to move forward for a while.

Although the plan allows four or five mechas to deal with one Thunder Beast at the same time, in actual situations this ideal picture is difficult to achieve directly.

As for the mechas that successfully rushed into the face of the Thunder Beast by less than two figures, they still had to face the three "Insect Nest Guards" who were already guarding here.

The insect nest guard, who looked like a giant ape, waved a pair of giant hammer-like arms, and slammed into the charging mecha facade with ease.

The group of pilots who rushed in had already reacted very quickly and used the alloy shield attached to the mecha to push forward immediately. Unfortunately, the hammering power of the "Insect Nest Guard" was comparable to the Ultralisk's giant cannon.

The alloy shield instantly fell into pieces, and the mechanical arm supported behind it was completely twisted and broken under a burst of harsh noise.

The heavy hammer from another insect nest guard came from the side, and hit the middle of the mecha with one hammer. The seemingly powerful mecha was instantly hit by the joint efforts of the two "insect nest guards" Lost all fighting ability.

With this level of damage, the servitor couldn't even save him.

Mechas are indeed the most powerful technological weapon that human cities can use to amplify the capabilities of individual soldiers. However, it is still impossible for them to thrive in nature just relying on the mechanical qualities of the mechas themselves.

Facing the elite behemoths of the Zerg, pilots who have not fully utilized their mecha capabilities are almost no match for them.

"Rescue! Rescue!"

The voices of many servitors were in chaos.

Some mechas were trapped in the sea of ​​insects, and some fell in front of the thunder beasts.

As long as the pilots are still there, they will ignore any difficulties and obstacles they may encounter in the process, and forcefully require the servitors in charge of their own mechas to arrive as soon as possible for emergency repairs.

This is the responsibility that a servitor should fulfill, and no one will feel sorry for the servitor's sacrifice.

Bai E's servitor maintenance vehicle remained silent.

The W0721 he is responsible for is still fighting on the front line and has not suffered any damage for the time being. Their group does not have any tasks that must be performed for the time being.

"Asking for support! Requesting support!"

Messages for help flooded the voice channel. As the company commander, Ainol did not forget to observe the situation of his teammates when he surrounded and killed the Thunder Beast he had chosen.

After reviewing the mecha war information, he responded quickly, "All the mecha maintenance vehicles that do not need to repair the first-responsibility mecha are at the nearest place to repair the surrounding mechas that can be repaired. It is necessary to restore their combat capabilities as quickly as possible."

Bai E, who had been sitting quietly in the back of the car, narrowed his eyes slightly and patted the driver in the front on the shoulder, "Let's go."

The driver was slightly startled, "Where to go?"

Bai E pointed directly at a mecha that was surrounded by insects in the sea of ​​​​worms, causing damage to its circuits and minor malfunctions.

The return of seriously injured mechas from emergency repairs can only allow them to restore their basic mobility and preserve the main body of the mechas. Only the return of lightly injured mechas from emergency repairs can join the frontline battle as soon as possible.

If you want to win this battle, you can't just think about preserving assets. Guaranteeing the offensive is what humans need to do most right now.

Looking at the dense swarm of bugs in front of him, the bugs that were blocked by the main battle formation were baring their teeth and claws at him, and the pilot felt a sense of fear.

Just wandering on the edge of the confrontation line has already exhausted all his courage, and now he has to take the initiative to rush in...

"Do you really want to go?"

There are obviously two injured mechas behind...

Bai E ignored him, but gave his final instructions, "I'll clear the way for you and kill him directly!"

As he spoke, he picked up another machine gun that his teammates were not using, and rolled out of the open window.

Standing high on the carriage, looking at the overwhelming sea of ​​insects in front of me, I felt excited.

The last time he faced the sea of ​​insects, he was just a duckweed in troubled times. If he wanted to survive, he could only rely on luck.

But now, he, a duckweed who appeared in this world inexplicably, already has the capital to declare war on this world.

["Gun Fighting Technique", start! 】

"Bang bang!" Bai E stepped on the roof of the car with two feet and urged the driver to move quickly.

The driver who received the signal looked at his companion in the passenger seat next to him, gritted his teeth, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator.


The wheels kicked up the sand and rushed to the battle line in an instant.

"Da da da da da!"

The endless barrage instantly overturned every bug blocking the way forward. Even the mantis bugs that were difficult to defeat in the eyes of individual soldiers in the past were shot into sieves under Bai E's series of bullets.

As the power of psychic energy becomes more powerful, the overflowing psychic energy can naturally attach to the extremely fast-shooting bullets, adding more psychic damage and impact to ordinary machine gun bullets.

Seeing a mantis blocking the road ahead with its double-blade arms spread out as if in a hunting posture, the driver's mind went blank as he stepped on the accelerator.

The extreme fear made it difficult for him to even dodge, but the next moment the arrogant mantis fell stiffly on the spot and was easily crushed by the rolling wheels.

It was only with hindsight that I "saw" that just moments before the vehicle arrived, a series of bullets tore apart the chitinous carapace on the back of the mantis. The broken carapace spattered along with the body fluids and tissues, and the pieces of meat flew everywhere.


The maintenance truck that ran over the corpse of the mantis bounced high and then crashed down again.

The violent vibration caused the two servitors in the car to finally come out of their state of extreme mental stress. The fallen mantis corpse reminded them of the sincere sense of security that "Captain White" could bring to people.

Rumors in the military region are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Captain Bai, who can roam freely in large-scale battles against the three main enemies of mankind, bugs, orcs, and omnics, is a god of war.

Sitting in a car with such a character, even if you rush directly into the insect nest, you can probably escape unscathed, right?

Boundless fear is instantly transformed into boundless faith under extreme circumstances, and there is always a dazzling sun shining above the head.

["Lucky Blow" charge +10. 】

"Pay attention to cover the servitor maintenance vehicle!" Synchronous orders were also issued in the command system of the main battle establishment.

The servitor's maintenance vehicle is an alien species on the battlefield. The huge mechanical arm mounted on the huge rear compartment for repairing the mecha is particularly eye-catching. All nearby warriors can immediately capture the existence of this alien vehicle.

"Cover the friendly forces!" With the order in mind, the captain of a special team drove the newly rescued multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle and tried to get into the insect nest before the maintenance vehicle rushed over, intending to go for this vehicle. Rescue the mecha's vehicles to open up a way forward.

However, the huge black shadow passed by, and after the roar of the engine, only the dust was left in the place.

The leader of the special team, who stepped on the accelerator but failed to rush into the sea of ​​​​insects before the maintenance vehicle, could only look at the car that was in danger with a sad face, "Why are you so anxious? Are you rushing to die?" "

However, in front of the maintenance vehicle, the endless sea of ​​insects seemed to be welcoming its king. All the insects along the road fell stiffly in front of the maintenance vehicle, and the corpses of the insects covered the ground.


Only then did the unique sound of gunfire break into the ears of the leader of the special team. After the vehicle went away, he saw a soldier wearing a servitor uniform standing on the roof of the maintenance vehicle holding two guns. Back view.



When can such fierce men be included in the servitor establishment?

Am I hallucinating or have the brains of the leaders above been gnawed by bugs?

Shaking his head, the leader of the special team watched the maintenance vehicle go all the way into the depths of the sea of ​​​​insects, and the bloody path it fought was gradually overwhelmed by the insects that came up again with their claws and teeth.

"have to……"

The leader of the special team laughed at himself and communicated helplessly with the team members in his voice.

"...There's no need for us."

The main battle formation struggled to advance on the front line, and a servitor maintenance vehicle rushed in immediately.

Why don't you consider changing the combat target between the two?

The officers sitting in the command car at the rear looked at the real-time shooting of the battlefield in front, their faces a little solemn.

The atmosphere in the carriage was as heavy as ink, and almost no one dared to break the dead silence.

After all, some people couldn't restrain their worries, "I can't push forward..."

"The performance was not as good as last time..."

The rear of the human battlefield has become riddled with holes under the combined attack of sandworms and newly emerged thunder beasts that appear from time to time.

The frontline is in pretty good shape, but the midfield and backfield are almost broken.

The still mysterious master has not yet appeared, and the thunder beast alone has already made the human army feel absolutely troublesome.

The mecha company, which had high hopes, failed to become a sharp knife that could quickly break through the battlefield.

"No way, they are all newcomers."

In order to quickly restore the establishment, today's regular pilots have actually lowered certain selection standards.

Although the number of people has barely returned to the previous establishment, in terms of strength and experience, this batch of regular pilots is definitely not as reliable as the previous batch of regular pilots.

Even breaking through the sea of ​​​​insects has become a problem for them, let alone directly killing the Thunder Beast and beheading it.

"How about... let the people from the Mechanical Court come directly?" Someone suggested.

However, he was rebutted in an instant, "No! They are our last trump card, and they are here specifically to deal with the Overlord. Let them go now. If something unexpected happens again, it will be a pity to fall short when facing the Overlord. . It’s not the last moment yet, we can trust Hamilton’s pilots for a while longer!”


Looking at the dozens of mechas trapped in the sea of ​​insects on the screen, many officers were silent.

If you can't even cross the sea of ​​insects, how can you kill the Thunder Beast?

If the thunder beast is not killed, the rear of the human army will be blown into pieces.

"Look! The mechas are starting to rush in!"

Suddenly, an officer excitedly pointed at one of the blurry images.

"It seems that the pilots of our mecha company have also adapted to the rhythm of the battlefield."

"But why do I see a small black dot in front of the mecha... What is that?"

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