Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 453 The coming of the Lord

The black spot moves forward simultaneously with the mecha, maintaining a fixed distance.

Moreover, the sea of ​​insects broke open in front of the black spot like the edge of an arrow, "making way" for a broad avenue.

Yueying's eyes flashed slightly, and the corner of her mouth curled into a smile.

An officer realized something and suddenly shouted: "Look closer and zoom in."

A technician operating the drone will immediately say "Yes" and the screen will zoom in.

An armored vehicle...with a robotic arm on its back.

"Servant maintenance vehicle?" An officer said in surprise.

"No, there's a little dot on it."

As the picture gradually zooms in, the outline of the human figure is clearly visible.



There was silence in the command car.

The mecha, which the military had high hopes for using to clear roads and decapitate people, is now trapped in a sea of ​​insects and unable to move forward.

The servitor maintenance vehicle, which was only used for repairs and was not even equipped with a weapon system, was now leading the mecha forward.

How fresh...

The path that the mecha couldn't open was opened by a single soldier.

What kind of monster level strength does Captain Bai have?

They always think that what they have seen is all the strength of Captain Bai. However, every time they encounter a new problem, Captain Bai will always be your Captain Bai.

"No!" Someone suddenly realized the problem, "Is that mecha the maintenance target that Captain Bai is responsible for?"

Captain Bai's performance is amazing, but the military has never questioned Captain Bai's role in the city because of his strength.

Whether you are willing to obey orders or not is the key that the military leaders are more concerned about.


"But I just asked. It was the company commander of the mecha company who temporarily commanded the maintenance team responsible for his mecha to go help other mechas. The maintenance team that Captain Bai is in is the team responsible for the company commander's mecha."

In short, Captain Bai did not violate any rules this time.

Although the current actions are eye-catching.

You are the servitor, you are the maintenance team, and you are the logistics support for the mecha.

No one said that a servitor had to carry a mecha and kill indiscriminately.

["Lucky Blow" charge +40. 】

"Go ahead..." Bai E, who was fighting his way through the sea of ​​insects, said with a smile through the relevant voice of the mecha company and the pilot in the mecha.

He cannot participate in this war in the form of a mecha, but he can send these mechas that are originally difficult to reach the battlefield where they need to be.

"Thank...thank you~"

The pilot in the cockpit of the mecha being led responded with a trembling tone, "I, let's go."

"Come on!" Bai E waved his hand in the direction of their transparent portholes, then patted the iron front of the car at his feet, "Hey! Turn around!"

"Ah?" The two servitors inside were stunned for a moment, looking through the rearview mirror at the endless sea of ​​Zerg behind them, "Turn around?"

They have all reached the very back of the Zerg front. There is still a gap between the place where the sea of ​​low-level bugs emerges and the real main nest of the bugs. They are now in this deep area.

Although there were a few bugs that smelled the maintenance team behind them the moment they emerged from the crypt, it was easier and safer to stay where they were than to travel back.


"Aren't there some mechas that need repair over there?"

On the huge battlefield where the Thunder Beast was decapitated, several mechas had completely fallen under the attack of the red "Insect Nest Guard".

Some injuries are not that serious and there are still opportunities for rescue.

"That's not a battlefield we can participate in." Bai E glanced in the direction of the red giant beast.

Without the amplification of the mecha, he was not confident that he could face the three crimson behemoths with just his own body.

"Go back and turn around."

Sending more mechas to the battlefield of giant beasts is the best he can do in his current capacity.

The pilot's servitor struggled to respond, "Obviously... I understand."

The vehicle turned around, and with the rumbling sound of the engine, it once again fought its way back into the dense sea of ​​insects.

"Everyone behind, hurry up and catch up!" Ainol gritted his teeth and growled in his voice.

Get rid of two out of seven.

There were seven thunder beasts in total, and he killed one and a half.

Only five of the dozen or so mechas that had rushed in at the first moment were left. Faced with the entanglement of the three "Insect Nest Guards", they could no longer take action to behead those thunder beasts.

Not to mention freeing up their hands, even if they were slightly negligent, the restraining circle formed by their remaining five mechas would be immediately hammered to death by the three extremely arrogant Hive Guards.

The key is that all their five mechas can do is contain them and try to prevent further losses on their side.

Facing these new Zerg behemoths with unprecedentedly powerful chitin armor, they could not find any way to break through their defenses.

Four mechas replaced the cover, and only the mecha controlled by Ainol and Rose could barely stay on the front line.

However, this stalemate could not last long. Under the impact of the endless information flow, Ainol had already felt that the mechanical eye between his eyebrows began to feel faintly hot, and his brain felt as if several red-hot steel needles had been pierced. General stirring.


Come up quickly!

Why bother with those low-level bugs at the back?

Ainol was filled with rage.

Without the encirclement of their mechas, the remaining five Thunder Beasts could open fire without restraint.

If this continues, this costly general attack on the Zerg will fall short again.

"It's coming, it's coming!" The pilots who were sent to the Thunder Beast battle by Bai E responded together.

"Go kill the thunder beast, you don't have to worry about it here!"

The Thunder Beast has counterattacks against melee units. However, against large Titan units such as mechas, the Thunder Beast's close counterattacks are somewhat useless.

Therefore, even a less powerful pilot can always cause effective damage when facing the Thunder Beast. The difference is only the length of time.

The only thing that makes the mecha troublesome when getting close to the Thunder Beast is its thick back armor.

The competition between the two sides is speed.

Let's see if the human army can't resist the Thunder Beast's bombardment first, or if the mecha can quickly deal with the Thunder Beast that fires.

"Where are the others! Hurry up and rush forward!" Ainol slashed out with his sword and retreated as soon as he touched it.

Facing the powerful guard's double hammers, only skill can allow him to persist longer.

One... two... three...

With the addition of Thunder Beast, the advancement of the main battle establishment has been extremely slow. Even if the human army has carried out a large number of personnel expansion and additional steel weapons during this period, it can only withstand the consumption and maintain the relationship with the Sea of ​​Insects. The front line of confrontation.

When can the mecha company kill all the thunder beasts and the main battle line can move forward again?

The mechas that had high hopes began to join the frontline battle against the Thunder Beast one after another.

Although this joining process can only be regarded as unsatisfactory.

Looking at the small black dot traveling unscrupulously in the sea of ​​insects, all the officers in the command car looked a little dull.

Forget about escorting one, what does it mean that almost all the lightly injured mechas caught in the insect wave are covered, including maintenance belts and escorts?

Seven in and seven out?

He was always one position ahead of the mecha.

Captain Bai’s gold content is still increasing!

The newly added mechas undoubtedly raised the efficiency of killing the Thunder Beast to a new level. As the last Thunder Beast fell to the joint attack of several mechas, some kind of strange fluctuations instantly rippled with the insect nest as the core. Come on.

Familiar fluctuations swept through every will present in another dimension, like a terrifying giant pressing on everyone's head, which was frightening.

"Here we go again..." The officer in the command car far behind the battlefield sighed softly.

Even though this scene had been expected for a long time, when it actually happened, I was still shocked by this unbearable power.

"The people from the Mechanical Court are ready to go out," Weslin said softly.

"Already notified..."

The sound was silent, and everyone looked through the surveillance screen, staring closely at the slightly silent battlefield ahead.

Whether it is the performance of specially trained mecha pilots, or the performance of all soldiers equipped with psychic anti-stress helmets in important positions, as well as all soldiers who have undergone simple collective psychic anti-stress training, they will all be important in affecting the outcome of this battle.

The city indeed attaches great importance to this general attack, but in this era no one dares to say that an attack on the unknown will definitely succeed. For many things, only by doing them can the results be known.

If this general attack also fails, the city will re-evaluate the value of "dominance".

Before they were sure they had the strength to crush them, they were no longer able to organize an attempted general attack of similar scale.


The desperate scene broke everyone's understanding for the first time.

The first to move was a unit that did not belong to any human being.

Those bugs that were unable to move in the dominating "psychic field" last time can now all continue to move!

The spiritual energy field that swept across the entire field like an invisible wave failed to have any impact on these bugs. They still rushed towards the nearest human flesh and blood with eternal hunger, and the bloodthirsty symbiosis weapons had ferocious white bone spurs. , the blood is dark.

The countless warriors on the front line froze at the last moment of the charge, and then were completely submerged by the endless tide of insects.

After finally advancing to a distance enough to threaten the insect nest, they were counterattacked in an instant.


Weslin smashed the small tactical table in front of him with a hammer, his face as cold as an eternal piece of ice.

"Didn't it mean that bugs would also be suppressed in the Dominion Domain?"

The faces of all the officers present were ashen.

"The information is wrong..."

"Last time...were they pretending?!"

"Or is the Dominator also evolving? It is also familiar with its own abilities?"

It is no longer relevant to discuss the reasons for this scene. How to solve it is a more important issue.

There are only two choices before you -

Continue the attack?

Or retreat as soon as possible?

Humans have made more preparations for this general attack, but the insects also showed characteristics in this battle that were not previously understood by humans.

Do you expect the pilots who have undergone mental training to fight back? Or does it come from the beheading ability of the elite pilots of the Mechanical Tribunal?

If the master can be successfully decapitated, things may turn around.

"Should we notify the people in the Mechanical Court to stop their actions?"

"Whoa!" Weslin suddenly raised his palm to stop the questioner's stupid question.

"Let them go!"

The pilots of the Mechanical Tribunal are dead, but this is a rare opportunity to test the master's true capabilities.

Last time, I only knew about the master's mind control ability, but I didn't know anything about his own combat ability...

If we can find out the relevant information about the master, even if we are defeated this time, we can make a more appropriate response in the future.

And if the beheading can really be successful... the insect nest will be pacified today!

"Hi ha!"

An electric current stimulated the brain, and the extreme sense of danger instantly alerted Ainol.

The brief moment of darkness seemed like millions of years. When he came back to his senses, he found a pair of terrifying armor hammers heading straight for the "face door".

Rose, who was operating alone, took over all the authority of the main engine and fighter pilots at the critical moment, and struggled to control the fuselage to dodge alone.

"I'll help you!" Ainol, who immediately said that he was awake, took back his authority and cooperated with Rose to give instructions at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the encirclement and suppression of the two insect nest guards. .

However, their teammates were not so lucky.

Even if they have undergone special spiritual stress resistance training from the Arbitration Institute, even a momentary distraction will become a fatal crisis for them.

Facing the attack of the "Insect Hive Guards", just being distracted is enough to lead to a fatal disaster.



The flying fragments flew in all directions, and the fuselage made of eight-element alloy seemed fragile and vulnerable to the attack of this terrifying biological behemoth.

"Wake up! Everyone wake up!"

Ainol's voice roared in the voice.

Of course, the specially trained pilots are not absolute waste. The next moment their consciousness sinks into the sea of ​​despair, they are struggling to wake up.



Even when they woke up covered in cold sweat, these pilots did not forget where they were.

Looking at the three ferocious behemoths with their teeth and claws bared, the pilots controlled the mechas and charged forward again without fear of death, trying to buy time for the remaining teammates who were not yet fully awake to recover.

In the voice, the command from the upper management also came, "Enter the target! The elite pilots of the Mechanical Court are rushing to support!"

"Copy that!" Ainol gritted his teeth, veins popping out on his forehead, "Mecha Company, hold your position!"

The outline of the red giant beast has slowly risen from the crypt at the true core of the insect nest not far away.

At the same time, three radiant and streamlined mechas instantly rose into the air from behind the human camp, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky and rushing towards the target point where the red giant beast rose.

Due to cost issues, the mechas used by the pilots of the Mechanical Court cannot be popularized, and mechas with more powerful performance also require better operators. The original solution that relies solely on the human brain to operate the key shift lever cannot afford this kind of operation. load.

Mechas that use more cutting-edge technologies should have better mechanical qualities.

Bai E, who landed in the middle of the insect wave, stood on the roof of the car, his eyes sliding from one end of the sky to the other.

Can the mechanical court pilot, who has high hopes from the military camp, be able to meet the ardent expectations of everyone on earth? (End of chapter)

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